
762 wiersze
24 KiB

'use strict';
var Notify = require( 'osg/notify' );
var MACROUTILS = require( 'osg/Utils' );
var osgMath = require( 'osg/math' );
var NodeVisitor = require( 'osg/NodeVisitor' );
var CullSettings = require( 'osg/CullSettings' );
var CullStack = require( 'osg/CullStack' );
var mat4 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).mat4;
var MatrixTransform = require( 'osg/MatrixTransform' );
var AutoTransform = require( 'osg/AutoTransform' );
var Projection = require( 'osg/Projection' );
var LightSource = require( 'osg/LightSource' );
var osgPool = require( 'osgUtil/osgPool' );
var Geometry = require( 'osg/Geometry' );
var RenderLeaf = require( 'osg/RenderLeaf' );
var RenderBin = require( 'osg/RenderBin' );
var RenderStage = require( 'osg/RenderStage' );
var Node = require( 'osg/Node' );
var Lod = require( 'osg/Lod' );
var PagedLOD = require( 'osg/PagedLOD' );
var Camera = require( 'osg/Camera' );
var TransformEnums = require( 'osg/transformEnums' );
var vec3 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).vec3;
var Skeleton = require( 'osgAnimation/Skeleton' );
var RigGeometry = require( 'osgAnimation/RigGeometry' );
var Bone = require( 'osgAnimation/Bone' );
var MorphGeometry = require( 'osgAnimation/MorphGeometry' );
* CullVisitor traverse the tree and collect Matrix/State for the rendering traverse
* @class CullVisitor
var CullVisitor = function () { this, NodeVisitor.TRAVERSE_ACTIVE_CHILDREN ); this ); this );
this._rootStateGraph = undefined;
this._currentStateGraph = undefined;
this._currentRenderBin = undefined;
this._currentRenderStage = undefined;
this._rootRenderStage = undefined;
this._computedNear = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
this._computedFar = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
var lookVector = vec3.fromValues( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 );
this._camera = undefined;
/*jshint bitwise: false */
this._bbCornerFar = ( lookVector[ 0 ] >= 0 ? 1 : 0 ) | ( lookVector[ 1 ] >= 0 ? 2 : 0 ) | ( lookVector[ 2 ] >= 0 ? 4 : 0 );
this._bbCornerNear = ( ~this._bbCornerFar ) & 7;
/*jshint bitwise: true */
this._reserveLeafStack = [ new RenderLeaf() ];
this._reserveLeafStackCurrent = 0;
this._reserveRenderStageStacks = {};
this._reserveCullSettingsStack = [ new CullSettings() ];
this._reserveCullSettingsStackCurrent = 0;
this._renderBinStack = [];
this.visitorType = NodeVisitor.CULL_VISITOR;
this._identityMatrix = mat4.create();
this._renderer = undefined;
this._renderStageType = RenderStage;
this._numCamera = 0;
this._numMatrixTransform = 0;
this._numProjection = 0;
this._numNode = 0;
this._numLightSource = 0;
this._numGeometry = 0;
/** @lends CullVisitor.prototype */
CullVisitor.prototype = MACROUTILS.objectInherit( CullStack.prototype, MACROUTILS.objectInherit( NodeVisitor.prototype, {
distance: function ( coord, matrix ) {
return -( coord[ 0 ] * matrix[ 2 ] + coord[ 1 ] * matrix[ 6 ] + coord[ 2 ] * matrix[ 10 ] + matrix[ 14 ] );
getComputedNear: function () {
return this._computedNear;
getComputedFar: function () {
return this._computedFar;
resetStats: function () {
this._numCamera = 0;
this._numMatrixTransform = 0;
this._numProjection = 0;
this._numNode = 0;
this._numLightSource = 0;
this._numGeometry = 0;
handleCullCallbacksAndTraverse: function ( node ) {
var ccb = node.getCullCallback();
if ( ccb && !ccb.cull( node, this ) )
this.traverse( node );
getCurrentCamera: function () {
return this._currentRenderBin.getStage().getCamera();
updateCalculatedNearFar: ( function () {
var nearVec = vec3.create();
var farVec = vec3.create();
return function ( matrix, drawable ) {
var bb = drawable.getBoundingBox();
var dNear, dFar;
// efficient computation of near and far, only taking into account the nearest and furthest
// corners of the bounding box.
