
196 wiersze
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'use strict';
var BoundingBox = require( 'osg/BoundingBox' );
var Notify = require( 'osg/notify' );
var vec3 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).vec3;
var mat4 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).mat4;
var BoundingSphere = function () {
this._center = vec3.create();
this._radius = -1.0;
BoundingSphere.prototype = {
init: function () {
vec3.init( this._center );
this._radius = -1.0;
valid: function () {
return this._radius >= 0.0;
set: function ( center, radius ) {
this._center = center;
this._radius = radius;
center: function () {
return this._center;
radius: function () {
return this._radius;
radius2: function () {
return this._radius * this._radius;
expandByBoundingBox: ( function () {
var v = vec3.create();
var newbb = new BoundingBox();
return function ( bb ) {
if ( !bb.valid() )
if ( this.valid() ) {
vec3.copy( newbb._min, bb._min );
vec3.copy( newbb._max, bb._max );
for ( var i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
vec3.sub( v, bb.corner( i, v ), this._center ); // get the direction vector from corner
vec3.normalize( v, v ); // normalise it.
vec3.scaleAndAdd( v, this._center, v, -this._radius ); // move the vector in the opposite direction distance radius.
newbb.expandByvec3( v ); // add it into the new bounding box.
} this._center );
this._radius = newbb.radius();
} else { this._center );
this._radius = bb.radius();
} )(),
expandByBox: function ( bb ) {
Notify.log( 'BoundingSphere.expandByBox is deprecated, use instead BoundingSphere.expandByBoundingBox' );
return this.expandByBoundingBox( bb );
expandByvec3: ( function () {
var dv = vec3.create();
return function ( v ) {
if ( this.valid() ) {
vec3.sub( dv, v, dv ) );
var r = vec3.length( dv );
if ( r > this.radius() ) {
var dr = ( r - this.radius() ) * 0.5;
this._center[ 0 ] += dv[ 0 ] * ( dr / r );
this._center[ 1 ] += dv[ 1 ] * ( dr / r );
this._center[ 2 ] += dv[ 2 ] * ( dr / r );
this._radius += dr;
} else {
this._center[ 0 ] = v[ 0 ];
this._center[ 1 ] = v[ 1 ];
this._center[ 2 ] = v[ 2 ];
this._radius = 0.0;
} )(),
expandRadiusBySphere: function ( sh ) {
if ( sh.valid() ) {
if ( this.valid() ) {
var r = vec3.distance( this._center, sh._center ) + sh._radius;
if ( r > this._radius ) {
this._radius = r;
// else do nothing as vertex is within sphere.
} else {
vec3.copy( this._center, sh._center );
this._radius = sh._radius;
expandBy: function ( bs ) {
Notify.log( 'BoundingSphere.expandBy is deprecated, use instead BoundingSphere.expandByBoundingSphere' );
this.expandByBoundingSphere( bs );
expandByBoundingSphere: function ( sh ) {
// ignore operation if incomming BoundingSphere is invalid.
if ( !sh.valid() ) {
// This sphere is not set so use the inbound sphere
if ( !this.valid() ) {
this._center[ 0 ] = sh._center[ 0 ];
this._center[ 1 ] = sh._center[ 1 ];
this._center[ 2 ] = sh._center[ 2 ];
this._radius = sh.radius();
// Calculate d == The distance between the sphere centers
var d = vec3.distance(, );
// New sphere is already inside this one
if ( d + sh.radius() <= this.radius() ) {
// New sphere completely contains this one
if ( d + this.radius() <= sh.radius() ) {
this._center[ 0 ] = sh._center[ 0 ];
this._center[ 1 ] = sh._center[ 1 ];
this._center[ 2 ] = sh._center[ 2 ];
this._radius = sh._radius;
// Build a new sphere that completely contains the other two:
// The center point lies halfway along the line between the furthest
// points on the edges of the two spheres.
// Computing those two points is ugly - so we'll use similar triangles
var newRadius = ( this.radius() + d + sh.radius() ) * 0.5;
var ratio = ( newRadius - this.radius() ) / d;
this._center[ 0 ] += ( sh._center[ 0 ] - this._center[ 0 ] ) * ratio;
this._center[ 1 ] += ( sh._center[ 1 ] - this._center[ 1 ] ) * ratio;
this._center[ 2 ] += ( sh._center[ 2 ] - this._center[ 2 ] ) * ratio;
this._radius = newRadius;
contains: function ( v ) {
if ( !this.valid() )
return false;
return vec3.sqrDist(, v ) <= this.radius2();
intersects: function ( bs ) {
if ( !this.valid() || !bs.valid() )
return false;
var r = this.radius() + bs.radius();
return vec3.sqrDist(, ) <= r * r;
transformMat4: ( function () {
var scaleVec = vec3.create();
return function ( out, matrix ) {
if ( !this.valid() ) return out;
if ( out._center !== this._center ) {
vec3.copy( out._center, this._center );
out._radius = this._radius;
var sphCenter = out._center;
var sphRadius = out._radius;
mat4.getSqrScale( scaleVec, matrix );
var scale = Math.sqrt( Math.max( Math.max( scaleVec[ 0 ], scaleVec[ 1 ] ), scaleVec[ 2 ] ) );
sphRadius = sphRadius * scale;
out._radius = sphRadius;
vec3.transformMat4( sphCenter, sphCenter, matrix );
return out;
} )()
module.exports = BoundingSphere;