Peter Goodhall 2024-01-14 18:04:56 +00:00
commit 2175eb6837
24 zmienionych plików z 416 dodań i 409 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['account_logbook_fields'] = '日志簿显示内容';
$lang['account_logbook_fields'] = '日志显示内容';
$lang['account_column1_text'] = '第1列';
$lang['account_column2_text'] = '第2列';
$lang['account_column3_text'] = '第3列';
$lang['account_column4_text'] = '第4列';
$lang['account_column5_text'] = '第5列仅日志簿页面展示)';
$lang['account_column5_text'] = '第5列仅日志页面展示)';
$lang['account_create_user_account'] = '创建用户账户';
$lang['account_create_user_account'] = '创建账户';
$lang['account_edit_account'] = '编辑账户';
$lang['account_account_information'] = '账户信息';
@ -30,57 +30,57 @@ $lang['account_personal_information'] = '个人信息';
$lang['account_first_name'] = '姓';
$lang['account_last_name'] = '名';
$lang['account_hamradio_information'] = "Ham Radio";
$lang['account_hamradio_information'] = "HAM信息";
$lang['account_callsign'] = '呼号';
$lang['account_gridsquare'] = '梅登海德网格';
$lang['account_gridsquare'] = '网格坐标';
$lang['account_cloudlog_preferences'] = '偏好选项';
$lang['account_cloudlog_preferences'] = '偏好';
$lang['account_timezone'] = '时区';
$lang['account_date_format'] = '日期格式';
$lang['account_log_end_time'] = '单独记录QSO结束时间';
$lang['account_log_end_time_hint'] = '如果想分别记录QSO的开始和结束时间选择\'是\',若选择\'否\'则QSO开始与结束时间相同';
$lang['account_quicklog_feature'] = "快速日志功能";
$lang['account_quicklog_feature_hint'] = "快速日志功能可以使用标题栏中的搜索字段来记录呼号";
$lang['account_quicklog_enter'] = "快速日志 - 回车键行为";
$lang['account_quicklog_enter_hint'] = "在快速日志字段中按 回车键 后应执行什么操作?";
$lang['account_log_end_time_hint'] = '如果想分别记录QSO的开始和结束时间选择\'是\',若选择\'否\'则QSO开始与结束时间相同';
$lang['account_quicklog_feature'] = "快速日志";
$lang['account_quicklog_feature_hint'] = "快速日志功能可以使用标题栏中的搜索字段来记录呼号";
$lang['account_quicklog_enter'] = "快速日志 - 回车键操作";
$lang['account_quicklog_enter_hint'] = "在快速日志字段中按 '回车键' 后应执行的操作";
$lang['account_quicklog_enter_log'] = "记录呼号";
$lang['account_quicklog_enter_search'] = "查询呼号";
$lang['account_measurement_preferences'] = '距离单位偏好';
$lang['account_select_how_you_would_like_dates_shown_when_logged_into_your_account'] = '选择您登录账户时显示的日期格式';
$lang['account_measurement_preferences'] = '距离单位选择';
$lang['account_select_how_you_would_like_dates_shown_when_logged_into_your_account'] = '选择您登录账户时显示偏好的日期格式';
$lang['account_choose_which_unit_distances_will_be_shown_in'] = '选择距离单位';
$lang['account_cloudlog_language'] = 'Cloudlog语言';
$lang['account_choose_cloudlog_language'] = '选择Cloudlog语言';
$lang['account_choose_cloudlog_language'] = '选择Cloudlog语言';
$lang['account_main_menu'] = '主菜单';
$lang['account_show_notes_in_the_main_menu'] = '在主菜单显示便签';
$lang['account_show_notes_in_the_main_menu'] = '在主菜单显示便签';
$lang['account_gridsquare_and_location_autocomplete'] = '自动填写梅登海德网格和位置';
$lang['account_gridsquare_and_location_autocomplete'] = '自动填写网格坐标和位置';
$lang['account_location_auto_lookup'] = '自动查找位置';
$lang['account_if_set_gridsquare_is_fetched_based_on_location_name'] = '如果开启本选项,将根据位置名称获取梅登海德网格。';
$lang['account_sota_auto_lookup_gridsquare_and_name_for_summit'] = '根据 SOTA 编号自动查找梅登海德网格和峰名。';
$lang['account_wwff_auto_lookup_gridsquare_and_name_for_reference'] = '根据 WWFF 编号自动查找梅登海德网格和名称。';
$lang['account_pota_auto_lookup_gridsquare_and_name_for_park'] = '根据 POTA 编号自动查找梅登海德网格和名称。';
$lang['account_if_set_name_and_gridsquare_is_fetched_from_the_api_and_filled_in_location_and_locator'] = '如果开启此项设置将从API获取名称和梅登海德网格并填写位置和定位器。';
$lang['account_if_set_gridsquare_is_fetched_based_on_location_name'] = '如果开启本选项,将根据位置名称获取网格坐标';
$lang['account_sota_auto_lookup_gridsquare_and_name_for_summit'] = '根据 SOTA 编号自动查找网格坐标峰';
$lang['account_wwff_auto_lookup_gridsquare_and_name_for_reference'] = '根据 WWFF 编号自动查找网格坐标和保护区';
$lang['account_pota_auto_lookup_gridsquare_and_name_for_park'] = '根据 POTA 编号自动查找网格坐标和公园';
$lang['account_if_set_name_and_gridsquare_is_fetched_from_the_api_and_filled_in_location_and_locator'] = '开启此项设置将会通过API获取名称和网格坐标并填写位置和网格定位';
$lang['account_previous_qsl_type'] = '上一个QSL类型';
$lang['account_select_the_type_of_qsl_to_show_in_the_previous_qsos_section'] = '选择要在上一个QSO部分中显示的QSL类型。';
$lang['account_previous_qsl_type'] = '上一个QSL方式';
$lang['account_select_the_type_of_qsl_to_show_in_the_previous_qsos_section'] = '选择要在上一个QSO部分中显示的QSL方式';
$lang['account_qrzcom_hamqthcom_images'] = 'qrz.com/hamqth.com Images';
$lang['account_show_profile_picture_of_qso_partner_from_qrzcom_hamqthcom_profile_in_the_log_qso_section'] = '在日志QSO部分中显示qrz.com/hamqth.com配置文件的QSO合作伙伴的个人资料图片。';
$lang['account_please_set_your_qrzcom_hamqthcom_credentials_in_the_general_config_file'] = '请在general_config.php文件中设置qrz.com/hamqth.com凭据。';
$lang['account_qrzcom_hamqthcom_images'] = 'qrz.com/hamqth.com 图片';
$lang['account_show_profile_picture_of_qso_partner_from_qrzcom_hamqthcom_profile_in_the_log_qso_section'] = '在日志QSO部分中显示由 qrz.com 中 hamqth.com 配置文件所获得的对方个人资料图片';
$lang['account_please_set_your_qrzcom_hamqthcom_credentials_in_the_general_config_file'] = '请在 general_config.php 中设置 qrz.com/hamqth.com 的凭据';
$lang['account_amsat_status_upload'] = '上传AMSAT';
$lang['account_upload_status_of_sat_qsos_to'] = '上传卫星QSO到';
$lang['account_amsat_status_upload'] = '上传AMSAT';
$lang['account_upload_status_of_sat_qsos_to'] = '上传卫星状态到';
$lang['account_logbook_of_the_world'] = 'Logbook of the WorldLoTW';
$lang['account_logbook_of_the_world_lotw_username'] = 'Logbook of The World (LoTW) 用户名';
$lang['account_logbook_of_the_world_lotw_password'] = 'Logbook of The World (LoTW) 密码';
$lang['account_leave_blank_to_keep_existing_password'] = '留空以保留现有密码';
$lang['account_clublog'] = 'Club Log俱乐部日志';
$lang['account_clublog_email_callsign'] = 'Club Log 邮件地址/呼号';
$lang['account_clublog_password'] = 'Club Log 密码';
$lang['account_the_email_or_callsign_you_use_to_login_to_club_log'] = '您用于登录Club Log的电子邮件或呼号。';
$lang['account_clublog'] = 'Clublog';
$lang['account_clublog_email_callsign'] = 'Clublog 邮件地址/呼号';
$lang['account_clublog_password'] = 'Clublog 密码';
$lang['account_the_email_or_callsign_you_use_to_login_to_club_log'] = '登录Clublog的电子邮件或呼号';
$lang['account_eqsl'] = 'eQSL';
$lang['account_eqslcc_username'] = 'eQSL.cc 用户名';
@ -90,14 +90,14 @@ $lang['account_save_account_changes'] = '保存账户更改';
$lang['account_create_account'] = '创建账户';
$lang['account_delete_user_account'] = '删除用户账户';
$lang['account_are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_the_user_account'] = '您确定要删除用户账户吗?';
$lang['account_yes_delete_this_user'] = '是,删除此用户';
$lang['account_no_do_not_delete_this_user'] = '不,不要删除此用户';
$lang['account_are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_the_user_account'] = '是否删除此用户账户';
$lang['account_yes_delete_this_user'] = '是,删除';
$lang['account_no_do_not_delete_this_user'] = '不,保留';
$lang['account_forgot_password'] = '忘记密码';
$lang['account_you_can_reset_your_password_here'] = '您可以在此处重置密码';
$lang['account_you_can_reset_your_password_here'] = '在此处重置密码';
$lang['account_reset_password'] = '重置密码';
$lang['account_the_email_field_is_required'] = '电子邮件必填';
$lang['account_the_email_field_is_required'] = '电子邮件(必填)';
$lang['account_confirm_password'] = '确认密码';
$lang['account_forgot_your_password'] = '忘记密码?';
@ -114,16 +114,16 @@ $lang['account_gridmap_default_band'] = '默认波段';
$lang['account_qsl_settings'] = '默认QSL方式';
$lang['account_winkeyer'] = 'Winkeyer';
$lang['account_winkeyer_hint'] = "Cloudlog 中对 Winkeyer 的支持是实验性的,请在开启前先阅读 <a href='https://github.com/magicbug/Cloudlog/wiki/Winkey' target='_blank'>https://github.com/magicbug/Cloudlog/wiki/Winkey</a>";
$lang['account_winkeyer_hint'] = "Cloudlog 中对 Winkeyer 的支持是实验性的,请在使用前先阅读 <a href='https://github.com/magicbug/Cloudlog/wiki/Winkey' target='_blank'>https://github.com/magicbug/Cloudlog/wiki/Winkey</a>";
$lang['account_winkeyer_enabled'] = "启用 Winkeyer 功能";
$lang['account_map_params'] = "Map Settings";
$lang['account_map_qso_by_default'] = "QSO (by default)";
$lang['account_map_qso_confirm'] = "QSO (confirmed)";
$lang['account_map_qso_confirm_same_qso'] = "(If 'No', displayed as ".$lang['account_map_qso_by_default'].")";
$lang['account_map_params'] = "地图设置";
$lang['account_map_qso_by_default'] = "QSO (默认)";
$lang['account_map_qso_confirm'] = "QSO (已确认)";
$lang['account_map_qso_confirm_same_qso'] = "(如果选择'不',则显示 ".$lang['account_map_qso_by_default'].")";
$lang['account_general_information'] = "General Information";
$lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO Logging Options";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Third Party Services";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Default Values";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_general_information'] = "基本信息";
$lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO录入选项";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "第三方服务";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "默认值";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "其他";