dNear = this.distance( bb.corner( this._bbCornerNear, nearVec ), matrix );
dFar = this.distance( bb.corner( this._bbCornerFar, farVec ), matrix );
if ( dNear > dFar ) {
var tmp = dNear;
dNear = dFar;
dFar = tmp;
if ( dFar < 0.0 ) {
// whole object behind the eye point so discard
return false;
if ( dNear < this._computedNear ) {
this._computedNear = dNear;
if ( dFar > this._computedFar ) {
this._computedFar = dFar;
return true;
} )(),
setStateGraph: function ( sg ) {
this._rootStateGraph = sg;
this._currentStateGraph = sg;
setRenderStage: function ( rg ) {
this._rootRenderStage = rg;
this._currentRenderBin = rg;
setRenderer: function ( renderer ) {
this._renderer = renderer;
getRenderer: function () {
return this._renderer;
reset: function () { this );
// Reset the stack before reseting the current leaf index.
// Reseting elements and refilling them later is faster than create new elements
// That's the reason to have a leafStack, see
this._reserveLeafStackCurrent = 0;
this._reserveCullSettingsStackCurrent = 0;
// renderstage / renderbin pools
var resetStages = window.Object.keys( this._reserveRenderStageStacks );
for ( var i = 0, l = resetStages.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var key = resetStages[ i ];
this._reserveRenderStageStacks[ key ].reset();
this._computedNear = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
this._computedFar = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
getCurrentRenderBin: function () {
return this._currentRenderBin;
setCurrentRenderBin: function ( rb ) {
this._currentRenderBin = rb;
// mimic the osg implementation
// in osg you can push 0, in this case an identity matrix will be loaded
addPositionedAttribute: function ( matrix, attribute ) {
var m = matrix ? matrix : this._identityMatrix;
this._currentRenderBin.getStage().positionedAttribute.push( [ m, attribute ] );
pushStateSet: function ( stateset ) {
this._currentStateGraph = this._currentStateGraph.findOrInsert( stateset );
if ( stateset.getBinName() !== undefined ) {
var renderBinStack = this._renderBinStack;
var currentRenderBin = this._currentRenderBin;
renderBinStack.push( currentRenderBin );
this._currentRenderBin = currentRenderBin.getStage().findOrInsert( stateset.getBinNumber(), stateset.getBinName() );
/** Pop the top state set and hence associated state group.
* Move the current state group to the parent of the popped
* state group.
popStateSet: function () {
var currentStateGraph = this._currentStateGraph;
var stateset = currentStateGraph.getStateSet();
this._currentStateGraph = currentStateGraph.parent;
if ( stateset.getBinName() !== undefined ) {
var renderBinStack = this._renderBinStack;
if ( renderBinStack.length === 0 ) {
this._currentRenderBin = this._currentRenderBin.getStage();
} else {
this._currentRenderBin = renderBinStack.pop();
popProjectionMatrix: function () {
if ( this._computeNearFar === true && this._computedFar >= this._computedNear ) {
var m = this.getCurrentProjectionMatrix();
if ( this._clampProjectionMatrixCallback !== undefined ) {
this._clampProjectionMatrixCallback( m, this._computedNear, this._computedFar, this._nearFarRatio );
} else {
this.clampProjectionMatrix( m, this._computedNear, this._computedFar, this._nearFarRatio );
} this );
clampProjectionMatrix: function ( projection, znear, zfar, nearFarRatio, resultNearFar ) {
var epsilon = 1e-6;
if ( zfar < znear - epsilon ) {
Notify.log( 'clampProjectionMatrix not applied, invalid depth range, znear = ' + znear + ' zfar = ' + zfar, false, true );
return false;
var desiredZnear, desiredZfar;
if ( zfar < znear + epsilon ) {
// znear and zfar are too close together and could cause divide by zero problems
// late on in the clamping code, so move the znear and zfar apart.
var average = ( znear + zfar ) * 0.5;
znear = average - epsilon;
zfar = average + epsilon;
// OSG_INFO << '_clampProjectionMatrix widening znear and zfar to '<<znear<<' '<<zfar<<std::endl;
if ( Math.abs( projection[ 3 ] ) < epsilon &&
Math.abs( projection[ 7 ] ) < epsilon &&
Math.abs( projection[ 11 ] ) < epsilon ) {
// OSG_INFO << 'Orthographic matrix before clamping'<<projection<<std::endl;
var deltaSpan = ( zfar - znear ) * 0.02;
if ( deltaSpan < 1.0 ) {
deltaSpan = 1.0;
desiredZnear = znear - deltaSpan;
desiredZfar = zfar + deltaSpan;
// assign the clamped values back to the computed values.
