kopia lustrzana https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/WebODM
Replaced nodeodm ApiClient with pyodm
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import logging
import os
import shutil
import zipfile
import time
import uuid as uuid_module
@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ from shlex import quote
import piexif
import re
import requests
import zipfile
from PIL import Image
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import GDALRaster
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import OGRGeometry
@ -21,20 +20,18 @@ from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models
from django.db import transaction
from django.utils import timezone
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import ReadTimeoutError
from app import pending_actions
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields import GeometryField
from app.testwatch import testWatch
from nodeodm import status_codes
from nodeodm.exceptions import ProcessingError, ProcessingTimeout, ProcessingException
from nodeodm.models import ProcessingNode
from pyodm.exceptions import NodeResponseError, NodeConnectionError, NodeServerError, OdmError
from webodm import settings
from .project import Project
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import subprocess
logger = logging.getLogger('app.logger')
@ -380,7 +377,7 @@ class Task(models.Model):
# We can't easily differentiate between the two, so we need
# to notify the user because if it crashed due to low memory
# the user might need to take action (or be stuck in an infinite loop)
raise ProcessingError("Processing node went offline. This could be due to insufficient memory or a network error.")
raise NodeServerError("Processing node went offline. This could be due to insufficient memory or a network error.")
if self.processing_node:
# Need to process some images (UUID not yet set and task doesn't have pending actions)?
@ -398,17 +395,22 @@ class Task(models.Model):
time_has_elapsed = time.time() - last_update >= 2
if time_has_elapsed:
if time_has_elapsed or (progress >= 1.0 - 1e-6 and progress <= 1.0 + 1e-6):
Task.objects.filter(pk=self.id).update(upload_progress=float(progress) / 100.0)
last_update = time.time()
# This takes a while
uuid = self.processing_node.process_new_task(images, self.name, self.options, callback)
uuid = self.processing_node.process_new_task(images, self.name, self.options, callback)
except NodeConnectionError as e:
# If we can't create a task because the node is offline
# We want to fail instead of trying again
raise NodeServerError('Connection error: ' + str(e))
# Refresh task object before committing change
self.upload_progress = 1.0
self.uuid = uuid
@ -423,14 +425,14 @@ class Task(models.Model):
# We don't care if this fails (we tried)
except ProcessingException:
except OdmError:
logger.warning("Could not cancel {} on processing node. We'll proceed anyway...".format(self))
self.status = status_codes.CANCELED
self.pending_action = None
raise ProcessingError("Cannot cancel a task that has no processing node or UUID")
raise NodeServerError("Cannot cancel a task that has no processing node or UUID")
elif self.pending_action == pending_actions.RESTART:
logger.info("Restarting {}".format(self))
@ -443,8 +445,8 @@ class Task(models.Model):
if self.uuid:
info = self.processing_node.get_task_info(self.uuid)
uuid_still_exists = info['uuid'] == self.uuid
except ProcessingException:
uuid_still_exists = info.uuid == self.uuid
except OdmError:
need_to_reprocess = False
@ -453,7 +455,7 @@ class Task(models.Model):
# Good to go
self.processing_node.restart_task(self.uuid, self.options)
except ProcessingError as e:
except (NodeServerError, NodeResponseError) as e:
# Something went wrong
logger.warning("Could not restart {}, will start a new one".format(self))
need_to_reprocess = True
@ -481,7 +483,7 @@ class Task(models.Model):
self.running_progress = 0
raise ProcessingError("Cannot restart a task that has no processing node")
raise NodeServerError("Cannot restart a task that has no processing node")
elif self.pending_action == pending_actions.REMOVE:
logger.info("Removing {}".format(self))
@ -491,7 +493,7 @@ class Task(models.Model):
# Are expected to be purged on their own after a set amount of time anyway
except ProcessingException:
except OdmError:
# What's more important is that we delete our task properly here
@ -506,8 +508,8 @@ class Task(models.Model):
# Update task info from processing node
info = self.processing_node.get_task_info(self.uuid)
self.processing_time = info["processingTime"]
self.status = info["status"]["code"]
self.processing_time = info.processing_time
self.status = info.status.value
current_lines_count = len(self.console_output.split("\n"))
console_output = self.processing_node.get_task_console_output(self.uuid, current_lines_count)
@ -521,8 +523,8 @@ class Task(models.Model):
self.running_progress = value
if "errorMessage" in info["status"]:
self.last_error = info["status"]["errorMessage"]
if info.last_error != "":
