
333 wiersze
13 KiB

'use strict';
var MACROUTILS = require( 'osg/Utils' );
var Transform = require( 'osg/Transform' );
var vec3 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).vec3;
var vec4 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).vec4;
var quat = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).quat;
var mat4 = require( 'osg/glMatrix' ).mat4;
var NodeVisitor = require( 'osg/NodeVisitor' );
var TransformEnums = require( 'osg/transformEnums' );
var Node = require( 'osg/Node' );
/** AutoTransform is a derived form of Transform that automatically
* scales or rotates to keep its children aligned with screen coordinates.
* W.r.t. AutorotateModes only rotate to screen is supported right now.
* More AutorotateModes modes should be addressed in the future.
* @class AutoTransform
var AutoTransform = function () { this );
this._matrix = mat4.create();
this._position = vec3.create();
this._matrixDirty = true;
this._scale = vec3.fromValues( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
this._minimumScale = 0;
this._maximumScale = Number.MAX_VALUE;
this._rotation = quat.create();
this._pivotPoint = vec3.create();
this._autoScaleToScreen = false;
this._autoRotateToScreen = false;
this._cachedMatrix = mat4.create();
this._firstTimeToInitEyePoint = true;
this._autoScaleTransitionWidthRatio = 0.25;
this._billboardAttribute = undefined;
this._previousWidth = 0.0;
this._previousHeight = 0.0;
this._previousProjection = mat4.create();
this._previousModelView = mat4.create();
this._previousPosition = vec3.create();
/** @lends Autotransform.prototype */
AutoTransform.prototype = MACROUTILS.objectLibraryClass( MACROUTILS.objectInherit( Transform.prototype, {
getMatrix: function () {
return this._matrix;
setMatrix: function ( m ) {
this._matrix = m;
setPosition: function ( pos ) {
this._position = pos;
this._matrixDirty = true;
getPosition: function () {
return this._position;
setRotation: function ( q ) {
this._rotation = q;
this._matrixDirty = true;
getRotation: function () {
return this._rotation;
setScale: function ( scale ) {
this.setScaleFromvec3( vec3.fromValues( scale, scale, scale ) );
setScaleFromvec3: function ( scaleVec ) {
this._scale = scaleVec;
this._matrixDirty = true;
getScale: function () {
return this._scale;
setMinimumScale: function ( minimumScale ) {
this._minimumScale = minimumScale;
getMinimumScale: function () {
return this._minimumScale;
setMaximumScale: function ( maximumScale ) {
this._maximumScale = maximumScale;
getMaximumScale: function () {
return this._maximumScale;
setAutoScaleToScreen: function ( autoScaleToScreen ) {
this._autoScaleToScreen = autoScaleToScreen;
this._matrixDirty = true;
getAutoScaleToScreen: function () {
return this._autoScaleToScreen;
setAutoRotateToScreen: function ( value ) {
this._autoRotateToScreen = value;
getAutoRotateToScreen: function () {
return this._autoRotateToScreen;
setAutoScaleTransitionWidthRatio: function ( autoScaleTransitionWidthRatio ) {
this._autoScaleTransitionWidthRatio = autoScaleTransitionWidthRatio;
getAutoScaleTransitionWidthRatio: function () {
return this._autoScaleTransitionWidthRatio;
// local to "local world" (not Global World)
computeLocalToWorldMatrix: function ( matrix /*, nodeVisitor */ ) {
if ( this._matrixDirty ) this.computeMatrix();
if ( this.referenceFrame === TransformEnums.RELATIVE_RF ) {
mat4.mul( matrix, matrix, this._matrix );
} else {
mat4.copy( matrix, this._matrix );
computeMatrix: ( function () {
var neg = vec3.create();
