kopia lustrzana https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/WebODM
299 wiersze
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299 wiersze
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import os
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
import requests
from django.test import TestCase
from django.utils import six
import subprocess, time
from django.utils import timezone
from os import path
from pyodm import Node
from pyodm.exceptions import NodeConnectionError, NodeServerError, NodeResponseError
from webodm import settings
from .models import ProcessingNode
from . import status_codes
current_dir = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))
class TestClientApi(TestCase):
fixtures = ['test_processingnodes', ]
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestClientApi, cls).setUpClass()
cls.node_odm = subprocess.Popen(['node', 'index.js', '--port', '11223', '--test'], shell=False, cwd=path.join(current_dir, "external", "NodeODM"))
time.sleep(2) # Wait for the server to launch
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestClientApi, cls).tearDownClass()
def setUp(self):
self.api_client = Node("localhost", 11223)
def tearDown(self):
def test_offline_api(self):
api = Node("offline-host", 3000)
self.assertRaises(NodeConnectionError, api.info)
self.assertRaises(NodeConnectionError, api.options)
def test_info(self):
info = self.api_client.info()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(info.version, six.string_types), "Found version string")
self.assertTrue(isinstance(info.task_queue_count, int), "Found task queue count")
self.assertTrue(info.max_images is None, "Found task max images")
def test_options(self):
options = self.api_client.options()
self.assertTrue(len(options) > 0, "Found options")
def test_online_processing_node(self):
online_node = ProcessingNode.objects.get(pk=1)
self.assertTrue(str(online_node) == "localhost:11223", "Formatting string works")
self.assertTrue(online_node.last_refreshed == None, "Last refreshed not yet set")
self.assertTrue(len(online_node.available_options) == 0, "Available options not yet set")
self.assertTrue(online_node.api_version == "", "API version is not set")
self.assertTrue(online_node.update_node_info(), "Could update info")
self.assertTrue(online_node.last_refreshed is not None, "Last refreshed is set")
self.assertTrue(len(online_node.available_options) > 0, "Available options are set")
self.assertTrue(online_node.api_version != "", "API version is set")
self.assertTrue(online_node.max_images is None, "No max images limit is set")
self.assertTrue(isinstance(online_node.get_available_options_json(), six.string_types), "Available options json works")
self.assertTrue(isinstance(online_node.get_available_options_json(pretty=True), six.string_types), "Available options json works with pretty")
def test_offline_processing_node(self):
offline_node = ProcessingNode.objects.get(pk=2)
self.assertFalse(offline_node.update_node_info(), "Could not update info (offline)")
self.assertTrue(offline_node.api_version == "", "API version is not set")
def test_auto_update_node_info(self):
online_node = ProcessingNode.objects.create(hostname="localhost", port=11223)
self.assertTrue(online_node.last_refreshed != None, "Last refreshed info is here (update_node_info() was called)")
def test_client_api_and_task_methods(self):
def wait_for_status(api, uuid, status, num_retries = 10, error_description = "Failed to wait for status"):
retries = 0
while True:
task_info = api.get_task(uuid).info()
if task_info.status.value == status:
return True
except (NodeServerError, NodeResponseError):
retries += 1
if retries >= num_retries:
self.assertTrue(False, error_description)
return False
api = Node("localhost", 11223)
online_node = ProcessingNode.objects.get(pk=1)
# Can call info(), options()
self.assertTrue(type(api.info().version) == str)
self.assertTrue(len(api.options()) > 0)
# Can call new_task()
import glob
res = api.create_task(
{'force-ccd': 6.16},
uuid = res.uuid
self.assertTrue(uuid != None)
# Can call task_info()
task = api.get_task(uuid)
task_info = task.info()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(task_info.date_created, datetime))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(task_info.uuid, str))
