
475 wiersze
15 KiB

'use strict';
var MACROUTILS = require( 'osg/Utils' );
var Node = require( 'osg/Node' );
var Notify = require( 'osg/notify' );
var WebGLCaps = require( 'osg/WebGLCaps' );
var DrawElements = require( 'osg/DrawElements' );
var BufferArrayProxy = require( 'osg/BufferArrayProxy' );
* Geometry manage array and primitives to draw a geometry.
* @class Geometry
var Geometry = function () { this );
// Use proxy to detect change in vertex attributes
// you should use setVertexAttribute but if you dont
if ( window.Proxy ) {
var self = this;
this._attributes = {};
this._primitives = [];
this.attributes = new Proxy( this._attributes, {
set: function ( obj, prop, value ) {
var old = obj[ prop ];
if ( old !== value ) {
obj[ prop ] = value;
return true;
} );
var push = function () {
this.push.apply( this, arguments );
}.bind( this._primitives );
var pop = function () {
}.bind( this._primitives );
this.primitives = new Proxy( this._primitives, {
get: function ( obj, key ) {
if ( key === 'push' ) return push;
if ( key === 'pop' ) return pop;
return obj[ key ];
} );
} else {
this.attributes = {};
this.primitives = [];
this._primitives = this.primitives;
this._attributes = this.attributes;
// function is generated for each Shader Program ID
// which generates a a special "draw"
// TODO: could be upon hash of combination of attributes
// (as multiple shader Programs can use same combination of attributes)
this._cacheDrawCall = {};
// VAO cached data, per combination of vertex buffer
// program id also the cache key
this._extVAO = undefined;
this._vao = {};
this._cacheVertexAttributeBufferList = {};
// null means the kdTree builder will skip the kdTree creation
this._shape = undefined;
* enableVAO flag
* We rely on Proxy to detect changes in vertextes attributes list or in primitives
* list. If you dont have Proxy and you still want to use the VAO code path, replace
* OSG.osg.Geometry.enableVAO = true at the begining of your application, but be sure to
* not change vertexes attributes without calling dirty after.
Geometry.enableVAO = Boolean( window.Proxy );
if ( Geometry.enableVAO ) 'enable VAO' );
/** @lends Geometry.prototype */
Geometry.prototype = MACROUTILS.objectLibraryClass( MACROUTILS.objectInherit( Node.prototype, {
releaseGLObjects: function () {
if ( this.stateset !== undefined ) this.stateset.releaseGLObjects();
var keys = window.Object.keys( this._attributes );
var value;
var i, l;
for ( i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
value = this._attributes[ keys[ i ] ];
for ( var j = 0, h = this._primitives.length; j < h; j++ ) {
var prim = this._primitives[ j ];
if ( prim.getIndices !== undefined ) {
if ( prim.getIndices() !== undefined && prim.getIndices() !== null ) {
releaseVAO: function () {
if ( !this._extVAO ) return;
var keys = window.Object.keys( this._vao );
for ( var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var prgID = keys[ i ];
if ( this._vao[ prgID ] ) {
var vao = this._vao[ prgID ];
this._extVAO.deleteVertexArrayOES( vao );
this._vao[ prgID ] = undefined;
dirty: function () {
this._cacheDrawCall = {};
getPrimitives: function () {
// Notify.warn( 'deprecated use instead getPrimitiveSetList' );
return this.getPrimitiveSetList();
getAttributes: function () {
// Notify.warn( 'deprecated use instead getVertexAttributeList' );
return this.getVertexAttributeList();
getShape: function () {
return this._shape;
setShape: function ( shape ) {
this._shape = shape;
getVertexAttributeList: function () {
return this.attributes;
* Return the primitiveset list
* If you modify something inside this array
* you must call dirty() on the Geometry
getPrimitiveSetList: function () {
return this.primitives;
* Set the buffer array on the attribute name key
* key is often something like Vertex, Normal, Color, ...
