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'use strict';
var Notify = require( 'osg/notify' );
var mat4 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).mat4;
var vec3 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).vec3;
var EllipsoidModel = function () {
this._radiusEquator = EllipsoidModel.WGS_84_RADIUS_EQUATOR;
this._radiusPolar = EllipsoidModel.WGS_84_RADIUS_POLAR;
EllipsoidModel.WGS_84_RADIUS_EQUATOR = 6378137.0;
EllipsoidModel.WGS_84_RADIUS_POLAR = 6356752.3142;
EllipsoidModel.prototype = {
setRadiusEquator: function ( radius ) {
this._radiusEquator = radius;
getRadiusEquator: function () {
return this._radiusEquator;
setRadiusPolar: function ( radius ) {
this._radiusPolar = radius;
getRadiusPolar: function () {
return this._radiusPolar;
convertLatLongHeightToXYZ: function ( latitude, longitude, height, result ) {
if ( result === undefined ) {
Notify.warn( 'deprecated, use this signature convertLatLongHeightToXYZ( latitude, longitude, height, result )' );
result = vec3.create();
var sinLatitude = Math.sin( latitude );
var cosLatitude = Math.cos( latitude );
var N = this._radiusEquator / Math.sqrt( 1.0 - this._eccentricitySquared * sinLatitude * sinLatitude );
var X = ( N + height ) * cosLatitude * Math.cos( longitude );
var Y = ( N + height ) * cosLatitude * Math.sin( longitude );
var Z = ( N * ( 1.0 - this._eccentricitySquared ) + height ) * sinLatitude;
result[ 0 ] = X;
result[ 1 ] = Y;
result[ 2 ] = Z;
return result;
convertXYZToLatLongHeight: function ( X, Y, Z, result ) {
if ( result === undefined ) {
Notify.warn( 'deprecated, use this signature convertXYZToLatLongHeight( X, Y, Z , result)' );
result = vec3.create();
var p = Math.sqrt( X * X + Y * Y );
var theta = Math.atan2( Z * this._radiusEquator, ( p * this._radiusPolar ) );
var eDashSquared = ( this._radiusEquator * this._radiusEquator - this._radiusPolar * this._radiusPolar ) / ( this._radiusPolar * this._radiusPolar );
var sinTheta = Math.sin( theta );
var cosTheta = Math.cos( theta );
var latitude = Math.atan( ( Z + eDashSquared * this._radiusPolar * sinTheta * sinTheta * sinTheta ) /
( p - this._eccentricitySquared * this._radiusEquator * cosTheta * cosTheta * cosTheta ) );
var longitude = Math.atan2( Y, X );
var sinLatitude = Math.sin( latitude );
var N = this._radiusEquator / Math.sqrt( 1.0 - this._eccentricitySquared * sinLatitude * sinLatitude );
var cosLat = Math.cos( latitude );
if ( cosLat === 0 ) cosLat = 1;
var height = p / cosLat - N;
result[ 0 ] = latitude;
result[ 1 ] = longitude;
result[ 2 ] = height;
return result;
computeLocalUpVector: function ( X, Y, Z ) {
// Note latitude is angle between normal to ellipsoid surface and XY-plane
var latitude, longitude, altitude;
var coord = this.convertXYZToLatLongHeight( X, Y, Z, latitude, longitude, altitude );
latitude = coord[ 0 ];
longitude = coord[ 1 ];
altitude = coord[ 2 ];
// Compute up vector
return [ Math.cos( longitude ) * Math.cos( latitude ),
Math.sin( longitude ) * Math.cos( latitude ),
Math.sin( latitude )
isWGS84: function () {
return ( this._radiusEquator === EllipsoidModel.WGS_84_RADIUS_EQUATOR && this._radiusPolar === EllipsoidModel.WGS_84_RADIUS_POLAR );
computeCoefficients: function () {
var flattening = ( this._radiusEquator - this._radiusPolar ) / this._radiusEquator;
this._eccentricitySquared = 2.0 * flattening - flattening * flattening;
computeLocalToWorldTransformFromLatLongHeight: function ( latitude, longitude, height, result ) {
if ( result === undefined ) {
Notify.warn( 'deprecated, use this signature computeLocalToWorldTransformFromLatLongHeight(latitude, longitude, height, result)' );
result = mat4.create();
var pos = this.convertLatLongHeightToXYZ( latitude, longitude, height, result );
mat4.fromTranslation( result, pos );
this.computeCoordinateFrame( latitude, longitude, result );
return result;
computeLocalToWorldTransformFromXYZ: function ( X, Y, Z ) {
var lla = this.convertXYZToLatLongHeight( X, Y, Z );
var m = mat4.fromTranslation( mat4.create(), vec3.fromValues( X, Y, Z ) );
this.computeCoordinateFrame( lla[ 0 ], lla[ 1 ], m );
return m;
computeCoordinateFrame: ( function () {
var up = vec3.create();
var east = vec3.create();
var north = vec3.create();
return function ( latitude, longitude, localToWorld ) {
// Compute up vector
up[ 0 ] = Math.cos( longitude ) * Math.cos( latitude );
up[ 1 ] = Math.sin( longitude ) * Math.cos( latitude );
up[ 2 ] = Math.sin( latitude );
// Compute east vector
east[ 0 ] = -Math.sin( longitude );
east[ 1 ] = -Math.cos( longitude );
// Compute north vector = outer product up x east
vec3.cross( north, up, east );
// set matrix
mat4.set( localToWorld,
east[ 0 ], east[ 1 ], east[ 2 ], 0,
north[ 0 ], north[ 1 ], north[ 2 ], 0,
up[ 0 ], up[ 1 ], up[ 2 ], 0,
0, 0, 0, 1 );
} )()
module.exports = EllipsoidModel;