Wyświetl plik

@ -22,31 +22,31 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
// $lang['general_word_important'] --> application/language/english/general_words_lang.php
$lang['adif_alert_log_files_type'] = "Log文件的拓展名必须是.adi";
$lang['adif_alert_log_files_type'] = "日志文件的后缀必须是.adi";
// $lang['general_word_warning'] --> application/language/english/general_words_lang.php "PHP Upload Warning"
// $lang['gen_max_file_upload_size'] --> application/language/english/general_words_lang.php "PHP Upload Warning"
$lang['adif_select_stationlocation'] = "选择位置";
$lang['adif_select_stationlocation'] = "选择站位置";
// $lang['gen_hamradio_callsign'] --> application/language/english/general_words_lang.php
// The File Input is translated by the Browser
$lang['adif_file_label'] = "ADIF 文件";
$lang['adif_hint_no_info_in_file'] = "如果导入的ADIF文件不包含此信息选择此项";
$lang['adif_hint_no_info_in_file'] = "如果导入的ADIF文件不包含此信息选择此项";
$lang['adif_import_dup'] = "导入重复的QSO";
$lang['adif_mark_imported_lotw'] = "标记导入的QSO为已上传至 LoTW";
$lang['adif_mark_imported_hrdlog'] = "标记导入的QSO为已上传至 HRDLog.net Logbook";
$lang['adif_mark_imported_hrdlog'] = "标记导入的QSO为已上传至 HRDLog Logbook";
$lang['adif_mark_imported_qrz'] = "标记导入的QSO为已上传至 QRZ Logbook";
$lang['adif_mark_imported_clublog'] = "标记导入的QSO为已上传至 Clublog Logbook";
$lang['adif_dxcc_from_adif'] = "使用ADIF文件中的DXCC信息";
$lang['adif_dxcc_from_adif_hint'] = "如果不选择Cloudlog会尝试自动确定DXCC信息。";
$lang['adif_dxcc_from_adif_hint'] = "如果不选择Cloudlog将会自动判断QSO的DXCC";
$lang['adif_always_use_login_call_as_op'] = "总是在导入时使用登录的呼号作为操作者名称";
$lang['adif_ignore_station_call'] = "导入时忽略台站的呼号";
$lang['adif_ignore_station_call_hint'] = "如果选择Cloudlog会尝试导入ADIF文件中的 <b>所有</b> QSO无论他们是否与所选台站位置匹配。";
$lang['adif_ignore_station_call_hint'] = "如果选择Cloudlog会尝试导入ADIF文件中的 <b>所有</b> QSO而不判断是否与所选台站位置匹配";
$lang['adif_upload'] = "上传";
@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ ADIF Export
$lang['adif_export_take_it_anywhere'] = "导出你的日志";
$lang['adif_export_take_it_anywhere_hint'] = "导出 ADIF 允许您将日志导入到 LoTW 等第三方应用程序或只是为了保留备份。";
$lang['adif_export_take_it_anywhere'] = "导出日志";
$lang['adif_export_take_it_anywhere_hint'] = "导出 ADIF 方便您将日志导入到 LoTW 等第三方应用程序或备份日志";
$lang['adif_mark_exported_lotw'] = "将导出的 QSO 标记为已上传到 LoTW";
$lang['adif_mark_exported_no_lotw'] = "导出没有上传到 LoTw 的 QSO";
$lang['adif_mark_exported_no_lotw'] = "导出没有上传到 LoTW 的 QSO";
$lang['adif_export_qso'] = "导出 QSO";
@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ Logbook of the World
$lang['adif_lotw_export_if_selected'] = "如果未选择日期范围,则所有 QSO 都将被标记";
$lang['adif_lotw_export_if_selected'] = "如果未选择日期范围,则所有 QSO 都将被标记";
$lang['adif_mark_qso_as_exported_to_lotw'] = "将 QSO 标记为导出到 LoTW";
$lang['adif_qso_marked'] = "QSO 已标记";
$lang['adif_yay_its_done'] = "耶, 完事儿了!";
$lang['adif_qso_lotw_marked_confirm'] = "这些 QSO 已经被标记为已导出到 LoTW";
$lang['adif_yay_its_done'] = "导出成功";
$lang['adif_qso_lotw_marked_confirm'] = "这些 QSO 已经被标记为已导出到 LoTW";
@ -88,16 +88,16 @@ DARC DCL
$lang['adif_dcl_text_pre'] = "前往";
$lang['adif_dcl_text_post'] = "并导出包含已确认 DOK 的日志。为了加快该过程,您可以仅选择 DL QSO 进行下载(即将“DL”放入前缀列表中。可以在此处上传下载的 ADIF 文件,以便使用 DOK 信息更新 QSO";
$lang['adif_dcl_text_post'] = "并导出包含已确认 DOK 的日志。为了加快该过程,您可以仅选择 DL QSO 进行下载(即将'DL'放入前缀列表中)。可以在此处上传已下载的 ADIF 文件,以便使用 DOK 信息更新 QSO";
$lang['only_confirmed_qsos'] = "仅导入在 DCL 上确认的 QSO 的 DOK 数据";
$lang['only_confirmed_qsos_hint'] = "如果您还想使用 DCL 中未经确认的 QSO 的数据更新 DOK请取消选中";
$lang['only_confirmed_qsos'] = "仅导入在 DCL 上确认的 QSO 的 DOK 数据";
$lang['only_confirmed_qsos_hint'] = "如果您还想使用 DCL 中未经确认的 QSO 的数据更新 DOK请取消选中";
$lang['overwrite_by_dcl'] = "用 DCL 覆盖日志中现有的 DOC如果不同";
$lang['overwrite_by_dcl_hint'] = "如果选中Cloudlog 将使用 DCL 日志中的 DOK 强制覆盖现有的 DOK 信息。";
$lang['ignore_ambiguous'] = "忽略无法匹配的 QSO";
$lang['ignore_ambiguous_hint'] = "如果不勾选,会显示 Cloudlog 中找不到的 QSO 信息。";
$lang['ignore_ambiguous_hint'] = "如果不勾选,会显示 Cloudlog 中无法匹配的 QSO 信息";
@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['adif_imported'] = "ADIF 已导入";
$lang['adif_yay_its_imported'] = "耶,导入成功";
$lang['adif_yay_its_imported'] = "导入成功";
$lang['adif_import_confirm'] = "ADIF 文件已成功导入";
$lang['adif_import_dupes_inserted'] = " <b>重复条目已导入!</b>";
$lang['adif_import_dupes_skipped'] = " 重复条目已跳过。";
$lang['adif_import_dupes_inserted'] = " <b>重复的QSO已导入</b>";
$lang['adif_import_dupes_skipped'] = " 已跳过重复的QSO";
$lang['adif_import_errors'] = "ADIF 错误";
$lang['adif_import_errors_hint'] = "ADIF 错误QSO 虽然已添加,但以下字段尚未填充。";
$lang['adif_import_errors'] = "ADIF 文件错误";
$lang['adif_import_errors_hint'] = "ADIF 文件错误QSO 虽然已添加,但以下字段尚未填充。";
@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ $lang['dcl_results'] = "DCL DOK 更新结果";
$lang['dcl_info_updated'] = "DOK 的 DCL 信息已更新。";
$lang['dcl_qsos_updated'] = "已更新的QSO";
$lang['dcl_qsos_ignored'] = "已忽略的QSO";
$lang['dcl_qsos_unmatched'] = "匹配的QSO";
$lang['dcl_qsos_unmatched'] = "无法匹配的QSO";
$lang['dcl_no_qsos_updated'] = "未找到可以更新的 QSO。";
$lang['dcl_dok_errors'] = "DOK 错误";
$lang['dcl_dok_errors_details'] = "与 DCL 相比,您的日志中 DOK 的数据不同";
$lang['dcl_dok_errors_details'] = "与 DCL 相比,日志中 DOK 的数据不同";
$lang['dcl_qsl_status'] = "DCL QSL 状态";
$lang['dcl_qsl_status_c'] = "已经通过 LoTW/Clublog/eQSL/Contest 确认";
$lang['dcl_qsl_status_mno'] = "已经通过 award manager 确认";
$lang['dcl_qsl_status_c'] = "已经通过 LoTW/Clublog/eQSL/竞赛 确认";
$lang['dcl_qsl_status_mno'] = "已经通过奖项管理员确认";
$lang['dcl_qsl_status_i'] = "已经通过 DCL 数据交叉检查确认";
$lang['dcl_qsl_status_w'] = "等待确认";
$lang['dcl_qsl_status_x'] = "未确认";

Wyświetl plik

@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['admin_user_line1'] = 'Cloudlog至少需要配置一个用户才能运行。';
$lang['admin_user_line2'] = '用户可以被分配不同的角色,这些角色赋予他们不同的权限,例如向日志簿添加 QSO 和访问Cloudlog API。';
$lang['admin_user_line3'] = '页面右上方显示当前登录的用户。';
$lang['admin_user_line4'] = "With the password reset button, you can send a user an email containing a link to reset their password. To achieve this, ensure that the email settings in the global options are configured correctly.";
$lang['admin_user_line4'] = "通过'重置密码'按钮,你可以向用户发送一封带有重置密码链接的邮件。您需要确保全局设定中的邮件设置配置正确";
$lang['admin_user_list'] = '用户列表';
$lang['admin_user'] = '用户名';
$lang['admin_email'] = '电子邮件';
$lang['admin_type'] = '用户类型';
$lang['admin_last_login'] = "Last Login";
$lang['admin_last_login'] = "最后登录";
$lang['admin_options'] = '设置';
$lang['admin_create_user'] = '创建用户';
@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $lang['admin_copy'] = '复制';
$lang['admin_save'] = '保存';
$lang['admin_close'] = '关闭';
$lang['admin_user_accounts'] = '用户账户';
$lang['admin_danger'] = '危险!';
$lang['admin_danger'] = '危险';
$lang['admin_experimental'] = "实验性功能";
$lang['admin_password_reset'] = "Password Reset";
$lang['admin_password_reset'] = "重置密码";
$lang['admin_email_settings_incorrect'] = "Email settings are incorrect.";
$lang['admin_password_reset_processed'] = "Password Reset E-Mail sent.";
$lang['admin_email_settings_incorrect'] = "邮件设定出现错误";
$lang['admin_password_reset_processed'] = "密码重置邮件已发送";
// Contest Menu
// 将Conetest统一翻译为竞赛去除中英文混用
$lang['admin_contest_menu_line_1'] = '使用竞赛列表,您可以控制在比赛中记录 QSO 时显示哪些竞赛';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_line_2'] = '启用的竞赛将显示在竞赛名称下拉列表中,而停用的竞赛将被隐藏且无法选择';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_line_1'] = '使用竞赛列表,您可以控制在比赛中记录 QSO 时显示哪些竞赛';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_line_2'] = '启用的竞赛将显示在竞赛名称下拉列表中,而停用的竞赛将被隐藏且无法选择';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_name'] = '名称';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_adif'] = 'ADIF 名称';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_active'] = '启用';
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $lang['admin_contest_menu_n_active'] = '停用';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_activate'] = '启用';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_deactivate'] = '停用';
$lang['admin_contest_add_contest'] = '添加 Contest';
$lang['admin_contest_add_contest'] = '添加竞赛';
$lang["admin_contest_create"] = "创建";
$lang['admin_contest_all_active'] = '启用所有';
$lang['admin_contest_all_deactive'] = '停用所有';

