
1344 wiersze
46 KiB

'use strict';
var Map = require( 'osg/Map' );
var mat4 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).mat4;
var Notify = require( 'osg/notify' );
var Object = require( 'osg/Object' );
var Program = require( 'osg/Program' );
var StateAttribute = require( 'osg/StateAttribute' );
var Stack = require( 'osg/Stack' );
var Uniform = require( 'osg/Uniform' );
var MACROUTILS = require( 'osg/Utils' );
var WebGLCaps = require( 'osg/WebGLCaps' );
var checkUniformCache = [
function uniformCheck1( uniformArray, cacheArray ) {
if ( uniformArray[ 0 ] === cacheArray[ 0 ] ) return true;
cacheArray[ 0 ] = uniformArray[ 0 ];
return false;
function uniformCheck2( uniformArray, cacheArray ) {
if ( uniformArray[ 0 ] === cacheArray[ 0 ] && uniformArray[ 1 ] === cacheArray[ 1 ] ) return true;
cacheArray[ 0 ] = uniformArray[ 0 ];
cacheArray[ 1 ] = uniformArray[ 1 ];
return false;
function uniformCheck3( uniformArray, cacheArray ) {
if ( uniformArray[ 0 ] === cacheArray[ 0 ] && uniformArray[ 1 ] === cacheArray[ 1 ] && uniformArray[ 2 ] === cacheArray[ 2 ] ) return true;
cacheArray[ 0 ] = uniformArray[ 0 ];
cacheArray[ 1 ] = uniformArray[ 1 ];
cacheArray[ 2 ] = uniformArray[ 2 ];
return false;
function uniformCheck4( uniformArray, cacheArray ) {
if ( uniformArray[ 0 ] === cacheArray[ 0 ] && uniformArray[ 1 ] === cacheArray[ 1 ] && uniformArray[ 2 ] === cacheArray[ 2 ] && uniformArray[ 3 ] === cacheArray[ 3 ] ) return true;
cacheArray[ 0 ] = uniformArray[ 0 ];
cacheArray[ 1 ] = uniformArray[ 1 ];
cacheArray[ 2 ] = uniformArray[ 2 ];
cacheArray[ 3 ] = uniformArray[ 3 ];
return false;
var State = function ( shaderGeneratorProxy ) { this );
this._graphicContext = undefined;
this._shaderGeneratorProxy = shaderGeneratorProxy;
if ( shaderGeneratorProxy === undefined )
this._currentVAO = null;
this._currentIndexVBO = null;
this.vertexAttribList = [];
this.stateSets = new Stack();
this._shaderGeneratorNames = new Stack();
this.uniforms = new Map();
this.textureAttributeMapList = [];
this.attributeMap = new Map();
this.modelMatrix = Uniform.createMatrix4( mat4.create(), 'uModelMatrix' );
this.viewMatrix = Uniform.createMatrix4( mat4.create(), 'uViewMatrix' );
this.modelViewMatrix = Uniform.createMatrix4( mat4.create(), 'uModelViewMatrix' );
this.projectionMatrix = Uniform.createMatrix4( mat4.create(), 'uProjectionMatrix' );
this.modelViewNormalMatrix = Uniform.createMatrix4( mat4.create(), 'uModelViewNormalMatrix' );
// track uniform for color array enabled
var arrayColorEnable = new Stack();
arrayColorEnable.globalDefault = Uniform.createFloat1( 0.0, 'uArrayColorEnabled' );
this.uniforms.setMap( {
ArrayColorEnabled: arrayColorEnable
} );
this._previousColorAttribPair = {};
this.vertexAttribMap = {};
this.vertexAttribMap._disable = [];
this.vertexAttribMap._keys = [];
this._frameStamp = undefined;
// we dont use Map because in this use case with a few entries
// {} is faster
this._programCommonUniformsCache = {};
// keep pointer on the last applied modelview matrix
this._modelViewMatrix = undefined;
// keep pointer on the last applied projection matrix
this._projectionMatrix = undefined;
// keep track of last applied program
this._program = undefined;
// inject a default program to initialize the stack Program
this.applyAttribute( new Program() );
this._numPushStateSet = 0;
this._numApply = 0;
this._programUniformCache = [];
this._cacheUniformId = 0;
State.prototype = MACROUTILS.objectLibraryClass( MACROUTILS.objectInherit( Object.prototype, {
getCacheUniformsApplyRenderLeaf: function () {
return this._programCommonUniformsCache;
setGraphicContext: function ( graphicContext ) {
this._graphicContext = graphicContext;
this._extVAO = WebGLCaps.instance( graphicContext ).getWebGLExtension( 'OES_vertex_array_object' );
getGraphicContext: function () {
return this._graphicContext;
getShaderGeneratorProxy: function () {
return this._shaderGeneratorProxy;
pushCheckOverride: function ( stack, object, maskValue ) {
// object can be a Uniform, an Attribute, or a shader generator name
if ( stack.values().length === 0 ) {
stack.push( this.getObjectPair( object, maskValue ) );
} else if ( ( stack.back().value & StateAttribute.OVERRIDE ) && !( maskValue & StateAttribute.PROTECTED ) ) {
stack.push( stack.back() );
} else {
stack.push( this.getObjectPair( object, maskValue ) );
