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'use strict';
var vec3 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).vec3;
var TriangleIntersector = require( 'osgUtil/TriangleIntersector' );
var Notify = require( 'osg/notify' );
var KdTreeRayIntersector = function () {
if ( arguments && arguments.length ) {
Notify.warn( 'using ctor as initialiser is deprecated, use init(intersections, start, end, nodePath) and/or setKdtree: function ( vertices, nodes, triangles )' );
this._intersector = new TriangleIntersector();
this._dInvX = vec3.create();
this._dInvY = vec3.create();
this._dInvZ = vec3.create();
KdTreeRayIntersector.prototype = {
setKdtree: function ( vertices, nodes, triangles ) {
this._vertices = vertices;
this._kdNodes = nodes;
this._triangles = triangles;
init: ( function () {
var dir = vec3.create();
return function ( intersections, start, end, nodePath ) {
var d = vec3.sub( dir, end, start );
var len = vec3.length( d );
var invLen = 0.0;
if ( len !== 0.0 )
invLen = 1.0 / len;
vec3.scale( d, d, invLen );
if ( d[ 0 ] !== 0.0 ) vec3.scale( this._dInvX, d, 1.0 / d[ 0 ] );
if ( d[ 1 ] !== 0.0 ) vec3.scale( this._dInvY, d, 1.0 / d[ 1 ] );
if ( d[ 2 ] !== 0.0 ) vec3.scale( this._dInvZ, d, 1.0 / d[ 2 ] );
this._intersector._intersections = intersections;
this._intersector.setNodePath( nodePath );
this._intersector.set( start, end );
} )(),
// Classic ray intersection test
// If it's a leaf it does ray-triangles intersection with the triangles in the cell
// If it's not a leaf, it descend in the tree in a recursive way as long as the ray
// intersects the boundinbox of the nodes
intersect: ( function () {
var v0 = vec3.create();
var v1 = vec3.create();
var v2 = vec3.create();
return function ( node, ls, le ) {
var first = node._first;
var second = node._second;
var triangles = this._triangles;
var vertices = this._vertices;
if ( first < 0 ) {
// treat as a leaf
var istart = -first - 1;
var iend = istart + second;
var intersector = this._intersector;
intersector.index = istart;
for ( var i = istart; i < iend; ++i ) {
var id = i * 3;
var iv0 = triangles[ id ];
var iv1 = triangles[ id + 1 ];
var iv2 = triangles[ id + 2 ];
var j = iv0 * 3;
v0[ 0 ] = vertices[ j ];
v0[ 1 ] = vertices[ j + 1 ];
v0[ 2 ] = vertices[ j + 2 ];
j = iv1 * 3;
v1[ 0 ] = vertices[ j ];
v1[ 1 ] = vertices[ j + 1 ];
v1[ 2 ] = vertices[ j + 2 ];
j = iv2 * 3;
v2[ 0 ] = vertices[ j ];
v2[ 1 ] = vertices[ j + 1 ];
v2[ 2 ] = vertices[ j + 2 ];
intersector.intersect( v0, v1, v2, iv0, iv1, iv2 );
} else {
var s = node._nodeRayStart;
var e = node._nodeRayEnd;
var kNodes = this._kdNodes;
var kNode;
vec3.copy( s, ls );
vec3.copy( e, le );
if ( first > 0 ) {
kNode = kNodes[ first ];
if ( this.intersectAndClip( s, e, kNode._bb ) ) {
this.intersect( kNode, s, e );
if ( second > 0 ) {
vec3.copy( s, ls );
vec3.copy( e, le );
kNode = kNodes[ second ];
if ( this.intersectAndClip( s, e, kNode._bb ) ) {
this.intersect( kNode, s, e );
} )(),
// This method do 2 things
// It test if the ray intersects the node
// If so... it clip the ray so that the start and end point of the ray are
// snapped to the bounding box of the nodes
intersectAndClip: ( function () {
return function ( s, e, bb ) {
var min = bb._min;
var xmin = min[ 0 ];
var ymin = min[ 1 ];
var zmin = min[ 2 ];
var max = bb._max;
var xmax = max[ 0 ];
var ymax = max[ 1 ];
var zmax = max[ 2 ];
var invX = this._dInvX;
var invY = this._dInvY;
var invZ = this._dInvZ;
if ( s[ 0 ] <= e[ 0 ] ) {
// trivial reject of segment wholely outside.
if ( e[ 0 ] < xmin ) return false;
if ( s[ 0 ] > xmax ) return false;
if ( s[ 0 ] < xmin ) {
// clip s to xMin.
vec3.scaleAndAdd( s, s, invX, xmin - s[ 0 ] );
if ( e[ 0 ] > xmax ) {
// clip e to xMax.
vec3.scaleAndAdd( e, s, invX, xmax - s[ 0 ] );
} else {
if ( s[ 0 ] < xmin ) return false;
if ( e[ 0 ] > xmax ) return false;
if ( e[ 0 ] < xmin ) {
// clip s to xMin.
vec3.scaleAndAdd( e, s, invX, xmin - s[ 0 ] );
if ( s[ 0 ] > xmax ) {
// clip e to xMax.
vec3.scaleAndAdd( s, s, invX, xmax - s[ 0 ] );
// compate s and e against the yMin to yMax range of bb.
if ( s[ 1 ] <= e[ 1 ] ) {
// trivial reject of segment wholely outside.
if ( e[ 1 ] < ymin ) return false;
if ( s[ 1 ] > ymax ) return false;
if ( s[ 1 ] < ymin ) {
// clip s to yMin.
vec3.scaleAndAdd( s, s, invY, ymin - s[ 1 ] );
if ( e[ 1 ] > ymax ) {
// clip e to yMax.
vec3.scaleAndAdd( e, s, invY, ymax - s[ 1 ] );
} else {
if ( s[ 1 ] < ymin ) return false;
if ( e[ 1 ] > ymax ) return false;
if ( e[ 1 ] < ymin ) {
// clip s to yMin.
vec3.scaleAndAdd( e, s, invY, ymin - s[ 1 ] );
if ( s[ 1 ] > ymax ) {
// clip e to yMax.
vec3.scaleAndAdd( s, s, invY, ymax - s[ 1 ] );
// compate s and e against the zMin to zMax range of bb.
if ( s[ 2 ] <= e[ 2 ] ) {
// trivial reject of segment wholely outside.
if ( e[ 2 ] < zmin ) return false;
if ( s[ 2 ] > zmax ) return false;
if ( s[ 2 ] < zmin ) {
// clip s to zMin.
vec3.scaleAndAdd( s, s, invZ, zmin - s[ 2 ] );
if ( e[ 2 ] > zmax ) {
// clip e to zMax.
vec3.scaleAndAdd( e, s, invZ, zmax - s[ 2 ] );
} else {
if ( s[ 2 ] < zmin ) return false;
if ( e[ 2 ] > zmax ) return false;
if ( e[ 2 ] < zmin ) {
// clip s to zMin.
vec3.scaleAndAdd( e, s, invZ, zmin - s[ 2 ] );
if ( s[ 2 ] > zmax ) {
// clip e to zMax.
vec3.scaleAndAdd( s, s, invZ, zmax - s[ 2 ] );
return true;
} )()
module.exports = KdTreeRayIntersector;