Wyświetl plik

@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln1'] = "CQ 杂志 WAZ 奖状";
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln2'] = "CQ 杂志位于美国,是世界上最受欢迎的业余无线电杂志之一 该杂志于 1945 年 1 月首次出版,重点关注业余无线电的奖项和实用方面";
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln3'] = "WAZ 奖代表“Worked All Zones”需要与所有 40 个 CQ 进行QSO并提供相应的确认";
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln4'] = "您可以在<a href='https://cq-amateur-radio.com/cq_awards/cq_waz_awards/index_cq_waz_award.html' target='_blank'>CQ杂志</a>网站上,或查看童效勇和陈方老师编纂的《业余无线电通信》了解更多相关信息";
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln2'] = "CQ 杂志来自美国,是世界上最受欢迎的业余无线电杂志之一 该杂志于 1945 年 1 月首次出版,重点关注业余无线电的奖项和实用方面";
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln3'] = "WAZ 奖代表“Worked All Zones”需要与所有 40 个 CQ 区进行QSO并提供相应的确认";
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln4'] = "您可以在<a href='https://cq-amateur-radio.com/cq_awards/cq_waz_awards/index_cq_waz_award.html' target='_blank'>CQ杂志</a>网站上,或查看童效勇和陈方老师编纂的《业余无线电通信》了解更多相关信息";
@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln1'] = "DOK 奖状";
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln2'] = "德国从东到西绵延 630 多公里,从北到南绵延近 900 公里 德国 8200 万居民中约有 70,000 人是有执照的HAM其中 40,000 多人是 DARC 的成员 DOK 是一个为各个地方分会提供标识符的系统其意思是“Deutscher Ortsverband Kenner”英语“德国地方协会标识符”";
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln3'] = "DOK 由代表地区的字母和代表地方分会的两位数字组成,例如 P03 Friedrichshafen“Hamradio 展览”所在城市)或 F41 BaunatalDARC 总部所在地) 注意DOK 中的零是一个常见错误,通常被记录为字母 O";
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln4'] = "此信息来自于<a href='https://www.darc.de/der-club/referate/conteste/wag-contest/en/service/districtsdoks/' target='_blank'>DARC 网站</ a>. 有关 DOK 奖项及其规则的信息,请参见 <a href='https://www.darc.de/der-club/referate/conteste/wag-contest/en/service/award-check/' target=' _blank'>此处</a>";
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln2'] = "德国从东到西绵延 630 多公里,从北到南绵延近 900 公里 德国 8200 万居民中约有 70,000 人是有执照的HAM其中 40,000 多人是 DARC 的成员 DOK 是一个为各个地方分会提供标识符的系统其意思是“Deutscher Ortsverband Kenner”英语“德国地方协会标识符”";
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln3'] = "DOK 由代表地区的字母和代表地方分会的两位数字组成,例如 P03 Friedrichshafen“Hamradio 展览”所在城市)或 F41 BaunatalDARC 总部所在地) 注意DOK 中的零是一个常见错误,通常被记录为字母 O";
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln4'] = "此信息来自于<a href='https://www.darc.de/der-club/referate/conteste/wag-contest/en/service/districtsdoks/' target='_blank'>DARC 网站</ a>. 有关 DOK 奖项及其规则的信息,请参见 <a href='https://www.darc.de/der-club/referate/conteste/wag-contest/en/service/award-check/' target=' _blank'>此处</a>";
@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln1'] = "DXCC 奖状";
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln2'] = "DXCC 代表“DX Century Club”这是一个基于通联国家/地区的奖项 DXCC 列表基于 W1CBD 的 Clinton B. DeSoto 于 1935 年创建的一篇文章,标题为<a href='http://www.arrl.org/desoto' target='_blank'>“如何计算通联过的国家/地区, 新的 DX 评分系统'</a>";
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln3'] = "您可以在 <a href='https://www.arrl.org/dxcc-rules' target='_blank'>ARRL 网站</a>上找到有关 DXCC 奖的所有信息";
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln4'] = "重要提示随着时间的推移DXCC 列表的标准已经发生变化 该列表将保持不变,直到实体不再满足添加该实体时所依据的标准,此时该实体将被移至“已删除列表” 您还会在 Cloudlog 的列表中找到已删除的 DXCC 实体 请注意,这些 DXCC 实体已过时且不再有效(如 伪满洲国曾经也是一个合法的DXCC实体";
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln2'] = "DXCC 代表“DX Century Club”这是一个基于通联国家/地区的奖项 DXCC 列表基于 W1CBD 的 Clinton B. DeSoto 于 1935 编写的一篇文章,标题为<a href='http://www.arrl.org/desoto' target='_blank'>“如何计算通联过的国家/地区, 新的 DX 评分系统'</a>";
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln3'] = "您可以在 <a href='https://www.arrl.org/dxcc-rules' target='_blank'>ARRL 网站</a>上找到有关 DXCC 奖的所有信息";
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln4'] = "重要提示随着时间的推移DXCC 列表的标准已经发生变化 该列表将保持不变,直到实体不再满足添加该实体时所依据的标准,此时该实体将被移至“已删除列表” 您还会在 Cloudlog 的列表中找到已删除的 DXCC 实体 请注意,这些 DXCC 实体已过时且不再有效(如 伪满洲国曾经也是一个合法的DXCC实体";
@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln1'] = "弗雷德·菲什纪念奖";
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln2'] = "Fred Fish 纪念奖是为了纪念 Fred Fish, W5FF (SK) 而设立,他是第一个在 6 米波段上通联并确认了美国 48 个邻近地区的所有 488 个梅登黑德网格方格的业余爱好者";
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln3'] = "该奖项将颁发给任何能够复制 W5FF 成就的业余爱好者。";
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln4'] = "如需了解更多信息,您可以访问此链接:<a href='https://www.arrl.org/ffma' target='_blank'>https://www.arrl.org/ffma</a>";
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln2'] = "Fred Fish 纪念奖是为了纪念 Fred Fish, W5FF (SK) 而设立,他是第一个在 6 米波段上通联并确认了美国 48 个邻近地区的所有 488 个网格的业余爱好者";
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln3'] = "该奖项将颁发给任何能够再次做到 W5FF 成就的业余爱好者";
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln4'] = "如需了解更多信息,您可以访问此链接:<a href='https://www.arrl.org/ffma' target='_blank'>https://www.arrl.org/ffma</a>";
@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln1'] = "IOTA 奖状";
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln2'] = "IOTA 是一项令人兴奋且创新的活动,吸引了全球数千名无线电爱好者的兴趣 它成立于 1964 年,致力于促进与世界各地岛屿电台的无线电联系,以增强所有活跃在业余频段的用户的体验 为了实现这一目标,它利用了岛屿周围普遍存在的神秘感";
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln3'] = "它由Islands On The Air (IOTA) Ltd简称IOTA Management与英国无线电协会RSGB合作管理 IOTA管理层将世界上的岛屿分为大约1200个“IOTA组”每个组都有不同数量的“counters”这些“counters”都是合格的岛屿 这些列表发布在 IOTA 目录和 IOTA 网站上 IOTA Island Chaser 的目标是与尽可能多的这些组中的至少一个进行无线电通联 该计划有一套明确的规则,通过在荣誉榜和年度名单中公布参与者的表现,并通过证书和享有盛誉的奖项来认可,鼓励追逐者之间的友好竞争";
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln4'] = "您还可以在 <a href='https://www.iota-world.org/' target='_blank'>IOTA WORLD 网站</a>上找到此信息";
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln2'] = "IOTA 是一项令人兴奋且创新的活动,吸引了全球数千名无线电爱好者的兴趣 它成立于 1964 年,致力于促进与世界各地岛屿电台的无线电联系,以增强所有活跃在业余频段的用户的体验 为了实现这一目标,它利用了岛屿周围普遍存在的神秘感";
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln3'] = "它由Islands On The Air (IOTA) Ltd简称IOTA Management与英国无线电协会RSGB合作管理 IOTA管理层将世界上的岛屿分为大约1200个“IOTA组”每个组都有不同数量的“counters”这些“counters”都是合格的岛屿 这些列表发布在 IOTA 目录和 IOTA 网站上 IOTA Island Chaser 的目标是与尽可能多的这些组中的至少一个进行无线电通联 该计划有一套明确的规则,通过在荣誉榜和年度名单中公布参与者的表现,并通过证书和享有盛誉的奖项来认可,鼓励追逐者之间的友好竞争";
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln4'] = "您还可以在 <a href='https://www.iota-world.org/' target='_blank'>IOTA WORLD 网站</a>上找到此信息";
@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln1'] = "POTA 奖状";
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln2'] = "Parks on the Air® (POTA 中文又名 空中花园) 于 2017 年初启动,当时 ARRL 的 National Parks on the Air 特别活动结束后 一群爱好者希望在一年的活动之后继续享受乐趣因此POTA 诞生了";
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln3'] = "POTA 的工作原理与 SOTA 类似,都有激活者和猎人 奖项根据公园数量、地理区域等分为多个类别";
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln4'] = "有关可用奖项和类别的更多信息,请访问<a href='https://parksontheair.com/pota-awards/' target='_blank'>Parks on the Air® 网站</a>译者注目前POTA中国由BH3XZT负责维护POTA中国群聊837917197";
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln2'] = "Parks on the Air® (POTA 中文又名 空中花园) 于 2017 年初启动,当时 ARRL 的 National Parks on the Air 特别活动结束后 一群爱好者希望在一年的活动之后继续享受乐趣因此POTA 诞生了";
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln3'] = "POTA 的工作原理与 SOTA 类似,都有激活者和猎人 奖项根据公园数量、地理区域等分为多个类别";
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln4'] = "有关可用奖项和类别的更多信息,请访问<a href='https://parksontheair.com/pota-awards/' target='_blank'>Parks on the Air® 网站</a>译者注目前POTA中国由BH3XZT负责维护POTA中国群聊837917197";
@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln1'] = "SIG 信息";
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln2'] = "SIG 或签名类别提供了对 Cloudlog 中未实施的奖励使用任何类型的“奖励签名”的可能";
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln3'] = "其原因是常见的 ADIF 格式仅为某些奖项提供了几个专用字段 SIG 仍然可以使用和评估所有其他类型的签名标记";
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln4'] = "在 QSO 处理中您会发现两个字段“SIG”包含实际标记在奖励评估中也可见“SIG INFO”包含签名的描述 这两个字段都可以自由定制";
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln2'] = "SIG 或签名类别提供了对 Cloudlog 中未实施的奖励使用任何类型的“奖励签名”的可能";