self.last_error = info.last_error
# Has the task just been canceled, failed, or completed?
if self.status in [status_codes.FAILED, status_codes.COMPLETED, status_codes.CANCELED]:
@ -541,41 +543,27 @@ class Task(models.Model):
logger.info("Downloading all.zip for {}".format(self))
# Download all assets
zip_stream = self.processing_node.download_task_asset(self.uuid, "all.zip")
zip_path = os.path.join(assets_dir, "all.zip")
last_update = 0
# Keep track of download progress (if possible)
content_length = zip_stream.headers.get('content-length')
total_length = int(content_length) if content_length is not None else None
downloaded = 0
last_update = 0
def callback(progress):
nonlocal last_update
with open(zip_path, 'wb') as fd:
for chunk in zip_stream.iter_content(4096):
downloaded += len(chunk)
time_has_elapsed = time.time() - last_update >= 2
# Track progress if we know the content header length
# every 2 seconds
if total_length > 0 and time.time() - last_update >= 2:
Task.objects.filter(pk=self.id).update(running_progress=(self.TASK_OUTPUT_MILESTONES_LAST_VALUE + (float(downloaded) / total_length) * 0.1))
last_update = time.time()
if time_has_elapsed or int(progress) == 100:
self.TASK_OUTPUT_MILESTONES_LAST_VALUE + (float(progress) / 100.0) * 0.1))
last_update = time.time()
except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, ReadTimeoutError) as e:
raise ProcessingTimeout(e)
zip_path = self.processing_node.download_task_assets(self.uuid, assets_dir, progress_callback=callback)
logger.info("Done downloading all.zip for {}".format(self))
logger.info("Extracting all.zip for {}".format(self))
self.console_output += "Extracting results. This could take a few minutes...\n";
# Extract from zip
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "r") as zip_h:
logger.info("Extracted all.zip for {}".format(self))
# Rename to all.zip
os.rename(zip_path, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(zip_path), 'all.zip'))
# Populate *_extent fields
extent_fields = [
@ -602,7 +590,6 @@ class Task(models.Model):
self.running_progress = 1.0
self.console_output += "Done!\n"
self.status = status_codes.COMPLETED
from app.plugins import signals as plugin_signals
@ -614,12 +601,10 @@ class Task(models.Model):
# Still waiting...
except ProcessingError as e:
except (NodeServerError, NodeResponseError) as e:
except (ConnectionRefusedError, ConnectionError) as e:
logger.warning("{} cannot communicate with processing node: {}".format(self, str(e)))
except ProcessingTimeout as e:
logger.warning("{} timed out with error: {}. We'll try reprocessing at the next tick.".format(self, str(e)))
except NodeConnectionError as e:
logger.warning("{} connection/timeout error: {}. We'll try reprocessing at the next tick.".format(self, str(e)))
except TaskInterruptedException as e:
# Task was interrupted during image resize / upload
logger.warning("{} interrupted".format(self, str(e)))
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ class TestApiTask(BootTransactionTestCase):
self.assertTrue(im.size == img1.size)
# Normal case with images[], GCP, name and processing node parameter and resize_to option
gcp = open("app/fixtures/gcp.txt", 'r')
res = client.post("/api/projects/{}/tasks/".format(project.id), {
'images': [image1, image2, gcp],
@ -169,6 +170,9 @@ class TestApiTask(BootTransactionTestCase):
# Upload progress is 100%
self.assertEqual(resized_task.upload_progress, 1.0)
# Upload progress callback has been called
self.assertTrue(testWatch.get_calls_count("Task.process.callback") > 0)
# Case with malformed GCP file option
with open("app/fixtures/gcp_malformed.txt", 'r') as malformed_gcp:
res = client.post("/api/projects/{}/tasks/".format(project.id), {
@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ class TestWatch:
self.manual_log_call(fname, *args, **kwargs)
