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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

from __future__ import absolute_import
import os, shutil, sys, struct, random, math
from gippy import GeoImage
from opendm.dem import commands
from opendm import system
from opendm import log
from opendm import context
from scipy import signal, ndimage
import numpy as np
def create_25dmesh(inPointCloud, outMesh, dsm_resolution=0.05, depth=8, samples=1, maxVertexCount=100000, verbose=False, max_workers=None):
# Create DSM from point cloud
# Create temporary directory
mesh_directory = os.path.dirname(outMesh)
tmp_directory = os.path.join(mesh_directory, 'tmp')
#if os.path.exists(tmp_directory):
# shutil.rmtree(tmp_directory)
log.ODM_INFO('Created temporary directory: %s' % tmp_directory)
radius_steps = [dsm_resolution * math.sqrt(2)]
log.ODM_INFO('Creating DSM for 2.5D mesh')
radius=map(str, radius_steps),
mesh = dem_to_mesh(os.path.join(tmp_directory, 'mesh_dsm.tif'), outMesh, maxVertexCount, verbose)
# Cleanup tmp
#if os.path.exists(tmp_directory):
# shutil.rmtree(tmp_directory)
return mesh
def dem_to_mesh(inGeotiff, outPointCloud, maxVertexCount, verbose=False):
log.ODM_INFO('Sampling points from DSM: %s' % inGeotiff)
kwargs = {
'bin': context.odm_modules_path,
'outfile': outPointCloud,
'infile': inGeotiff,
'verbose': '-verbose' if verbose else ''
# TODO: finish here.'{bin}/odm_dem2mesh -inputFile {infile} '
'-outputFile {outfile} '
'- '
' {verbose} '.format(**kwargs))
return outPointCloud
# Old Python implementation of dem_to_points
# def dem_to_points(inGeotiff, outPointCloud):
# log.ODM_INFO('Sampling points from DSM: %s' % inGeotiff)
# image =[inGeotiff], bandnames=['z'], nodata=-9999)
# arr = image['z'].read_raw()
# mem_file = BytesIO()
# xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = image.extent().x0(), image.extent().x1(), image.extent().y0(), image.extent().y1()
# ext_width, ext_height = xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin
# arr_height, arr_width = arr.shape
# vertex_count = (arr_height - 4) * (arr_width - 4)
# skirt_points = 0
# skirt_height_threshold = 1 # meter
# skirt_increments = 0.1
# for x in range(2, arr_width - 2):
# for y in range(2, arr_height - 2):
# z = arr[y][x]
# tx = xmin + (float(x) / float(arr_width)) * ext_width
# ty = ymax - (float(y) / float(arr_height)) * ext_height
# mem_file.write(struct.pack('ffffff', tx, ty, z, 0, 0, 1))
# # Skirting
# for (nx, ny) in ((x, y + 1), (x, y - 1), (x + 1, y), (x - 1, y)):
# current_z = z
# neighbor_z = arr[ny][nx]
# if current_z - neighbor_z > skirt_height_threshold:
# while current_z > neighbor_z:
# current_z -= skirt_increments
# mem_file.write(struct.pack('ffffff', tx, ty, current_z, 0, 0, 1))
# skirt_points += 1
# mem_file.write(struct.pack('ffffff', tx, ty, neighbor_z, 0, 0, 1))
# skirt_points += 1
# log.ODM_INFO("Points count: %s (%s samples, %s skirts)", vertex_count + skirt_points, vertex_count, skirt_points)
# log.ODM_INFO('Writing points...')
# with open(outPointCloud, "wb") as f:
# f.write("ply\n")
# f.write("format binary_%s_endian 1.0\n" % sys.byteorder)
# f.write("element vertex %s\n" % (vertex_count + skirt_points))
# f.write("property float x\n")
# f.write("property float y\n")
# f.write("property float z\n")
# f.write("property float nx\n")
# f.write("property float ny\n")
# f.write("property float nz\n")
# f.write("end_header\n")
# shutil.copyfileobj(mem_file, f)
# mem_file.close()
# log.ODM_INFO('Wrote points to: %s' % outPointCloud)
# return outPointCloud
def screened_poisson_reconstruction(inPointCloud, outMesh, depth = 8, samples = 1, maxVertexCount=100000, pointWeight=4, threads=context.num_cores, verbose=False):
mesh_path, mesh_filename = os.path.split(outMesh)
# mesh_path = path/to
# mesh_filename = odm_mesh.ply
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(mesh_filename)
# basename = odm_mesh
# ext = .ply
outMeshDirty = os.path.join(mesh_path, "{}.dirty{}".format(basename, ext))
poissonReconArgs = {
'bin': context.poisson_recon_path,
'outfile': outMeshDirty,
'infile': inPointCloud,
'depth': depth,
'samples': samples,
'pointWeight': pointWeight,
'threads': threads,
'verbose': '--verbose' if verbose else ''
# Run PoissonRecon'{bin} --in {infile} '
'--out {outfile} '
'--depth {depth} '
'--pointWeight {pointWeight} '
'--samplesPerNode {samples} '
'--threads {threads} '
'--linearFit '
# Cleanup and reduce vertex count if necessary
cleanupArgs = {
'bin': context.odm_modules_path,
'outfile': outMesh,
'infile': outMeshDirty,
'max_vertex': maxVertexCount,
'verbose': '-verbose' if verbose else ''
}'{bin}/odm_cleanmesh -inputFile {infile} '
'-outputFile {outfile} '
'-removeIslands '
'-decimateMesh {max_vertex} {verbose} '.format(**cleanupArgs))
# Delete intermediate results
return outMesh