* for classic geometry
* if you change a buffer a dirty will be automatically
* called to rebuild the VAO if needed.
setVertexAttribArray: function ( key, array ) {
if ( this._attributes[ key ] !== array ) {
this._attributes[ key ] = array;
_generateVertexSetup: function ( validAttributeKeyList, validAttributeIndexList, includeFirstIndexBuffer ) {
// generate setup for vertex attribute
// will be used as setup for vao or as is without vao
var vertexAttributeSetup = [ '//generated by Geometry::implementation',
'var attr;'
for ( var i = 0, l = validAttributeKeyList.length; i < l; i++ ) {
vertexAttributeSetup.push( 'attr = this._attributes[\'' + validAttributeKeyList[ i ] + '\'];' );
vertexAttributeSetup.push( 'if ( attr.BufferArrayProxy ) attr = attr.getBufferArray();' );
vertexAttributeSetup.push( 'if ( !attr.isValid() ) return;' );
vertexAttributeSetup.push( 'state.setVertexAttribArray(' + validAttributeIndexList[ i ] + ', attr, attr.getNormalize() );' );
vertexAttributeSetup.push( 'state.applyDisablingOfVertexAttributes();' );
if ( includeFirstIndexBuffer )
vertexAttributeSetup.push( 'state.setIndexArray( this._primitives[ 0 ].getIndices() );' );
return vertexAttributeSetup;
_generatePrimitive: function ( primitives, hasVertexColor, optimizeVAO ) {
var primitiveSetup = [
hasVertexColor ? 'state.enableVertexColor();' : 'state.disableVertexColor();'
if ( optimizeVAO ) {
return primitiveSetup.concat( [
'var primitive = this._primitives[ 0 ];',
'var indexes = primitive.getIndices();',
'if ( indexes.isDirty() ) {;',
' indexes.bind( gl );',
' indexes.compile( gl );',
'primitive.drawElements( state );'
] );
primitiveSetup.push( 'var primitives = this._primitives;' );
for ( var j = 0, m = primitives.length; j < m; j++ )
primitiveSetup.push( 'primitives[' + j + '].draw(state);' );
return primitiveSetup;
* Generate a function specific to the Geometry/Program
* two version one using VAO and a regular one
generateDrawCommand: ( function () {
var validAttributeList = [];
var validAttributeKeyList = [];
return function ( state, program, prgID ) {
var attributesCacheKeys = program._attributesCache.getKeys();
var attributesCacheMap = program._attributesCache;
var geometryVertexAttributes = this.getVertexAttributeList();
validAttributeKeyList.length = 0;
validAttributeList.length = 0;
// 1 - register valid vertex attributes and color flag
var attribute, i, l, j, m, key, attr;
var extVAO = this._extVAO;
var listVABuff = extVAO ? [] : undefined;
var hasVertexColor = false;
for ( i = 0, l = attributesCacheKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
key = attributesCacheKeys[ i ];
attribute = attributesCacheMap[ key ];
attr = geometryVertexAttributes[ key ];
if ( attr === undefined ) continue;
var attributeBuffer = this._attributes[ key ];
// dont use VAO if we have BufferArrayProxy
// typically used for morphing
if ( attributeBuffer instanceof BufferArrayProxy ) {
attributeBuffer = attributeBuffer.getBufferArray();
extVAO = false;
if ( !attributeBuffer.isValid() ) return undefined;
// store for later usage at draw time/update
if ( extVAO ) listVABuff.push( attributeBuffer );
if ( !hasVertexColor && key === 'Color' )
hasVertexColor = true;
validAttributeKeyList.push( key );
validAttributeList.push( attribute );
var autogeneratedFunction;
var functionName;
// generate specific function using VAO or standard
if ( extVAO ) {
this._cacheVertexAttributeBufferList[ prgID ] = listVABuff;
// if there is only one drawElement we can put the index buffer
// in the vao
var optimizeIndexBufferVAO = ( this._primitives.length === 1 && this._primitives[ 0 ] instanceof DrawElements );
var vertexAttributeSetup = this._generateVertexSetup( validAttributeKeyList, validAttributeList, optimizeIndexBufferVAO );
var vao = this._extVAO.createVertexArrayOES();
state.setVertexArrayObject( vao );
this._vao[ prgID ] = vao;
// evaluate the vertexAttribute setup to register into the vao