pushStateSet: function ( stateset ) {
this.stateSets.push( stateset );
if ( stateset.attributeMap ) {
this.pushAttributeMap( this.attributeMap, stateset.attributeMap );
if ( stateset.textureAttributeMapList ) {
var list = stateset.textureAttributeMapList;
for ( var textureUnit = 0, l = list.length; textureUnit < l; textureUnit++ ) {
if ( !list[ textureUnit ] ) {
var textureUnitAttributeMap = this.getOrCreateTextureAttributeMap( textureUnit );
this.pushAttributeMap( textureUnitAttributeMap, list[ textureUnit ] );
if ( stateset.uniforms ) {
this.pushUniformsList( this.uniforms, stateset.uniforms );
var generatorPair = stateset.getShaderGeneratorPair();
if ( generatorPair )
this.pushCheckOverride( this._shaderGeneratorNames, generatorPair.getShaderGeneratorName(), generatorPair.getValue() );
getStateSetStackSize: function () {
return this.stateSets.values().length;
insertStateSet: ( function () {
var tmpStack = [];
return function ( pos, stateSet ) {
tmpStack.length = 0;
var length = this.getStateSetStackSize();
while ( length > pos ) {
tmpStack.push( this.stateSets.back() );
this.pushStateSet( stateSet );
for ( var i = tmpStack.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
this.pushStateSet( tmpStack[ i ] );
} )(),
removeStateSet: ( function () {
var tmpStack = [];
return function ( pos ) {
var length = this.getStateSetStackSize();
if ( pos >= length ) {
Notify.warn( 'Warning State:removeStateSet ' + pos + ' out of range' );
tmpStack.length = 0;
// record the StateSet above the one we intend to remove
while ( length - 1 > pos ) {
tmpStack.push( this.stateSets.back() );
// remove the intended StateSet as well
// push back the original ones that were above the remove StateSet
for ( var i = tmpStack.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
this.pushStateSet( tmpStack[ i ] );
} )(),
// needed because we use a cache during the frame to avoid
// applying uniform or operation. At each frame we need to
// invalidate those informations
resetCacheFrame: function () {
this._modelViewMatrix = this._projectionMatrix = undefined;
resetStats: function () {
this._numApply = 0;
this._numPushStateSet = 0;
// apply program if needed
applyProgram: function ( program ) {
if ( this._program === program ) return;
this._program = program;
this.getGraphicContext().useProgram( program );
applyModelViewMatrix: ( function () {
var normal = mat4.create();
return function StateApplyModelViewMatrix( matrix ) {
if ( this._modelViewMatrix === matrix ) return false;
var program = this.getLastProgramApplied();
var uniformCache = program.getUniformsCache();
var mu = this.modelViewMatrix;
var mul = uniformCache.uModelViewMatrix;
var gc = this.getGraphicContext();
if ( mul ) {
mu.setMatrix4( matrix );
mu.apply( gc, mul );
var sendNormal;
if ( this._modelViewMatrix ) {
// check if we need to push normal
// test rotation component, if not diff
// we dont need to send normal
var m2 = this._modelViewMatrix;
for ( var i = 0; i < 11; i++ ) {
if ( matrix[ i ] !== m2[ i ] ) {
sendNormal = true;
} else {
sendNormal = true;
if ( sendNormal ) {
mu = this.modelViewNormalMatrix;
mul = uniformCache.uModelViewNormalMatrix;
if ( mul ) {
normal[ 0 ] = matrix[ 0 ];
normal[ 1 ] = matrix[ 1 ];
normal[ 2 ] = matrix[ 2 ];
normal[ 4 ] = matrix[ 4 ];
normal[ 5 ] = matrix[ 5 ];
normal[ 6 ] = matrix[ 6 ];
normal[ 8 ] = matrix[ 8 ];
normal[ 9 ] = matrix[ 9 ];
normal[ 10 ] = matrix[ 10 ];
mat4.invert( normal, normal );
mat4.transpose( normal, normal );
mu.setMatrix4( normal );
mu.apply( gc, mul );
this._modelViewMatrix = matrix;
return true;
} )(),
applyModelViewMatrixEperiment: ( function () {
var normal = mat4.create();
var checkMatrix = function ( m0, m1 ) {
if ( m0[ 0 ] !== m1[ 0 ] ) return true;
if ( m0[ 1 ] !== m1[ 1 ] ) return true;
if ( m0[ 2 ] !== m1[ 2 ] ) return true;
if ( m0[ 4 ] !== m1[ 4 ] ) return true;
if ( m0[ 5 ] !== m1[ 5 ] ) return true;
if ( m0[ 6 ] !== m1[ 6 ] ) return true;
if ( m0[ 8 ] !== m1[ 8 ] ) return true;
if ( m0[ 9 ] !== m1[ 9 ] ) return true;
if ( m0[ 10 ] !== m1[ 10 ] ) return true;
return false;
var epsilon = 1e-6;
var scaleEpsilonMax = 1.0 + epsilon;
var scaleEpsilonMin = 1.0 - epsilon;
return function StateApplyModelViewMatrix( matrix ) {
if ( this._modelViewMatrix === matrix ) return false;
