kopia lustrzana https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/WebODM
447 wiersze
15 KiB
447 wiersze
15 KiB
import rasterio
from rasterio.enums import ColorInterp
import urllib
import os
from django.http import HttpResponse
from rio_tiler.errors import TileOutsideBounds
from rio_tiler.mercator import get_zooms
from rio_tiler import main
from rio_tiler.utils import array_to_image, get_colormap, expression, linear_rescale, _chunks, _apply_discrete_colormap, has_alpha_band, \
from rio_tiler.profiles import img_profiles
import numpy as np
from app.raster_utils import export_raster_index
from .hsvblend import hsv_blend
from .hillshade import LightSource
from .formulas import lookup_formula, get_algorithm_list
from .tasks import TaskNestedView
from rest_framework import exceptions
from rest_framework.response import Response
from worker.tasks import export_raster_index
def get_zoom_safe(src_dst):
minzoom, maxzoom = get_zooms(src_dst)
if maxzoom < minzoom:
maxzoom = minzoom
return minzoom, maxzoom
def get_tile_url(task, tile_type, query_params):
url = '/api/projects/{}/tasks/{}/{}/tiles/{{z}}/{{x}}/{{y}}.png'.format(task.project.id, task.id, tile_type)
params = {}
for k in ['formula', 'bands', 'rescale', 'color_map', 'hillshade']:
if query_params.get(k):
params[k] = query_params.get(k)
if len(params) > 0:
url = url + '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
return url
def get_extent(task, tile_type):
extent_map = {
'orthophoto': task.orthophoto_extent,
'dsm': task.dsm_extent,
'dtm': task.dtm_extent,
if not tile_type in extent_map:
raise exceptions.NotFound()
extent = extent_map[tile_type]
if extent is None:
raise exceptions.NotFound()
return extent
def get_raster_path(task, tile_type):
return task.get_asset_download_path(tile_type + ".tif")
def rescale_tile(tile, mask, rescale = None):
if rescale:
rescale_arr = list(map(float, rescale.split(",")))
except ValueError:
raise exceptions.ValidationError("Invalid rescale value")
rescale_arr = list(_chunks(rescale_arr, 2))
if len(rescale_arr) != tile.shape[0]:
rescale_arr = ((rescale_arr[0]),) * tile.shape[0]
for bdx in range(tile.shape[0]):
if mask is not None:
tile[bdx] = np.where(
tile[bdx], in_range=rescale_arr[bdx], out_range=[0, 255]
tile[bdx] = linear_rescale(
tile[bdx], in_range=rescale_arr[bdx], out_range=[0, 255]
tile = tile.astype(np.uint8)
return tile, mask
def apply_colormap(tile, color_map = None):
if color_map is not None and isinstance(color_map, dict):
tile = _apply_discrete_colormap(tile, color_map)
elif color_map is not None:
tile = np.transpose(color_map[tile][0], [2, 0, 1]).astype(np.uint8)
return tile
class TileJson(TaskNestedView):
def get(self, request, pk=None, project_pk=None, tile_type=""):
Get tile.json for this tasks's asset type
task = self.get_and_check_task(request, pk)
raster_path = get_raster_path(task, tile_type)
if not os.path.isfile(raster_path):
raise exceptions.NotFound()
with rasterio.open(raster_path) as src_dst:
minzoom, maxzoom = get_zoom_safe(src_dst)
return Response({
'tilejson': '2.1.0',
'name': task.name,
'version': '1.0.0',
'scheme': 'xyz',
'tiles': [get_tile_url(task, tile_type, self.request.query_params)],
'minzoom': minzoom - ZOOM_EXTRA_LEVELS,
'maxzoom': maxzoom + ZOOM_EXTRA_LEVELS,
'bounds': get_extent(task, tile_type).extent
class Bounds(TaskNestedView):
def get(self, request, pk=None, project_pk=None, tile_type=""):
Get the bounds for this tasks's asset type
task = self.get_and_check_task(request, pk)
return Response({
'url': get_tile_url(task, tile_type, self.request.query_params),
'bounds': get_extent(task, tile_type).extent
class Metadata(TaskNestedView):
def get(self, request, pk=None, project_pk=None, tile_type=""):
Get the metadata for this tasks's asset type
task = self.get_and_check_task(request, pk)
formula = self.request.query_params.get('formula')
bands = self.request.query_params.get('bands')
if formula == '': formula = None
if bands == '': bands = None
expr, hrange = lookup_formula(formula, bands)
except ValueError as e:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(str(e))
pmin, pmax = 2.0, 98.0
raster_path = get_raster_path(task, tile_type)
if not os.path.isfile(raster_path):
raise exceptions.NotFound()
with rasterio.open(raster_path, "r") as src:
band_count = src.meta['count']