/*jshint evil: true */
var vertexSetupCommand = new Function( 'state', vertexAttributeSetup.join( '\n' ) );
/*jshint evil: false */ this, state );
// setup the program
var vaoSetup = [
'var gl = state.getGraphicContext();',
'var vao = this._vao[ ' + prgID + ' ] ',
'var hasChanged = state.setVertexArrayObject( vao );',
'if ( hasChanged ) {',
' var vaList = this._cacheVertexAttributeBufferList[ ' + prgID + ' ];',
' var va;'
for ( j = 0, m = listVABuff.length; j < m; j++ ) {
vaoSetup.push( ' va = vaList[ ' + j + '];' );
vaoSetup.push( ' if ( va.isDirty() ) {;' );
vaoSetup.push( ' va.bind( gl );' );
vaoSetup.push( ' va.compile( gl );' );
vaoSetup.push( ' };' );
vaoSetup.push( '}' );
autogeneratedFunction = vaoSetup.concat( this._generatePrimitive( this._primitives, hasVertexColor, optimizeIndexBufferVAO ) ).join( '\n' );
functionName = 'GeometryDrawImplementationCacheVAO';
} else {
autogeneratedFunction = this._generateVertexSetup( validAttributeKeyList, validAttributeList, false ).concat( this._generatePrimitive( this._primitives, hasVertexColor, false ) ).join( '\n' );
functionName = 'GeometryDrawImplementationCache';
/*jshint evil: true */
// name the function
var drawCommand = ( new Function( 'state', 'return function ' + functionName + '( state ) { ' + autogeneratedFunction + '}' ) )();
/*jshint evil: false */
this._cacheDrawCall[ prgID ] = drawCommand;
return drawCommand;
} )(),
drawImplementation: function ( state ) {
var program = state.getLastProgramApplied();
var prgID = program.getInstanceID();
var cachedDraw = this._cacheDrawCall[ prgID ];
// most of the time we should use vao
if ( this._extVAO && !this._vao[ prgID ] ) state.setVertexArrayObject( null );
if ( cachedDraw === undefined ) {
if ( !this._primitives.length ) return;
// no cache for this combination of vertex attributes
// compute new Draw Call
if ( this._extVAO === undefined && Geometry.enableVAO ) { // will be null if not supported
var extVAO = WebGLCaps.instance( state.getGraphicContext() ).getWebGLExtension( 'OES_vertex_array_object' );
this._extVAO = extVAO;
cachedDraw = this.generateDrawCommand( state, program, prgID );
} this, state );
setBound: function ( bb ) {
this._boundingBox = bb;
this._boundingBoxComputed = true;
computeBoundingBox: function ( boundingBox ) {
var vertexArray = this.getVertexAttributeList().Vertex;
if ( vertexArray && vertexArray.getElements() && vertexArray.getItemSize() > 2 ) {
var vertexes = vertexArray.getElements();
var itemSize = vertexArray.getItemSize();
var min = boundingBox.getMin();
var max = boundingBox.getMax();
var minx = min[ 0 ];
var miny = min[ 1 ];
var minz = min[ 2 ];
var maxx = max[ 0 ];
var maxy = max[ 1 ];
var maxz = max[ 2 ];
// if the box is un-initialized min=Inf and max=-Inf
// we can't simply write if(x > min) [...] else (x < max) [...]
// most of the time the else condition is run so it's a kinda useless
// optimization anyway
for ( var idx = 0, l = vertexes.length; idx < l; idx += itemSize ) {
var v1 = vertexes[ idx ];
var v2 = vertexes[ idx + 1 ];
var v3 = vertexes[ idx + 2 ];
if ( v1 < minx ) minx = v1;
if ( v1 > maxx ) maxx = v1;
if ( v2 < miny ) miny = v2;
if ( v2 > maxy ) maxy = v2;
if ( v3 < minz ) minz = v3;
if ( v3 > maxz ) maxz = v3;
min[ 0 ] = minx;
min[ 1 ] = miny;
min[ 2 ] = minz;
max[ 0 ] = maxx;
max[ 1 ] = maxy;
max[ 2 ] = maxz;
return boundingBox;
computeBoundingSphere: function ( boundingSphere ) {
var bb = this.getBoundingBox();
boundingSphere.expandByBoundingBox( bb );
return boundingSphere;
} ), 'osg', 'Geometry' );
Geometry.appendVertexAttributeToList = function ( from, to, postfix ) {
var keys = window.Object.keys( from );
var key, keyPostFix;
for ( var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) {
key = keys[ i ];
keyPostFix = key;
if ( postfix !== undefined )
keyPostFix += '_' + postfix;
to[ keyPostFix ] = from[ key ];
MACROUTILS.setTypeID( Geometry );
module.exports = Geometry;