
944 B

Oscilloscope Serial

A simple oscilloscope application that reads the values at serial port generated by an Arduino board and based on the value of the analog pin A0

Main window


Flash oscilloscpe.ino to an arduino board. In the Oscilloscope gui settings select the serial port with correct properties. By default 1000000bps, 8bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control and an interval of 100ms between analog readings.

For ATmega boards there is a PWM signal at pin B2(OC1B). To test the Oscilloscope app connect pin B2 to pin A0 Adjust PWM signal with PWM_FREQ and PWM_DUTY. Default is 100Hz, 50% duty.

Pin B2 location:

  • Uno, Leonardo: pin 10
  • ATmega2560: pin 12

To build the Oscilloscope app:

  • install qt
  • cd to src/qt folder
  • qmake
  • make