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'use strict';
var MACROUTILS = require( 'osg/Utils' );
var Lod = require( 'osg/Lod' );
var NodeVisitor = require( 'osg/NodeVisitor' );
var mat4 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).mat4;
var vec3 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).vec3;
* PagedLOD that can contains paged child nodes
* @class PagedLod
var PagedLOD = function () { this );
this._perRangeDataList = [];
this._loading = false;
this._expiryTime = 0.0;
this._expiryFrame = 0;
this._centerMode = Lod.USER_DEFINED_CENTER;
this._frameNumberOfLastTraversal = 0;
this._databasePath = '';
this._numChildrenThatCannotBeExpired = 0;
* PerRangeData utility structure to store per range values
* @class PerRangeData
var PerRangeData = function () {
this.filename = '';
this.function = undefined;
this.loaded = false;
this.timeStamp = 0.0;
this.frameNumber = 0;
this.frameNumberOfLastTraversal = 0;
this.dbrequest = undefined;
/** @lends PagedLOD.prototype */
PagedLOD.prototype = MACROUTILS.objectLibraryClass( MACROUTILS.objectInherit( Lod.prototype, {
// Functions here
setRange: function ( childNo, min, max ) {
if ( childNo >= this._range.length ) {
var r = [];
r.push( [ min, min ] );
this._range.push( r );
this._range[ childNo ][ 0 ] = min;
this._range[ childNo ][ 1 ] = max;
setExpiryTime: function ( expiryTime ) {
this._expiryTime = expiryTime;
setDatabasePath: function ( path ) {
this._databasePath = path;
getDatabasePath: function () {
return this._databasePath;
setFileName: function ( childNo, filename ) {
// May we should expand the vector first?
if ( childNo >= this._perRangeDataList.length ) {
var rd = new PerRangeData();
rd.filename = filename;
this._perRangeDataList.push( rd );
} else {
this._perRangeDataList[ childNo ].filename = filename;
setFunction: function ( childNo, func ) {
if ( childNo >= this._perRangeDataList.length ) {
var rd = new PerRangeData();
rd.function = func;
this._perRangeDataList.push( rd );
} else {
this._perRangeDataList[ childNo ].function = func;
addChild: function ( node, min, max ) { this, node, min, max );
this._perRangeDataList.push( new PerRangeData() );
addChildNode: function ( node ) { this, node );
setFrameNumberOfLastTraversal: function ( frameNumber ) {
this._frameNumberOfLastTraversal = frameNumber;
getFrameNumberOfLastTraversal: function () {
return this._frameNumberOfLastTraversal;
setTimeStamp: function ( childNo, timeStamp ) {
this._perRangeDataList[ childNo ].timeStamp = timeStamp;
setFrameNumber: function ( childNo, frameNumber ) {
this._perRangeDataList[ childNo ].frameNumber = frameNumber;
setNumChildrenThatCannotBeExpired: function ( num ) {
this._numChildrenThatCannotBeExpired = num;
getNumChildrenThatCannotBeExpired: function () {
return this._numChildrenThatCannotBeExpired;
getDatabaseRequest: function ( childNo ) {
return this._perRangeDataList[ childNo ].dbrequest;
removeExpiredChildren: function ( expiryTime, expiryFrame, removedChildren ) {
if ( this.children.length <= this._numChildrenThatCannotBeExpired ) return;
var i = this.children.length - 1;
var timed, framed;
timed = this._perRangeDataList[ i ].timeStamp + this._expiryTime;
framed = this._perRangeDataList[ i ].frameNumber + this._expiryFrame;
if ( timed < expiryTime && framed < expiryFrame && ( this._perRangeDataList[ i ].filename.length > 0 ||
this._perRangeDataList[ i ].function !== undefined ) ) {
removedChildren.push( this.children[ i ] );
this.removeChild( this.children[ i ] );
this._perRangeDataList[ i ].loaded = false;
if ( this._perRangeDataList[ i ].dbrequest !== undefined ) {
this._perRangeDataList[ i ].dbrequest._groupExpired = true;
traverse: ( function () {
// avoid to generate variable on the heap to limit garbage collection
