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OpenSfM related utils
import os
from opendm import io
from opendm import log
from opendm import system
from opendm import context
def run(command, opensfm_project_path):'%s/bin/opensfm %s %s' %
(context.opensfm_path, command, opensfm_project_path))
def export_bundler(opensfm_project_path, destination_bundle_file, rerun=False):
if not io.file_exists(destination_bundle_file) or rerun:
# convert back to bundler's format'%s/bin/export_bundler %s' %
(context.opensfm_path, opensfm_project_path))
log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid Bundler file in: %s' % destination_bundle_file)
def reconstruct(opensfm_project_path, rerun=False):
tracks_file = os.path.join(opensfm_project_path, 'tracks.csv')
reconstruction_file = os.path.join(opensfm_project_path, 'reconstruction.json')
if not io.file_exists(tracks_file) or rerun:
run('create_tracks', opensfm_project_path)
log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid OpenSfM tracks file in: %s' % tracks_file)
if not io.file_exists(reconstruction_file) or rerun:
run('reconstruct', opensfm_project_path)
log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid OpenSfM reconstruction file in: %s' % reconstruction_file)
# Check that a reconstruction file has been created
if not io.file_exists(reconstruction_file):
log.ODM_ERROR("The program could not process this dataset using the current settings. "
"Check that the images have enough overlap, "
"that there are enough recognizable features "
"and that the images are in focus. "
"You could also try to increase the --min-num-features parameter."
"The program will now exit.")
raise Exception("Reconstruction could not be generated")
def setup(args, images_path, opensfm_path, photos, gcp_path=None, append_config = []):
Setup a OpenSfM project
if not io.dir_exists(opensfm_path):
# create file list
list_path = io.join_paths(opensfm_path, 'image_list.txt')
has_alt = True
with open(list_path, 'w') as fout:
for photo in photos:
if not photo.altitude:
has_alt = False
fout.write('%s\n' % io.join_paths(images_path, photo.filename))
# TODO: does this need to be a relative path?
# create config file for OpenSfM
config = [
"use_exif_size: no",
"feature_process_size: %s" % args.resize_to,
"feature_min_frames: %s" % args.min_num_features,
"processes: %s" % args.max_concurrency,
"matching_gps_neighbors: %s" % args.matcher_neighbors,
"depthmap_method: %s" % args.opensfm_depthmap_method,
"depthmap_resolution: %s" % args.depthmap_resolution,
"depthmap_min_patch_sd: %s" % args.opensfm_depthmap_min_patch_sd,
"depthmap_min_consistent_views: %s" % args.opensfm_depthmap_min_consistent_views,
"optimize_camera_parameters: %s" % ('no' if args.use_fixed_camera_params else 'yes')
if has_alt:
log.ODM_DEBUG("Altitude data detected, enabling it for GPS alignment")
config.append("use_altitude_tag: yes")
config.append("align_method: naive")
config.append("align_method: orientation_prior")
config.append("align_orientation_prior: vertical")
if args.use_hybrid_bundle_adjustment:
log.ODM_DEBUG("Enabling hybrid bundle adjustment")
config.append("bundle_interval: 100") # Bundle after adding 'bundle_interval' cameras
config.append("bundle_new_points_ratio: 1.2") # Bundle when (new points) / (bundled points) > bundle_new_points_ratio
config.append("local_bundle_radius: 1") # Max image graph distance for images to be included in local bundle adjustment
if args.matcher_distance > 0:
config.append("matching_gps_distance: %s" % args.matcher_distance)
if gcp_path:
config.append("bundle_use_gcp: yes")
io.copy(gcp_path, opensfm_path)
config = config + append_config
# write config file
config_filename = io.join_paths(opensfm_path, 'config.yaml')
with open(config_filename, 'w') as fout:
def feature_matching(opensfm_project_path, rerun=False):
matched_done_file = io.join_paths(opensfm_project_path, 'matching_done.txt')
if not io.file_exists(matched_done_file) or rerun:
run('extract_metadata', opensfm_project_path)
# TODO: distributed workflow should do these two steps independently
run('detect_features', opensfm_project_path)
run('match_features', opensfm_project_path)
with open(matched_done_file, 'w') as fout:
fout.write("Matching done!\n")
log.ODM_WARNING('Found a feature matching done progress file in: %s' %