def manual_log_call(self, fname, *args, **kwargs):
logger.info("{} called".format(fname))
list = self.get_calls(fname)
list.append({'f': fname, 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs})
self.set_calls(fname, list)
if settings.TESTING:
list = self.get_calls(fname)
list.append({'f': fname, 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs})
self.set_calls(fname, list)
def hook_pre(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
if settings.TESTING and self.should_prevent_execution(func):
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
An interface to NodeODM's API
from requests.packages.urllib3.fields import RequestField
from requests_toolbelt.multipart import encoder
import requests
import mimetypes
import json
import os
from urllib.parse import urlunparse, urlencode
from app.testwatch import TestWatch
# Extends class to support multipart form data
# fields with the same name
# https://github.com/requests/toolbelt/issues/225
class MultipartEncoder(encoder.MultipartEncoder):
"""Multiple files with the same name support, i.e. files[]"""
def _iter_fields(self):
_fields = self.fields
if hasattr(self.fields, 'items'):
_fields = list(self.fields.items())
for k, v in _fields:
for field in self._iter_field(k, v):
yield field
def _iter_field(cls, field_name, field):
file_name = None
file_type = None
file_headers = None
if field and isinstance(field, (list, tuple)):
if all([isinstance(f, (list, tuple)) for f in field]):
for f in field:
yield next(cls._iter_field(field_name, f))
raise StopIteration()
if len(field) == 2:
file_name, file_pointer = field
elif len(field) == 3:
file_name, file_pointer, file_type = field
file_name, file_pointer, file_type, file_headers = field
file_pointer = field
field = RequestField(name=field_name,
yield field
class ApiClient:
def __init__(self, host, port, token = "", timeout=30):
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.token = token
self.timeout = timeout
def url(self, url, query = {}):
netloc = self.host if (self.port == 80 or self.port == 443) else "{}:{}".format(self.host, self.port)
proto = 'https' if self.port == 443 else 'http'
if len(self.token) > 0:
query['token'] = self.token
return urlunparse((proto, netloc, url, '', urlencode(query), ''))
def info(self):
return requests.get(self.url('/info'), timeout=self.timeout).json()
def options(self):
return requests.get(self.url('/options'), timeout=self.timeout).json()
def task_info(self, uuid):
return requests.get(self.url('/task/{}/info').format(uuid), timeout=self.timeout).json()
def task_output(self, uuid, line = 0):
return requests.get(self.url('/task/{}/output', {'line': line}).format(uuid), timeout=self.timeout).json()
def task_cancel(self, uuid):
return requests.post(self.url('/task/cancel'), data={'uuid': uuid}, timeout=self.timeout).json()
def task_remove(self, uuid):
return requests.post(self.url('/task/remove'), data={'uuid': uuid}, timeout=self.timeout).json()
def task_restart(self, uuid, options = None):
data = {'uuid': uuid}
if options is not None: data['options'] = json.dumps(options)
return requests.post(self.url('/task/restart'), data=data, timeout=self.timeout).json()
def task_download(self, uuid, asset):
res = requests.get(self.url('/task/{}/download/{}').format(uuid, asset), stream=True, timeout=self.timeout)
if "Content-Type" in res.headers and "application/json" in res.headers['Content-Type']:
return res.json()
return res
def new_task(self, images, name=None, options=[], progress_callback=None):
Starts processing of a new task
:param images: list of path images
:param name: name of the task
:param options: options to be used for processing ([{'name': optionName, 'value': optionValue}, ...])
:param progress_callback: optional callback invoked during the upload images process to be used to report status.