znear = desiredZnear;
zfar = desiredZfar;
projection[ 10 ] = -2.0 / ( desiredZfar - desiredZnear );
projection[ 14 ] = -( desiredZfar + desiredZnear ) / ( desiredZfar - desiredZnear );
// OSG_INFO << 'Orthographic matrix after clamping '<<projection<<std::endl;
} else {
// OSG_INFO << 'Persepective matrix before clamping'<<projection<<std::endl;
//std::cout << '_computed_znear'<<_computed_znear<<std::endl;
//std::cout << '_computed_zfar'<<_computed_zfar<<std::endl;
var zfarPushRatio = 1.02;
var znearPullRatio = 0.98;
//znearPullRatio = 0.99;
desiredZnear = znear * znearPullRatio;
desiredZfar = zfar * zfarPushRatio;
// near plane clamping.
var minNearPlane = zfar * nearFarRatio;
if ( desiredZnear < minNearPlane ) {
desiredZnear = minNearPlane;
// assign the clamped values back to the computed values.
znear = desiredZnear;
zfar = desiredZfar;
var m22 = projection[ 10 ];
var m32 = projection[ 14 ];
var m23 = projection[ 11 ];
var m33 = projection[ 15 ];
var transNearPlane = ( -desiredZnear * m22 + m32 ) / ( -desiredZnear * m23 + m33 );
var transFarPlane = ( -desiredZfar * m22 + m32 ) / ( -desiredZfar * m23 + m33 );
var ratio = Math.abs( 2.0 / ( transNearPlane - transFarPlane ) );
var center = -( transNearPlane + transFarPlane ) / 2.0;
var centerRatio = center * ratio;
projection[ 2 ] = projection[ 2 ] * ratio + projection[ 3 ] * centerRatio;
projection[ 6 ] = projection[ 6 ] * ratio + projection[ 7 ] * centerRatio;
projection[ 10 ] = m22 * ratio + m23 * centerRatio;
projection[ 14 ] = m32 * ratio + m33 * centerRatio;
// same as
// var matrix = [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
// 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
// 0.0, 0.0, ratio, 0.0,
// 0.0, 0.0, center * ratio, 1.0
// ];
// mat4.mul( projection , matrix, projection );
// OSG_INFO << 'Persepective matrix after clamping'<<projection<<std::endl;
if ( resultNearFar !== undefined ) {
resultNearFar[ 0 ] = znear;
resultNearFar[ 1 ] = zfar;
return true;
popCameraModelViewProjectionMatrix: function () {
pushCameraModelViewProjectionMatrix: function ( camera, modelview, projection ) {
this.pushModelViewMatrix( modelview );
this.pushProjectionMatrix( projection );
apply: function ( node ) {
this[ node.typeID ]( node );
createOrReuseRenderStage: function ( classInstance ) {
var type = !classInstance ? 'RenderStage' : classInstance.className();
var classCtor = !classInstance ? RenderStage : classInstance.constructor;
var stack;
if ( this._reserveRenderStageStacks[ type ] ) {
stack = this._reserveRenderStageStacks[ type ];
} else {
stack = new osgPool.OsgObjectMemoryStack( classCtor );
this._reserveRenderStageStacks[ type ] = stack;
return stack.get().init();
createOrReuseRenderLeaf: function () {
var l = this._reserveLeafStack[ this._reserveLeafStackCurrent++ ];
if ( this._reserveLeafStackCurrent === this._reserveLeafStack.length ) {
this._reserveLeafStack.push( new RenderLeaf() );
return l;
resetRenderLeafStack: function () {
for ( var i = 0, j = this._reserveLeafStackCurrent; i <= j; i++ ) {
this._reserveLeafStack[ i ].reset();
createOrReuseCullSettings: function () {
var l = this._reserveCullSettingsStack[ this._reserveCullSettingsStackCurrent++ ];
if ( this._reserveCullSettingsStackCurrent === this._reserveCullSettingsStack.length ) {
this._reserveCullSettingsStack.push( new CullSettings() );
return l;
resetCullSettingsStack: function () {
for ( var i = 0, j = this._reserveCullSettingsStackCurrent; i <= j; i++ ) {
this._reserveCullSettingsStack[ i ].reset();
// function call after the push state in the geometry apply function
// the idea is to avoid heavy copy-paste for the rigGeometry apply
// since the only difference is that we want to push an additional state
// Maybe it will be useful when we'll add morph target geometry or something...
