
830 B
Executable File

Setting up EOTK on Raspbian

exit 0 # just in case anyone thinks this is a script

Tor Installation

EOTK requires Tor

NGINX Installation

EOTK requires recent nginx with the following modules/features enabled:

  • headers_more
  • ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module
  • http_sub
  • http_ssl


Unless you are fortunate to have these already installed, there are two options for you:

  • spend hours on your own, messing with backports and repos, or:
  • run the obviously-named scripts in opt.d to compile from source.

...which will do all the work for you, no options/arguments required, although the actual compilation may take a long time. It's your choice. If you choose the latter option, do this:

  • ./opt.d/build-nginx-on-debian.sh
  • ./opt.d/build-tor-on-debian.sh

...as appropriate.