:return: UUID or error
# Equivalent as passing the open file descriptor, since requests
# eventually calls read(), but this way we make sure to close
# the file prior to reading the next, so we don't run into open file OS limits
def read_file(path):
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
return f.read()
fields = {
'name': name,
'options': json.dumps(options),
'images': [(os.path.basename(image), read_file(image), (mimetypes.guess_type(image)[0] or "image/jpg")) for image in images]
def create_callback(mpe):
total_bytes = mpe.len
def callback(monitor):
if progress_callback is not None and total_bytes > 0:
progress_callback(monitor.bytes_read / total_bytes)
return callback
e = MultipartEncoder(fields=fields)
m = encoder.MultipartEncoderMonitor(e, create_callback(e))
return requests.post(self.url("/task/new"),
headers={'Content-Type': m.content_type}).json()
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
class ProcessingException(Exception):
class ProcessingError(ProcessingException):
class ProcessingTimeout(ProcessingException):
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import requests
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.postgres import fields
from django.utils import timezone
@ -8,30 +7,13 @@ from django.dispatch import receiver
from guardian.models import GroupObjectPermissionBase
from guardian.models import UserObjectPermissionBase
from .api_client import ApiClient
import json
from pyodm import Node
from pyodm import exceptions
from django.db.models import signals
from datetime import timedelta
from .exceptions import ProcessingError, ProcessingTimeout
import simplejson
def api(func):
Catches JSON decoding errors that might happen when the server
answers unexpectedly
def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, simplejson.JSONDecodeError) as e:
raise ProcessingError(str(e))
except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as e:
raise ProcessingTimeout(str(e))
return wrapper
OFFLINE_MINUTES = 5 # Number of minutes a node hasn't been seen before it should be considered offline
class ProcessingNode(models.Model):
@ -65,7 +47,6 @@ class ProcessingNode(models.Model):
return self.last_refreshed is not None and \
self.last_refreshed >= timezone.now() - timedelta(minutes=OFFLINE_MINUTES)
def update_node_info(self):
Retrieves information and options from the node API
@ -76,27 +57,22 @@ class ProcessingNode(models.Model):
api_client = self.api_client(timeout=5)
info = api_client.info()
if 'error' in info:
return False
self.api_version = info['version']
self.queue_count = info['taskQueueCount']
self.api_version = info.version
self.queue_count = info.task_queue_count
self.max_images = info.max_images
self.odm_version = info.odm_version
if 'maxImages' in info:
self.max_images = info['maxImages']
if 'odmVersion' in info:
self.odm_version = info['odmVersion']
options = api_client.options()
options = list(map(lambda o: o.__dict__, api_client.options()))
self.available_options = options
self.last_refreshed = timezone.now()
return True
except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, simplejson.JSONDecodeError):
except exceptions.OdmError:
return False
def api_client(self, timeout=30):
return ApiClient(self.hostname, self.port, self.token, timeout)
return Node(self.hostname, self.port, self.token, timeout)
def get_available_options_json(self, pretty=False):
@ -105,7 +81,20 @@ class ProcessingNode(models.Model):
kwargs = dict(indent=4, separators=(',', ": ")) if pretty else dict()
return json.dumps(self.available_options, **kwargs)
def options_list_to_kv(self, options = []):
Convers options formatted as a list ([{'name': optionName, 'value': optionValue}, ...])
to a dictionary {optionName: value, ...}
:param options: options
:return: dict
opts = {}
if options is not None:
for o in options:
opts[o['name']] = o['value']
return opts
def process_new_task(self, images, name=None, options=[], progress_callback=None):
Sends a set of images (and optional GCP file) via the API
@ -118,22 +107,15 @@ class ProcessingNode(models.Model):
:returns UUID of the newly created task
if len(images) < 2: raise ProcessingError("Need at least 2 images")
if len(images) < 2: raise exceptions.NodeServerError("Need at least 2 images")
api_client = self.api_client()
result = api_client.new_task(images, name, options, progress_callback)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
raise ProcessingError(e)
if isinstance(result, dict) and 'uuid' in result:
return result['uuid']
elif isinstance(result, dict) and 'error' in result:
raise ProcessingError(result['error'])
raise ProcessingError("Unexpected answer from server: {}".format(result))
opts = self.options_list_to_kv(options)
task = api_client.create_task(images, opts, name, progress_callback)
return task.uuid
def get_task_info(self, uuid):
Gets information about this task, such as name, creation date,
@ -141,79 +123,50 @@ class ProcessingNode(models.Model):
images being processed.
