Repetier-Firmware  0.91
src/ArduinoAVR/Repetier/Extruder.cpp File Reference
#include "Repetier.h"
#include "pins_arduino.h"
#include "ui.h"
#include "Eeprom.h"


#define NUMTEMPS_1   28
#define NUMTEMPS_2   21
#define NUMTEMPS_3   28
#define NUMTEMPS_4   20
#define NUMTEMPS_8   34
#define NUMTEMPS_9   67
#define NUMTEMPS_10   20
#define NUMTEMPS_11   31
#define NUMTEMPS_12   31


void writeMonitor ()
 Writes monitored temperatures.
bool reportTempsensorError ()
 Report defect sensors.


uint8_t manageMonitor = 255
 Temp. we want to monitor with our host. 1+NUM_EXTRUDER is heated bed.
unsigned int counterPeriodical = 0
volatile uint8_t executePeriodical = 0
uint8_t counter250ms = 25
const uint8 osAnalogInputChannels[] PROGMEM = ANALOG_INPUT_CHANNELS
uint8 osAnalogInputCounter [ANALOG_INPUTS]
uint osAnalogInputBuildup [ANALOG_INPUTS]
uint8 osAnalogInputPos = 0
volatile uint osAnalogInputValues [ANALOG_INPUTS]
static uint8_t extruderTempErrors = 0
uint8_t autotuneIndex = 255
Extruder extruder [NUM_EXTRUDER]
TemperatureControllertempController [NUM_TEMPERATURE_LOOPS]

Define Documentation

#define NUMTEMPS_1   28
#define NUMTEMPS_10   20
#define NUMTEMPS_11   31
#define NUMTEMPS_12   31
#define NUMTEMPS_2   21
#define NUMTEMPS_3   28
#define NUMTEMPS_4   20
#define NUMTEMPS_8   34
#define NUMTEMPS_9   67

Function Documentation

Report defect sensors.

void writeMonitor ( )

Writes monitored temperatures.

This function is called every 250ms to write the monitored temperature. If monitoring is disabled, the function is not called.

Variable Documentation

uint8_t autotuneIndex = 255
uint8_t counter250ms = 25
unsigned int counterPeriodical = 0
volatile uint8_t executePeriodical = 0
uint8_t extruderTempErrors = 0 [static]

Makes updates to temperatures and heater state every call.

Is called every 100ms.

uint8_t manageMonitor = 255

Temp. we want to monitor with our host. 1+NUM_EXTRUDER is heated bed.

const char ext0_deselect_cmd [] PROGMEM = ANALOG_INPUT_CHANNELS
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