// instead create variable and use the same each time
var zeroVector = vec3.create();
var eye = vec3.create();
var viewModel = mat4.create();
return function ( visitor ) {
var traversalMode = visitor.traversalMode;
var updateTimeStamp = false;
if ( visitor.getVisitorType() === NodeVisitor.CULL_VISITOR ) {
this._frameNumberOfLastTraversal = visitor.getFrameStamp().getFrameNumber();
updateTimeStamp = true;
switch ( traversalMode ) {
for ( var index = 0; index < this.children.length; index++ ) {
this.children[ index ].accept( visitor );
var requiredRange = 0;
// Calculate distance from viewpoint
var matrix = visitor.getCurrentModelViewMatrix();
mat4.invert( viewModel, matrix );
if ( this._rangeMode === Lod.DISTANCE_FROM_EYE_POINT ) {
vec3.transformMat4( eye, zeroVector, viewModel );
var d = vec3.distance( this.getBound().center(), eye );
requiredRange = d * visitor.getLODScale();
} else {
// Calculate pixels on screen
var projmatrix = visitor.getCurrentProjectionMatrix();
// focal lenght is the value stored in projmatrix[0]
requiredRange = this.projectBoundingSphere( this.getBound(), matrix, projmatrix[ 0 ] );
// Get the real area value and apply LODScale
requiredRange = ( ( requiredRange * visitor.getViewport().width() * visitor.getViewport().width() ) * 0.25 ) / visitor.getLODScale();
if ( requiredRange < 0 ) requiredRange = this._range[ this._range.length - 1 ][ 0 ];
var needToLoadChild = false;
var lastChildTraversed = -1;
for ( var j = 0; j < this._range.length; ++j ) {
if ( this._range[ j ][ 0 ] <= requiredRange && requiredRange < this._range[ j ][ 1 ] ) {
if ( j < this.children.length ) {
if ( updateTimeStamp ) {
this._perRangeDataList[ j ].timeStamp = visitor.getFrameStamp().getSimulationTime();
this._perRangeDataList[ j ].frameNumber = visitor.getFrameStamp().getFrameNumber();
this.children[ j ].accept( visitor );
lastChildTraversed = j;
} else {
needToLoadChild = true;
if ( needToLoadChild ) {
var numChildren = this.children.length;
if ( numChildren > 0 && ( ( numChildren - 1 ) !== lastChildTraversed ) ) {
if ( updateTimeStamp ) {
this._perRangeDataList[ numChildren - 1 ].timeStamp = visitor.getFrameStamp().getSimulationTime();
this._perRangeDataList[ numChildren - 1 ].frameNumber = visitor.getFrameStamp().getFrameNumber();
this.children[ numChildren - 1 ].accept( visitor );
// now request the loading of the next unloaded child.
if ( numChildren < this._perRangeDataList.length ) {
// compute priority from where abouts in the required range the distance falls.
var priority = ( this._range[ numChildren ][ 0 ] - requiredRange ) / ( this._range[ numChildren ][ 1 ] - this._range[ numChildren ][ 0 ] );
if ( this._rangeMode === Lod.PIXEL_SIZE_ON_SCREEN ) {
priority = -priority;
// Here we do the request
var group = visitor.nodePath[ visitor.nodePath.length - 1 ];
if ( this._perRangeDataList[ numChildren ].loaded === false ) {
this._perRangeDataList[ numChildren ].loaded = true;
var dbhandler = visitor.getDatabaseRequestHandler();
this._perRangeDataList[ numChildren ].dbrequest = dbhandler.requestNodeFile( this._perRangeDataList[ numChildren ].function, this._databasePath + this._perRangeDataList[ numChildren ].filename, group, visitor.getFrameStamp().getSimulationTime(), priority );
} else {
// Update timestamp of the request.
if ( this._perRangeDataList[ numChildren ].dbrequest !== undefined ) {
this._perRangeDataList[ numChildren ].dbrequest._timeStamp = visitor.getFrameStamp().getSimulationTime();
this._perRangeDataList[ numChildren ].dbrequest._priority = priority;
} else {
// The DB request is undefined, so the DBPager was not accepting requests, we need to ask for the child again.
this._perRangeDataList[ numChildren ].loaded = false;
} )()
} ), 'osg', 'PagedLOD' );
module.exports = PagedLOD;