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* The Real-Time Kernel
* Copyright 2009-2020 Silicon Laboratories Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0
* This software is subject to an open source license and is distributed by
* Silicon Laboratories Inc. pursuant to the terms of the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 available at
* File : os_type.h
* Version : V3.08.00
#ifndef OS_TYPE_H
#define OS_TYPE_H
const CPU_CHAR *os_type__h = "$Id: $";
/* Description # Bits */
/* <recommended> */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef CPU_INT16U OS_CPU_USAGE; /* CPU Usage 0..10000 <16>/32 */
typedef CPU_INT32U OS_CTR; /* Counter, 32 */
typedef CPU_INT32U OS_CTX_SW_CTR; /* Counter of context switches, 32 */
typedef CPU_INT32U OS_CYCLES; /* CPU clock cycles, <32>/64 */
typedef CPU_INT32U OS_FLAGS; /* Event flags, 8/16/<32> */
typedef CPU_INT32U OS_IDLE_CTR; /* Holds the number of times the idle task runs, <32>/64 */
typedef CPU_INT16U OS_MEM_QTY; /* Number of memory blocks, <16>/32 */
typedef CPU_INT16U OS_MEM_SIZE; /* Size in bytes of a memory block, <16>/32 */
typedef CPU_INT16U OS_MSG_QTY; /* Number of OS_MSGs in the msg pool, <16>/32 */
typedef CPU_INT16U OS_MSG_SIZE; /* Size of messages in number of bytes, <16>/32 */
typedef CPU_INT08U OS_NESTING_CTR; /* Interrupt and scheduler nesting, <8>/16/32 */
typedef CPU_INT16U OS_OBJ_QTY; /* Number of kernel objects counter, <16>/32 */
typedef CPU_INT32U OS_OBJ_TYPE; /* Special flag to determine object type, 32 */
typedef CPU_INT16U OS_OPT; /* Holds function options, <16>/32 */
typedef CPU_INT08U OS_PRIO; /* Priority of a task, <8>/16/32 */
typedef CPU_INT16U OS_QTY; /* Quantity <16>/32 */
typedef CPU_INT32U OS_RATE_HZ; /* Rate in Hertz 32 */
#if (CPU_CFG_ADDR_SIZE == CPU_WORD_SIZE_64) /* Task register 8/16/<32/64> */
typedef CPU_INT64U OS_REG;
typedef CPU_INT32U OS_REG;
typedef CPU_INT08U OS_REG_ID; /* Index to task register <8>/16/32 */
typedef CPU_INT32U OS_SEM_CTR; /* Semaphore value 16/<32> */
typedef CPU_INT08U OS_STATE; /* State variable <8>/16/32 */
typedef CPU_INT08U OS_STATUS; /* Status <8>/16/32 */
typedef CPU_INT32U OS_TICK; /* Clock tick counter <32>/64 */