var program = this.getLastProgramApplied();
var mu = this.modelViewMatrix;
var mul = program.getUniformsCache().uModelViewMatrix;
if ( mul ) {
mu.setMatrix4( matrix );
mu.apply( this.getGraphicContext(), mul );
var sendNormal = true;
if ( this._modelViewMatrix ) {
sendNormal = checkMatrix( matrix, this._modelViewMatrix );
// check if we need to push normal
// test rotation component, if not diff
// we dont need to send normal
// for ( var i = 0; i < 11; i++ ) {
// if ( matrix[ i ] !== this._modelViewMatrix[ i ] ) {
// sendNormal = true;
// break;
// }
// }
if ( sendNormal ) {
mu = this.modelViewNormalMatrix;
mul = program.getUniformsCache().uModelViewNormalMatrix;
if ( mul ) {
// mat4.copy( normal , matrix );
normal[ 0 ] = matrix[ 0 ];
normal[ 1 ] = matrix[ 1 ];
normal[ 2 ] = matrix[ 2 ];
normal[ 4 ] = matrix[ 4 ];
normal[ 5 ] = matrix[ 5 ];
normal[ 6 ] = matrix[ 6 ];
normal[ 8 ] = matrix[ 8 ];
normal[ 9 ] = matrix[ 9 ];
normal[ 10 ] = matrix[ 10 ];
// check for scaling
var xlen = normal[ 0 ] * normal[ 0 ] + normal[ 4 ] * normal[ 4 ] + normal[ 8 ] * normal[ 8 ];
var ylen = normal[ 1 ] * normal[ 1 ] + normal[ 5 ] * normal[ 5 ] + normal[ 9 ] * normal[ 9 ];
var zlen = normal[ 2 ] * normal[ 2 ] + normal[ 6 ] * normal[ 6 ] + normal[ 10 ] * normal[ 10 ];
if ( xlen > scaleEpsilonMax || xlen < scaleEpsilonMin ||
ylen > scaleEpsilonMax || ylen < scaleEpsilonMin ||
zlen > scaleEpsilonMax || zlen < scaleEpsilonMin ) {
mat4.invert( normal, normal );
mat4.transpose( normal, normal );
mu.setMatrix4( normal );
mu.apply( this.getGraphicContext(), mul );
this._modelViewMatrix = matrix;
return true;
} )(),
applyProjectionMatrix: function ( matrix ) {
if ( this._projectionMatrix === matrix ) return;
this._projectionMatrix = matrix;
var program = this.getLastProgramApplied();
var mu = this.projectionMatrix;
var mul = program.getUniformsCache()[ mu.getName() ];
if ( mul ) {
mu.setMatrix4( matrix );
mu.apply( this.getGraphicContext(), mul );
applyStateSet: function ( stateset ) {
this.pushStateSet( stateset );
popAllStateSets: function () {
while ( this.stateSets.values().length ) {
popStateSet: function () {
if ( this.stateSets.empty() ) return;
var stateset = this.stateSets.pop();
if ( stateset.attributeMap ) {
this.popAttributeMap( this.attributeMap, stateset.attributeMap );
if ( stateset.textureAttributeMapList ) {
var list = stateset.textureAttributeMapList;
for ( var textureUnit = 0, l = list.length; textureUnit < l; textureUnit++ ) {
if ( !list[ textureUnit ] ) {
this.popAttributeMap( this.textureAttributeMapList[ textureUnit ], list[ textureUnit ] );
if ( stateset.uniforms ) {
this.popUniformsList( this.uniforms, stateset.uniforms );
if ( stateset.getShaderGeneratorPair() ) {
_createAttributeStack: function ( attributeMap, key, globalDefault ) {
var attributeStack = new Stack();
attributeMap[ key ] = attributeStack;
attributeMap[ key ].globalDefault = globalDefault;
return attributeStack;
haveAppliedAttribute: function ( attribute ) {
var key = attribute.getTypeMember();
var attributeStack = this.attributeMap[ key ];
if ( !attributeStack ) {
attributeStack = this._createAttributeStack( this.attributeMap, key, attribute.cloneType() );
attributeStack.lastApplied = attribute;
attributeStack.asChanged = true;
applyAttribute: function ( attribute ) {
var key = attribute.getTypeMember();
var attributeMap = this.attributeMap;
var attributeStack = attributeMap[ key ];
if ( !attributeStack ) {
attributeStack = this._createAttributeStack( this.attributeMap, key, attribute.cloneType() );
if ( attributeStack.lastApplied !== attribute ) {
if ( attribute.apply ) {
attribute.apply( this );
attributeStack.lastApplied = attribute;
attributeStack.asChanged = true;
applyTextureAttribute: function ( unit, attribute ) {
var gl = this.getGraphicContext();
gl.activeTexture( gl.TEXTURE0 + unit );
var key = attribute.getTypeMember();
if ( !this.textureAttributeMapList[ unit ] ) {
this.textureAttributeMapList[ unit ] = new Map();
var textureUnitAttributeMap = this.getOrCreateTextureAttributeMap( unit );
var attributeStack = textureUnitAttributeMap[ key ];
if ( !attributeStack ) {
attributeStack = this._createAttributeStack( textureUnitAttributeMap, key, attribute.cloneType() );
if ( attributeStack.lastApplied !== attribute ) {
if ( attribute.apply ) {
// there is a texture we bind it.
