
433 wiersze
16 KiB

'use strict';
var MACROUTILS = require( 'osg/Utils' );
var vec3 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).vec3;
var BoundingBox = require( 'osg/BoundingBox' );
var TriangleIndexFunctor = require( 'osg/TriangleIndexFunctor' );
var PrimitiveSet = require( 'osg/primitiveSet' );
var KdTreeRayIntersector = require( 'osg/KdTreeRayIntersector' );
var KdTreeSphereIntersector = require( 'osg/KdTreeSphereIntersector' );
// A KdTree is a Spatial Partitionning Tree (
// The type of tree is sort of defined by the splitting axis method:
// - Per Axis split (octree/ kdtree)
// - Arbritrary direction split (bsp)
// The algorithm used for splitting, the name for finding best split is 'Surface Area Heuristic (SAH)'
// Octree divide the space in 8 subspace (one box -> 8 sub boxes)
// whereas kdtree does it by splitting population number in two equal group
// Kd Tree
// a given set of points is sorted along one Axis (e.g. X).
// The sorted list is split at the median.
// The result are two sets, one for each half-space (left and right).
// Then, for the current node, the splitting-plane position (or the median-point) and depth is saved.
// Finally, if the point-set has more than n point and the tree depth is below m
// (with n,m chosen by the user, as build options), two child-nodes (L/R one for each point-set)
// are created which themselfs repeat the pocedure.
// The split-axis gets alternated at each depth, the split order is computed by checking the main
// bounding box the length of its axis
// The KdTree implemented here is flattened, ie, a node and its children all lie in the same array
// The most important thing is the understanding of the variables first and second for each node
// Their semantic depend if the node is a leaf or not
// if it's a leaf :
// first and second defines a range in the triangles array (triangles in the cell)
// if it's not a leaf :
// - first and second respectively represents the left and right sub children
// We know that a node is a leaf if first is negative, in that case the range will be defined by
// [ -first - 1, -first-1 + second ]
var KdNode = function ( first, second ) {
this._bb = new BoundingBox();
this._first = first;
this._second = second;
// These variables represent the local clipped ray (for intersection test)
// They are mostly temporary because they are recomputed for each intersection test
this._nodeRayStart = vec3.create();
this._nodeRayEnd = vec3.create();
var BuildKdTree = function ( kdTree ) {
this._kdTree = kdTree;
this._bb = new BoundingBox();
this._primitiveIndices = null; // Uint32Array
this._centers = null; // Float32Array
this._axisOrder = vec3.create();
this._stackLength = 0;
BuildKdTree.prototype = {
build: function ( options, geom ) {
var targetTris = options._targetNumTrianglesPerLeaf;
var vertexAttrib = geom.getVertexAttributeList().Vertex;
if ( !vertexAttrib )
return false;
var vertices = vertexAttrib.getElements();
if ( !vertices )
return false;
var nbVertices = vertices.length / 3;
if ( nbVertices < targetTris )
return false;
this._bb.copy( geom.getBoundingBox() );
this._kdTree.setVertices( vertices );
this.computeDivisions( options );
options._numVerticesProcessed += nbVertices;
this.computeTriangles( geom );
var node = new KdNode( -1, this._primitiveIndices.length );
node._bb.copy( this._bb );
var nodeNum = this._kdTree.addNode( node );
var bb = new BoundingBox();
bb.copy( this._bb );
nodeNum = this.divide( options, bb, nodeNum, 0 );
// Here we re-order the triangle list so that we can have a flat tree
// _primitiveIndices is the ordered array of the triangle indices
var triangles = this._kdTree.getTriangles();
var primitives = this._primitiveIndices;
var nbPrimitives = primitives.length;
var triangleOrdered = new MACROUTILS.Uint32Array( triangles.length );
for ( var i = 0, j = 0; i < nbPrimitives; ++i, j += 3 ) {
var id = primitives[ i ] * 3;
triangleOrdered[ j ] = triangles[ id ];
triangleOrdered[ j + 1 ] = triangles[ id + 1 ];