var tmpMat = mat4.create();
return function () {
if ( !this._matrixDirty ) return;
mat4.fromQuat( this._matrix, this._rotation );
mat4.fromTranslation( tmpMat, this._position );
mat4.mul( this._matrix, tmpMat, this._matrix );
mat4.scale( this._matrix, this._matrix, this._scale );
mat4.translate( this._matrix, this._matrix, vec3.neg( neg, this._pivotPoint ) );
this._matrixDirty = false;
} )(),
computeWorldToLocalMatrix: ( function () {
var neg = vec3.create();
var rotInverse = quat.create();
var scaleInverse = vec3.create();
var tmpMat = mat4.create();
return function ( matrix /*, nodeVisitor */ ) {
if ( this.scale[ 0 ] === 0.0 && this.scale[ 1 ] === 0.0 && this.scale[ 2 ] === 0.0 ) {
return false;
scaleInverse[ 0 ] = 1.0 / this._scale[ 0 ];
scaleInverse[ 1 ] = 1.0 / this._scale[ 1 ];
scaleInverse[ 2 ] = 1.0 / this._scale[ 2 ];
if ( this.referenceFrame === TransformEnums.RELATIVE_RF ) {
mat4.fromTranslation( tmpMat, vec3.neg( neg, this._position ) );
mat4.mul( matrix, tmpMat, matrix );
if ( !quat.zeroRotation( this._rotation ) ) {
mat4.fromQuat( tmpMat, quat.invert( rotInverse, this._rotation ) );
mat4.mul( matrix, tmpMat, matrix );
mat4.fromScaling( tmpMat, scaleInverse );
mat4.mul( matrix, tmpMat, matrix );
mat4.fromTranslation( tmpMat, this._pivotPoint );
mat4.mul( matrix, tmpMat, matrix );
} else { // absolute
mat4.fromQuat( this._matrix, quat.invert( rotInverse, this._rotation ) );
mat4.translate( matrix, matrix, vec3.neg( neg, this._position ) );
mat4.fromScaling( tmpMat, scaleInverse );
mat4.mul( matrix, tmpMat, matrix );
mat4.fromTranslation( tmpMat, this._pivotPoint );
mat4.mul( matrix, tmpMat, matrix );
return true;
} )(),
computeBound: ( function () {
var matrix = mat4.create();
return function ( bSphere ) {
if ( this._autoScaleToScreen && this._firstTimeToInitEyePoint )
return bSphere; this, bSphere );
if ( !bSphere.valid() ) {
return bSphere;
mat4.identity( matrix );
// local to local world (not Global World)
this.computeLocalToWorldMatrix( matrix );
//Matrix.transformBoundingSphere( matrix, bSphere, bSphere );
bSphere.transformMat4( bSphere, matrix );
return bSphere;
} )(),
accept: ( function () {
return function ( visitor ) {
if ( visitor.getVisitorType() === NodeVisitor.CULL_VISITOR ) {
var width = visitor.getViewport().width();
var height = visitor.getViewport().height();
var projMat = visitor.getCurrentProjectionMatrix();
var modelViewMat = visitor.getCurrentModelViewMatrix();
var position = this._position;
var doUpdate = this._firstTimeToInitEyePoint;
if ( !this._firstTimeToInitEyePoint ) {
if ( width !== this._previousWidth || height !== this._previousHeight ) {
doUpdate = true;
} else if ( !mat4.exactEquals( projMat, this._previousProjection ) ) {
doUpdate = true;
} else if ( !mat4.exactEquals( modelViewMat, this._previousModelView ) ) {
doUpdate = true;
} else if ( !vec3.exactEquals( position, this._previousPosition ) ) {
doUpdate = true;
this._firstTimeToInitEyePoint = false;
if ( doUpdate ) {
if ( this._autoScaleToScreen ) {
var viewport = visitor.getViewport();
var psvector = this.computePixelSizeVector( viewport, projMat, modelViewMat );
var v = vec4.fromValues( this._position[ 0 ], this._position[ 1 ], this._position[ 2 ], 1.0 );
var pixelSize = v, psvector );
pixelSize = 0.48 / pixelSize;
var size = 1.0 / pixelSize;
if ( this._autoScaleTransitionWidthRatio > 0.0 ) {
var c, b, a;
if ( this._minimumScale > 0.0 ) {
var j = this._minimumScale;
var i = ( this._maximumScale < Number.MAX_VALUE ) ?
