Repetier-Firmware  0.91
src/ArduinoAVR/Repetier/HAL.cpp File Reference
#include "Repetier.h"
#include <compat/twi.h>
#include <avr/io.h>


#define serialEvent_implemented


void setTimer (unsigned long delay)
 Sets the timer 1 compare value to delay ticks.
 Timer interrupt routine to drive the stepper motors.
 Timer routine for extruder stepper.
void rf_store_char (unsigned char c, ring_buffer *buffer)
void rfSerialEvent () __attribute__((weak))


const uint16_t fast_div_lut[17] PROGMEM
void(* resetFunc )(void)=0
volatile uint8_t insideTimer1 = 0
long stepperWait = 0
ring_buffer rx_buffer = { { 0 }, 0, 0}
ring_buffer_tx tx_buffer = { { 0 }, 0, 0}

Define Documentation

Function Documentation

ISR ( TIMER1_COMPA_vect  )

Timer interrupt routine to drive the stepper motors.

This timer is called 3906 timer per second. It is used to update pwm values for heater and some other frequent jobs.

Timer routine for extruder stepper.

Several methods need to move the extruder. To get a optima result, all methods update the printer_state.extruderStepsNeeded with the number of additional steps needed. During this interrupt, one step is executed. This will keep the extruder moving, until the total wanted movement is achieved. This will be done with the maximum allowable speed for the extruder.

void rf_store_char ( unsigned char  c,
ring_buffer buffer 
) [inline]
void rfSerialEvent ( )
void setTimer ( unsigned long  delay) [inline]

Sets the timer 1 compare value to delay ticks.

This function sets the OCR1A compare counter to get the next interrupt at delay ticks measured from the last interrupt. delay must be << 2^24

Variable Documentation

volatile uint8_t insideTimer1 = 0
const uint16_t slow_div_lut [257] PROGMEM
Initial value:
void(* resetFunc)(void)=0
ring_buffer rx_buffer = { { 0 }, 0, 0}
long stepperWait = 0
ring_buffer_tx tx_buffer = { { 0 }, 0, 0}
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