
433 wiersze
14 KiB

from genericpath import isfile
import importlib
import json
from posixpath import join
import time
import requests
import os
from os import listdir, path
from app import models, pending_actions
from app.plugins.views import TaskView
from app.plugins.worker import run_function_async, task
from app.plugins import get_current_plugin
from app.models import ImageUpload
from app.plugins import GlobalDataStore, get_site_settings, signals as plugin_signals
from coreplugins.dronedb.ddb import DEFAULT_HUB_URL, DroneDB, parse_url, verify_url
from django.dispatch import receiver
from worker.celery import app
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework import status
VALID_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = ['.tiff', '.tif', '.png', '.jpeg', '.jpg']
def is_valid(file):
_, file_extension = path.splitext(file)
return file_extension.lower() in VALID_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS or file == 'gcp_list.txt' or file == 'geo.txt'
def get_settings(request):
ds = get_current_plugin().get_user_data_store(request.user)
registry_url = ds.get_string('registry_url') or DEFAULT_HUB_URL
username = ds.get_string('username') or None
password = ds.get_string('password') or None
token = ds.get_string('token') or None
return registry_url, username, password, token
def update_token(request, token):
ds = get_current_plugin().get_user_data_store(request.user)
ds.set_string('token', token)
def get_ddb(request):
registry_url, username, password, token = get_settings(request)
if registry_url == None or username == None or password == None:
raise ValueError('Credentials must be set.')
return DroneDB(registry_url, username, password, token, lambda token: update_token(request, token))
def to_web_protocol(registry_url):
return registry_url.replace('ddb+unsafe://', 'http://').replace('ddb://', 'https://').rstrip('/')
class CheckCredentialsTaskView(TaskView):
def post(self, request):
# Read form data
hub_url ='hubUrl', None)
username ='userName', None)
password ='password', None)
# Make sure both values are set
if hub_url == None or username == None or password == None:
return Response({'error': 'All fields must be set.'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
ddb = DroneDB(hub_url, username, password)
return Response({'success': ddb.login()}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
except(Exception) as e:
return Response({'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
class OrganizationsTaskView(TaskView):
def get(self, request):
ddb = get_ddb(request)
orgs = ddb.get_organizations()
return Response(orgs, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
except Exception as e:
return Response({'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
class DatasetsTaskView(TaskView):
def get(self, request, org=None):
if org == None:
return Response({'error': 'Organization must be set.'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
ddb = get_ddb(request)
dss = ddb.get_datasets(org)
return Response(dss, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
except Exception as e:
return Response({'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
class FoldersTaskView(TaskView):
def get(self, request, org=None, ds=None):
if org == None or ds == None:
return Response({'error': 'Organization and dataset must be set.'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
ddb = get_ddb(request)
folders = ddb.get_folders(org, ds)
return Response(folders, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
except Exception as e:
return Response({'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
class VerifyUrlTaskView(TaskView):
def post(self, request):
# Read form data
url ='url', None)
if url == None:
return Response({'error': 'Url must be set.'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
_, username, password, _ = get_settings(request)
result, org, ds, folder, count, size = verify_url(url, username, password).values()
if (not result):
return Response({'error': 'Invalid url.'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
return Response({'count': count, 'success': result, 'ds' : ds, 'org': org, 'folder': folder or None, 'size': size}
if org else {'success': False}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
except Exception as e:
return Response({'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
class InfoTaskView(TaskView):
def get(self, request):
registry_url, username, _, _ = get_settings(request)
return Response({ 'hubUrl': registry_url, 'username': username }, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
class ImportDatasetTaskView(TaskView):
def post(self, request, project_pk=None, pk=None):
task = self.get_and_check_task(request, pk)
# Read form data
ddb_url ='ddb_url', None)
if ddb_url == None:
return Response({'error': 'DroneDB url must be set.'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
registry_url, orgSlug, dsSlug, folder = parse_url(ddb_url).values()
_, username, password, token = get_settings(request)
ddb = DroneDB(registry_url, username, password, token, lambda token: update_token(request, token))
# Get the files from the folder
rawfiles = ddb.get_files_list(orgSlug, dsSlug, folder)
files = [file for file in rawfiles if is_valid(file['path'])]
# Verify that the folder url is valid
if len(files) == 0:
return Response({'error': 'Empty dataset or folder.'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
# Update the task with the new information
task.console_output += "Importing {} images...\n".format(len(files))
task.images_count = len(files)
task.pending_action = pending_actions.IMPORT