api_client = self.api_client()
result = api_client.task_info(uuid)
if isinstance(result, dict) and 'uuid' in result:
return result
elif isinstance(result, dict) and 'error' in result:
raise ProcessingError(result['error'])
raise ProcessingError("Unknown result from task info: {}".format(result))
task = api_client.get_task(uuid)
return task.info()
def get_task_console_output(self, uuid, line):
Retrieves the console output of the OpenDroneMap's process.
Useful for monitoring execution and to provide updates to the user.
api_client = self.api_client()
result = api_client.task_output(uuid, line)
if isinstance(result, dict) and 'error' in result:
raise ProcessingError(result['error'])
elif isinstance(result, list):
return result
raise ProcessingError("Unknown response for console output: {}".format(result))
task = api_client.get_task(uuid)
return task.output(line)
def cancel_task(self, uuid):
Cancels a task (stops its execution, or prevents it from being executed)
api_client = self.api_client()
return self.handle_generic_post_response(api_client.task_cancel(uuid))
task = api_client.get_task(uuid)
return task.cancel()
def remove_task(self, uuid):
Removes a task and deletes all of its assets
api_client = self.api_client()
return self.handle_generic_post_response(api_client.task_remove(uuid))
task = api_client.get_task(uuid)
return task.remove()
def download_task_asset(self, uuid, asset):
def download_task_assets(self, uuid, destination, progress_callback):
Downloads a task asset
api_client = self.api_client()
res = api_client.task_download(uuid, asset)
if isinstance(res, dict) and 'error' in res:
raise ProcessingError(res['error'])
return res
task = api_client.get_task(uuid)
return task.download_zip(destination, progress_callback)
def restart_task(self, uuid, options = None):
Restarts a task that was previously canceled or that had failed to process
api_client = self.api_client()
return self.handle_generic_post_response(api_client.task_restart(uuid, options))
def handle_generic_post_response(result):
Handles a POST response that has either a "success" flag, or an error message.
This is a common response in NodeODM POST calls.
:param result: result of API call
:return: True on success, raises ProcessingException otherwise
if isinstance(result, dict) and 'error' in result:
raise ProcessingError(result['error'])
elif isinstance(result, dict) and 'success' in result:
return True
raise ProcessingError("Unknown response: {}".format(result))
api_client = self.api_client()
task = api_client.get_task(uuid)
return task.restart(self.options_list_to_kv(options))
def delete(self, using=None, keep_parents=False):
pnode_id = self.id
@ -229,7 +182,7 @@ def auto_update_node_info(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
if created:
except ProcessingError:
except exceptions.OdmError:
class ProcessingNodeUserObjectPermission(UserObjectPermissionBase):
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from pyodm.types import TaskStatus
QUEUED = TaskStatus.QUEUED.value
RUNNING = TaskStatus.RUNNING.value
FAILED = TaskStatus.FAILED.value
CANCELED = TaskStatus.CANCELED.value
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from datetime import timedelta
import os
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
import requests
from django.test import TestCase
@ -6,10 +7,11 @@ from django.utils import six
import subprocess, time
from django.utils import timezone
from os import path
from pyodm import Node
from pyodm.exceptions import NodeConnectionError, NodeServerError, NodeResponseError
from webodm import settings
from .models import ProcessingNode, OFFLINE_MINUTES
from .api_client import ApiClient
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
from .exceptions import ProcessingError
from . import status_codes
current_dir = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))
@ -31,21 +33,21 @@ class TestClientApi(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.api_client = ApiClient("localhost", 11223)
self.api_client = Node("localhost", 11223)
def tearDown(self):
def test_offline_api(self):
api = ApiClient("offline-host", 3000)
self.assertRaises(ConnectionError, api.info)
self.assertRaises(ConnectionError, api.options)
api = Node("offline-host", 3000)