# Can download assets?
# Here we are waiting for the task to be completed
wait_for_status(api, uuid, status_codes.COMPLETED, 10, "Could not download assets")
asset = api.get_task(uuid).download_zip(settings.MEDIA_TMP)
# task_output
self.assertTrue(isinstance(api.get_task(uuid).output(0), list))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(online_node.get_task_console_output(uuid, 0), list))
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.get_task_console_output, "wrong-uuid", 0)
# Can restart task
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.restart_task, "wrong-uuid")
wait_for_status(api, uuid, status_codes.COMPLETED, 10, "Could not restart task")
# Can restart task by passing options
self.assertTrue(online_node.restart_task(uuid, [{'name': 'mesh-size', 'value': 12345},
{'name': 'invalid', 'value': True}]))
wait_for_status(api, uuid, status_codes.COMPLETED, 10, "Could not restart task with options")
# Verify that options have been updated after restarting the task
task_info = api.get_task(uuid).info()
self.assertTrue(len(task_info.options) == 2) # pc-ept has been added
self.assertTrue(task_info.options[0]['name'] == 'mesh-size')
self.assertTrue(task_info.options[0]['value'] == 12345)
# Can cancel task (should work even if we completed the task)
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.cancel_task, "wrong-uuid")
# Wait for task to be canceled
wait_for_status(api, uuid, status_codes.CANCELED, 5, "Could not remove task")
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.remove_task, "wrong-uuid")
# Cannot delete task again
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.remove_task, uuid)
# Task has been deleted
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.get_task_info, uuid)
# Test URL building for HTTPS
sslApi = Node("localhost", 443, 'abc')
self.assertEqual(sslApi.url('/info'), 'https://localhost/info?token=abc')
def test_find_best_available_node_and_is_online(self):
# Fixtures are all offline
self.assertTrue(ProcessingNode.find_best_available_node() is None)
# Bring one online
pnode = ProcessingNode.objects.get(pk=1)
pnode.last_refreshed = timezone.now()
pnode.queue_count = 2
self.assertTrue(ProcessingNode.find_best_available_node().id == pnode.id)
# Bring another online with lower queue count
another_pnode = ProcessingNode.objects.get(pk=2)
another_pnode.last_refreshed = pnode.last_refreshed
another_pnode.queue_count = 1
self.assertTrue(ProcessingNode.find_best_available_node().id == another_pnode.id)
# Bring it offline
another_pnode.last_refreshed -= timedelta(minutes=settings.NODE_OFFLINE_MINUTES)
# Best choice now is original processing node
self.assertTrue(ProcessingNode.find_best_available_node().id == pnode.id)
def test_token_auth(self):
node_odm = subprocess.Popen(
['node', 'index.js', '--port', '11224', '--token', 'test_token', '--test'], shell=False,
cwd=path.join(current_dir, "external", "NodeODM"))
def wait_for_status(api, uuid, status, num_retries=10, error_description="Failed to wait for status"):
retries = 0
while True:
task_info = api.get_task(uuid).info()
if task_info.status.value == status:
return True
except (NodeResponseError, NodeServerError):
retries += 1
if retries >= num_retries:
self.assertTrue(False, error_description)
return False
api = Node("localhost", 11224, "test_token")
online_node = ProcessingNode.objects.get(pk=3)
self.assertTrue(online_node.update_node_info(), "Could update info")
# Cannot call info(), options() without tokens
api.token = "invalid"
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, api.info)
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, api.options)
# Cannot call create_task() without token
import glob
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, api.create_task, glob.glob("nodeodm/fixtures/test_images/*.JPG"))
# Can call create_task() with token
api.token = "test_token"
res = api.create_task(
uuid = res.uuid
self.assertTrue(uuid != None)
# Can call task_info() with token
task_info = api.get_task(uuid).info()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(task_info.date_created, datetime))
# Cannot call task_info() without token
api.token = "invalid"
except NodeResponseError as e:
self.assertTrue('token does not match' in str(e))
# Here we are waiting for the task to be completed
api.token = "test_token"
wait_for_status(api, uuid, status_codes.COMPLETED, 10, "Could not download assets")
# Cannot download assets without token
api.token = "invalid"
task = api.get_task(uuid)
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, task.download_assets, settings.MEDIA_TMP)
api.token = "test_token"
asset_archive = task.download_zip(settings.MEDIA_TMP)
# Cannot get task output without token
api.token = "invalid"
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, task.output, 0)
api.token = "test_token"
res = task.output()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, list))
# Cannot restart task without token
online_node.token = "invalid"
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.restart_task, uuid)
online_node.token = "test_token"
# Cannot cancel task without token
online_node.token = "invalid"
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.cancel_task, uuid)
online_node.token = "test_token"
# Wait for task to be canceled
wait_for_status(api, uuid, status_codes.CANCELED, 5, "Could not cancel task")
# Cannot delete task without token
online_node.token = "invalid"
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.remove_task, "invalid token")
online_node.token = "test_token"