UI: Fix missing zeroes from clock and VBat

Federico Amedeo Izzo 2020-11-01 19:55:49 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez Niccolò Izzo
rodzic 1bed1b5cfe
commit 45849c0f60
1 zmienionych plików z 2 dodań i 2 usunięć

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@ -197,14 +197,14 @@ void ui_drawTopBar()
// Print clock on top bar
char clock_buf[6] = "";
curTime_t time = rtc_getTime();
snprintf(clock_buf, sizeof(clock_buf), "%2d:%2d", time.hour, time.minute);
snprintf(clock_buf, sizeof(clock_buf), "%02d:%02d", time.hour, time.minute);
gfx_print(layout.top_pos, clock_buf, layout.top_font, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, color_white);
// Print battery voltage on top bar, use 4 px padding
// TODO: Replace with battery icon
char bat_buf[6] = "";
float v_bat = platform_getVbat();
snprintf(bat_buf, sizeof(bat_buf), "%.1fV ", v_bat);
snprintf(bat_buf, sizeof(bat_buf), "%02.1fV ", v_bat);
gfx_print(layout.top_pos, bat_buf, layout.top_font, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, color_white);