self.assertRaises(NodeConnectionError, api.info)
self.assertRaises(NodeConnectionError, api.options)
def test_info(self):
info = self.api_client.info()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(info['version'], six.string_types), "Found version string")
self.assertTrue(isinstance(info['taskQueueCount'], int), "Found task queue count")
self.assertTrue(info['maxImages'] is None, "Found task max images")
self.assertTrue(isinstance(info.version, six.string_types), "Found version string")
self.assertTrue(isinstance(info.task_queue_count, int), "Found task queue count")
self.assertTrue(info.max_images is None, "Found task max images")
def test_options(self):
options = self.api_client.options()
@ -82,10 +84,10 @@ class TestClientApi(TestCase):
retries = 0
while True:
task_info = api.task_info(uuid)
if task_info['status']['code'] == status:
task_info = api.get_task(uuid).info()
if task_info.status.value == status:
return True
except ProcessingError:
except (NodeServerError, NodeResponseError):
@ -94,42 +96,43 @@ class TestClientApi(TestCase):
self.assertTrue(False, error_description)
return False
api = ApiClient("localhost", 11223)
api = Node("localhost", 11223)
online_node = ProcessingNode.objects.get(pk=1)
# Can call info(), options()
self.assertTrue(type(api.info()['version']) == str)
self.assertTrue(type(api.info().version) == str)
self.assertTrue(len(api.options()) > 0)
# Can call new_task()
import glob
res = api.new_task(
res = api.create_task(
[{'name': 'force-ccd', 'value': 6.16}])
uuid = res['uuid']
{'force-ccd': 6.16},
uuid = res.uuid
self.assertTrue(uuid != None)
# Can call task_info()
task_info = api.task_info(uuid)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(task_info['dateCreated'], int))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(task_info['uuid'], str))
task = api.get_task(uuid)
task_info = task.info()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(task_info.date_created, datetime))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(task_info.uuid, str))
# Can download assets?
# Here we are waiting for the task to be completed
wait_for_status(api, uuid, status_codes.COMPLETED, 10, "Could not download assets")
asset = api.task_download(uuid, "all.zip")
self.assertTrue(isinstance(asset, requests.Response))
asset = api.get_task(uuid).download_zip(settings.MEDIA_TMP)
# task_output
self.assertTrue(isinstance(api.task_output(uuid, 0), list))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(api.get_task(uuid).output(0), list))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(online_node.get_task_console_output(uuid, 0), list))
self.assertRaises(ProcessingError, online_node.get_task_console_output, "wrong-uuid", 0)
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.get_task_console_output, "wrong-uuid", 0)
# Can restart task
self.assertRaises(ProcessingError, online_node.restart_task, "wrong-uuid")
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.restart_task, "wrong-uuid")
wait_for_status(api, uuid, status_codes.COMPLETED, 10, "Could not restart task")
@ -139,28 +142,28 @@ class TestClientApi(TestCase):
wait_for_status(api, uuid, status_codes.COMPLETED, 10, "Could not restart task with options")
# Verify that options have been updated after restarting the task
task_info = api.task_info(uuid)
self.assertTrue(len(task_info['options']) == 1)
self.assertTrue(task_info['options'][0]['name'] == 'mesh-size')
self.assertTrue(task_info['options'][0]['value'] == 12345)
task_info = api.get_task(uuid).info()
self.assertTrue(len(task_info.options) == 1)
self.assertTrue(task_info.options[0]['name'] == 'mesh-size')
self.assertTrue(task_info.options[0]['value'] == 12345)
# Can cancel task (should work even if we completed the task)
self.assertRaises(ProcessingError, online_node.cancel_task, "wrong-uuid")
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.cancel_task, "wrong-uuid")
# Wait for task to be canceled
wait_for_status(api, uuid, status_codes.CANCELED, 5, "Could not remove task")
self.assertRaises(ProcessingError, online_node.remove_task, "wrong-uuid")
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.remove_task, "wrong-uuid")
# Cannot delete task again
self.assertRaises(ProcessingError, online_node.remove_task, uuid)