postPushGeometry: function ( cull, node ) {
var sourceGeometry;
var geometryStateSetAnimation;
if ( node instanceof RigGeometry ) {
geometryStateSetAnimation = node.getStateSetAnimation();
if ( geometryStateSetAnimation ) cull.pushStateSet( geometryStateSetAnimation );
sourceGeometry = node.getSourceGeometry();
if ( sourceGeometry instanceof MorphGeometry ) {
geometryStateSetAnimation = sourceGeometry.getStateSetAnimation();
if ( geometryStateSetAnimation ) cull.pushStateSet( geometryStateSetAnimation );
} else if ( node instanceof MorphGeometry ) {
geometryStateSetAnimation = node.getStateSetAnimation();
if ( geometryStateSetAnimation ) cull.pushStateSet( geometryStateSetAnimation );
// same comment as above (postPushGeometry)
prePopGeometry: function ( cull, node ) {
if ( node instanceof RigGeometry ) {
var sourceGeometry = node.getSourceGeometry();
if ( sourceGeometry instanceof MorphGeometry ) {
if ( sourceGeometry.getStateSetAnimation() ) cull.popStateSet();
if ( node.getStateSetAnimation() ) cull.popStateSet();
} else if ( node instanceof MorphGeometry && node.getStateSetAnimation() ) {
pushLeaf: function ( node, depth ) {
var leafs = this._currentStateGraph.leafs;
if ( leafs.length === 0 ) {
this._currentRenderBin.addStateGraph( this._currentStateGraph );
var leaf = this.createOrReuseRenderLeaf();
leaf.init( this._currentStateGraph,
depth );
leafs.push( leaf );
} ) );
// Camera cull visitor call
// ANY CHANGE, any change : double check in rendere Camera code
// for the first camera
CullVisitor.prototype[ Camera.typeID ] = function ( camera ) {
var stateset = camera.getStateSet();
if ( stateset ) this.pushStateSet( stateset );
var modelview = this._reservedMatrixStack.get();
var projection = this._reservedMatrixStack.get();
if ( camera.getReferenceFrame() === TransformEnums.RELATIVE_RF ) {
var lastProjectionMatrix = this.getCurrentProjectionMatrix();
mat4.mul( projection, lastProjectionMatrix, camera.getProjectionMatrix() );
var lastViewMatrix = this.getCurrentModelViewMatrix();
mat4.mul( modelview, lastViewMatrix, camera.getViewMatrix() );
} else {
// absolute
mat4.copy( modelview, camera.getViewMatrix() );
mat4.copy( projection, camera.getProjectionMatrix() );
// save current state of the camera
var previousZnear = this._computedNear;
var previousZfar = this._computedFar;
// save cullSettings
// TODO Perf: why it's not a stack
// and is pollutin GC ?
var previousCullsettings = this.createOrReuseCullSettings();
previousCullsettings.setCullSettings( this );
this._computedNear = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
this._computedFar = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
this.setCullSettings( camera );
// global override
// upon who setted the parameter
// if it's cullvisitor
// it's an OVERRIDER for enableFrustumCulling
// allowing for global EnableFrustimCulling
if ( previousCullsettings.getSettingSourceOverrider() === this && previousCullsettings.getEnableFrustumCulling() ) {
this.setEnableFrustumCulling( true );
this.pushCameraModelViewProjectionMatrix( camera, modelview, projection );
if ( camera.getViewport() ) {
this.pushViewport( camera.getViewport() );
// nested camera
if ( camera.getRenderOrder() === Camera.NESTED_RENDER ) {
this.handleCullCallbacksAndTraverse( camera );
} else {
// not tested
var renderBin = this.getCurrentRenderBin();
var previousStage = renderBin.getStage();
// use render to texture stage
var rtts = this.createOrReuseRenderStage( this._rootRenderStage );
rtts.setCamera( camera );
rtts.setClearDepth( camera.getClearDepth() );
rtts.setClearColor( camera.getClearColor() );
rtts.setClearMask( camera.getClearMask() );
var vp;
if ( camera.getViewport() === undefined ) {
vp = previousStage.getViewport();
} else {
vp = camera.getViewport();
rtts.setViewport( vp );
// skip positional state for now
// ...
this.setCurrentRenderBin( rtts );
this.handleCullCallbacksAndTraverse( camera );
this.setCurrentRenderBin( renderBin );
if ( camera.getRenderOrder() === Camera.PRE_RENDER ) {
this.getCurrentRenderBin().getStage().addPreRenderStage( rtts, camera.renderOrderNum );
} else {
this.getCurrentRenderBin().getStage().addPostRenderStage( rtts, camera.renderOrderNum );
this.popCameraModelViewProjectionMatrix( camera );
if ( camera.getViewport() ) {
// restore previous state of the camera
this.setCullSettings( previousCullsettings );
this._computedNear = previousZnear;
this._computedFar = previousZfar;
if ( stateset ) this.popStateSet();
CullVisitor.prototype[ MatrixTransform.typeID ] = function ( node ) {
// Camera and lights must enlarge node parent bounding boxes for this not to cull
if ( this.isCulled( node, this.nodePath ) ) {
// push the culling mode.
