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# M.CU.M.E = Multi CompUter Machine Emulator
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<img width="320" height="140" src="/images/logo.png">
# News
Nov 2019: Gameboy, Sega Master System/ GameGear and Megadrive/Genesis emulator running with extra 8MB SPI RAM (PSRAM) <br>
Oct 2019: PC-Engine 'tiny' emulator running on Teensy 4.0 using an extra 8MB SPI RAM (PSRAM) <br><br>
GFX bug due to objs cache limitation is now fixed!
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<img src="/images/t4piggy.png" width="240" />
<img src="/images/pcbT4.png" width="480" />
T4 with PSRAM piggy back and latest T4 pcb!
Sep 2019: Teensy 4.0 now running Atari 520ST emulator (68k core based)!!! <br><br><br>
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<img src="/images/teensy4SD.png" width="200" />
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<img src="/images/stdesktop.png" width="200" />
<img src="/images/strobocop.png" width="200" />
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<img src="/images/teensybread.jpg" width="200" />
<img src="/images/teensy362.jpg" width="200" />
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<img src="/images/esp321.jpg" width="200" />
<img src="/images/esp322.jpg" width="200" />
A collection of 80th game Console and Computer emulators ported to Teensy and ESP32 MCUs.<br>
Have a look at the video:<br><br>
This project is a spin-off of the TeensyCEC project<br>
Now ported to much more MCUs! <br>
# Featuring
Computer systems supported and status on various MCU platforms<br>
| System | Teensy3.6 | Teensy 4.0 | Teensy4+PSRAM | ESP32 | ESP32-Wrover |
| --- | --- |--- | --- | --- | --- |
| Zx81 | X | X | X | X | X |
| Zx spectrum | X | X | X | X | X |
| Atari 800 | X | X | X | X | X |
| C64 | X | X | X | X | X |
| Atari 520ST | - | full speed! | X | - | slow |
| 8086 XT PC | - | full speed! | X | - | slow |
Please compile for smallest code on the Teensy4.0 else you will run out of memory<br><br>
Game console systems supported and status on various MCU platforms<br>
| System | Teensy3.6 | Teensy 4.0 | Teensy4+PSRAM | ESP32 | ESP32-Wrover |
| --- | --- |--- | --- | --- | --- |
| Atari 2600 | X | X | X | X | X |
| Odyssey/Videopac | X | X | X | X | X |
| Colecovision | X | X | X | X | X |
| Atari 5200 | X | X | X | X | X |
| Nintendo NES | X | big roms! | X | X | X |
| Vectrex | - | full speed! | X | - | slow |
| PC Engine | - | - | X | - | - |
| Gameboy/GBColor | - | - | X | - | - |
| Sega Master System/Game Gear | - | - | X | - | - |
| Sega Genesis/Megadrive | - | - | X | - | - |
# Minimal requirements:
- Teensy3.6/Teensy4.0 or ESP32 Node32S/Wrover SDK chip
- ILI9341 (Teensy/ESP32) or ST7789 (Teensy only) SPI display
- SD card (Teensy uses built-in uSD, ESP32 uses external one connected over SPI, e.g. ILI9341 integrated one)
- Analog joypad (Arduino or PSP like)
- 3 buttons (FIRE, USER1 and USER2)
# Optional requirements:
- I2C custom keyboard (for computers emulators)
- Sound (DAC for ESP and Teensy3.6, MQS for Teensy4.0)
- VGA output (Teensy 3.6 only)
- 2 extra buttons (USER3 and USER4) mostly for NES emu
# Wiring
- see pinout.txt file in the respective project (ESP32 or Teensy)
- Some KICAD image also available for ESP32
# I2C keyboard (for computer emus)
- see i2ckeyboard sub-directory
- the I2C keyboard is using a separate atmega328p MCU handling the keys matrix
- with 10x4 or 10x5 keys
# Installation
- Format the SD card as FAT32
- extract the content of in the root directory
- there must be a sub-directorie for each emulator
- "2600" => for atarivcs, put your Atari 2600 roms here (.bin), with sub-dirs or not
- "5200" => for atari5200, put your Atari 5200 roms here (.bin)
- "800" => for atari800, put your Atari 800 cartridges here (.rom)
- 'c64" => for c64, put your C64 programs here (.prg), with sub-dirs or not
- "o2em" => for odyssey/videopac, put your Videopac/Odysssey roms here (.bin)
- "coleco" => for colem, put your Colecovision roms here (.rom, including coleco.rom)
- "nes" => for nes/nofrendo, put your .nes files here (e.g. galaga,xevious,mario1...)