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln3'] = "其原因是常见的 ADIF 格式仅为某些奖项提供了几个专用字段 SIG 仍然可以使用和评估所有其他类型的签名标记";
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln4'] = "在 QSO 处理中您会发现两个字段“SIG”包含实际标记在奖励评估中也可见“SIG INFO”包含签名的描述 这两个字段都可以自由定制";
@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['awards_sota_description_ln1'] = "SOTA 奖状";
$lang['awards_sota_description_ln2'] = "SOTA空中山峰是一项针对无线电业余爱好者的奖励计划鼓励在山区进行便携式操作";
$lang['awards_sota_description_ln3'] = "它在全球近百个国家全面运营 每个国家/地区都有自己的协会,该协会定义了该协会内公认的 SOTA 峰会 每次登顶都会为激活者和追逐者赢得与峰顶高度相关的分数 各种分数均可获得证书,最终获得著名的“山羊”和“棚屋树懒”奖杯 激活者和追赶者的荣誉榜保存在 SOTA 在线数据库中";
$lang['awards_sota_description_ln2'] = "SOTA空中山峰是一项针对无线电业余爱好者的奖励计划鼓励在山区进行便携式操作";
$lang['awards_sota_description_ln3'] = "它在全球近百个国家全面运营 每个国家/地区都有自己的协会,该协会定义了该协会内公认的 SOTA 峰会 每次登顶都会为激活者和追逐者赢得与峰顶高度相关的分数 各种分数均可获得证书,最终获得著名的“山羊”和“棚屋树懒”奖杯 激活者和追赶者的荣誉榜保存在 SOTA 在线数据库中";
$lang['awards_sota_description_ln4'] = "如需了解更多信息,请访问:<a href='https://www.sota.org.uk/' target='_blank'>https://www.sota.org.uk/</a>.";
@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln1'] = "US County 奖状";
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln2'] = "美国县奖 (USA-CA) 由 CQ 杂志赞助,颁发给与指定数量的美国县进行确认的双向无线电联络,其规则和条件可参见 <a href='https://cq -amateur-radio.com/cq_awards/cq_usa_ca_awards/cq_usa_ca_awards.html' target='_blank'>此处</a>";
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln3'] = "USA-CA 可供全世界所有获得许可的业余爱好者使用,并颁发给所有县联络人的个人,无论使用的呼号、操作地点或日期如何";
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln4'] = "美国-加拿大还可以获得 SWL 奖项";
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln2'] = "美国县奖 (USA-CA) 由 CQ 杂志赞助,颁发给与指定数量的美国县进行确认的双向无线电联络,其规则和条件可参见 <a href='https://cq -amateur-radio.com/cq_awards/cq_usa_ca_awards/cq_usa_ca_awards.html' target='_blank'>此处</a>";
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln3'] = "USA-CA 可供全世界所有获得许可的业余爱好者使用,并颁发给所有县联络人的个人,无论使用的呼号、操作地点或日期如何";
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln4'] = "美国-加拿大还可以获得 SWL 奖项";
@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln1'] = "美国网格大师奖状";
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln2'] = "GridMaster 奖是最负盛名的 AMSAT 奖项,由 Star Comm Group 于 2014 年首次推出 全球所有业余无线电操作员都可以使用它,他们可以通过卫星在美国所有 488 个网格方格通联,并且可以为每个通联到的人提供 QSL 确认";
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln3'] = "来自<a href='https://www.amsat.org/gridmaster/' target='_blank'>网站</a>的官方信息:必须通过业余卫星与每个网格建立双向通信 没有最低信号报告要求 联系必须在同一地点或两个地点相距不超过 200 公里 申请人在奖励申请中的证明作为对遵守距离规则的确认 当个人在另一个 200 公里圈内的另一个地点获得奖项时,可以申请并获得多个 GridMaster 奖项";
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln4'] = "该地图仅显示了 SAT 上有效的 QSO";
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln2'] = "GridMaster 奖是最负盛名的 AMSAT 奖项,由 Star Comm Group 于 2014 年首次推出 全球所有业余无线电操作员都可以使用它,他们可以通过卫星在美国所有 488 个网格方格通联,并且可以为每个通联到的人提供 QSL 确认";
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln3'] = "来自<a href='https://www.amsat.org/gridmaster/' target='_blank'>网站</a>的官方信息:必须通过业余卫星与每个网格建立双向通信 没有最低信号报告要求 联系必须在同一地点或两个地点相距不超过 200 公里 申请人在奖励申请中的证明作为对遵守距离规则的确认 当个人在另一个 200 公里圈内的另一个地点获得奖项时,可以申请并获得多个 GridMaster 奖项";
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln4'] = "该地图仅显示了 SAT 上有效的 QSO";
@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['awards_ja_gridmaster_description_ln1'] = "日本网格大师奖";
$lang['awards_ja_gridmaster_description_ln2'] = "正如美国网格大师一样,该奖项是基于日本所有网格通联的奖项";
$lang['awards_ja_gridmaster_description_ln3'] = "有关该奖项的更多信息和规则仍有待确定";
$lang['awards_ja_gridmaster_description_ln2'] = "正如美国网格大师一样,该奖项是基于日本所有网格通联的奖项";
$lang['awards_ja_gridmaster_description_ln3'] = "有关该奖项的更多信息和规则仍有待确定";
$lang['awards_ja_gridmaster_description_ln4'] = "";
@ -155,9 +155,9 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln1'] = "VUCC - VHF/UHF 世纪俱乐部奖";
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln2'] = "VHF/UHF 世纪俱乐部奖颁发给在所需频段上工作和确认的最小数量的网格";
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln3'] = "官方信息和规则可以在本文档中找到:<a href='https://www.amsat.org/gridmaster/' target='_blank'>点击此处</a>";
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln4'] = "仅 VHF/UHF 频段";
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln2'] = "VHF/UHF 世纪俱乐部奖颁发给在所需频段上工作和确认的最小数量的网格";
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln3'] = "官方信息和规则可以在本文档中找到:<a href='https://www.amsat.org/gridmaster/' target='_blank'>点击此处</a>";
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln4'] = "仅 VHF/UHF 频段";
@ -167,9 +167,9 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['awards_was_description_ln1'] = "WAS 奖状";
$lang['awards_was_description_ln2'] = "ARRL 最受欢迎的奖项是“Worked All States Award” 已向世界各地的HAM颁发了数以千计的奖项 在ARRL成立101周年之际他们重新设计了证书和项目希望能够精简和完善奖励项目";
$lang['awards_was_description_ln3'] = "WAS在所有州通联过奖面向全世界所有提交证明并书面确认与美利坚合众国 50 个州联系的业余爱好者 美国及其属地的业余爱好者必须是 ARRL 的成员才能申请 WAS 来自美国境外的申请人不受此要求的约束";
$lang['awards_was_description_ln4'] = "ARRL WAS 奖的所有信息和规则均可在<a href='https://www.arrl.org/was' target='_blank'>此处</a>找到";
$lang['awards_was_description_ln2'] = "ARRL 最受欢迎的奖项是“Worked All States Award” 已向世界各地的HAM颁发了数以千计的奖项 在ARRL成立101周年之际他们重新设计了证书和项目希望能够精简和完善奖励项目";
$lang['awards_was_description_ln3'] = "WAS在所有州通联过奖面向全世界所有提交证明并书面确认与美利坚合众国 50 个州联系的业余爱好者 美国及其属地的业余爱好者必须是 ARRL 的成员才能申请 WAS 来自美国境外的申请人不受此要求的约束";
$lang['awards_was_description_ln4'] = "ARRL WAS 奖的所有信息和规则均可在<a href='https://www.arrl.org/was' target='_blank'>此处</a>找到";
@ -179,9 +179,9 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln1'] = "WWFF - 世界动植物奖";
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln2'] = "WWFF即“业余无线电世界动植物群”鼓励获得许可的业余无线电操作员离开棚屋在全球动植物保护区 (PFF) 进行便携式操作";
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln3'] = "全球已有超过 26,000 个动植物保护区 (PFF) 已在 WWFF 名录中注册 猎人和激活者可以申请全球和国内的丰富多彩的奖项";
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln4'] = "如需了解更多信息,请访问:<a href='https://wwff.co/awards/' target='_blank'>https://wwff.co/awards/</a>";
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln2'] = "WWFF即“业余无线电世界动植物群”鼓励获得许可的业余无线电操作员离开棚屋在全球动植物保护区 (PFF) 进行便携式操作";
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln3'] = "全球已有超过 26,000 个动植物保护区 (PFF) 已在 WWFF 名录中注册 猎人和激活者可以申请全球和国内的丰富多彩的奖项";
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln4'] = "如需了解更多信息,请访问:<a href='https://wwff.co/awards/' target='_blank'>https://wwff.co/awards/</a>";
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ WAJA -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln1'] = "WAJA - Worked All Japan prefectures Award";
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln2'] = "WAJA, Worked All Japan prefectures in Amateur Radio, encourages licensed ham radio operators to work all the prefectures in Japan.";
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln3'] = "May be claimed for having contacted (heard) and received a QSL card from an amateur station located in each of the 47 prefectures of Japan. A list of QSL cards should be arranged in order of WAJA (HAJA) reference number, however names of prefectures may be omitted.";
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln4'] = "For more information, please visit: <a href='https://www.jarl.org/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/Award_Main.htm' target='_blank'>https://www.jarl.org/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/Award_Main.htm</a>.";
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln1'] = "WAJA - 通联全日本都道府县奖状";
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln2'] = "WAJA,通联全日本都道府县奖状,鼓励许可的业余无线电操作者与所有日本都道府县的电台通联";
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln3'] = "也许可以通过展示出已经通联或收听过来自日本47个都道府县的电台发来的QSL卡片并按照WAJA(HAJA)的顺序进行排列,都道府县的名称可以忽略";
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln4'] = "请访问 <a href='https://www.jarl.org/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/Award_Main.htm' target='_blank'>https://www.jarl.org/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/Award_Main.htm</a> 获得更多信息";

