18 wiersze
922 B

API relevant changes since last release / "to implement" list:
Refer to mastodon changelog and API docs for details when implementing, add or modify tests where needed
4.0.0 and beyond
* [ ] Document all the endpoints we need to add
General improvements that would be good to do before doing another release
* [x] Split into parts in some way that makes sense, it's getting very unwieldy
* [x] Fix the CI (forever task)
* [ ] Get test coverage like, real high
* [x] Add all those streaming events??
* [x] Document return values (skipping this for a bit to then do it at the end with tooling)
* [x] Do this with models properly, that would be cool as heck
* [x] Add links to mastodon docs to entities and endpoints
* [ ] Also add links to tests to the docstrings so people can see usage examples