var matrix = this._reservedMatrixStack.get();
var lastMatrixStack = this.getCurrentModelViewMatrix();
mat4.copy( matrix, lastMatrixStack );
node.computeLocalToWorldMatrix( matrix );
this.pushModelViewMatrix( matrix );
var stateset = node.getStateSet();
if ( stateset ) this.pushStateSet( stateset );
this.handleCullCallbacksAndTraverse( node );
if ( stateset ) this.popStateSet();
// pop the culling mode.
CullVisitor.prototype[ Projection.typeID ] = function ( node ) {
var lastMatrixStack = this.getCurrentProjectionMatrix();
var matrix = this._reservedMatrixStack.get();
mat4.mul( matrix, lastMatrixStack, node.getProjectionMatrix() );
this.pushProjectionMatrix( matrix );
var stateset = node.getStateSet();
if ( stateset ) this.pushStateSet( stateset );
this.handleCullCallbacksAndTraverse( node );
if ( stateset ) this.popStateSet();
// here it's treated as a group node for culling
// as there's isn't any in osgjs
// so frustumCulling is done here
CullVisitor.prototype[ Node.typeID ] = function ( node ) {
// Camera and lights must enlarge node parent bounding boxes for this not to cull
if ( this.isCulled( node, this.nodePath ) ) {
// push the culling mode.
var stateset = node.getStateSet();
if ( stateset ) this.pushStateSet( stateset );
this.handleCullCallbacksAndTraverse( node );
if ( stateset ) this.popStateSet();
// pop the culling mode.
// same code like MatrixTransform
CullVisitor.prototype[ AutoTransform.typeID ] = CullVisitor.prototype[ MatrixTransform.typeID ];
// same code like Node
CullVisitor.prototype[ Lod.typeID ] = CullVisitor.prototype[ Node.typeID ];
// same code like Node
CullVisitor.prototype[ PagedLOD.typeID ] = CullVisitor.prototype[ Node.typeID ];
CullVisitor.prototype[ LightSource.typeID ] = function ( node ) {
var stateset = node.getStateSet();
if ( stateset ) this.pushStateSet( stateset );
var light = node.getLight();
if ( light ) {
if ( node.getReferenceFrame() === TransformEnums.RELATIVE_RF )
this.addPositionedAttribute( this.getCurrentModelViewMatrix(), light );
this.addPositionedAttribute( null, light );
this.handleCullCallbacksAndTraverse( node );
if ( stateset ) this.popStateSet();
CullVisitor.prototype[ Geometry.typeID ] = ( function () {
var tempVec = vec3.create();
var loggedOnce = false;
return function geometryApply( node ) {
var modelview = this.getCurrentModelViewMatrix();
var bb = node.getBoundingBox();
if ( this._computeNearFar && bb.valid() ) {
if ( !this.updateCalculatedNearFar( modelview, node ) ) {
// using modelview is not a pb because geometry
// is a leaf node, else traversing the graph would be an
// issue because we use modelview after
var ccb = node.getCullCallback();
if ( ccb && !ccb.cull( node, this ) )
var stateset = node.getStateSet();
if ( stateset ) this.pushStateSet( stateset );
this.postPushGeometry( this, node );
var depth = 0;
if ( bb.valid() ) {
depth = this.distance( tempVec ), modelview );
if ( osgMath.isNaN( depth ) ) {
if ( !loggedOnce ) {
Notify.warn( 'warning geometry has a NaN depth, ' + modelview + ' center ' + tempVec );
loggedOnce = true;
} else {
this.pushLeaf( node, depth );
this.prePopGeometry( this, node );
if ( stateset ) this.popStateSet();
} )();
CullVisitor.prototype[ Skeleton.typeID ] = CullVisitor.prototype[ MatrixTransform.typeID ];
CullVisitor.prototype[ RigGeometry.typeID ] = CullVisitor.prototype[ Geometry.typeID ];
CullVisitor.prototype[ MorphGeometry.typeID ] = CullVisitor.prototype[ Geometry.typeID ];
CullVisitor.prototype[ Bone.typeID ] = CullVisitor.prototype[ MatrixTransform.typeID ];
module.exports = CullVisitor;