Wyświetl plik

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['contesting_page_title'] = '竞赛日志';
$lang['contesting_button_reset_contest_session'] = '重置竞赛会话';
$lang['contesting_button_reset_contest_session'] = '重置竞赛';
$lang['contesting_operator_callsign'] = '操作员呼号';
$lang['contesting_exchange_type'] = '信息交换类型';

Wyświetl plik

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['export_kml_header'] = "KML 导出";
$lang['export_kml_description'] = "将日志导出为 KML 文件以在 Google 地球中使用";
$lang['export_kml_grisquare_warning'] = "只有定义了 网格座标 的 QSO 才会被导出!";
$lang['export_kml_description'] = "将日志导出为 KML 文件以在 Google 地球中使用";
$lang['export_kml_grisquare_warning'] = "只有有网格座标的 QSO 才会被导出";
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['export_dxatlas_header'] = "DX Atlas 导出";
$lang['export_dxatlas_description'] = "导出您的日志以在 DX Atlas 中使用以显示已工作/已确认的网格座标";
$lang['export_dxatlas_gridsquare_warning'] = "只有定义了 网格座标 的 QSO 才会被导出!";
$lang['export_dxatlas_description'] = "导出您的日志以在 DX Atlas 中使用以显示已工作/已确认的网格座标";
$lang['export_dxatlas_gridsquare_warning'] = "只有有网格座标的 QSO 才会被导出!";
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['export_sota_header'] = "SOTA CSV 导出";
$lang['export_sota_description'] = "导出您的日志以进行 SOTA 上传";
$lang['export_sota_description'] = "导出您的日志以进行 SOTA 上传";
$lang['export_sota_info_warning'] = "只有具有 SOTA 信息的 QSO 才会被导出!";
@ -56,20 +56,20 @@ $lang['export_cabrillo_cat_assisted'] = "辅助类型Assisted";
$lang['export_cabrillo_cat_assisted_not_ass'] = "无辅助Not Assisted";
$lang['export_cabrillo_cat_assisted_ass'] = "有辅助Assisted";
$lang['export_cabrillo_cat_band'] = "波段类型Band";
$lang['export_cabrillo_cat_band_arrl_vhf'] = "VHF-3-BAND and VHF-FM-ONLY (仅限 ARRL VHF 竞赛)";
$lang['export_cabrillo_cat_band_arrl_vhf'] = "VHF-3-BAND VHF-FM-ONLY (仅限 ARRL VHF 竞赛)";
$lang['export_cabrillo_cat_mode'] = "模式类型Mode";
$lang['export_cabrillo_cat_power'] = "功率类型Power";
$lang['export_cabrillo_cat_station'] = "台站类型Station";
$lang['export_cabrillo_cat_transmitter'] = "发射机类型Transmitter";
$lang['export_cabrillo_cat_overlay'] = "Overlay类型";
$lang['export_cabrillo_operators'] = "操作员";
$lang['export_cabrillo_soapbox'] = "Soapbox";
$lang['export_cabrillo_soapbox'] = "Soapbox(附加信息)";
$lang['export_cabrillo_address'] = "地址";
$lang['export_cabrillo_address_city'] = "城市";
$lang['export_cabrillo_address_state_province'] = "州/省";
$lang['export_cabrillo_address_postalcode'] = "邮政编码";
$lang['export_cabrillo_address_country'] = "国家";
$lang['export_cabrillo_no_contests_in_log'] = "您的日志中未发现任何竞赛";
$lang['export_cabrillo_no_contests_for_stationlocation'] = "没有找到该台站位置的竞赛";
$lang['export_cabrillo_no_contests_in_log'] = "日志中未发现任何竞赛";
$lang['export_cabrillo_no_contests_for_stationlocation'] = "没有找到该台站位置的竞赛";

Wyświetl plik

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
$lang['filter_quickfilters'] = '快速过滤';
$lang['filter_qsl_filters'] = 'QSL 过滤';
$lang['filter_qsl_filters'] = '过滤 QSL';
$lang['filter_filters'] = '过滤器';
$lang['filter_actions'] = '操作';
$lang['filter_results'] = '每页结果数';

Wyświetl plik

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['error_no_active_station_profile'] = '注意:你需要设置一个活动的电台站地址';
$lang['error_no_active_station_profile'] = '注意:你需要设置一个活动的电台站地址';
$lang['notice_turn_the_radio_on'] = '你今天还没进行QSO是时候打开你的电台开始通联了';
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ $lang['general_word_export'] = "导出";
$lang['general_word_import'] = "导入";
$lang['general_word_count'] = "数量";
$lang['general_word_filtering_on'] = "筛选打开";
$lang['general_word_not_display'] = "Not display";
$lang['general_word_icon'] = "Icon";
$lang['general_word_never'] = "Never";
$lang['general_word_not_display'] = "不显示";
$lang['general_word_icon'] = "图标";
$lang['general_word_never'] = "从不";
$lang['general_word_date'] = '日期';
$lang['general_word_startdate'] = "开始时间";
@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ $lang['general_word_city'] = '城市';
$lang['general_word_total'] = '总计';
$lang['general_word_year'] = '年';
$lang['general_word_month'] = '月';
$lang['general_word_day'] = "Day";
$lang['general_word_days'] = "Days";
$lang['general_word_day'] = "";
$lang['general_word_days'] = "";
$lang['general_word_colors'] = "颜色";
$lang['general_word_light'] = "浅色/";
$lang['general_word_light'] = "浅色/";
$lang['general_word_worked'] = '已通联';
$lang['general_word_worked_not_confirmed'] = "已通联未确认";
$lang['general_word_not_worked'] = "未通联";
@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ $lang['gen_hamradio_suffix'] = "后缀";
$lang['gen_hamradio_mode'] = '模式';
$lang['gen_hamradio_de'] = '本台呼号(De)';
$lang['gen_hamradio_dx'] = '对方呼号(Dx)';
$lang['gen_hamradio_rst_sent'] = '';
$lang['gen_hamradio_rst_rcvd'] = '';
$lang['gen_hamradio_rst_sent'] = 'Sent RST';
$lang['gen_hamradio_rst_rcvd'] = 'Rcvd RST';
$lang['gen_hamradio_band'] = '频段';
$lang['gen_hamradio_bandgroup'] = "波段";
$lang['gen_hamradio_band_rx'] = '频段 (RX)';
@ -134,15 +134,15 @@ $lang['gen_hamradio_frequency_rx'] = '频率 (RX)';
$lang['gen_hamradio_radio'] = '电台';
$lang['gen_hamradio_rsts'] = '信号报告 (发)';
$lang['gen_hamradio_rstr'] = '信号报告 (收)';
$lang['gen_hamradio_refs'] = 'Refs';
$lang['gen_hamradio_myrefs'] = 'My Refs';
$lang['gen_hamradio_refs'] = '对方网格';
$lang['gen_hamradio_myrefs'] = '电台网格';
$lang['gen_hamradio_exchange_sent_short'] = '信号交换 (发)';
$lang['gen_hamradio_exchange_rcvd_short'] = '信号交换 (收)';
$lang['gen_hamradio_qsl'] = 'QSL';
$lang['gen_hamradio_qsltype'] = "QSL 类型";
$lang['gen_hamradio_qslvia'] = 'QSL via';
$lang['gen_hamradio_qslmsg'] = 'QSL 信息';
$lang['gen_hamradio_locator'] = '定位';
$lang['gen_hamradio_locator'] = '定位地图';
$lang['gen_hamradio_transmit_power'] = '发射功率 (W)';
$lang['gen_hamradio_propagation_mode'] = '传播模式';
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ $lang['gen_hamradio_wwff'] = 'WWFF';
$lang['gen_hamradio_pota'] = 'POTA';
$lang['gen_hamradio_gridsquare'] = '网格';
$lang['gen_hamradio_get_gridsquare'] = '获取网格座标';
$lang['gen_hamradio_gridsquare_show'] = "Show Locator";
$lang['gen_hamradio_gridsquare_show'] = "显示定位地图";
$lang['gen_hamradio_latitude'] = "纬度";
$lang['gen_hamradio_longitude'] = "经度";
$lang['gen_hamradio_bearing'] = "方位角";
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $lang['gen_hamradio_sig_info'] = 'Sig 属性';
$lang['gen_find_zone_cq_part1'] = "如果您不知道自己的 CQ 分区";
$lang['gen_find_zone_itu_part1'] = "如果您不知道自己的 ITU 分区";
$lang['gen_find_zone_part2'] = "点击此处";
$lang['gen_find_zone_part3'] = "来查询";
$lang['gen_find_zone_part3'] = "来查询";
// Dashboard Words
$lang['dashboard_you_have_had'] = '今天你有';

Wyświetl plik

@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ $lang['gridsquares_confirmed_is_green'] = '已确认的网格是绿色';
$lang['gridsquares_worked_but_not_confirmed_is_red'] = '已通联但未确认的网格是红色';
$lang['gridsquares_activated_but_not_confirmed_is_red'] = '已激活但未确认的网格是红色';
$lang['gridsquares_this_map_does_not_include_satellite_internet_or_repeater_qsos'] = '此地图不包括通过卫星,互联网或中继达成的QSO';
$lang['gridsquares_this_map_does_not_include_satellite_internet_or_repeater_qsos'] = '此地图不包括通过卫星,互联网或中继的QSO';
$lang['gridsquares_grid_squares'] = '网格';
$lang['gridsquares_total_count'] = '总数';
$lang['gridsquares_minimum_count'] = "最低数量";
$lang['gridsquares_show_qsos'] = "显示 QSO's";
$lang['gridsquares_show_qsos'] = "显示 QSO";
$lang['gridsquares_show_map'] = "显示地图";
$lang['gridsquares_band'] = '频率';
$lang['gridsquares_mode'] = '模式';

Wyświetl plik

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ $lang['lotw_title_export_p12_file_instruction'] = '导出 .p12 文件流程';
$lang['lotw_title_adif_import'] = 'ADIF 导入';
$lang['lotw_title_adif_import_options'] = '导入选项';
$lang['lotw_beta_warning'] = '请明确 LoTW 同步处于 BETA 测试阶段, 请查看 wiki 寻求帮助';
$lang['lotw_no_certs_uploaded'] = '你需要上传 LoTW p12 证书以使用该功能';
$lang['lotw_beta_warning'] = '请明确 LoTW 同步处于 BETA 测试阶段, 请查看 wiki 寻求帮助';
$lang['lotw_no_certs_uploaded'] = '你需要上传 LoTW p12 证书以使用该功能';
$lang['lotw_date_created'] = '创建日期';
$lang['lotw_date_expires'] = '过期日期';
@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ $lang['lotw_expiring'] = '即将到期';
$lang['lotw_not_synced'] = '未同步';
$lang['lotw_certificate_dxcc'] = '证书 DXCC';
$lang['lotw_certificate_dxcc_help_text'] = '证书的 DXCC 实体例如: Scotland';
$lang['lotw_certificate_dxcc_help_text'] = '证书的 DXCC 实体例如: Scotland';
$lang['lotw_input_a_file'] = '上传文件';
$lang['lotw_upload_exported_adif_file_from_lotw'] = '下载从 LoTW <a href="https://p1k.arrl.org/lotwuser/qsos?qsoscmd=adif" target="_blank">Download Report</a> 中导出的 ADIF 文件,并且标记在 LoTW上已得到确认的QSO';
$lang['lotw_upload_exported_adif_file_from_lotw'] = '下载从 LoTW <a href="https://p1k.arrl.org/lotwuser/qsos?qsoscmd=adif" target="_blank">Download Report</a> 中导出的 ADIF 文件,并且标记在 LoTW上已得到确认的QSO';
$lang['lotw_upload_type_must_be_adi'] = '日志文件的类型必须为 .adi';
$lang['lotw_pull_lotw_data_for_me'] = '为我拉取 LoTW 数据';
$lang['lotw_select_callsign'] = '选择呼号以获取 LoTW 确认';
$lang['lotw_report_download_overview_helptext'] ='Cloudlog 将会使用储存在你个人用户信息当中的 LoTW 用户名和密码从 LoTW 上为你下载报告Cloudlog 下载的这份报告将会包括自你所选之日以来的或者你最后的 LoTW 确认信息(目前日志当中)以来的所有确认';
$lang['lotw_report_download_overview_helptext'] ='Cloudlog 将会使用储存在你个人用户信息当中的 LoTW 用户名和密码从 LoTW 上为你下载报告Cloudlog 下载的这份报告将会包括自你所选之日以来的或者你最后的 LoTW 确认信息(目前日志当中)以来的所有确认';
// Buttons
$lang['lotw_btn_lotw_import'] = 'LoTW 导入';
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ $lang['lotw_btn_import_matches'] = '导入 LoTW 匹配';
$lang['lotw_p12_export_step_one'] = '打开 TQSL &amp; 选择 呼号证书 选项';
$lang['lotw_p12_export_step_two'] = '右键选择目标呼号';
$lang['lotw_p12_export_step_three'] = '单击 "保存呼号证书文件" 并不要指定密码';
$lang['lotw_p12_export_step_four'] = '在下方上传文件';
$lang['lotw_p12_export_step_four'] = '在下方上传文件';
$lang['lotw_confirmed'] = '该 QSO 已在 LoTW 确认';
@ -59,5 +59,5 @@ $lang['lotw_cert_expiring'] = '至少有一个LoTW证书即将过期!';
$lang['lotw_cert_expired'] = '至少有一个LoTW证书已经过期!';
// Lotw User
$lang['lotw_user'] = '这个电台使用 LOTW';
$lang['lotw_user'] = '这个电台使用 LOTW';
$lang['lotw_last_upload'] = '最后一次上传是';

