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# Cloudlog
Cloudlog is a self-hosted PHP application, which allows you to log your amateur radio contacts anywhere all you need is a web browser and and internet connection.
Website: [](
## Versions
* Master - Current working copy
* Version2 - Future release highly broken and unstable
## Setup
We're still working simplying the setup but you can check out the Wiki for some useful tips and howtos.
## CAT Control
Its possible to interact with your radio if you have a K3, FT-950 or a ICOM radio using a nice application that Rob (M0VFC) has put together called [CloudlogCAT]( The application is still in active development and lots of new features are due.
## Copyright
Copyright (c) 2011 Peter Goodhall ([2E0SQL](
## Credits
* Andy (M0VKG) [](
* Gavin (M1BXF) [](
* Graham (W5ISP) [](
* Robert (M0VFC) [](
* Corby (KØSKW) [](
![Clublog Logo]( "Clublog Logo")
We use the [Clublog]( cty.xml to power the dxcc lookup functions.