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RadioLib LoRaWAN ABP Example
ABP = Activation by Personalisation, an alternative
to OTAA (Over the Air Activation). OTAA is preferable.
This example will send uplink packets to a LoRaWAN network.
Before you start, you will have to register your device at
After your device is registered, you can run this example.
The device will join the network and start uploading data.
LoRaWAN v1.1 requires the use of persistent storage.
As this example does not use persistent storage, running this
examples REQUIRES you to check "Resets frame counters"
on your LoRaWAN dashboard. Refer to the notes or the
network's documentation on how to do this.
To comply with LoRaWAN v1.1's persistent storage, refer to
For default module settings, see the wiki page
For full API reference, see the GitHub Pages
For LoRaWAN details, see the wiki page
#include "configABP.h"
void setup() {
delay(5000); // Give time to switch to the serial monitor
Serial.println(F("\nSetup ... "));
Serial.println(F("Initialise the radio"));
int state = radio.begin();
debug(state != RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE, F("Initialise radio failed"), state, true);
Serial.println(F("Initialise LoRaWAN Network credentials"));
state = node.beginABP(devAddr, NwkSEncKey, AppSKey, NwkSKey, SNwkSIntKey, true);
debug(state < RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE, F("Session setup failed"), state, true);
void loop() {
Serial.println(F("Sending uplink"));
// This is the place to gather the sensor inputs
// Instead of reading any real sensor, we just generate some random numbers as example
uint8_t value1 = radio.random(100);
uint16_t value2 = radio.random(2000);
// Build payload byte array
uint8_t uplinkPayload[3];
uplinkPayload[0] = value1;
uplinkPayload[1] = highByte(value2); // See notes for high/lowByte functions
uplinkPayload[2] = lowByte(value2);
// Perform an uplink
int state = node.sendReceive(uplinkPayload, sizeof(uplinkPayload));
debug((state != RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_NO_DOWNLINK) && (state != RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE), F("Error in sendReceive"), state, false);
// Wait until next uplink - observing legal & TTN FUP constraints
delay(uplinkIntervalSeconds * 1000UL);