Repetier-Firmware  0.91
src/ArduinoAVR/Repetier/motion.cpp File Reference
#include "Repetier.h"


millis_t previousMillisCmd = 0
millis_t maxInactiveTime = MAX_INACTIVE_TIME*1000L
millis_t stepperInactiveTime = STEPPER_INACTIVE_TIME*1000L
long baudrate = BAUDRATE
 Communication speed rate.
int maxadv = 0
int maxadv2 = 0
float maxadvspeed = 0
uint8_t pwm_pos [NUM_EXTRUDER+3]
volatile int waitRelax = 0
int lastblk = -1
long cur_errupd

Variable Documentation

Communication speed rate.

long cur_errupd
int lastblk = -1

Moves the stepper motors one step. If the last step is reached, the next movement is started. The function must be called from a timer loop. It returns the time for the next call. This is a modified version that implements a bresenham 'multi-step' algorithm where the dominant cartesian axis steps may be less than the changing dominant delta axis. Moves the stepper motors one step. If the last step is reached, the next movement is started. The function must be called from a timer loop. It returns the time for the next call.

Normal non delta algorithm

int maxadv = 0
int maxadv2 = 0
float maxadvspeed = 0
uint8_t pwm_pos[NUM_EXTRUDER+3]
volatile int waitRelax = 0
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