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.remove_task, uuid)
# Task has been deleted
self.assertRaises(ProcessingError, online_node.get_task_info, uuid)
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.get_task_info, uuid)
# Test URL building for HTTPS
sslApi = ApiClient("localhost", 443, 'abc')
sslApi = Node("localhost", 443, 'abc')
self.assertEqual(sslApi.url('/info'), 'https://localhost/info?token=abc')
def test_find_best_available_node_and_is_online(self):
@ -204,10 +207,10 @@ class TestClientApi(TestCase):
retries = 0
while True:
task_info = api.task_info(uuid)
if task_info['status']['code'] == status:
task_info = api.get_task(uuid).info()
if task_info.status.value == status:
return True
except ProcessingError:
except (NodeResponseError, NodeServerError):
@ -216,39 +219,37 @@ class TestClientApi(TestCase):
self.assertTrue(False, error_description)
return False
api = ApiClient("localhost", 11224, "test_token")
api = Node("localhost", 11224, "test_token")
online_node = ProcessingNode.objects.get(pk=3)
self.assertTrue(online_node.update_node_info(), "Could update info")
# Cannot call info(), options() without tokens
api.token = "invalid"
self.assertTrue(type(api.info()['error']) == str)
self.assertTrue(type(api.options()['error']) == str)
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, api.info)
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, api.options)
# Cannot call new_task() without token
# Cannot call create_task() without token
import glob
res = api.new_task(
self.assertTrue('error' in res)
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, api.create_task, glob.glob("nodeodm/fixtures/test_images/*.JPG"))
# Can call new_task() with token
# Can call create_task() with token
api.token = "test_token"
res = api.new_task(
res = api.create_task(
self.assertTrue('uuid' in res)
self.assertFalse('error' in res)
uuid = res['uuid']
uuid = res.uuid
self.assertTrue(uuid != None)
# Can call task_info() with token
task_info = api.task_info(uuid)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(task_info['dateCreated'], int))
task_info = api.get_task(uuid).info()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(task_info.date_created, datetime))
# Cannot call task_info() without token
api.token = "invalid"
res = api.task_info(uuid)
self.assertTrue('error' in res)
self.assertTrue('token does not match' in res['error'])
except NodeResponseError as e:
self.assertTrue('token does not match' in str(e))
# Here we are waiting for the task to be completed
api.token = "test_token"
@ -256,32 +257,32 @@ class TestClientApi(TestCase):
# Cannot download assets without token
api.token = "invalid"
res = api.task_download(uuid, "all.zip")
self.assertTrue('error' in res)
task = api.get_task(uuid)
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, task.download_assets, settings.MEDIA_TMP)
api.token = "test_token"
asset = api.task_download(uuid, "all.zip")
self.assertTrue(isinstance(asset, requests.Response))
asset_archive = task.download_zip(settings.MEDIA_TMP)
# Cannot get task output without token
api.token = "invalid"
res = api.task_output(uuid, 0)
self.assertTrue('error' in res)
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, task.output, 0)
api.token = "test_token"
res = api.task_output(uuid, 0)
res = task.output()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, list))
# Cannot restart task without token
online_node.token = "invalid"
self.assertRaises(ProcessingError, online_node.restart_task, uuid)
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.restart_task, uuid)
online_node.token = "test_token"
# Cannot cancel task without token
online_node.token = "invalid"
self.assertRaises(ProcessingError, online_node.cancel_task, uuid)
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.cancel_task, uuid)
online_node.token = "test_token"
@ -290,8 +291,8 @@ class TestClientApi(TestCase):
# Cannot delete task without token
online_node.token = "invalid"
self.assertRaises(ProcessingError, online_node.remove_task, "invalid token")
self.assertRaises(NodeResponseError, online_node.remove_task, "invalid token")
online_node.token = "test_token"
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ pip-autoremove==0.9.0
Reference in New Issue