- "spec" => for spectrum, put your ".z80" or ".sna" files here into sub-dirs or not ( max 48K )
- "z81" => for zx81, put your ".p", ".81"(, ".56") ".80" or ".o" files here ( max 56K )
- "st" => for AtariST, put your floppis ".st" files here
- "pc" => for 8086, put your HDD image ".img"
- "vectrex" => for Vectrex, put your ".gam" files here
- "pce" => for PC Engine, put your ".pce" files here
- "gameboy" => for Gameboy and GBColor, put your ".gb"/"gbc" files here
- "sms" => for Sega Master System/Game Gear, put your ".sms"/"gg" files here
- "gen" => for Sega Genesis/Megadrive, put your ".smd"/"bin" files here
-- insert the card into the SD slot
# Compilation/flashing (Teensy)
- open the respective ino file with Arduino SDK
- select DISPLAY MODULE in tft_t_dma_config.h (ST7789 or ILI9341)!!!!
- double check iopins.h for pins configuration!!!!
- compile and install from there.
# Compilation/flashing (ESP32)
- go to espboot directory first:
- make, make flash => this will install custom partition table, bootloader and app selector
- go to any other directory (one by one!):
- Adapt ./ according your OS (I use OSX)
- make, ./
# Status and known issues
- 64 (C64):
- Full speed with sound
- I2C custom keyboard support!
- (only few games working)
- colem (Colecovision):
- Full speed with sound
- vcs (Atari 2600):
- no sound yet
- limited cartridge size support (due to ram constraint)
- o2em (Videopac/Odyssey):
- no sound
- only videopac G7000 games supported (due to ram constraint)
- nofrendo (Nintendo NES):
- Full speed with sound
- 32k roms only supported except on Teensy 4.0
- 5200 (Atari 5200):
- Full speed with sound
- 16 and 32k roms
- speccy (Zx spectrum):
- SNA support (Z80 to be fixed)
- YM and preliminary buzz sound support
- 48k games only supported
- kempston joystick supported but on screen keyboard may not answer in some games
- I2C custom keyboard support!
- 81 (Zx81):
- zx80 and zx81
- .P, .81 and .80 format support (rename .56 for Zx81 hires game that requires 48k or more)
- I2C custom keyboard support!
- HIRES support for zx81
- zx80 support
- YM sound support for zx81
- 800 (Atari 400/800/XE/XL):
- .rom support (no floppy yet)
- I2C custom keyboard support!
- Full speed with sound
- Castaway (AtariST):
- floppy support
- I2C custom keyboard support!
- with sound
- full speed on Teensy4.0 only!!
- 8086 (XT PC):
- HDD image support
- I2C custom keyboard support!
- no sound
- full speed on Teensy4.0 only!!
- Vectrex (MB Vectrex):
- .gam roms support
- no sound
- full speed on Teensy4.0 only!!
- PCE (PC Engine):
- .pce roms support
- Nearly full speed with sound
- Some games hang or do not start as Outrun, Powerdrift...
- SMS/GG (Sega Master System/Game Gear):
- Full speed with sound
- Gameboy (and Game Boy Color):
- Full speed with sound
- Major missing background issue
- Genesis (Sega Megadrive):
- Nearly Full speed with rarely sound
- Some background rotation issue
- Some games do not start
# Running
- ESP32 only: Select the emulator from the app selector screen and press FIRE (wait a bit that the SD get mounted)
- For the launched emulator you should see the roms of the SD card being listed
- you can select the rom with up/down
- you can start the game by pressing the FIRE key
- while the game is running, you might have to press USER1 or USER2 keys to start the game
- some emulators requires the I2Ckeyboard
- You can then play the game with the analog joystick and the FIRE/USER1 keys
- press the USER1+USER2 to reboot the emulator and load another ROM
- USER2 can be used to swap joystick 1/2 in some emulators
# Credits
I mostly ported the emulators from existing projects, all the credit goes to the authors of
colem, o2em , x2600, moarnes, mc-4u, sz81, atari800, Vice, Nofrendo, jun52, dcastaway, vectrexemu (sorry if I don't mention their name), Charles Macdonald (TGemu) and Mike Chambers for his 8086 Arduino project!
Thanks a lot also to Frank Boesing for his ILI DMA library from which I started from and his great Teensy64 project