
59 wiersze
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class Gcp{
this.text = text;
// Scale the image location of GPCs
// according to the values specified in the map
// @param imagesRatioMap {Object} object in which keys are image names and values are scaling ratios
// example: {'DJI_0018.jpg': 0.5, 'DJI_0019.JPG': 0.25}
// @return {Gcp} a new GCP object
resize(imagesRatioMap, muteWarnings = false){
// Make sure dict is all lower case and values are floats
let ratioMap = {};
for (let k in imagesRatioMap) ratioMap[k.toLowerCase()] = parseFloat(imagesRatioMap[k]);
const lines = this.text.split(/\r?\n/);
let output = "";
if (lines.length > 0){
output += lines[0] + '\n'; // coordinate system description
for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; i++){
let line = lines[i].trim();
if (line !== "" && line[0] !== "#"){
let parts = line.split(/\s+/);
if (parts.length >= 6){
let [x, y, z, px, py, imagename, ...extracols] = parts;
let ratio = ratioMap[imagename.toLowerCase()];
px = parseFloat(px);
py = parseFloat(py);
if (ratio !== undefined){
px *= ratio;
py *= ratio;
if (!muteWarnings) console.warn(`${imagename} not found in ratio map. Are you missing some images?`);
let extra = extracols.length > 0 ? ' ' + extracols.join(' ') : '';
output += `${x} ${y} ${z} ${px.toFixed(8)} ${py.toFixed(8)} ${imagename}${extra}\n`;
if (!muteWarnings) console.warn(`Invalid GCP format at line ${i}: ${line}`);
output += line + '\n';
return new Gcp(output);
return this.text;
module.exports = Gcp;