Wyświetl plik

@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['menu_badge_developer_mode'] = '开发模式';
$lang['menu_badge_developer_mode'] = '开发模式';
$lang['menu_logbook'] = '日志簿';
$lang['menu_overview'] = '概览';
$lang['menu_advanced'] = '详细信息';
$lang['menu_qso'] = 'QSO';
$lang['menu_live_qso'] = '添加QSO从电台获取信息';
$lang['menu_post_qso'] = '添加QSO手动输入信息';
$lang['menu_fast_log_entry'] = "简单快速记录Log";
$lang['menu_live_contest_logging'] = '比赛日志(从电台获取信息';
$lang['menu_post_contest_logging'] = '比赛日志(手动输入信息';
$lang['menu_bandmap'] = 'Bandmap';
$lang['menu_live_qso'] = '添加QSO实时';
$lang['menu_post_qso'] = '添加QSO手动';
$lang['menu_fast_log_entry'] = "快速记录QSO";
$lang['menu_live_contest_logging'] = '比赛日志(实时';
$lang['menu_post_contest_logging'] = '比赛日志(手动';
$lang['menu_bandmap'] = '波段地图';
$lang['menu_view_qsl'] = '浏览QSL卡片';
$lang['menu_view_eqsl'] = '浏览电子QSL卡片';
$lang['menu_view_eqsl'] = '浏览eQSL卡片';
$lang['menu_notes'] = '笔记';
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ $lang['menu_kml_export'] = 'KML 导出';
$lang['menu_dx_atlas_gridsquare_export'] = 'DX Atlas Gridsquare 导出';
$lang['menu_sota_csv_export'] = 'SOTA CSV 导出';
$lang['menu_cabrillo_export'] = 'Cabrillo 导出';
$lang['menu_oqrs_requests'] = 'OQRS 请求';
$lang['menu_oqrs_requests'] = 'OQRS';
$lang['menu_print_requested_qsls'] = '打印请求的QSL卡片';
$lang['menu_labels'] = '标签';
$lang['menu_logbook_of_the_world'] = 'Logbook of the World';

Wyświetl plik

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ $lang['notes_menu_notes'] = '笔记';
$lang['notes_edit_note'] = '编辑笔记';
$lang['notes_your_notes'] = '你的笔记';
$lang['notes_welcome'] = "你目前没有任何笔记,这里特别适合用来储存一些诸如 ATU 设置,信标和通用电台笔记等信息。同时,他们不会像纸片那样容易丢失";
$lang['notes_welcome'] = "你目前没有任何笔记,这里特别适合用来储存一些诸如 ATU 设置,信标和电台笔记等信息。同时,他们不会像纸片那样容易丢失";
$lang['notes_create_note'] = '创建笔记';
@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ $lang['notes_input_btn_save_note'] = '保存笔记';
$lang['notes_input_btn_edit_note'] = '编辑笔记';
$lang['notes_input_btn_delete_note'] = '删除笔记';
$lang['notes_selection_general'] = '通用';
$lang['notes_selection_general'] = '一般';
$lang['notes_selection_antennas'] = '天线';
$lang['notes_selection_satellites'] = '卫星';

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@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ $lang['options_logbook_map_changed_to'] = '日志地图更改为 ';
$lang['options_radios'] = '电台';
$lang['options_radio_settings'] = '电台设置';
$lang['options_radio_timeout_warning'] = '电台超时警告';
$lang['options_the_radio_timeout_warning_is_used_on_the_qso_entry_panel_to_alert_you_to_radio_interface_disconnects'] = '在QSO输入面板上使用无线电超时警告,提醒您无线电接口断开。';
$lang['options_radio_timeout_warning'] = '电台连接超时警告';
$lang['options_the_radio_timeout_warning_is_used_on_the_qso_entry_panel_to_alert_you_to_radio_interface_disconnects'] = '在QSO输入面板上使用台连接超时警告,提醒您无线电接口断开。';
$lang['options_this_number_is_in_seconds'] = '此数字以秒为单位。';
$lang['options_radio_timeout_warning_changed_to'] = '无线电超时警告更改为 ';
@ -38,73 +38,73 @@ $lang['options_smtp_host'] = 'SMTP 主机';
$lang['options_smtp_port'] = 'SMTP 端口';
$lang['options_smtp_username'] = 'SMTP 用户名';
$lang['options_smtp_password'] = 'SMTP 密码';
$lang['options_mail_settings_saved'] = "The settings were saved successfully.";
$lang['options_mail_settings_failed'] = "Something went wrong with saving the settings. Try again.";
$lang['options_outgoing_protocol_hint'] = "The protocol that will be used to send out emails.";
$lang['options_smtp_encryption_hint'] = "Choose whether emails should be sent with TLS or SSL.";
$lang['options_email_address_hint'] = "The email address from which the emails are sent, e.g. 'cloudlog@example.com'";
$lang['options_email_sender_name_hint'] = "The email sender name, e.g. 'Cloudlog'";
$lang['options_smtp_host_hint'] = "The hostname of the mail server, e.g. 'mail.example.com' (without 'ssl://' or 'tls://')";
$lang['options_smtp_port_hint'] = "The SMTP port of the mail server, e.g. if TLS is used -> '587', if SSL is used -> '465'";
$lang['options_smtp_username_hint'] = "The username to log in to the mail server, usually this is the email address that is used.";
$lang['options_smtp_password_hint'] = "The password to log in to the mail server.";
$lang['options_send_testmail'] = "Send Test-Mail";
$lang['options_send_testmail_hint'] = "The email will be sent to the address defined in your account settings.";
$lang['options_send_testmail_failed'] = "Testmail failed. Something went wrong.";
$lang['options_send_testmail_success'] = "Testmail sent. Email settings seem to be correct.";
$lang['options_mail_settings_saved'] = "设置已保存";
$lang['options_mail_settings_failed'] = "保存时出现问题,请重试";
$lang['options_outgoing_protocol_hint'] = "发送邮件时使用的协议";
$lang['options_smtp_encryption_hint'] = "选择邮件将会通过TLS还是SSL发送";
$lang['options_email_address_hint'] = "发送邮件的邮箱地址,例如:'cloudlog@example.com'";
$lang['options_email_sender_name_hint'] = "发送者的名字,例如:'Cloudlog'";
$lang['options_smtp_host_hint'] = "邮件服务器的域名,例如:'mail.example.com' (不带'ssl://'或'tls://')";
$lang['options_smtp_port_hint'] = "邮件服务器的SMTP端口例如如果使用了TLS -> '587'如果使用了SSL -> '465'";
$lang['options_smtp_username_hint'] = "登录邮件服务器的用户名,通常情况下,这和发送邮件的邮箱地址相同";
$lang['options_smtp_password_hint'] = "登录邮件服务器的密码";
$lang['options_send_testmail'] = "发送测试邮件";
$lang['options_send_testmail_hint'] = "邮件将会发送到填写在个人信息中的邮箱中";
$lang['options_send_testmail_failed'] = "测试邮件发送失败,请检查设置";
$lang['options_send_testmail_success'] = "测试邮件发送成功,设置正常";
$lang['options_oqrs'] = 'OQRS设置';
$lang['options_global_text'] = '全局文本';
$lang['options_this_text_is_an_optional_text_that_can_be_displayed_on_top_of_the_oqrs_page'] = '该文本是一个可选文本可以显示在OQRS页面的顶部。';
$lang['options_grouped_search'] = '分组搜索';
$lang['options_when_this_is_on_all_station_locations_with_oqrs_active_will_be_searched_at_once'] = '当此选项打开时所有具有OQRS活动的电台位置将同时搜索';
$lang['options_grouped_search_show_station_name'] = "Show station location name in grouped search results";
$lang['options_grouped_search_show_station_name_hint'] = "If grouped search is ON, you can decide if the name of the station location shall be shown in the results table.";
$lang['options_when_this_is_on_all_station_locations_with_oqrs_active_will_be_searched_at_once'] = '当此选项打开时所有具有OQRS活动的电台位置将同时搜索';
$lang['options_grouped_search_show_station_name'] = "在分组搜索结果中显示台站名称";
$lang['options_grouped_search_show_station_name_hint'] = "如果分组搜索被启用,台站名称将会显示在表格当中";
$lang['options_oqrs_options_have_been_saved'] = 'OQRS选项已保存';
$lang['options_save'] = '保存';
$lang['options_dxcluster_provider'] = 'Provider of DXClusterCache';
$lang['options_dxcluster_longtext'] = 'The Provider of the DXCluster-Cache. You can set up your own Cache with <a href="https://github.com/int2001/DXClusterAPI">DXClusterAPI</a> or use a public one';
$lang['options_dxcluster_hint'] = 'URL of the DXCluster-Cache. e.g. https://dxc.jo30.de/dxcache';
$lang['options_dxcluster_provider'] = 'DXClusterCache 的信息来源';
$lang['options_dxcluster_longtext'] = 'DXClusterCache 的信息来源,您可以通过 <a href="https://github.com/int2001/DXClusterAPI">DXClusterAPI</a> 来设置自己的来源或使用公共来源';
$lang['options_dxcluster_hint'] = 'DXClusterCache 来源,例如:https://dxc.jo30.de/dxcache';
$lang['options_dxcluster_settings'] = 'DXCluster';
$lang['options_dxcache_url_changed_to'] = 'DXCluster Cache URL changed to ';
$lang['options_dxcluster_maxage'] = 'Maximum Age of spots taken care of';
$lang['options_dxcluster_maxage_hint'] = 'The Age in Minutes of spots, that will be taken care at bandplan/lookup';
$lang['options_dxcluster_decont'] = 'Show spots which are spotted from following continent';
$lang['options_dxcluster_maxage_changed_to']='Maximum age of spots changed to ';
$lang['options_dxcluster_decont_changed_to']='de continent changed to ';
$lang['options_dxcluster_decont_hint']='Only spots by spotters from this continent are shown';
$lang['options_dxcache_url_changed_to'] = 'DXCluster Cache 的网址已更换为: ';
$lang['options_dxcluster_maxage'] = '最多关心的报告数量';
$lang['options_dxcluster_maxage_hint'] = '报告的时长(分钟为单位)将会在‘频段/查找’中进行处理';
$lang['options_dxcluster_decont'] = '显示来自以下大洲的报告';
$lang['options_dxcluster_maxage_changed_to']='最多关心的报告数量已被更新为 ';
$lang['options_dxcluster_decont_changed_to']='大洲已被更新为 ';
$lang['options_version_dialog'] = "Version Info";
$lang['options_version_dialog_close'] = "Close";
$lang['options_version_dialog_dismiss'] = "Don't show again";
$lang['options_version_dialog_settings'] = "Version Info Settings";
$lang['options_version_dialog_header'] = "Version Info Header";
$lang['options_version_dialog_header_hint'] = "You can change the header of the version info dialog.";
$lang['options_version_dialog_header_changed_to'] = "Version Info Header changed to";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode'] = "Version Info Mode";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_release_notes'] = "Only Release Notes";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_custom_text'] = "Only Custom Text";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_both'] = "Release Notes and Custom Text";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_disabled'] = "Disabled";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_hint'] = "The Version Info is shown to every user. The user has the option to dismiss the dialog after he read it. Select if you want to show only release notes (fetched from github), only custom text or both.";
$lang['options_version_dialog_custom_text'] = "Version Info Custom Text";
$lang['options_version_dialog_custom_text_hint'] = "This is the custom text which is shown in the dialog.";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_changed_to'] = "Version Info Mode changed to";
$lang['options_version_dialog_custom_text_saved'] = "Version Info Custom Text saved!";
$lang['options_version_dialog_success_show_all'] = "Version Info will be shown to all users again";
$lang['options_version_dialog_success_hide_all'] = "Version Info will not be shown to any user";
$lang['options_version_dialog_show_hide'] = "Show/Hide Version Info Dialog for all Users";
$lang['options_version_dialog_show_all'] = "Show for all Users";
$lang['options_version_dialog_hide_all'] = "Hide for all Users";
$lang['options_version_dialog_show_all_hint'] = "This will show the version dialog automatically to all users on their next page reload.";
$lang['options_version_dialog_hide_all_hint'] = "This will deactivate the automatic popup of the version dialog for all users.";
$lang['options_version_dialog'] = "版本信息";
$lang['options_version_dialog_close'] = "关闭";
$lang['options_version_dialog_dismiss'] = "不再显示";
$lang['options_version_dialog_settings'] = "版本设置";
$lang['options_version_dialog_header'] = "版本信息标题";
$lang['options_version_dialog_header_hint'] = "你可以更改版本信息的标题";
$lang['options_version_dialog_header_changed_to'] = "版本信息的标题被更换为 ";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode'] = "版本信息模式";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_release_notes'] = "只有发布版的更新内容";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_custom_text'] = "只有自定义文字";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_both'] = "发布版的更新内容和自定义文字";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_disabled'] = "禁用";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_hint'] = "版本信息将会对所有用户显示. 用户可以选择在阅读后关闭对话框选择是否显示GitHub上发布版的更新内容还是自定义文字或者两者";
$lang['options_version_dialog_custom_text'] = "版本信息————自定义文字";
$lang['options_version_dialog_custom_text_hint'] = "自定义文字将会在对话框中显示";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_changed_to'] = "版本信息模式切换为";
$lang['options_version_dialog_custom_text_saved'] = "版本信息自定义文字已保存";
$lang['options_version_dialog_success_show_all'] = "版本信息将会重新向用户显示";
$lang['options_version_dialog_success_hide_all'] = "版本信息不再会向用户显示";
$lang['options_version_dialog_show_hide'] = "显示/隐藏版本信息对话框";
$lang['options_version_dialog_show_all'] = "对所有用户显示";
$lang['options_version_dialog_hide_all'] = "对所有用户隐藏";
$lang['options_version_dialog_show_all_hint'] = "这将会在用户刷新页面时重新显示版本信息对话框";
$lang['options_version_dialog_hide_all_hint'] = "这将会关闭对用户显示版本信息对话框";
$lang['options_save'] = '保存';
// Bands
$lang['options_bands'] = "波段";
$lang['options_bands'] = "波段设置";
$lang['options_bands_text_ln1'] = "使用波段列表,您可以控制创建新 QSO 时显示哪些波段。";
$lang['options_bands_text_ln2'] = "启用的波段将显示在 QSO“波段”下拉列表中而停用的频段将被隐藏且无法选择。";
$lang['options_bands_create'] = "创建波段";