# Associate the folder url with the project and task
combined_id = "{}_{}".format(project_pk, pk)
datastore = get_current_plugin().get_global_data_store()
datastore.set_json(combined_id, {
"ddbUrl": ddb_url,
"token": ddb.token,
"ddbWebUrl": "{}/r/{}/{}/{}".format(to_web_protocol(registry_url), orgSlug, dsSlug, folder.rstrip('/'))
# Start importing the files in the background
serialized = {'token': ddb.token, 'files': files}
run_function_async(import_files,, serialized)
return Response({}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
def import_files(task_id, carrier):
import requests
from app import models
from app.plugins import logger
files = carrier['files']
#headers = CaseInsensitiveDict()
headers = {}
if carrier['token'] != None:
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + carrier['token']
def download_file(task, file):
path = task.task_path(file['name'])"Downloading file: " + file['url'])
download_stream = requests.get(file['url'], stream=True, timeout=60, headers=headers)
with open(path, 'wb') as fd:
for chunk in download_stream.iter_content(4096):
models.ImageUpload.objects.create(task=task, image=path)"Will import {} files".format(len(files)))
task = models.Task.objects.get(pk=task_id)
downloaded_total = 0
for file in files:
download_file(task, file)
models.Task.objects.filter( / float(len(files))))
downloaded_total += 1
except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as e:
raise NodeServerError(e)
task.pending_action = None
task.processing_time = 0
task.partial = False
class CheckUrlTaskView(TaskView):
def get(self, request, project_pk=None, pk=None):
# Assert that task exists
self.get_and_check_task(request, pk)
# Check if there is an imported url associated with the project and task
combined_id = "{}_{}".format(project_pk, pk)
data = get_current_plugin().get_global_data_store().get_json(combined_id, default = None)
if data == None or 'ddbWebUrl' not in data:
return Response({'ddbWebUrl': None}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
return Response({'ddbUrl': data['ddbWebUrl']}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
def get_status_key(task_id):
return '{}_ddb'.format(task_id)
@receiver(plugin_signals.task_removed, dispatch_uid="ddb_on_task_removed")
@receiver(plugin_signals.task_completed, dispatch_uid="ddb_on_task_completed")
def ddb_cleanup(sender, task_id, **kwargs):
from app.plugins import logger
# When a task is removed, simply remove clutter
# When a task is re-processed, make sure we can re-share it if we shared a task previously"Cleaning up DroneDB datastore for task {}".format(str(task_id)))
datastore = get_current_plugin().get_global_data_store()
status_key = get_status_key(task_id)"Info task {0} ({1})".format(str(task_id), status_key))
class StatusTaskView(TaskView):
def get(self, request, pk):
task = self.get_and_check_task(request, pk)
# Associate the folder url with the project and task
status_key = get_status_key(pk)
datastore = get_current_plugin().get_global_data_store()
task_info = datastore.get_json(status_key, {
'status': 0, # Idle
'shareUrl': None,
'uploadedFiles': 0,
'totalFiles': 0,
'uploadedSize': 0,
'totalSize': 0,
'error': None
return Response(task_info, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
class ShareTaskView(TaskView):
def post(self, request, pk):
from app.plugins import logger
task = self.get_and_check_task(request, pk)
status_key = get_status_key(pk)
datastore = get_current_plugin().get_global_data_store()
data = {
'status': 1, # Running
'shareUrl': None,
'uploadedFiles': 0,
'totalFiles': 0,
'uploadedSize': 0,
'totalSize': 0,
'error': None
datastore.set_json(status_key, data)
settings = get_settings(request)
available_assets = [task.get_asset_file_or_zipstream(f)[0] for f in list(set(task.available_assets) & set(DRONEDB_ASSETS))]
if '' in task.available_assets:
texture_files = [join(task.assets_path('odm_texturing'), f) for f in listdir(task.assets_path('odm_texturing')) if isfile(join(task.assets_path('odm_texturing'), f))]
assets_path = task.assets_path()
files = [{'path': f, 'name': f[len(assets_path)+1:], 'size': os.path.getsize(f)} for f in available_assets]
share_to_ddb.delay(pk, settings, files)
return Response(data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
def share_to_ddb(pk, settings, files):
from app.plugins import logger
status_key = get_status_key(pk)
datastore = get_current_plugin().get_global_data_store()
registry_url, username, password, token = settings
ddb = DroneDB(registry_url, username, password, token)
# Init share (to check)
share_token = ddb.share_init()
status = datastore.get_json(status_key)
status['totalFiles'] = len(files)
status['totalSize'] = sum(i['size'] for i in files)
datastore.set_json(status_key, status)
for file in files:
# check that file exists
if not os.path.exists(file['path']):"File {} does not exist".format(file['path']))
attempt = 0
while attempt < 3:
attempt += 1
up = ddb.share_upload(share_token, file['path'], file['name'])"Uploaded " + file['name'] + " to Dronedb (hash: " + up['hash'] + ")")
status['uploadedFiles'] += 1
status['uploadedSize'] += file['size']
datastore.set_json(status_key, status)
except Exception as e:
if (attempt == 3):
logger.error("Error uploading file {}: {}".format(file['name'], str(e)))
status['error'] = "Error uploading file {}: {}".format(file['name'], str(e))
status['status'] = 2 # Error
datastore.set_json(status_key, status)
else:"Error uploading file {}: {}. Retrying...".format(file['name'], str(e)))
res = ddb.share_commit(share_token)
status['status'] = 3 # Done
status['shareUrl'] = registry_url + res['url']"Shared on url " + status['shareUrl'])
datastore.set_json(status_key, status)