
197 wiersze
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'use strict';
var Notify = require( 'osg/notify' );
var MACROUTILS = require( 'osg/Utils' );
var Timer = require( 'osg/Timer' );
var GLObject = require( 'osg/GLObject' );
* Shader manage shader for vertex and fragment, you need both to create a glsl program.
* @class Shader
var Shader = function ( type, text ) { this );
var t = type;
if ( typeof ( type ) === 'string' ) {
t = Shader[ type ];
this.type = t;
this.setText( text );
Shader.VERTEX_SHADER = 0x8B31;
Shader.FRAGMENT_SHADER = 0x8B30;
// Debug Pink shader for when shader fails
Shader.VS_DBG = 'attribute vec3 Vertex;uniform mat4 uModelViewMatrix;uniform mat4 uProjectionMatrix;void main(void) { gl_Position = uProjectionMatrix * uModelViewMatrix * vec4(Vertex, 1.0);}';
Shader.FS_DBG = 'precision lowp float; void main(void) { gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0);}';
var debugName = '\n#define SHADER_NAME FailSafe\n';
Shader.VS_DBG += debugName;
Shader.FS_DBG += debugName;
// static cache of glShaders flagged for deletion, which will actually
// be deleted in the correct GL context.
Shader._sDeletedGLShaderCache = new window.Map();
// static method to delete Program
Shader.deleteGLShader = function ( gl, shader ) {
if ( !Shader._sDeletedGLShaderCache.has( gl ) )
Shader._sDeletedGLShaderCache.set( gl, [] );
Shader._sDeletedGLShaderCache.get( gl ).push( shader );
// static method to flush all the cached glShaders which need to be deleted in the GL context specified
Shader.flushDeletedGLShaders = function ( gl, availableTime ) {
// if no time available don't try to flush objects.
if ( availableTime <= 0.0 ) return availableTime;
if ( !Shader._sDeletedGLShaderCache.has( gl ) ) return availableTime;
var elapsedTime = 0.0;
var beginTime = Timer.instance().tick();
var deleteList = Shader._sDeletedGLShaderCache.get( gl );
var numShaders = deleteList.length;
for ( var i = numShaders - 1; i >= 0 && elapsedTime < availableTime; i-- ) {
gl.deleteShader( deleteList[ i ] );
deleteList.splice( i, 1 );
elapsedTime = Timer.instance().deltaS( beginTime, Timer.instance().tick() );
return availableTime -= elapsedTime;
Shader.flushAllDeletedGLShaders = function ( gl ) {
if ( !Shader._sDeletedGLShaderCache.has( gl ) ) return;
var deleteList = Shader._sDeletedGLShaderCache.get( gl );
var numShaders = deleteList.length;
for ( var i = numShaders - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
gl.deleteShader( deleteList[ i ] );
deleteList.splice( i, 1 );
/** @lends Shader.prototype */
Shader.prototype = MACROUTILS.objectInherit( GLObject.prototype, {
setText: function ( text ) {
this.text = text;
getText: function () {
return this.text;
// this is where it creates a fail safe shader that should work everywhere
failSafe: function ( gl ) {
this.shader = gl.createShader( this.type );
gl.shaderSource( this.shader, this.type === Shader.VERTEX_SHADER ? Shader.VS_DBG : Shader.FS_DBG );
gl.compileShader( this.shader );
// webgl shader compiler error to source contextualization
// for better console log messages
processErrors: function ( errors, source ) {
// regex to extract error message and line from webgl compiler reporting
var r = /ERROR: [\d]+:([\d]+): (.+)/gmi;
// split sources in indexable per line array
var lines = source.split( '\n' );
var linesLength = lines.length;
if ( linesLength === 0 ) return;
var i, m;
// IE reporting is not the same
if ( r.exec( errors ) === null ) {
r = /Shader compilation errors\n\((\d+)\, \d+\): (.+)/gmi;
// reset index to start.
r.lastIndex = 0;
while ( ( m = r.exec( errors ) ) != null ) {
if ( m.index === r.lastIndex ) {
r.lastIndex++; // moving between errors
// get error line
var line = parseInt( m[ 1 ] );
if ( line > linesLength ) continue;
// webgl error report.
Notify.error( 'ERROR ' + m[ 2 ] + ' in line ' + line );
var minLine = Math.max( 0, line - 7 );
var maxLine = Math.max( 0, line - 2 );
// for context
// log surrounding line priori to error with bof check
for ( i = minLine; i <= maxLine; i++ ) {
Notify.warn( lines[ i ].replace( /^[ \t]+/g, '' ) );
// Warn adds a lovely /!\ icon in front of the culprit line
maxLine = Math.max( 0, line - 1 );
Notify.error( lines[ maxLine ].replace( /^[ \t]+/g, '' ) );
minLine = Math.min( linesLength, line );
maxLine = Math.min( linesLength, line + 5 );
// for context
// surrounding line posterior to error (with eof check)
for ( i = minLine; i < maxLine; i++ ) {
Notify.warn( lines[ i ].replace( /^[ \t]+/g, '' ) );
compile: function ( gl ) {
if ( !this._gl ) this.setGraphicContext( gl );
this.shader = gl.createShader( this.type );
var shaderText = this.text;
if ( Shader.enableGLSLOptimizer && Shader.glslOptimizer ) {
var shaderTypeString = this.type === Shader.VERTEX_SHADER ? 'vertex' : 'fragment';
Notify.infoFold( shaderTypeString + ' shader before optimization', shaderText );
// 1: opengl
// 2: opengl es 2.0
// 3: opengl es 3.0
var optimized = Shader.glslOptimizer( shaderText, '2', this.type === Shader.VERTEX_SHADER );
if ( optimized.indexOf( 'Error:' ) !== -1 ) {
Notify.error( optimized );
} else if ( optimized.length <= 1 ) {
Notify.warnFold( 'glsl optimizer returned an empty shader, the original will be used', shaderText );
} else {
Notify.infoFold( shaderTypeString + ' shader after optimization', optimized );
shaderText = optimized;
gl.shaderSource( this.shader, shaderText );
MACROUTILS.timeStamp( 'osgjs.metrics:compileShader' );
gl.compileShader( this.shader );
if ( !gl.getShaderParameter( this.shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS ) && !gl.isContextLost() ) {
var err = gl.getShaderInfoLog( this.shader );
this.processErrors( err, shaderText );
var tmpText = '\n' + shaderText;
var splittedText = tmpText.split( '\n' );
var newText = '\n';
for ( var i = 0, l = splittedText.length; i < l; ++i ) {
newText += i + ' ' + splittedText[ i ] + '\n';
// still logging whole source but folded
Notify.debugFold( 'can\'t compile shader', newText );
return false;
return true;
releaseGLObjects: function () {
if ( this._gl !== undefined ) {
Shader.deleteGLShader( this._gl, this.shader );
this.shader = undefined;
} );
Shader.create = function ( type, text ) {
Notify.log( 'Shader.create is deprecated, use new Shader with the same arguments instead' );
return new Shader( type, text );
module.exports = Shader;