if has_alpha_band(src):
band_count -= 1
info = main.metadata(src, pmin=pmin, pmax=pmax, histogram_bins=255, histogram_range=hrange, expr=expr)
except IndexError as e:
# Caught when trying to get an invalid raster metadata
raise exceptions.ValidationError("Cannot retrieve raster metadata: %s" % str(e))
# Override min/max
if hrange:
for b in info['statistics']:
info['statistics'][b]['min'] = hrange[0]
info['statistics'][b]['max'] = hrange[1]
cmap_labels = {
"jet": "Jet",
"terrain": "Terrain",
"gist_earth": "Earth",
"rdylgn": "RdYlGn",
"rdylgn_r": "RdYlGn (Reverse)",
"spectral": "Spectral",
"spectral_r": "Spectral (Reverse)",
"pastel1": "Pastel",
colormaps = []
algorithms = []
if tile_type in ['dsm', 'dtm']:
colormaps = ['jet', 'terrain', 'gist_earth', 'pastel1']
elif formula and bands:
colormaps = ['rdylgn', 'spectral', 'rdylgn_r', 'spectral_r']
algorithms = *get_algorithm_list(band_count),
info['color_maps'] = []
info['algorithms'] = algorithms
if colormaps:
for cmap in colormaps:
'key': cmap,
'color_map': get_colormap(cmap, format="gdal"),
'label': cmap_labels.get(cmap, cmap)
except FileNotFoundError:
raise exceptions.ValidationError("Not a valid color_map value: %s" % cmap)
del info['address']
info['name'] = task.name
info['scheme'] = 'xyz'
info['tiles'] = [get_tile_url(task, tile_type, self.request.query_params)]
if info['maxzoom'] < info['minzoom']:
info['maxzoom'] = info['minzoom']
info['maxzoom'] += ZOOM_EXTRA_LEVELS
info['minzoom'] -= ZOOM_EXTRA_LEVELS
return Response(info)
def get_elevation_tiles(elevation, url, x, y, z, tilesize, nodata, resampling, padding):
tile = np.full((tilesize * 3, tilesize * 3), nodata, dtype=elevation.dtype)
left, _ = main.tile(url, x - 1, y, z, indexes=1, tilesize=tilesize, nodata=nodata,
resampling_method=resampling, tile_edge_padding=padding)
tile[tilesize:tilesize*2,0:tilesize] = left
except TileOutsideBounds:
right, _ = main.tile(url, x + 1, y, z, indexes=1, tilesize=tilesize, nodata=nodata,
resampling_method=resampling, tile_edge_padding=padding)
tile[tilesize:tilesize*2,tilesize*2:tilesize*3] = right
except TileOutsideBounds:
bottom, _ = main.tile(url, x, y + 1, z, indexes=1, tilesize=tilesize, nodata=nodata,
resampling_method=resampling, tile_edge_padding=padding)
tile[tilesize*2:tilesize*3,tilesize:tilesize*2] = bottom
except TileOutsideBounds:
top, _ = main.tile(url, x, y - 1, z, indexes=1, tilesize=tilesize, nodata=nodata,
resampling_method=resampling, tile_edge_padding=padding)
tile[0:tilesize,tilesize:tilesize*2] = top
except TileOutsideBounds:
tile[tilesize:tilesize*2,tilesize:tilesize*2] = elevation
return tile
class Tiles(TaskNestedView):
def get(self, request, pk=None, project_pk=None, tile_type="", z="", x="", y="", scale=1):
Get a tile image
task = self.get_and_check_task(request, pk)
z = int(z)
x = int(x)
y = int(y)
scale = int(scale)
ext = "png"
driver = "jpeg" if ext == "jpg" else ext
indexes = None
nodata = None
formula = self.request.query_params.get('formula')
bands = self.request.query_params.get('bands')
rescale = self.request.query_params.get('rescale')
color_map = self.request.query_params.get('color_map')
hillshade = self.request.query_params.get('hillshade')
if formula == '': formula = None
if bands == '': bands = None
if rescale == '': rescale = None
if color_map == '': color_map = None
if hillshade == '' or hillshade == '0': hillshade = None
expr, _ = lookup_formula(formula, bands)
except ValueError as e:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(str(e))
if tile_type in ['dsm', 'dtm'] and rescale is None:
rescale = "0,1000"
if tile_type in ['dsm', 'dtm'] and color_map is None:
color_map = "gray"
if tile_type == 'orthophoto' and formula is not None:
if color_map is None:
color_map = "gray"
if rescale is None:
rescale = "-1,1"
if nodata is not None:
nodata = np.nan if nodata == "nan" else float(nodata)
tilesize = scale * 256
url = get_raster_path(task, tile_type)
if not os.path.isfile(url):
raise exceptions.NotFound()
with rasterio.open(url) as src:
minzoom, maxzoom = get_zoom_safe(src)
has_alpha = has_alpha_band(src)
if z < minzoom - ZOOM_EXTRA_LEVELS or z > maxzoom + ZOOM_EXTRA_LEVELS:
raise exceptions.NotFound()
# Handle N-bands datasets for orthophotos (not plant health)
if tile_type == 'orthophoto' and expr is None:
