
395 wiersze
15 KiB

'use strict';
var MACROUTILS = require( 'osg/Utils' );
var BoundingSphere = require( 'osg/BoundingSphere' );
var Camera = require( 'osg/Camera' );
var ComputeMatrixFromNodePath = require( 'osg/computeMatrixFromNodePath' );
var CullSettings = require( 'osg/CullSettings' );
var CullingSet = require( 'osg/CullingSet' );
var mat4 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).mat4;
var Plane = require( 'osg/Plane' );
var MatrixMemoryPool = require( 'osg/MatrixMemoryPool' );
var Transform = require( 'osg/Transform' );
var Notify = require( 'osg/notify' );
var TransformEnums = require( 'osg/transformEnums' );
var vec3 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).vec3;
var CullStack = function () {
this._modelViewMatrixStack = [];
this._projectionMatrixStack = [];
this._viewportStack = [];
this._cullingSetStack = [];
this._frustumVolume = -1.0;
this._bbCornerFar = 0;
this._bbCornerNear = 0;
// keep a matrix in memory to avoid to create matrix
this._reservedMatrixStack = new MatrixMemoryPool();
this._reserveCullingSetStack = [
new CullingSet()
this._reserveCullingSetStack.current = 0;
// data for caching camera matrix inverse for computation of world/view
// contains index of the camera node in the nodepath
this._cameraIndexStack = [];
// contains index of the camera modelview matrix in the modelViewMatrixStack
this._cameraModelViewIndexStack = [];
// contains the id has a key to computed Inverse Matrix
this._cameraMatrixInverse = [];
this._cameraMatrixInverseRoot = undefined;
CullStack.prototype = MACROUTILS.objectInherit( CullSettings.prototype, {
_getReservedCullingSet: function () {
var m = this._reserveCullingSetStack[ this._reserveCullingSetStack.current++ ];
if ( this._reserveCullingSetStack.current === this._reserveCullingSetStack.length ) {
this._reserveCullingSetStack.push( new CullingSet() );
return m;
reset: function () {
this._modelViewMatrixStack.length = 0;
this._projectionMatrixStack.length = 0;
this._cullingSetStack.length = 0;
this._reserveCullingSetStack.current = 0;
this._cameraModelViewIndexStack.length = 0;
this._cameraIndexStack.length = 0;
this._cameraMatrixInverse.length = 0;
this._cameraMatrixInverseRoot = undefined;
getProjectionMatrixStack: function () {
return this._projectionMatrixStack;
getCurrentProjectionMatrix: function () {
return this._projectionMatrixStack[ this._projectionMatrixStack.length - 1 ];
getCurrentModelViewMatrix: function () {
return this._modelViewMatrixStack[ this._modelViewMatrixStack.length - 1 ];
getCurrentModelviewMatrix: function () {
Notify.warn( 'deprecated switch to getCurrentModelViewMatrix' );
return this.getCurrentModelViewMatrix();
getCameraInverseMatrix: function () {
// Return or compute and cache the MatrixInverse of the last
// active camera in absolute reference
// if no index the camera inverse is the root with an fake id
if ( !this._cameraIndexStack.length )
return this._cameraMatrixInverseRoot;
var idx = this._cameraIndexStack[ this._cameraIndexStack.length - 1 ];
// get the camera node
var camera = this.getNodePath()[ idx ];
var id = camera.getInstanceID();
if ( this._cameraMatrixInverse[ id ] === undefined ) {
var indexInModelViewMatrixStack = this._cameraModelViewIndexStack[ this._cameraModelViewIndexStack.length - 1 ];
var mat = this._modelViewMatrixStack[ indexInModelViewMatrixStack ];
var matInverse = this._reservedMatrixStack.get();
mat4.invert( matInverse, mat );
this._cameraMatrixInverse[ id ] = matInverse;
return this._cameraMatrixInverse[ id ];
getCurrentModelMatrix: function () {
// Improvment could be to cache more things
// and / or use this method only if the shader use it
var invMatrix = this.getCameraInverseMatrix();
var m = this._reservedMatrixStack.get();
var world = mat4.mul( m, invMatrix, this.getCurrentModelViewMatrix() );
return world;
getCurrentViewMatrix: function () {
// Improvment could be to cache more things
// and / or use this method only if the shader use it
if ( !this._cameraIndexStack.length )
return this._modelViewMatrixStack[ 0 ];
// also we could keep the index of the current to avoid lenght-1 at each access
// it's implemented in osg like that:
var idx = this._cameraModelViewIndexStack[ this._cameraModelViewIndexStack.length - 1 ];
return this._modelViewMatrixStack[ idx ];
getViewport: function () {
if ( this._viewportStack.length === 0 ) {
return undefined;
return this._viewportStack[ this._viewportStack.length - 1 ];
getLookVectorLocal: function ( outLookVector ) {
var lookVectorLocal = this.getCurrentModelViewMatrix();
return vec3.set( outLookVector, -lookVectorLocal[ 2 ], -lookVectorLocal[ 6 ], -lookVectorLocal[ 10 ] );
pushViewport: function ( vp ) {
this._viewportStack.push( vp );
popViewport: function () {
getFrustumPlanes: ( function () {
var mvp = mat4.create();
return function ( out, projection, view, withNearFar ) {
mat4.mul( mvp, projection, view );
var computeNearFar = !!withNearFar;
// Right clipping plane.
