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'use strict';
var MACROUTILS = require( 'osg/Utils' );
var Image = require( 'osg/Image' );
var Notify = require( 'osg/notify' );
var Texture = require( 'osg/Texture' );
* TextureCubeMap
* @class TextureCubeMap
* @inherits Texture
var TextureCubeMap = function () { this );
this._images = {};
// pre allocated all textures faces slots
for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
this._images[ Texture.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i ] = new Image();
/** @lends TextureCubeMap.prototype */
TextureCubeMap.prototype = MACROUTILS.objectLibraryClass( MACROUTILS.objectInherit( Texture.prototype, {
setDefaultParameters: function () { this );
this._textureTarget = Texture.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP;
this._flipY = false;
cloneType: function () {
return new TextureCubeMap();
setImage: function ( imageFace, img, imageFormat ) {
var face = imageFace;
if ( typeof face === 'string' )
face = Texture[ face ];
this._images[ face ].setImage( img, imageFormat );
this.setImageFormat( imageFormat );
this.setTextureSize( this._images[ face ].getWidth(), this._images[ face ].getHeight() );
this._textureNull = false;
getImage: function ( face ) {
return this._images[ face ].getImage();
initCubemapContent: function ( gl ) {
var internalFormat = this._internalFormat;
this.applyTexImage2D( gl, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, 0, internalFormat, this._textureWidth, this._textureHeight, 0, internalFormat, this._type, null );
this.applyTexImage2D( gl, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, 0, internalFormat, this._textureWidth, this._textureHeight, 0, internalFormat, this._type, null );
this.applyTexImage2D( gl, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, 0, internalFormat, this._textureWidth, this._textureHeight, 0, internalFormat, this._type, null );
this.applyTexImage2D( gl, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, 0, internalFormat, this._textureWidth, this._textureHeight, 0, internalFormat, this._type, null );
this.applyTexImage2D( gl, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, 0, internalFormat, this._textureWidth, this._textureHeight, 0, internalFormat, this._type, null );
this.applyTexImage2D( gl, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z, 0, internalFormat, this._textureWidth, this._textureHeight, 0, internalFormat, this._type, null );
return true;
// handle mipmap logic, if images for mipmap are provided or not
generateMipmap: function ( gl, target ) {
if ( !this.hasMipmapFilter() ) return;
// manual mipmap provided
if ( this._images[ Texture.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X ].hasMipmap() ) {
for ( var face = 0; face < 6; face++ ) {
var faceImage = this._images[ Texture.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + face ];
if ( !faceImage.hasMipmap() ) {
Notify.error( 'mipmap not set correctly for TextureCubemap' );
var internalFormat = this._internalFormat;
for ( var level = 1; level < faceImage.getMipmap().length; level++ ) {
var size = faceImage.getMipmap()[ level ].getWidth();
this.applyTexImage2D( gl, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + face, level, internalFormat, size, size, 0, internalFormat, this._type, faceImage.getMipmap()[ level ].getImage() );
} else {
// automatic mipmap
gl.generateMipmap( target );
this._dirtyMipmap = false;
applyImageTarget: function ( gl, internalFormat, target ) {
var faceImage = this._images[ target ];
if ( !faceImage.getImage() ) return 0;
if ( !faceImage.isReady() ) return 0;
if ( !faceImage.isDirty() ) return 1;
this.setTextureSize( faceImage.getWidth(), faceImage.getHeight() );
faceImage.setDirty( false );
if ( faceImage.isTypedArray() ) {
this.applyTexImage2D( gl,
faceImage.getImage() );
} else {
this.applyTexImage2D( gl,
faceImage.getImage() );
// release here only if no mipmap
if ( this._unrefImageDataAfterApply &&
!( this.hasMipmap() && faceImage.hasMipmap() ) ) {
return 1;
initCubemapContentImage: function ( gl ) {
var internalFormat = this._internalFormat;
var valid = 0;
valid += this.applyImageTarget( gl, internalFormat, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X );
valid += this.applyImageTarget( gl, internalFormat, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X );
valid += this.applyImageTarget( gl, internalFormat, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y );
valid += this.applyImageTarget( gl, internalFormat, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y );
valid += this.applyImageTarget( gl, internalFormat, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z );
valid += this.applyImageTarget( gl, internalFormat, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z );
if ( valid === 6 )
return true;
return false;
apply: function ( state ) {
var gl = state.getGraphicContext();
// if need to release the texture
if ( this._dirtyTextureObject )
if ( this._textureObject !== undefined && !this.isDirty() ) {
this._textureObject.bind( gl );
// If we have modified the texture via Rtt or texSubImage2D and _need_ updated mipmaps,
// then we must regenerate the mipmaps explicitely.
// In all other cases, don't set this flag because it can be costly
if ( this.isDirtyMipmap() ) {
this.generateMipmap( gl, this._textureTarget );
} else if ( this._textureNull ) {
gl.bindTexture( this._textureTarget, null );
} else {
if ( !this._textureObject ) {
// must be called before init
this.init( state );
this._textureObject.bind( gl );
var valid;
// no images it's must be a cubemap filled from rtt
if ( !this._images[ Texture.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X ].getImage() ) {
valid = this.initCubemapContent( gl );
} else {
valid = this.initCubemapContentImage( gl );
if ( valid ) {
this._dirty = false;
this.applyFilterParameter( gl, this._textureTarget );
this.generateMipmap( gl, this._textureTarget );
} // render to cubemap not yet implemented
} ), 'osg', 'TextureCubeMap' );
MACROUTILS.setTypeID( TextureCubeMap );
module.exports = TextureCubeMap;