ci = src.colorinterp
# More than 4 bands?
if len(ci) > 4:
# Try to find RGBA band order
if ColorInterp.red in ci and \
ColorInterp.green in ci and \
ColorInterp.blue in ci:
indexes = (ci.index(ColorInterp.red) + 1,
ci.index(ColorInterp.green) + 1,
ci.index(ColorInterp.blue) + 1,)
# Fallback to first three
indexes = (1, 2, 3, )
elif has_alpha:
indexes = non_alpha_indexes(src)
if tile_type in ["dsm", "dtm"]:
if expr is not None:
tile, mask = expression(
url, x, y, z, expr=expr, tilesize=tilesize, nodata=nodata, tile_edge_padding=padding, resampling_method=resampling
tile, mask = main.tile(
url, x, y, z, indexes=indexes, tilesize=tilesize, nodata=nodata, tile_edge_padding=padding, resampling_method=resampling
except TileOutsideBounds:
raise exceptions.NotFound("Outside of bounds")
if color_map:
color_map = get_colormap(color_map, format="gdal")
except FileNotFoundError:
raise exceptions.ValidationError("Not a valid color_map value")
intensity = None
if hillshade is not None:
hillshade = float(hillshade)
if hillshade <= 0:
hillshade = 1.0
except ValueError:
raise exceptions.ValidationError("Invalid hillshade value")
if tile.shape[0] != 1:
raise exceptions.ValidationError("Cannot compute hillshade of non-elevation raster (multiple bands found)")
delta_scale = (maxzoom + ZOOM_EXTRA_LEVELS + 1 - z) * 4
dx = src.meta["transform"][0] * delta_scale
dy = -src.meta["transform"][4] * delta_scale
ls = LightSource(azdeg=315, altdeg=45)
# Hillshading is not a local tile operation and
# requires neighbor tiles to be rendered seamlessly
elevation = get_elevation_tiles(tile[0], url, x, y, z, tilesize, nodata, resampling, padding)
intensity = ls.hillshade(elevation, dx=dx, dy=dy, vert_exag=hillshade)
intensity = intensity[tilesize:tilesize*2,tilesize:tilesize*2]
rgb, rmask = rescale_tile(tile, mask, rescale=rescale)
rgb = apply_colormap(rgb, color_map)
if intensity is not None:
# Quick check
if rgb.shape[0] != 3:
raise exceptions.ValidationError("Cannot process tile: intensity image provided, but no RGB data was computed.")
intensity = intensity * 255.0
rgb = hsv_blend(rgb, intensity)
options = img_profiles.get(driver, {})
return HttpResponse(
array_to_image(rgb, rmask, img_format=driver, **options),
class Export(TaskNestedView):
def post(self, request, pk=None, project_pk=None):
Export an orthophoto after applying a formula
task = self.get_and_check_task(request, pk)
formula = request.data.get('formula')
bands = request.data.get('bands')
# rescale = request.data.get('rescale')
if formula == '': formula = None
if bands == '': bands = None
# if rescale == '': rescale = None
if not formula:
raise exceptions.ValidationError("You need to specify a formula parameter")
if not bands:
raise exceptions.ValidationError("You need to specify a bands parameter")
expr, _ = lookup_formula(formula, bands)
except ValueError as e:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(str(e))
# if formula is not None and rescale is None:
# rescale = "-1,1"
url = get_raster_path(task, "orthophoto")
if not os.path.isfile(url):
raise exceptions.NotFound()
celery_task_id = export_raster_index.delay(url, expr).task_id
return Response({'celery_task_id': celery_task_id}) |