attribute.apply( this, unit );
// TODO: optimization:
// if attribute.isTextureNull()
// only bind if last Framebuffer Texture Binded
// are the same as those we try to write from
// need rewrite of the fbo attachments system to keep history
// and state to keep last fbo textures binded.
// (applyTextureAttributeStack concerned too)
attributeStack.lastApplied = attribute;
attributeStack.asChanged = true;
getLastProgramApplied: function () {
return this.attributeMap.Program.lastApplied;
applyDefault: function () {
// reset GL State To Default
// we skip the textures/uniforms/shaders call since they are not necessary
// noticed that we accumulate lot of stack, maybe because of the stateGraph
// CP: ^^ really ? check it / report an issue
this.applyAttributeMap( this.attributeMap );
this.applyTextureAttributeMapList( this.textureAttributeMapList );
apply: function () {
var lastProgram = this.getLastProgramApplied();
this.applyAttributeMap( this.attributeMap );
this.applyTextureAttributeMapList( this.textureAttributeMapList );
var generatedProgram = this._generateAndApplyProgram();
if ( generatedProgram ) {
// will cache uniform and apply them with the program
this._applyGeneratedProgramUniforms( this.attributeMap.Program.lastApplied );
} else {
// custom program so we will iterate on uniform from the program and apply them
// but in order to be able to use Attribute in the state graph we will check if
// our program want them. It must be defined by the user
this._applyCustomProgramUniforms( this.attributeMap.Program.lastApplied );
// reset reference of last applied matrix
if ( lastProgram !== this.getLastProgramApplied() ) {
this._modelViewMatrix = undefined;
this._projectionMatrix = undefined;
applyAttributeMap: function ( attributeMap ) {
var attributeStack;
var attributeMapKeys = attributeMap.getKeys();
for ( var i = 0, l = attributeMapKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var key = attributeMapKeys[ i ];
attributeStack = attributeMap[ key ];
if ( !attributeStack || !attributeStack.asChanged ) {
var attribute;
if ( attributeStack.values().length === 0 ) {
attribute = attributeStack.globalDefault;
} else {
attribute = attributeStack.back().object;
Notify.assert( key === attribute.getTypeMember(), 'State:applyAttributeMap attribute key ' + key + ' !== ' + attribute.getTypeMember() );
if ( attributeStack.lastApplied !== attribute ) {
if ( attribute.apply )
attribute.apply( this );
attributeStack.lastApplied = attribute;
attributeStack.asChanged = false;
getObjectPair: function ( object, value ) {
return {
object: object,
value: value
pushUniformsList: function ( uniformMap, stateSetUniformMap ) {
/*jshint bitwise: false */
var name;
var uniform;
var stateSetUniformMapKeys = stateSetUniformMap.getKeys();
for ( var i = 0, l = stateSetUniformMapKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var key = stateSetUniformMapKeys[ i ];
var uniformPair = stateSetUniformMap[ key ];
uniform = uniformPair.getUniform();
name = uniform.getName();
if ( !uniformMap[ name ] ) {
this._createAttributeStack( uniformMap, name, uniform );
this.pushCheckOverride( uniformMap[ name ], uniform, uniformPair.getValue() );
/*jshint bitwise: true */
popUniformsList: function ( uniformMap, stateSetUniformMap ) {
var stateSetUniformMapKeys = stateSetUniformMap.getKeys();
for ( var i = 0, l = stateSetUniformMapKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var key = stateSetUniformMapKeys[ i ];
uniformMap[ key ].pop();
// this funtion must called only if stack has changed
// check applyTextureAttributeMapList
_applyTextureAttributeStack: function ( gl, textureUnit, attributeStack ) {
var attribute;
if ( attributeStack.values().length === 0 ) {
attribute = attributeStack.globalDefault;
} else {
attribute = attributeStack.back().object;
// if the the stack has changed but the last applied attribute is the same
// then we dont need to apply it again
if ( attributeStack.lastApplied !== attribute ) {
gl.activeTexture( gl.TEXTURE0 + textureUnit );
attribute.apply( this, textureUnit );
attributeStack.lastApplied = attribute;
attributeStack.asChanged = false;
applyTextureAttributeMapList: function ( textureAttributesMapList ) {
var gl = this._graphicContext;
var textureAttributeMap;
for ( var textureUnit = 0, l = textureAttributesMapList.length; textureUnit < l; textureUnit++ ) {
textureAttributeMap = textureAttributesMapList[ textureUnit ];
if ( !textureAttributeMap ) {
var textureAttributeMapKeys = textureAttributeMap.getKeys();
for ( var i = 0, lt = textureAttributeMapKeys.length; i < lt; i++ ) {