this._minimumScale + ( this._maximumScale - this._minimumScale ) * this._autoScaleTransitionWidthRatio :
this._minimumScale * ( 1.0 + this._autoScaleTransitionWidthRatio );
c = 1.0 / ( 4.0 * ( i - j ) );
b = 1.0 - 2.0 * c * i;
a = j + b * b / ( 4.0 * c );
var k = -b / ( 2.0 * c );
if ( size < k ) size = this._minimumScale;
else if ( size < i ) size = a + b * size + c * ( size * size );
if ( this._maximumScale < Number.MAX_VALUE ) {
var n = this._maximumScale;
var m = ( this._minimumScale > 0.0 ) ?
this._maximumScale + ( this._minimumScale - this._maximumScale ) * this._autoScaleTransitionWidthRatio :
this._maximumScale * ( 1.0 - this._autoScaleTransitionWidthRatio );
c = 1.0 / ( 4.0 * ( m - n ) );
b = 1.0 - 2.0 * c * m;
a = n + b * b / ( 4.0 * c );
var p = -b / ( 2.0 * c );
if ( size > p ) size = this._maximumScale;
else if ( size > m ) size = a + b * size + c * ( size * size );
this.setScale( size );
if ( this._autoRotateToScreen ) {
var rotation = quat.create();
mat4.getRotation( rotation, modelViewMat );
this.setRotation( quat.invert( rotation, rotation ) );
this._previousWidth = width;
this._previousHeight = height;
vec3.copy( this._previousPosition, position );
mat4.copy( this._previousProjection, projMat );
mat4.copy( this._previousModelView, modelViewMat );
} this, visitor );
} )(),
computePixelSizeVector: ( function () {
var scale00 = vec3.create();
var scale10 = vec3.create();
return function ( W, P, M ) {
// Where W = viewport, P = ProjectionMatrix, M = ModelViewMatrix
// Comment from OSG:
// pre adjust P00,P20,P23,P33 by multiplying them by the viewport window matrix.
// here we do it in short hand with the knowledge of how the window matrix is formed
// note P23,P33 are multiplied by an implicit 1 which would come from the window matrix.
// scaling for horizontal pixels
var P00 = P[ 0 ] * W.width() * 0.5;
var P20_00 = P[ 8 ] * W.width() * 0.5 + P[ 11 ] * W.width() * 0.5;
vec3.set( scale00, M[ 0 ] * P00 + M[ 2 ] * P20_00,
M[ 4 ] * P00 + M[ 6 ] * P20_00,
M[ 8 ] * P00 + M[ 10 ] * P20_00 );
// scaling for vertical pixels
var P10 = P[ 5 ] * W.height() * 0.5;
var P20_10 = P[ 9 ] * W.height() * 0.5 + P[ 11 ] * W.height() * 0.5;
vec3.set( scale10, M[ 1 ] * P10 + M[ 2 ] * P20_10,
M[ 5 ] * P10 + M[ 6 ] * P20_10,
M[ 9 ] * P10 + M[ 10 ] * P20_10 );
var P23 = P[ 11 ];
var P33 = P[ 15 ];
var pixelSizeVector = vec4.fromValues( M[ 2 ] * P23, M[ 6 ] * P23, M[ 10 ] * P23, M[ 14 ] * P23 + M[ 15 ] * P33 );
var scaleRatio = 0.7071067811 / Math.sqrt( vec3.sqrLen( scale00 ) + vec3.sqrLen( scale10 ) );
vec4.scale( pixelSizeVector, pixelSizeVector, scaleRatio );
return pixelSizeVector;
} )()
} ), 'osg', 'AutoTransform' );
MACROUTILS.setTypeID( AutoTransform );
module.exports = AutoTransform;