var right = out[ 0 ];
right[ 0 ] = mvp[ 3 ] - mvp[ 0 ];
right[ 1 ] = mvp[ 7 ] - mvp[ 4 ];
right[ 2 ] = mvp[ 11 ] - mvp[ 8 ];
right[ 3 ] = mvp[ 15 ] - mvp[ 12 ];
// Left clipping plane.
var left = out[ 1 ];
left[ 0 ] = mvp[ 3 ] + mvp[ 0 ];
left[ 1 ] = mvp[ 7 ] + mvp[ 4 ];
left[ 2 ] = mvp[ 11 ] + mvp[ 8 ];
left[ 3 ] = mvp[ 15 ] + mvp[ 12 ];
// Bottom clipping plane.
var bottom = out[ 2 ];
bottom[ 0 ] = mvp[ 3 ] + mvp[ 1 ];
bottom[ 1 ] = mvp[ 7 ] + mvp[ 5 ];
bottom[ 2 ] = mvp[ 11 ] + mvp[ 9 ];
bottom[ 3 ] = mvp[ 15 ] + mvp[ 13 ];
// Top clipping plane.
var top = out[ 3 ];
top[ 0 ] = mvp[ 3 ] - mvp[ 1 ];
top[ 1 ] = mvp[ 7 ] - mvp[ 5 ];
top[ 2 ] = mvp[ 11 ] - mvp[ 9 ];
top[ 3 ] = mvp[ 15 ] - mvp[ 13 ];
if ( computeNearFar ) {
// Far clipping plane.
var far = out[ 4 ];
far[ 0 ] = mvp[ 3 ] - mvp[ 2 ];
far[ 1 ] = mvp[ 7 ] - mvp[ 6 ];
far[ 2 ] = mvp[ 11 ] - mvp[ 10 ];
far[ 3 ] = mvp[ 15 ] - mvp[ 14 ];
// Near clipping plane.
var near = out[ 5 ];
near[ 0 ] = mvp[ 3 ] + mvp[ 2 ];
near[ 1 ] = mvp[ 7 ] + mvp[ 6 ];
near[ 2 ] = mvp[ 11 ] + mvp[ 10 ];
near[ 3 ] = mvp[ 15 ] + mvp[ 14 ];
//Normalize the planes
var j = withNearFar ? 6 : 4;
for ( var i = 0; i < j; i++ ) {
Plane.normalizeEquation( out[ i ] );
} )(),
pushCullingSet: function () {
var cs = this._getReservedCullingSet();
if ( this._enableFrustumCulling ) {
mat4.getFrustumPlanes( cs.getFrustum().getPlanes(), this.getCurrentProjectionMatrix(), this.getCurrentModelViewMatrix(), false );
// TODO: no far no near.
// should check if we have them
// should add at least a near 0 clip if not
cs.getFrustum().setupMask( 4 );
this._cullingSetStack.push( cs );
popCullingSet: function () {
return this._cullingSetStack.pop();
getCurrentCullingSet: function () {
return this._cullingSetStack[ this._cullingSetStack.length - 1 ];
pushCurrentMask: function () {
var cs = this.getCurrentCullingSet();
if ( cs ) cs.pushCurrentMask();
popCurrentMask: function () {
var cs = this.getCurrentCullingSet();
if ( cs ) cs.popCurrentMask();
isVerticesCulled: function ( vertices ) {
if ( !this._enableFrustumCulling )
return false;
return this.getCurrentCullingSet().isVerticesCulled( vertices );
isBoundingBoxCulled: function ( bb ) {
if ( !this._enableFrustumCulling )
return false;
return bb.valid() && this.getCurrentCullingSet().isBoundingBoxCulled( bb );
isBoundingSphereCulled: function ( bs ) {
if ( !this._enableFrustumCulling )
return false;
return bs.valid() && this.getCurrentCullingSet().isBoundingSphereCulled( bs );
isCulled: ( function () {
var bsWorld = new BoundingSphere();
return function ( node, nodePath ) {
if ( !this._enableFrustumCulling )
return false;
if ( node.isCullingActive() ) {
if ( this.getCurrentCullingSet().getCurrentResultMask() === 0 )
return false; // father bounding sphere totally inside
var matrix = this._reservedMatrixStack.get();
mat4.identity( matrix );
// TODO: Perf just get World Matrix at each node transform
// store it in a World Transform Node Path (only world matrix change)
// so that it's computed once and reused for each further node getCurrentModel
// otherwise, it's 1 mult for each node, each matrix node, and each geometry
//matrix = this.getCurrentModelMatrix();
// tricky: change push be before isculled, and pop in case of culling
// strange bug for now on frustum culling sample with that
if ( node instanceof Transform ) {
// tricky: MatrixTransform getBound is already transformed to
// its local space whereas nodepath also have its matrix ...