Wyświetl plik

@ -10,30 +10,30 @@ $lang['qslcard_info'] = 'QSL 信息';
$lang['qslcard_sent'] = 'QSL 卡片已经发出';
$lang['qslcard_sent_bureau'] = 'QSL 卡片已由卡片局发出';
$lang['qslcard_sent_direct'] = 'QSL 卡片已直邮发出';
$lang['qslcard_sent_electronic'] = 'QSL 卡片已经发送电子版';
$lang['qslcard_sent_electronic'] = 'eQSL 卡片已经发送';
$lang['qslcard_sent_manager'] = 'QSL 卡片已经由卡片管理员发出';
$lang['qslcard_rcvd'] = 'QSL Card 已被接收';
$lang['qslcard_rcvd_bureau'] = 'QSL 卡片已由卡片局收';
$lang['qslcard_rcvd_direct'] = 'QSL 卡片已直邮收';
$lang['qslcard_rcvd_electronic'] = 'QSL 卡片已经接收电子版';
$lang['qslcard_rcvd_manager'] = 'QSL 卡片已经由卡片管理员收';
$lang['qslcard_rcvd_bureau'] = 'QSL 卡片已由卡片局';
$lang['qslcard_rcvd_direct'] = 'QSL 卡片已直邮';
$lang['qslcard_rcvd_electronic'] = 'eQSL 卡片已经收妥';
$lang['qslcard_rcvd_manager'] = 'QSL 卡片已经由卡片管理员';
$lang['qslcard_upload_front'] = '上传 QSL 卡片正面图像';
$lang['qslcard_upload_back'] = '上传 QSL 卡片背面图像';
$lang['qslcard_upload_button'] = '上传 QSL 卡片图像';
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_header'] = "Export Requested QSLs for Printing";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_text_line1'] = "Here you can export requested QSLs as CSV or ADIF files for printing and, optionally, mark them as sent.";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_text_line2'] = "Requested QSLs are any QSOs with a value of 'Requested' or 'Queued' in their 'QSL Sent' field.";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_send_method'] = "Send Method";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_mark_as_sent'] = "Mark as sent";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_mark_selected_as_printed'] = "Mark selected QSOs as printed";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_remove_selected_from_queue'] = "Remove selected QSOs from the queue";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_export_csv'] = "Export requested QSLs to CSV-file";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_export_adif'] = "Export requested QSLs to ADIF-file";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_mark_requested_as_sent'] = "Mark requested QSLs as sent";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_no_qsls_found'] = "No QSLs to print were found!";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_add_to_queue'] = "Add to print queue";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_no_additional_qso_found'] = "No additional QSO's were found. That means they are probably already in the queue.";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_header'] = "导出用于打印的QSL请求";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_text_line1'] = "在这里你可以导出QSL请求为 CSV 或 ADIF 文件用于打印,或者标记为已寄出";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_text_line2'] = "QSL请求是指'已请求'或'已排队'的QSL信息";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_send_method'] = "发送方式";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_mark_as_sent'] = "标记为'已发送’";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_mark_selected_as_printed'] = "标记选中的QSL信息为'已打印'";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_remove_selected_from_queue'] = "从队列中删除选中的QSL信息";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_export_csv'] = "导出QSL请求为 CSV 文件";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_export_adif'] = "导出QSL请求为 ADIF 文件";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_mark_requested_as_sent'] = "标记QSL请求为'已发送'";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_no_qsls_found'] = "没有找到需要打印的QSL信息";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_add_to_queue'] = "添加到打印队列中";
$lang['qslcard_qslprint_no_additional_qso_found'] = "没有找到附加的QSL信息可能它们已经被添加到打印队列中";

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@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['qso_title_qso_map'] = 'QSO 地图';
$lang['qso_title_suggestions'] = '建议';
$lang['qso_title_previous_contacts'] = '先前通联';
$lang['qso_title_times_worked_before'] = "times worked before";
$lang['qso_title_times_worked_before'] = "先前通联的次数";
$lang['qso_title_image'] = '操作员照片';
$lang['qso_previous_max_shown'] = "Max. 5 previous contacts are shown";
$lang['qso_previous_max_shown'] = "最多五次先前通联将会被显示";
// Quicklog on Dashboard
$lang['qso_quicklog_enter_callsign'] = 'QUICKLOG 输入呼号';
$lang['qso_quicklog_enter_callsign'] = '快速记录QSO输入呼号';
// Input Help Text on the /QSO Display
$lang['qso_transmit_power_helptext'] = '以瓦特为单位设置功率值。在输入中仅填写数值';
$lang['qso_transmit_power_helptext'] = '以W为单位设置功率值。在输入中仅填写数值';
$lang['qso_sota_ref_helptext'] = '例如: GM/NS-001.';
$lang['qso_wwff_ref_helptext'] = '例如: DLFF-0069.';
@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ $lang['qsl_notes_helptext'] = '此笔记内容被导出到QSL服务如 eqsl.c
$lang['qso_eqsl_qslmsg_helptext'] = "获取该站的 eQSL 默认消息。";
// error text //
$lang['qso_error_timeoff_less_timeon'] = "TimeOff is less than TimeOn";
$lang['qso_error_timeoff_less_timeon'] = "结束时间小于开始时间";
// Button Text on /qso Display
$lang['qso_btn_reset_qso'] = '重置';
$lang['qso_btn_save_qso'] = '保存 QSO';
$lang['qso_btn_edit_qso'] = '编辑 QSO';
$lang['qso_delete_warning'] = "警告!您确定要删除 QSO ";
$lang['qso_delete_warning'] = "警告!您确定要删除 QSO ";
// QSO Details