var key = textureAttributeMapKeys[ i ];
var attributeStack = textureAttributeMap[ key ];
// skip if not stack or not changed in stack
if ( !attributeStack || !attributeStack.asChanged ) continue;
this._applyTextureAttributeStack( gl, textureUnit, attributeStack );
// var attribute;
// if ( attributeStack.values().length === 0 ) {
// attribute = attributeStack.globalDefault;
// } else {
// attribute = attributeStack.back().object;
// }
// if ( attributeStack.asChanged ) {
// gl.activeTexture( gl.TEXTURE0 + textureUnit );
// attribute.apply( this, textureUnit );
// attributeStack.lastApplied = attribute;
// attributeStack.asChanged = false;
// }
setGlobalDefaultValue: function ( attribute ) {
Notify.log( 'setGlobalDefaultValue is deprecated, use instead setGlobalDefaultAttribute' );
this.setGlobalDefaultAttribute( attribute );
setGlobalDefaultAttribute: function ( attribute ) {
var typeMember = attribute.getTypeMember();
var attributeMap = this.attributeMap;
if ( attributeMap[ typeMember ] === undefined ) {
this._createAttributeStack( attributeMap, typeMember, attribute );
} else {
attributeMap[ typeMember ].globalDefault = attribute;
getGlobalDefaultAttribute: function ( typeMember ) {
var attributeMap = this.attributeMap;
if ( attributeMap[ typeMember ] === undefined ) return undefined;
return attributeMap[ typeMember ].globalDefault;
setGlobalDefaultTextureAttribute: function ( unit, attribute ) {
var attributeMap = this.getOrCreateTextureAttributeMap( unit );
var typeMember = attribute.getTypeMember();
if ( attributeMap[ typeMember ] === undefined ) {
this._createAttributeStack( attributeMap, typeMember, attribute );
} else {
attributeMap[ typeMember ].globalDefault = attribute;
getGlobalDefaultTextureAttribute: function ( unit, typeMember ) {
var attributeMap = this.getOrCreateTextureAttributeMap( unit );
var as = attributeMap[ typeMember ];
return as.globalDefault;
getOrCreateTextureAttributeMap: function ( unit ) {
if ( !this.textureAttributeMapList[ unit ] ) this.textureAttributeMapList[ unit ] = new Map();
return this.textureAttributeMapList[ unit ];
pushAttributeMap: function ( attributeMap, stateSetAttributeMap ) {
/*jshint bitwise: false */
var attributeStack;
var stateSetAttributeMapKeys = stateSetAttributeMap.getKeys();
for ( var i = 0, l = stateSetAttributeMapKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var type = stateSetAttributeMapKeys[ i ];
var attributePair = stateSetAttributeMap[ type ];
var attribute = attributePair.getAttribute();
if ( attributeMap[ type ] === undefined ) {
this._createAttributeStack( attributeMap, type, attribute.cloneType() );
attributeStack = attributeMap[ type ];
this.pushCheckOverride( attributeStack, attribute, attributePair.getValue() );
attributeStack.asChanged = true;
/*jshint bitwise: true */
popAttributeMap: function ( attributeMap, stateSetAttributeMap ) {
var attributeStack;
var stateSetAttributeMapKeys = stateSetAttributeMap.getKeys();
for ( var i = 0, l = stateSetAttributeMapKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var type = stateSetAttributeMapKeys[ i ];
attributeStack = attributeMap[ type ];
attributeStack.asChanged = true;
setIndexArray: function ( array ) {
var gl = this._graphicContext;
if ( this._currentIndexVBO !== array ) {
array.bind( gl );
this._currentIndexVBO = array;
if ( array.isDirty() ) {
array.compile( gl );
lazyDisablingOfVertexAttributes: function () {
var keys = this.vertexAttribMap._keys;
for ( var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var attr = keys[ i ];
if ( this.vertexAttribMap[ attr ] ) {
this.vertexAttribMap._disable[ attr ] = true;
enableVertexColor: function () {
var program = this.attributeMap.Program.lastApplied;
if ( !program.getUniformsCache().uArrayColorEnabled ||
!program.getAttributesCache().Color ) return; // no color uniform or attribute used, exit
// update uniform
var uniform = this.uniforms.ArrayColorEnabled.globalDefault;
var previousColorEnabled = this._previousColorAttribPair[ program.getInstanceID() ];
if ( !previousColorEnabled ) {
uniform.setFloat( 1.0 );
uniform.apply( this.getGraphicContext(), program.getUniformsCache().uArrayColorEnabled );
this._previousColorAttribPair[ program.getInstanceID() ] = true;
disableVertexColor: function () {
var program = this.attributeMap.Program.lastApplied;
if ( !program.getUniformsCache().uArrayColorEnabled ||
!program.getAttributesCache().Color ) return; // no color uniform or attribute used, exit
// update uniform
var uniform = this.uniforms.ArrayColorEnabled.globalDefault;
