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# Based on matplotlib
# Copyright (c)
# 2012- Matplotlib Development Team; All Rights Reserved
# Description of changes: Factored out hillshading code
import numpy as np
def _vector_magnitude(arr):
# things that don't work here:
# * np.linalg.norm
# - doesn't broadcast in numpy 1.7
# - drops the mask from ma.array
# * using keepdims - broken on ma.array until 1.11.2
# * using sum - discards mask on ma.array unless entire vector is masked
sum_sq = 0
for i in range(arr.shape[-1]):
sum_sq += np.square(arr[..., i, np.newaxis])
return np.sqrt(sum_sq)
class LightSource:
def __init__(self, azdeg=315, altdeg=45):
self.azdeg = azdeg
self.altdeg = altdeg
def direction(self):
"""The unit vector direction towards the light source."""
# Azimuth is in degrees clockwise from North. Convert to radians
# counterclockwise from East (mathematical notation).
az = np.radians(90 - self.azdeg)
alt = np.radians(self.altdeg)
return np.array([
np.cos(az) * np.cos(alt),
np.sin(az) * np.cos(alt),
def hillshade(self, elevation, vert_exag=1, dx=1, dy=1, fraction=1.):
Calculates the illumination intensity for a surface using the defined
azimuth and elevation for the light source.
This computes the normal vectors for the surface, and then passes them
on to `shade_normals`
elevation : array-like
A 2d array (or equivalent) of the height values used to generate an
illumination map
vert_exag : number, optional
The amount to exaggerate the elevation values by when calculating
illumination. This can be used either to correct for differences in
units between the x-y coordinate system and the elevation
coordinate system (e.g. decimal degrees vs. meters) or to
exaggerate or de-emphasize topographic effects.
dx : number, optional
The x-spacing (columns) of the input *elevation* grid.
dy : number, optional
The y-spacing (rows) of the input *elevation* grid.
fraction : number, optional
Increases or decreases the contrast of the hillshade. Values
greater than one will cause intermediate values to move closer to
full illumination or shadow (and clipping any values that move
beyond 0 or 1). Note that this is not visually or mathematically
the same as vertical exaggeration.
intensity : ndarray
A 2d array of illumination values between 0-1, where 0 is
completely in shadow and 1 is completely illuminated.
# Because most image and raster GIS data has the first row in the array
# as the "top" of the image, dy is implicitly negative. This is
# consistent to what `imshow` assumes, as well.
dy = -dy
# compute the normal vectors from the partial derivatives
e_dy, e_dx = np.gradient(vert_exag * elevation, dy, dx)
# .view is to keep subclasses
normal = np.empty(elevation.shape + (3,)).view(type(elevation))
normal[..., 0] = -e_dx
normal[..., 1] = -e_dy
normal[..., 2] = 1
normal /= _vector_magnitude(normal)
return self.shade_normals(normal, fraction)
def shade_normals(self, normals, fraction=1.):
Calculates the illumination intensity for the normal vectors of a
surface using the defined azimuth and elevation for the light source.
Imagine an artificial sun placed at infinity in some azimuth and
elevation position illuminating our surface. The parts of the surface
that slope toward the sun should brighten while those sides facing away
should become darker.
fraction : number, optional
Increases or decreases the contrast of the hillshade. Values
greater than one will cause intermediate values to move closer to
full illumination or shadow (and clipping any values that move
beyond 0 or 1). Note that this is not visually or mathematically
the same as vertical exaggeration.
intensity : ndarray
A 2d array of illumination values between 0-1, where 0 is
completely in shadow and 1 is completely illuminated.
intensity =
# Apply contrast stretch
imin, imax = intensity.min(), intensity.max()
intensity *= fraction
# Rescale to 0-1, keeping range before contrast stretch
# If constant slope, keep relative scaling (i.e. flat should be 0.5,
# fully occluded 0, etc.)
if (imax - imin) > 1e-6:
# Strictly speaking, this is incorrect. Negative values should be
# clipped to 0 because they're fully occluded. However, rescaling
# in this manner is consistent with the previous implementation and
# visually appears better than a "hard" clip.
intensity -= imin
intensity /= (imax - imin)
intensity = np.clip(intensity, 0, 1)
return intensity