
240 wiersze
8.6 KiB
Executable File

#% description: This script takes a GeoTIFF file, calculates its heighmap, and outputs it as a GeoJSON
#% key: dsm
#% type: string
#% required: yes
#% multiple: no
#% description: The path for the dsm file
#% key: intervals
#% type: double
#% required: yes
#% multiple: no
#% description: The intervals used to generate the diferent elevation levels
#% key: format
#% type: string
#% required: yes
#% multiple: no
#% description: OGR output format
#% key: dtm
#% type: string
#% required: no
#% multiple: no
#% description: The path for the dtm file
#% key: epsg
#% type: string
#% required: yes
#% multiple: no
#% description: The epsg code that will be used for output
#% key: noise_filter_size
#% type: double
#% required: yes
#% multiple: no
#% description: Area in meters where we will clean up noise in the contours
import math, argparse
import numpy as np
import rasterio as rio
from rasterio import warp, transform
from geojson import Feature, FeatureCollection, MultiPolygon, dumps
import subprocess
import os
import glob
import shutil
import sys
import grass.script as grass
from webodm import settings
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "plugins", "elevationmap", "site-packages"))
import cv2
def main():
ext = ""
if opts['format'] == "GeoJSON":
ext = "json"
elif opts['format'] == "GPKG":
ext = "gpkg"
elif opts['format'] == "DXF":
ext = "dxf"
elif opts['format'] == "ESRI Shapefile":
ext = "shp"
# Open dsm
dsm =['dsm'])
# Read the tiff as an numpy masked array
dsm_array =, masked = True)
# Create a kernel based on the parameter 'noise_filter_size' and the tiff resolution
kernel = get_kernel(float(opts['noise_filter_size']), dsm)
# Check if we want to use the dtm also
if opts['dtm'] != '':
# Open the dtm
dtm =['dtm'])
# Assert that the dtm and dsm have the same bounds and resolution
assert_same_bounds_and_resolution(dsm, dtm)
# Calculate the different between the dsm and dtm
array = calculate_difference(dsm_array, dtm)
array = dsm_array
# Calculate the ranges based on the parameter 'intervals' and the elevation array
ranges = calculate_ranges(opts['intervals'], array)
features = []
for bottom, top in ranges:
# Binarize the image. Everything in [bottom, top) is white. Everything else is black
surface_array = <= array) & (array < top), 255, 0).astype(np.uint8)
# Apply kernel to reduce noise
without_noise = cv2.morphologyEx(surface_array, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) if kernel is not None else surface_array
# Find contours
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(without_noise, cv2.RETR_CCOMP, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
# Check if we found something
if len(contours) > 0:
# Transform contours from pixels to coordinates
mapped_contours = [map_pixels_to_coordinates(dsm, opts['epsg'], to_pixel_format(contour)) for contour in contours]
# Build the MultiPolygon for based on the contours and their hierarchy
built_multi_polygon = LevelBuilder(bottom, top, mapped_contours, hierarchy[0]).build_multi_polygon()
# Write the GeoJSON to a file
dump = dumps(FeatureCollection(features))
with open("output.json", 'w+') as output:
if ext != "json":
subprocess.check_call(["ogr2ogr", "-f", opts['format'], "output.%s" % ext, "output.json"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
if os.path.isfile("output.%s" % ext):
if opts['format'] == "ESRI Shapefile":
contour_files = glob.glob("output.*")
for cf in contour_files:
shutil.move(cf, os.path.join("contours", os.path.basename(cf)))
shutil.make_archive('output', 'zip', 'contours/')
print(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "output.%s" % ext))
def get_kernel(noise_filter_size, dsm):
"""Generate a kernel for noise filtering. Will return none if the noise_filter_size isn't positive"""
if noise_filter_size <= 0:
return None
if != 'metre':
noise_filter_size *= 3.2808333333465 # Convert meter to feets
return cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (int(round(noise_filter_size / dsm.res[0])), int(round(noise_filter_size / dsm.res[1]))))
def assert_same_bounds_and_resolution(dsm, dtm):
if dtm.bounds != dsm.bounds or dtm.res != dsm.res:
raise Exception("DTM and DSM have differenct bounds or resolution.")
def calculate_difference(dsm_array, dtm):
"""Calculate the difference between the dsm and dtm"""
dtm_array =, masked = True)
difference = dsm_array - dtm_array[difference < 0] = 0 # We set to 0 anything that might have been negative
return difference
def calculate_ranges(interval_text, array):
"""Calculate the ranges based on the provided 'interval_text'"""
if is_number(interval_text):
# If it is a number, then consider it the step
min_elevation = math.floor(np.amin(array))
max_elevation = math.ceil(np.amax(array))
interval = float(interval_text)
return [(bottom, bottom + interval) for bottom in np.arange(min_elevation, max_elevation, interval)]
# If it is not a number, then we consider the text the intervals. We are going to validate them
ranges = [validate_and_convert_to_range(range) for range in interval_text.split(',')]
if len(ranges) == 0:
raise Exception('Please add a range.')
elif len(ranges) > 1:
for i in range(len(ranges) - 1):
if ranges[i][1] > ranges[i + 1][0]:
raise Exception('Please make sure that the ranges don\'t overlap.')
return ranges
def to_pixel_format(contour):
"""OpenCV contours have a weird format. We are converting them to (row, col)"""
return [(pixel[0][1], pixel[0][0]) for pixel in contour]
def map_pixels_to_coordinates(reference_tiff, dst_epsg, pixels):
"""We are assuming that the pixels are a list of tuples. For example: [(row1, col1), (row2, col2)]"""
rows = [row for (row, _) in pixels]
cols = [col for (_, col) in pixels]
xs, ys = transform.xy(reference_tiff.transform, rows, cols)
dst_crs =
return map_to_new_crs(, dst_crs, xs, ys)
def map_to_new_crs(src_crs, target_crs, xs, ys):
"""Map the given arrays from one crs to the other"""
transformed = warp.transform(src_crs, target_crs, xs, ys)
return [(x, y) for x, y in zip(transformed[0], transformed[1])]
def is_number(text):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def validate_and_convert_to_range(range):
"""Validate the given range and return a tuple (start, end) if it is valid"""
range = range.strip().split('-')
if len(range) != 2:
raise Exception('Ranges must have a beggining and an end.')
if not is_number(range[0]) or not is_number(range[1]):
raise Exception('Please make sure that both the beggining and end of the range are numeric.')
range = (float(range[0]), float(range[1]))
if (range[0] >= range[1]):
raise Exception('The end of the range must be greater than the beggining.')
return range
class LevelBuilder:
def __init__(self, bottom, top, contours, hierarchy):
self.bottom = bottom = top
self.contours = contours
self.hierarchy = hierarchy
def build_polygon(self, idx):
polygon_contours = [self.contours[idx]]
[_, _, child, _] = self.hierarchy[idx]
while child >= 0:
next, _, _, _ = self.hierarchy[child]
child = next
return polygon_contours
def build_multi_polygon(self):
polygons = []
idx = 0
while idx >= 0:
[next, _, _, _] = self.hierarchy[idx]
idx = next
multi_polygon = MultiPolygon(polygons)
return Feature(geometry = multi_polygon, properties = { 'bottom': int(self.bottom), 'top': int( })
if __name__ == "__main__":
opts, _ = grass.parser()