var previousColorEnabled = this._previousColorAttribPair[ program.getInstanceID() ];
if ( previousColorEnabled ) {
uniform.setFloat( 0.0 );
uniform.apply( this.getGraphicContext(), program.getUniformsCache().uArrayColorEnabled );
this._previousColorAttribPair[ program.getInstanceID() ] = false;
applyDisablingOfVertexAttributes: function () {
var keys = this.vertexAttribMap._keys;
for ( var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
if ( this.vertexAttribMap._disable[ keys[ i ] ] === true ) {
var attr = keys[ i ];
this._graphicContext.disableVertexAttribArray( attr );
this.vertexAttribMap._disable[ attr ] = false;
this.vertexAttribMap[ attr ] = false;
clearVertexAttribCache: function () {
var vertexAttribMap = this.vertexAttribMap;
var keys = vertexAttribMap._keys;
for ( var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var attr = keys[ i ];
vertexAttribMap[ attr ] = undefined;
vertexAttribMap._disable[ attr ] = false;
this.vertexAttribMap._disable.length = 0;
this.vertexAttribMap._keys.length = 0;
* set a vertex array object.
* return true if binded the vao and false
* if was already binded
setVertexArrayObject: function ( vao ) {
if ( this._currentVAO !== vao ) {
this._extVAO.bindVertexArrayOES( vao );
this._currentVAO = vao;
// disable cache to force a re enable of array
if ( !vao ) this.clearVertexAttribCache();
// disable currentIndexVBO to force to bind indexArray from Geometry
// if there is a change of vao
this._currentIndexVBO = undefined;
return true;
return false;
setVertexAttribArray: function ( attrib, array, normalize ) {
var vertexAttribMap = this.vertexAttribMap;
vertexAttribMap._disable[ attrib ] = false;
var gl = this._graphicContext;
var binded = false;
if ( array.isDirty() ) {
array.bind( gl );
array.compile( gl );
binded = true;
var currentArray = vertexAttribMap[ attrib ];
if ( currentArray !== array ) {
if ( !binded ) {
array.bind( gl );
if ( !currentArray ) {
gl.enableVertexAttribArray( attrib );
// can be === false (so undefined check is important)
if ( currentArray === undefined )
vertexAttribMap._keys.push( attrib );
vertexAttribMap[ attrib ] = array;
gl.vertexAttribPointer( attrib, array.getItemSize(), array.getType(), normalize, 0, 0 );
_getActiveUniformsFromProgramAttributes: function ( program, activeUniformsList ) {
var attributeMapStack = this.attributeMap;
var attributeKeys = program.getTrackAttributes().attributeKeys;
if ( attributeKeys.length > 0 ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = attributeKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var key = attributeKeys[ i ];
var attributeStack = attributeMapStack[ key ];
if ( attributeStack === undefined ) {
// we just need the uniform list and not the attribute itself
var attribute = attributeStack.globalDefault;
if ( attribute.getOrCreateUniforms === undefined ) {
var uniformMap = attribute.getOrCreateUniforms();
var uniformKeys = uniformMap.getKeys();
for ( var a = 0, b = uniformKeys.length; a < b; a++ ) {
activeUniformsList.push( uniformMap[ uniformKeys[ a ] ] );
_getActiveUniformsFromProgramTextureAttributes: function ( program, activeUniformsList ) {
var textureAttributeKeysList = program.getTrackAttributes().textureAttributeKeys;
if ( textureAttributeKeysList === undefined ) return;
for ( var unit = 0, nbUnit = textureAttributeKeysList.length; unit < nbUnit; unit++ ) {
var textureAttributeKeys = textureAttributeKeysList[ unit ];
if ( textureAttributeKeys === undefined ) continue;
var unitTextureAttributeList = this.textureAttributeMapList[ unit ];
if ( unitTextureAttributeList === undefined ) continue;
for ( var i = 0, l = textureAttributeKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var key = textureAttributeKeys[ i ];
var attributeStack = unitTextureAttributeList[ key ];
if ( attributeStack === undefined ) {
// we just need the uniform list and not the attribute itself
var attribute = attributeStack.globalDefault;
if ( attribute.getOrCreateUniforms === undefined ) {
var uniformMap = attribute.getOrCreateUniforms();
var uniformMapKeys = uniformMap.getKeys();
for ( var a = 0, b = uniformMapKeys.length; a < b; a++ ) {
activeUniformsList.push( uniformMap[ uniformMapKeys[ a ] ] );
_cacheUniformsForCustomProgram: function ( program, activeUniformsList ) {
this._getActiveUniformsFromProgramAttributes( program, activeUniformsList );
this._getActiveUniformsFromProgramTextureAttributes( program, activeUniformsList );
var gl = this._graphicContext;
// now we have a list on uniforms we want to track but we will filter them to use only what is needed by our program
