kopia lustrzana https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/WebODM
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# Algos from https://github.com/dirceup/tiled-vegetation-indices/blob/master/app/lib/vegetation_index.rb
# Functions can use all of the supported functions and operators from
# https://numexpr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide.html#supported-operators
import re
from functools import lru_cache
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
algos = {
'NDVI': {
'expr': '(N - R) / (N + R)',
'help': _('Normalized Difference Vegetation Index shows the amount of green vegetation.')
'NDVI (Blue)': {
'expr': '(N - B) / (N + B)',
'help': _('Normalized Difference Vegetation Index shows the amount of green vegetation.')
'expr': '((N + G) - (2 * B)) / ((N + G) + (2 * B))',
'help': _('Enhanced Normalized Difference Vegetation Index is like NDVI, but uses Blue and Green bands instead of only Red to isolate plant health.')
'VARI': {
'expr': '(G - R) / (G + R - B)',
'help': _('Visual Atmospheric Resistance Index shows the areas of vegetation.'),
'range': (-1, 1)
'EXG': {
'expr': '(2 * G) - (R + B)',
'help': _('Excess Green Index (derived from only the RGB bands) emphasizes the greenness of leafy crops such as potatoes.')
'TGI': {
'expr': '(G - 0.39) * (R - 0.61) * B',
'help': _('Triangular Greenness Index (derived from only the RGB bands) performs similarly to EXG but with improvements over certain environments.')
'BAI': {
'expr': '1.0 / (((0.1 - R) ** 2) + ((0.06 - N) ** 2))',
'help': _('Burn Area Index hightlights burned land in the red to near-infrared spectrum.')
'GLI': {
'expr': '((G * 2) - R - B) / ((G * 2) + R + B)',
'help': _('Green Leaf Index shows greens leaves and stems.'),
'range': (-1, 1)
'expr': '(N - G) / (N + G)',
'help': _('Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index is similar to NDVI, but measures the green spectrum instead of red.')
'expr': 'N / G',
'help': _('Green Ratio Vegetation Index is sensitive to photosynthetic rates in forests.')
'expr': '(1.5 * (N - R)) / (N + R + 0.5)',
'help': _('Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index is similar to NDVI but attempts to remove the effects of soil areas using an adjustment factor (0.5).')
'expr': '((N ** 2 - R) * 1.5) / (N ** 2 + R + 0.5)',
'help': _('Modified Non-Linear Index improves the Non-Linear Index algorithm to account for soil areas.')
'MSR': {
'expr': '((N / R) - 1) / (sqrt(N / R) + 1)',
'help': _('Modified Simple Ratio is an improvement of the Simple Ratio (SR) index to be more sensitive to vegetation.')
'RDVI': {
'expr': '(N - R) / sqrt(N + R)',
'help': _('Renormalized Difference Vegetation Index uses the difference between near-IR and red, plus NDVI to show areas of healthy vegetation.')
'TDVI': {
'expr': '1.5 * ((N - R) / sqrt(N ** 2 + R + 0.5))',
'help': _('Transformed Difference Vegetation Index highlights vegetation cover in urban environments.')
'OSAVI': {
'expr': '(N - R) / (N + R + 0.16)',
'help': _('Optimized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index is based on SAVI, but tends to work better in areas with little vegetation where soil is visible.')
'LAI': {
'expr': '3.618 * (2.5 * (N - R) / (N + 6*R - 7.5*B + 1)) * 0.118',
'help': _('Leaf Area Index estimates foliage areas and predicts crop yields.'),
'range': (-1, 1)
'EVI': {
'expr': '2.5 * (N - R) / (N + 6*R - 7.5*B + 1)',
'help': _('Enhanced Vegetation Index is useful in areas where NDVI might saturate, by using blue wavelengths to correct soil signals.'),
'range': (-1, 1)
# more?
'_TESTRB': {
'expr': 'R + B',
'range': (0,1)
'expr': 'R + (sqrt(B) )'
camera_filters = [
# more?
# TODO: certain cameras have only two bands? eg. MAPIR NDVI BLUE+NIR
def lookup_formula(algo, band_order = 'RGB'):
if algo is None:
return None, None
if band_order is None:
band_order = 'RGB'
if algo not in algos:
raise ValueError("Cannot find algorithm " + algo)
input_bands = tuple(band_order)
def repl(matches):
b = matches.group(1)
return 'b' + str(input_bands.index(b) + 1)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Cannot find band \"" + b + "\" from \"" + band_order + "\". Choose a proper band order.")
expr = re.sub("([A-Z]+?[a-z]*)", repl, re.sub("\s+", "", algos[algo]['expr']))
hrange = algos[algo].get('range', None)
return expr, hrange
def get_algorithm_list(max_bands=3):
return [{'id': k, 'filters': get_camera_filters_for(algos[k], max_bands), **algos[k]} for k in algos if not k.startswith("_")]
def get_camera_filters_for(algo, max_bands=3):
result = []
expr = algo['expr']
pattern = re.compile("([A-Z]+?[a-z]*)")
bands = list(set(re.findall(pattern, expr)))
for f in camera_filters:
# Count bands that show up in the filter
count = 0
fbands = list(set(re.findall(pattern, f)))
for b in fbands:
if b in bands:
count += 1
# If all bands are accounted for, this is a valid filter for this algo
if count >= len(bands) and len(fbands) <= max_bands:
return result