triangleOrdered[ j + 2 ] = triangles[ id + 2 ];
this._kdTree.setTriangles( triangleOrdered );
return this._kdTree.getNodes().length > 0;
// The function first gather all the triangles of the geometry
// It then computes the centroid for each triangle and initialize
// of triangles indices that will refer to the main triangles array
computeTriangles: function ( geom ) {
var kdTree = this._kdTree;
var totalLenArray = 0;
var geomPrimitives = geom.primitives;
var nbPrimitives = geomPrimitives.length;
var i = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < nbPrimitives; i++ ) {
var prim = geomPrimitives[ i ];
var mode = prim.getMode();
// ignore points and line stuffs
if ( mode === PrimitiveSet.TRIANGLES )
totalLenArray += prim.getCount();
else if ( mode === PrimitiveSet.TRIANGLE_STRIP || mode === PrimitiveSet.TRIANGLE_FAN )
totalLenArray += ( prim.getCount() - 2 ) * 3;
var indices = new MACROUTILS.Uint32Array( totalLenArray );
var next = 0;
var cb = function ( i1, i2, i3 ) {
if ( i1 === i2 || i1 === i3 || i2 === i3 )
indices[ next ] = i1;
indices[ next + 1 ] = i2;
indices[ next + 2 ] = i3;
next += 3;
var tif = new TriangleIndexFunctor();
tif.init( geom, cb );
indices = indices.subarray( 0, next );
var nbTriangles = indices.length;
kdTree.setTriangles( indices );
var vertices = kdTree.getVertices();
this._centers = new MACROUTILS.Float32Array( nbTriangles );
var centers = this._centers;
this._primitiveIndices = new MACROUTILS.Uint32Array( nbTriangles / 3 );
var primitives = this._primitiveIndices;
var j = 0;
for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < nbTriangles; i += 3, ++j ) {
var iv0 = indices[ i ];
var iv1 = indices[ i + 1 ];
var iv2 = indices[ i + 2 ];
// discard degenerate points
if ( iv0 === iv1 || iv1 === iv2 || iv0 === iv2 )
iv0 *= 3;
iv1 *= 3;
iv2 *= 3;
var v0x = vertices[ iv0 ];
var v0y = vertices[ iv0 + 1 ];
var v0z = vertices[ iv0 + 2 ];
var v1x = vertices[ iv1 ];
var v1y = vertices[ iv1 + 1 ];
var v1z = vertices[ iv1 + 2 ];
var v2x = vertices[ iv2 ];
var v2y = vertices[ iv2 + 1 ];
var v2z = vertices[ iv2 + 2 ];
var minx = Math.min( v0x, Math.min( v1x, v2x ) );
var miny = Math.min( v0y, Math.min( v1y, v2y ) );
var minz = Math.min( v0z, Math.min( v1z, v2z ) );
var maxx = Math.max( v0x, Math.max( v1x, v2x ) );
var maxy = Math.max( v0y, Math.max( v1y, v2y ) );
var maxz = Math.max( v0z, Math.max( v1z, v2z ) );
centers[ i ] = ( minx + maxx ) * 0.5;
centers[ i + 1 ] = ( miny + maxy ) * 0.5;
centers[ i + 2 ] = ( minz + maxz ) * 0.5;
primitives[ j ] = j;
computeDivisions: function ( options ) {
this._stackLength = options._maxNumLevels;
var max = this._bb._max;
var min = this._bb._min;
var dx = max[ 0 ] - min[ 0 ];
var dy = max[ 1 ] - min[ 1 ];
var dz = max[ 2 ] - min[ 2 ];
var axisOrder = this._axisOrder;
// We set the cutting order (longest edge aabb first)
axisOrder[ 0 ] = ( dx >= dy && dx >= dz ) ? 0 : ( dy >= dz ) ? 1 : 2;
axisOrder[ 2 ] = ( dx < dy && dx < dz ) ? 0 : ( dy < dz ) ? 1 : 2;
var sum = axisOrder[ 0 ] + axisOrder[ 2 ];
axisOrder[ 1 ] = sum === 3 ? 0 : sum === 2 ? 1 : 2;
// The core function of the kdtree building
// It checks if the node need to be subdivide or not
// If it decides it's a leaf, it computes the final bounding box of the node
// and it ends here
// If it's a node, then it puts the splitting axis position on the median population
// On the same time it reorder the triangle index array
divide: function ( options, bb, nodeIndex, level ) {
var kdTree = this._kdTree;
var primitives = this._primitiveIndices;
var nodes = kdTree.getNodes();
var node = nodes[ nodeIndex ];
var first = node._first;
var second = node._second;
var needToDivide = level < this._stackLength && first < 0 && second > options._targetNumTrianglesPerLeaf;
var istart = -first - 1;
var iend = istart + second - 1;
if ( !needToDivide ) {
if ( first < 0 ) {
// leaf is done, now compute bound on it.
this.computeNodeBox( node, istart, iend );
return nodeIndex;
if ( first >= 0 )
return nodeIndex;
// leaf node as first < 0, so look at dividing it.