// not that if you create a uniforms whith the same name of a tracked attribute, and it will override it
var uniformsFinal = new Map();
for ( var i = 0, l = activeUniformsList.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var u = activeUniformsList[ i ];
var uniformName = u.getName();
var loc = gl.getUniformLocation( program._program, uniformName );
if ( loc !== undefined && loc !== null ) {
uniformsFinal[ uniformName ] = u;
program.trackUniforms = uniformsFinal;
_applyCustomProgramUniforms: ( function () {
var activeUniformsList = [];
return function ( program ) {
// custom program so we will iterate on uniform from the program and apply them
// but in order to be able to use Attribute in the state graph we will check if
// our program want them. It must be defined by the user
// first time we see attributes key, so we will keep a list of uniforms from attributes
activeUniformsList.length = 0;
// fill the program with cached active uniforms map from attributes and texture attributes
if ( program.getTrackAttributes() !== undefined && program.trackUniforms === undefined ) {
this._cacheUniformsForCustomProgram( program, activeUniformsList );
var programUniformMap = program.getUniformsCache();
var programUniformKeys = programUniformMap.getKeys();
var uniformMapStackContent = this.uniforms;
var programTrackUniformMap;
if ( program.trackUniforms )
programTrackUniformMap = program.trackUniforms;
var uniform;
for ( var i = 0, l = programUniformKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var uniformKey = programUniformKeys[ i ];
var location = programUniformMap[ uniformKey ];
var uniformStack = uniformMapStackContent[ uniformKey ];
if ( uniformStack === undefined ) {
if ( programTrackUniformMap !== undefined ) {
uniform = programTrackUniformMap[ uniformKey ];
if ( uniform !== undefined ) {
uniform.apply( this._graphicContext, location );
} else {
if ( uniformStack.values().length === 0 ) {
uniform = uniformStack.globalDefault;
} else {
uniform = uniformStack.back().object;
uniform.apply( this._graphicContext, location );
} )(),
// apply a generated program if necessary
// It build a Shader from the shader generator
// it apply for the following condition
// the user has not put a Pogram in the stack or if he has he added one with OFF
_generateAndApplyProgram: function () {
var attributeMap = this.attributeMap;
if ( attributeMap.Program !== undefined && attributeMap.Program.values().length !== 0 && attributeMap.Program.back().value !== StateAttribute.OFF )
return undefined;
// no custom program look into the stack of ShaderGenerator name
// what we should use to generate a program
var last = this._shaderGeneratorNames.back();
var shaderGenerator = this._shaderGeneratorProxy.getShaderGenerator( last ? last.object : undefined );
var program = shaderGenerator.getOrCreateProgram( this );
this.applyAttribute( program );
return program;
_computeForeignUniforms: function ( programUniformMap, activeUniformMap ) {
var uniformMapKeys = programUniformMap.getKeys();
var uniformMap = programUniformMap;
var foreignUniforms = [];
for ( var i = 0, l = uniformMapKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var name = uniformMapKeys[ i ];
var location = uniformMap[ name ];
if ( location !== undefined && activeUniformMap[ name ] === undefined ) {
// filter 'standard' uniform matrix that will be applied for all shader
if ( name !== this.modelViewMatrix.getName() &&
name !== this.modelMatrix.getName() &&
name !== this.viewMatrix.getName() &&
name !== this.projectionMatrix.getName() &&
name !== this.modelViewNormalMatrix.getName() &&
name !== 'uArrayColorEnabled' ) {
foreignUniforms.push( name );
return foreignUniforms;
_removeUniformsNotRequiredByProgram: function ( activeUniformMap, programUniformMap ) {
var activeUniformMapKeys = activeUniformMap.getKeys();
for ( var i = 0, l = activeUniformMapKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var name = activeUniformMapKeys[ i ];
var location = programUniformMap[ name ];
if ( location === undefined || location === null ) {
delete activeUniformMap[ name ];
_cacheUniformsForGeneratedProgram: function ( program ) {
var foreignUniforms = this._computeForeignUniforms( program.getUniformsCache(), program.getActiveUniforms() );
program.setForeignUniforms( foreignUniforms );
// remove uniforms listed by attributes (getActiveUniforms) but not required by the program
this._removeUniformsNotRequiredByProgram( program.getActiveUniforms(), program.getUniformsCache() );
_copyUniformEntry: function ( uniform ) {
var internalArray = uniform.getInternalArray();