// so to get world space, you HAVE to remove that matrix from nodePATH
// TODO: GC Perf of array slice creating new array
matrix = ComputeMatrixFromNodePath.computeLocalToWorld( nodePath.slice( 0, nodePath.length - 1 ), true, matrix );
} else {
matrix = ComputeMatrixFromNodePath.computeLocalToWorld( nodePath, true, matrix );
// Matrix.transformBoundingSphere( matrix, node.getBound(), bsWorld );
node.getBound().transformMat4( bsWorld, matrix );
return this.getCurrentCullingSet().isBoundingSphereCulled( bsWorld );
} else {
return false;
} )(),
pushModelViewMatrix: ( function () {
var lookVector = vec3.create();
return function ( matrix ) {
// When pushing a matrix, it can be a transform or camera. To compute
// differents matrix type in shader ( ViewMatrix/ModelMatrix/ModelViewMatrix )
// we track camera node when using pushModelViewMatrix
// To detect a camera, we check on the nodepath the type of the node and if the
// camera is relatif or absolute.
// When we detect an absolute camera we keep it's index to get it when needed to
// compute the World/View matrix
// Th ere is an exception for the root camera, the root camera is not pushed on the
// CullVisitor but only its matrixes, so to handle this we compute the inverse camera
// when the nodepath has a lenght of 0
// To avoid to compute too much inverse matrix, we keep a cache of them during the
// traverse and store the result under the instanceID key, except for the root
var np = this.getNodePath();
var length = np.length;
if ( !length ) { // root
var matInverse = this._reservedMatrixStack.get();
mat4.invert( matInverse, matrix );
this._cameraMatrixInverseRoot = matInverse;
} else {
var index = length - 1;
if ( np[ index ].getTypeID() === Camera.getTypeID() && np[ index ].getReferenceFrame() === TransformEnums.ABSOLUTE_RF ) {
this._cameraIndexStack.push( index );
this._cameraModelViewIndexStack.push( this._modelViewMatrixStack.length );
this._modelViewMatrixStack.push( matrix );
this.getLookVectorLocal( lookVector );
/*jshint bitwise: false */
this._bbCornerFar = ( lookVector[ 0 ] >= 0 ? 1 : 0 ) | ( lookVector[ 1 ] >= 0 ? 2 : 0 ) | ( lookVector[ 2 ] >= 0 ? 4 : 0 );
this._bbCornerNear = ( ~this._bbCornerFar ) & 7;
/*jshint bitwise: true */
} )(),
popModelViewMatrix: ( function () {
var lookVector = vec3.create();
return function () {
// if same index it's a camera and we have to pop it
var np = this.getNodePath();
var index = np.length - 1;
if ( this._cameraIndexStack.length && index === this._cameraIndexStack[ this._cameraIndexStack.length - 1 ] ) {
if ( this._modelViewMatrixStack.length !== 0 ) {
this.getLookVectorLocal( lookVector );
} else {
vec3.set( lookVector, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 );
/*jshint bitwise: false */
this._bbCornerFar = ( lookVector[ 0 ] >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : 0.0 ) | ( lookVector[ 1 ] >= 0 ? 2.0 : 0.0 ) | ( lookVector[ 2 ] >= 0 ? 4.0 : 0.0 );
this._bbCornerNear = ( ~this._bbCornerFar ) & 7;
/*jshint bitwise: true */
} )(),
pushProjectionMatrix: function ( matrix ) {
this._projectionMatrixStack.push( matrix );
// need to recompute frustum volume.
this._frustumVolume = -1.0;
popProjectionMatrix: function () {
// need to recompute frustum volume.
this._frustumVolume = -1.0;
} );
module.exports = CullStack;