Repetier-Firmware  0.91
directoryVFATEntry Struct Reference

#include <SdFat.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t sequenceNumber
uint16_t name1 [5]
uint8_t attributes
uint8_t reservedNT
uint8_t checksum
uint16_t name2 [6]
uint16_t firstClusterLow
uint16_t name3 [2]

Field Documentation

uint8_t attributes

attributes (at the same location as in directoryEntry), always 0x0F

uint8_t checksum

Checksum of the short 8.3 filename, can be used to checked if the file system as modified by a not-long-filename aware implementation.

uint16_t firstClusterLow

firstClusterLow is always zero for longFilenames

uint16_t name1[5]

First set of UTF-16 characters

uint16_t name2[6]

Second set of UTF-16 characters

uint16_t name3[2]

Third set of UTF-16 characters

uint8_t reservedNT

Reserved for use by Windows NT. Always 0.

uint8_t sequenceNumber

Sequence number. Consists of 2 parts: bit 6: indicates first long filename block for the next file bit 0-4: the position of this long filename block (first block is 1)

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