var cacheData;
if ( internalArray.length < 16 )
cacheData = new internalArray.constructor( internalArray.length );
return cacheData;
_initUniformCache: function ( program ) {
var activeUniformMap = program.getActiveUniforms();
var activeUniformKeys = activeUniformMap.getKeys();
var foreignUniformKeys = program.getForeignUniforms();
var uniformMapStack = this.uniforms;
var cacheForeignUniforms = [];
var cacheActiveUniforms = [];
var i, l, cache, name, cacheData, uniform;
program._cacheUniformId = this._cacheUniformId++;
this._programUniformCache[ program._cacheUniformId ] = {};
if ( foreignUniformKeys.length ) {
cache = cacheForeignUniforms;
for ( i = 0, l = foreignUniformKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
name = foreignUniformKeys[ i ];
var uniStack = uniformMapStack[ name ];
if ( uniStack ) {
uniform = uniStack.globalDefault;
cacheData = this._copyUniformEntry( uniform );
cache.push( cacheData );
if ( activeUniformKeys.length ) {
cache = cacheActiveUniforms;
for ( i = 0, l = activeUniformKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
name = activeUniformKeys[ i ];
uniform = activeUniformMap[ name ];
cacheData = this._copyUniformEntry( uniform );
cache.push( cacheData );
this._programUniformCache[ program._cacheUniformId ].foreign = cacheForeignUniforms;
this._programUniformCache[ program._cacheUniformId ].active = cacheActiveUniforms;
_checkCacheAndApplyUniform: function ( uniform, cacheArray, i, programUniformMap, name ) {
var isCached;
var internalArray = uniform.getInternalArray();
var uniformArrayLength = internalArray.length;
if ( uniformArrayLength <= 4 ) {
var uniformCache = cacheArray[ i ];
isCached = checkUniformCache[ uniformArrayLength ]( internalArray, uniformCache );
} else {
isCached = false;
if ( !isCached ) {
var location = programUniformMap[ name ];
uniform.apply( this._graphicContext, location );
// note that about TextureAttribute that need uniform on unit we would need to improve
// the current uniformList ...
// when we apply the shader for the first time, we want to compute the active uniforms for this shader and the list of uniforms not extracted from attributes called foreignUniforms
_applyGeneratedProgramUniforms: function ( program ) {
var foreignUniformKeys = program.getForeignUniforms();
if ( !foreignUniformKeys ) {
this._cacheUniformsForGeneratedProgram( program );
foreignUniformKeys = program.getForeignUniforms();
this._initUniformCache( program );
var programUniformMap = program.getUniformsCache();
var activeUniformMap = program.getActiveUniforms();
var cacheUniformsActive = this._programUniformCache[ program._cacheUniformId ].active;
var cacheUniformsForeign = this._programUniformCache[ program._cacheUniformId ].foreign;
// apply active uniforms
// caching uniforms from attribtues make it impossible to overwrite uniform with a custom uniform instance not used in the attributes
var i, l, name, uniform;
var activeUniformKeys = activeUniformMap.getKeys();
this.nbApplyUniform += activeUniformKeys.length;
for ( i = 0, l = activeUniformKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
name = activeUniformKeys[ i ];
uniform = activeUniformMap[ name ];
this._checkCacheAndApplyUniform( uniform, cacheUniformsActive, i, programUniformMap, name );
var uniformMapStack = this.uniforms;
// apply now foreign uniforms, it's uniforms needed by the program but not contains in attributes used to generate this program
for ( i = 0, l = foreignUniformKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
name = foreignUniformKeys[ i ];
var uniformStack = uniformMapStack[ name ];
if ( uniformStack !== undefined ) {
if ( uniformStack.values().length === 0 ) {
uniform = uniformStack.globalDefault;
Notify.warn( 'Uniform Default Not attached to a StateSet in Scene Hierarchy: ' + uniformStack.globalDefault.getName() );
} else {
uniform = uniformStack.back().object;
this._checkCacheAndApplyUniform( uniform, cacheUniformsForeign, i, programUniformMap, name );
// Use to detect changes in RenderLeaf between call to avoid to applyStateSet
_setStateSetsDrawID: function ( id ) {
var values = this.stateSets.values();
for ( var i = 0, nbStateSets = values.length; i < nbStateSets; i++ ) {
values[ i ].setDrawID( id );
_stateSetStackChanged: function ( id, nbLast ) {
var values = this.stateSets.values();
var nbStateSets = values.length;
if ( nbLast !== nbStateSets )
return true;
for ( var i = 0; i < nbStateSets; i++ ) {
if ( id !== values[ i ].getDrawID() )
return true;
return false;
} ), 'osg', 'State' );
module.exports = State;