var axis = this._axisOrder[ level % 3 ];
var originalMin = bb._min[ axis ];
var originalMax = bb._max[ axis ];
var mid = ( originalMin + originalMax ) * 0.5;
var originalLeftChildIndex = 0;
var originalRightChildIndex = 0;
var insitueDivision = false;
var left = istart;
var right = iend;
var centers = this._centers;
while ( left < right ) {
while ( left < right && ( centers[ primitives[ left ] * 3 + axis ] <= mid ) ) {
while ( left < right && ( centers[ primitives[ right ] * 3 + axis ] > mid ) ) {
if ( left < right ) {
var tmp = primitives[ left ];
primitives[ left ] = primitives[ right ];
primitives[ right ] = tmp;
if ( left === right ) {
if ( centers[ primitives[ left ] * 3 + axis ] <= mid ) ++left;
else --right;
if ( ( right - istart ) <= -1 ) {
originalLeftChildIndex = 0;
originalRightChildIndex = nodeIndex;
insitueDivision = true;
} else if ( ( iend - left ) <= -1 ) {
originalLeftChildIndex = nodeIndex;
originalRightChildIndex = 0;
insitueDivision = true;
} else {
originalLeftChildIndex = kdTree.addNode( new KdNode( -istart - 1, ( right - istart ) + 1 ) );
originalRightChildIndex = kdTree.addNode( new KdNode( -left - 1, ( iend - left ) + 1 ) );
var restore = bb._max[ axis ];
bb._max[ axis ] = mid;
var leftChildIndex = originalLeftChildIndex !== 0 ? this.divide( options, bb, originalLeftChildIndex, level + 1 ) : 0;
bb._max[ axis ] = restore;
restore = bb._min[ axis ];
bb._min[ axis ] = mid;
var rightChildIndex = originalRightChildIndex !== 0 ? this.divide( options, bb, originalRightChildIndex, level + 1 ) : 0;
bb._min[ axis ] = restore;
if ( !insitueDivision ) {
node._first = leftChildIndex;
node._second = rightChildIndex;
insitueDivision = true;
var bnode = node._bb;
if ( leftChildIndex !== 0 ) bnode.expandByBoundingBox( nodes[ leftChildIndex ]._bb );
if ( rightChildIndex !== 0 ) bnode.expandByBoundingBox( nodes[ rightChildIndex ]._bb );
return nodeIndex;
// It computes the bounding box of the node so that the box contains all the triangles
// of the cell
computeNodeBox: function ( node, istart, iend ) {
var minx = Infinity,
miny = Infinity,
minz = Infinity,
maxx = -Infinity,
maxy = -Infinity,
maxz = -Infinity;
var triangles = this._kdTree.getTriangles();
var vertices = this._kdTree.getVertices();
var primitives = this._primitiveIndices;
for ( var i = istart; i <= iend; ++i ) {
var id = primitives[ i ] * 3;
var iv0 = triangles[ id ] * 3;
var iv1 = triangles[ id + 1 ] * 3;
var iv2 = triangles[ id + 2 ] * 3;
var v0x = vertices[ iv0 ];
var v0y = vertices[ iv0 + 1 ];
var v0z = vertices[ iv0 + 2 ];
var v1x = vertices[ iv1 ];
var v1y = vertices[ iv1 + 1 ];
var v1z = vertices[ iv1 + 2 ];
var v2x = vertices[ iv2 ];
var v2y = vertices[ iv2 + 1 ];
var v2z = vertices[ iv2 + 2 ];
minx = Math.min( minx, Math.min( v0x, Math.min( v1x, v2x ) ) );
miny = Math.min( miny, Math.min( v0y, Math.min( v1y, v2y ) ) );
minz = Math.min( minz, Math.min( v0z, Math.min( v1z, v2z ) ) );
maxx = Math.max( maxx, Math.max( v0x, Math.max( v1x, v2x ) ) );
maxy = Math.max( maxy, Math.max( v0y, Math.max( v1y, v2y ) ) );
maxz = Math.max( maxz, Math.max( v0z, Math.max( v1z, v2z ) ) );
var epsilon = 1E-6;
var bnode = node._bb;
var bmin = bnode._min;
var bmax = bnode._max;
bmin[ 0 ] = minx - epsilon;
bmin[ 1 ] = miny - epsilon;
bmin[ 2 ] = minz - epsilon;
bmax[ 0 ] = maxx + epsilon;
bmax[ 1 ] = maxy + epsilon;
bmax[ 2 ] = maxz + epsilon;
var KdTree = function () {
this._vertices = null;
this._kdNodes = [];
this._triangles = null; // Float32Array
KdTree.prototype = MACROUTILS.objectLibraryClass( {
getVertices: function () {
return this._vertices;
setVertices: function ( vertices ) {
this._vertices = vertices;
getNodes: function () {
return this._kdNodes;
getTriangles: function () {
return this._triangles;
setTriangles: function ( triangles ) {
this._triangles = triangles;
addNode: function ( node ) {
this._kdNodes.push( node );
return this._kdNodes.length - 1;
build: function ( options, geom ) {
var buildTree = new BuildKdTree( this );
return options, geom );
intersectRay: function ( start, end, intersections, nodePath ) {
if ( this._kdNodes.length === 0 ) {
return false;
var numIntersectionsBefore = intersections.length;
if ( !this._rayIntersector ) {
this._rayIntersector = new KdTreeRayIntersector();
this._rayIntersector.setKdtree( this._vertices, this._kdNodes, this._triangles );
this._rayIntersector.init( intersections, start, end, nodePath );
this._rayIntersector.intersect( this.getNodes()[ 0 ], start, end );
return numIntersectionsBefore !== intersections.length;
intersectSphere: function ( center, radius, intersections, nodePath ) {
if ( this._kdNodes.length === 0 ) {
return false;
var numIntersectionsBefore = intersections.length;
if ( !this._sphereIntersector ) {
this._sphereIntersector = new KdTreeSphereIntersector();
this._sphereIntersector.setKdtree( this._vertices, this._kdNodes, this._triangles );
this._sphereIntersector.init( intersections, center, radius, nodePath );
this._sphereIntersector.intersect( this.getNodes()[ 0 ] );
return numIntersectionsBefore !== intersections.length;
}, 'osg', 'KdTree' );
module.exports = KdTree;