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@ -8,35 +8,35 @@ Station Logbooks
$lang['station_logbooks'] = "Station Logbooks";
$lang['station_logbooks_description_header'] = "What are Station Logbooks";
$lang['station_logbooks_description_text'] = "Station Logbooks allow you to group Station Locations, this allows you to see all the locations across one session from the logbook areas to the analytics. Great for when your operating in multiple locations but they are part of the same DXCC or VUCC Circle.";
$lang['station_logbooks_create'] = "Create Station Logbook";
$lang['station_logbooks_status'] = "Status";
$lang['station_logbooks_link'] = "Link";
$lang['station_logbooks_public_search'] = "Public Search";
$lang['station_logbooks_set_active'] = "Set as Active Logbook";
$lang['station_logbooks_active_logbook'] = "Active Logbook";
$lang['station_logbooks_edit_logbook'] = "Edit Station Logbook"; // Full sentence will be generated 'Edit Station Logbook: [Logbook Name]'
$lang['station_logbooks_confirm_delete'] = "Are you sure you want to delete the following station logbook? You must re-link any locations linked here to another logbook.: ";
$lang['station_logbooks_view_public'] = "View Public Page for Logbook: ";
$lang['station_logbooks_create_name'] = "Station Logbook Name";
$lang['station_logbooks_create_name_hint'] = "You can call a station logbook anything.";
$lang['station_logbooks_edit_name_hint'] = "Shortname for the station logbook. For example: Home Log (IO87IP)";
$lang['station_logbooks_edit_name_update'] = "Update Station Logbook Name";
$lang['station_logbooks_public_slug'] = "Public Slug";
$lang['station_logbooks_public_slug_hint'] = "Setting a public slug allows you to share your logbook with anyone via a custom website address, this slug can contain letters & numbers only.";
$lang['station_logbooks_public_slug_format1'] = "Later it looks like this:";
$lang['station_logbooks'] = "台站日志";
$lang['station_logbooks_description_header'] = "什么是台站日志";
$lang['station_logbooks_description_text'] = "台站日志可以让您对自己的台站位置进行分组这对在同一DXCC或VUCC下的不同站点位置非常方便";
$lang['station_logbooks_create'] = "新建台站日志";
$lang['station_logbooks_status'] = "状态";
$lang['station_logbooks_link'] = "链接";
$lang['station_logbooks_public_search'] = "公开搜索";
$lang['station_logbooks_set_active'] = "设置为正在使用的日志";
$lang['station_logbooks_active_logbook'] = "正在使用的日志";
$lang['station_logbooks_edit_logbook'] = "编辑台站日志"; // Full sentence will be generated 'Edit Station Logbook: [Logbook Name]'
$lang['station_logbooks_confirm_delete'] = "确定删除此台站日志?你可能需要重新将台站位置链接到其他台站日志中: ";
$lang['station_logbooks_view_public'] = "浏览日志公开页: ";
$lang['station_logbooks_create_name'] = "台站日志名称";
$lang['station_logbooks_create_name_hint'] = "你可以随意称呼你的台站日志";
$lang['station_logbooks_edit_name_hint'] = "台站位置简称,例如:Home Log (IO87IP)";
$lang['station_logbooks_edit_name_update'] = "更新台站日志名称";
$lang['station_logbooks_public_slug'] = "自定义日志链接";
$lang['station_logbooks_public_slug_hint'] = "通过自定义日志链接,你可以通过此链接让别人访问你的日志";
$lang['station_logbooks_public_slug_format1'] = "他将会看起来像这样:";
$lang['station_logbooks_public_slug_format2'] = "[your slug]";
$lang['station_logbooks_public_slug_input'] = "Type in Public Slug choice";
$lang['station_logbooks_public_slug_visit'] = "Visit Public Page";
$lang['station_logbooks_public_search_hint'] = "Enabling public search function offers a search input box on the public logbook page accessed via public slug. Search only covers this logbook.";
$lang['station_logbooks_public_search_enabled'] = "Public search enabled";
$lang['station_logbooks_select_avail_loc'] = "Select Available Station Locations";
$lang['station_logbooks_link_loc'] = "Link Location";
$lang['station_logbooks_linked_loc'] = "Linked Locations";
$lang['station_logbooks_no_linked_loc'] = "No Linked Locations";
$lang['station_logbooks_unlink_station_location'] = "Unlink Station Location";
$lang['station_logbooks_link_loc'] = "链接的台站位置";
$lang['station_logbooks_linked_loc'] = "已链接的台站位置";
$lang['station_logbooks_no_linked_loc'] = "未链接的台站位置";
$lang['station_logbooks_unlink_station_location'] = "取消链接的台站位置";

Wyświetl plik

@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ $lang['statistics_timeline'] = "时间线";
$lang['statistics_days_with_qso'] = "Number of days with QSOs each year";
$lang['statistics_days_with_qso_short'] = "Days with QSOs";
$lang['statistics_dwq_longest_streak_in_log'] = "Longest streak with QSOs in the log";
$lang['statistics_dwq_longest_streak_in_log_hint'] = "A maximum of the 10 longest streaks are shown!";
$lang['statistics_dwq_streak_continuous_days'] = "Streak (continuous days with QSOs)";
$lang['statistics_dwq_current_streak_in_log'] = "Current streak with QSOs in the log";
$lang['statistics_dwq_current_streak_continuous_days'] = "Current streak (continuous days with QSOs)";
$lang['statistics_dwq_make_qso_to_extend_streak'] = "If you make a QSO today, you can continue to extend your streak... or else your current streak will be broken!";
$lang['statistics_dwq_no_current_streak'] = "No current streak found!";
$lang['statistics_days_with_qso'] = "本年QSO总数";
$lang['statistics_days_with_qso_short'] = "QSO的日期";
$lang['statistics_dwq_longest_streak_in_log'] = "日志中最长QSO连续记录";
$lang['statistics_dwq_longest_streak_in_log_hint'] = "最多显示10条最长QSO连续记录";
$lang['statistics_dwq_streak_continuous_days'] = "最长QSO连续记录";
$lang['statistics_dwq_current_streak_in_log'] = "目前的QSO连续记录";
$lang['statistics_dwq_current_streak_continuous_days'] = "当前连续天数";
$lang['statistics_dwq_make_qso_to_extend_streak'] = "如果你今天进行了QSO那么就能延长你的连续天数否则将会被打破清零";
$lang['statistics_dwq_no_current_streak'] = "没有找到连续的天数";

Wyświetl plik

@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ $lang['admin_user_accounts'] = 'Cuentas de Usuario';
$lang['admin_danger'] = '¡PELIGRO!';
$lang['admin_experimental'] = "Experimental";
$lang['admin_password_reset'] = "Password Reset";
$lang['admin_password_reset'] = "Restablecimiento de Contraseña";
$lang['admin_email_settings_incorrect'] = "Email settings are incorrect.";
$lang['admin_password_reset_processed'] = "Password Reset E-Mail sent.";
$lang['admin_email_settings_incorrect'] = "La configuración de correo electrónico es incorrecta.";
$lang['admin_password_reset_processed'] = "Correo electrónico de restablecimiento de contraseña enviado.";
// Contest Menu

Wyświetl plik

@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['awards_info_button'] = "Award Info";
$lang['awards_show_worked'] = "Show worked";
$lang['awards_show_confirmed'] = "Show confirmed";
$lang['awards_show_not_worked'] = "Show not worked";
$lang['awards_show_cq_map'] = "Show CQ Zone Map";
$lang['awards_summary'] = "Summary";
$lang['awards_info_button'] = "Información de Diploma";
$lang['awards_show_worked'] = "Mostrar trabajados";
$lang['awards_show_confirmed'] = "Mostrar confirmados";
$lang['awards_show_not_worked'] = "Mostrar no trabajados";
$lang['awards_show_cq_map'] = "Mostrar mapa de zonas CQ";
$lang['awards_summary'] = "Resumen";
$lang['awards_total'] = "Total";
$lang['awards_total_worked'] = "Total worked";
$lang['awards_total_confirmed'] = "Total confirmed";
$lang['awards_total_worked'] = "Total de trabajados";
$lang['awards_total_confirmed'] = "Total de confirmados";
$lang['awards_cq_page_title'] = "Awards - CQ Magazine WAZ";
$lang['awards_cq_page_title'] = "Diplomas - CQ Magazine WAZ";
@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ CQ -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln1'] = "CQ Magazine WAZ Award";
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln2'] = "The CQ Magazine is located in the US and one of the most popular amateur radio magazines in the world. The magazine first appeared in January 1945 and focuses on awards and the practical aspects of amateur radio.";
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln3'] = "The WAZ Award stands for 'Worked All Zones' and requires radio contacts to all 40 CQ Zones along with the corresponding confirmation.";
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln4'] = "You can find all the information and rules on the Website of the <a href='https://cq-amateur-radio.com/cq_awards/cq_waz_awards/index_cq_waz_award.html' target='_blank'>CQ Magazine</a>.";
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln1'] = "Diploma CQ Magazine WAZ";
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln2'] = "La CQ Magazine fue originada en los Estados Unidos y es una de las revistas de radioafición más importantes del mundo. La revista comenzó publicación en enero de 1945 y se enfoca en diplomas y en los aspectos prácticos de la radioafición.";
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln3'] = "El diploma WAZ significa 'Worked All Zones' (Todas las Zonas Trabajadas) y requiere contactos de radio a todas las 40 zonas CQ además de su correspondiente confirmación.";
$lang['awards_cq_description_ln4'] = "Puede encontrar toda la información y las reglas en el sitio web de la <a href='https://cq-amateur-radio.com/cq_awards/cq_waz_awards/index_cq_waz_award.html' target='_blank'>CQ Magazine</a> (en inglés).";
@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ DOK -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln1'] = "DOK Award";
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln2'] = "Germany extends over 630 km from East to West and nearly 900 km from North to South. Around 70,000 of Germany's 82 million inhabitants are licensed hams, with more than 40,000 of them being members of DARC. DOK is a system that provides individual local chapters with an identifier and means 'Deutscher Ortsverband Kenner' (English: 'German Local Association Identifier').";
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln3'] = "The DOK consists of a letter for the district and a two-digit number for the local chapter, like P03 Friedrichshafen (city of the 'Hamradio exhibition') or F41 Baunatal (location of the DARC headquarters). Note: A zero in a DOK is a common mistake, often being logged as the letter O.";
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln4'] = "This information is provided by the <a href='https://www.darc.de/der-club/referate/conteste/wag-contest/en/service/districtsdoks/' target='_blank'>DARC website</a>. Information about the DOK Awards and its rules can be found <a href='https://www.darc.de/der-club/referate/conteste/wag-contest/en/service/award-check/' target='_blank'>here</a>.";
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln1'] = "Diploma DOK";
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln2'] = "Alemania se extiende más de 630 km de este a oeste, y aproximadamente 900 km de norte a sur. Alrededor de 70.000 de los 82 millones de habitantes de Alemania son radioaficionados, y más de 40.000 de ellos también son miembros del DARC (Club de Radioaficionados de Alemania). DOK es un sistema que provee a los capítulos locales e individuales con un identificador, que significa 'Deutscher Ortsverband Kenner' (Español: 'Identificador Alemán de Asociación Local').";
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln3'] = "El DOK consiste de una letra para el distrito y un número de dos dígitos para el capítulo local, ej., P03 Friedrichshafen (la ciudad de la 'exhibición de radioafición') o F41 Baunatal (la ubicación del cuartel general del DARC). Nota: Un cero en un DOK es un error común, a menudo es registrado como la letra O.";
$lang['awards_dok_description_ln4'] = "Esta información es entregada por el <a href='https://www.darc.de/der-club/referate/conteste/wag-contest/en/service/districtsdoks/' target='_blank'>sitio web de la DARC</a> (en inglés). La información acerca de los diplomas DOK y sus reglas puede ser hallada <a href='https://www.darc.de/der-club/referate/conteste/wag-contest/en/service/award-check/' target='_blank'>aquí</a> (en inglés).";
@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ DXCC -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln1'] = "DXCC Award";
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln2'] = "DXCC stands for 'DX Century Club,' an award based on worked countries. The DXCC List is based on an article created in 1935 by Clinton B. DeSoto, W1CBD, titled <a href='http://www.arrl.org/desoto' target='_blank'>'How to Count Countries Worked, A New DX Scoring System'</a>.";
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln3'] = "You can find all information about the DXCC Award on the <a href='https://www.arrl.org/dxcc-rules' target='_blank'>ARRL website</a>.";
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln4'] = "Important Note: Over time, the criteria for the DXCC List have changed. The List remains unchanged until an entity no longer satisfies the criteria under which it was added, at which time it is moved to the Deleted List. You will find Deleted DXCC entities also in the lists on Cloudlog. Be aware that these DXCC entities are outdated and no longer valid.";
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln1'] = "Diploma DXCC";
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln2'] = "DXCC significa 'DX Century Club' (Club del Siglo DX), un diploma basado en países trabajados. La Lista DXCC está basada en un artículo creado en 1935 por Clinton B. DeSoto, W1CBD, con título <a href='http://www.arrl.org/desoto' target='_blank'>'How to Count Countries Worked, A New DX Scoring System'</a> (enlace en inglés, título en español: 'Cómo Contar los Países Trabajados, Un Nuevo Sistema de Puntaje DX').";
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln3'] = "Puede encontrar toda la información sobre el diploma DXCC Award en la <a href='https://www.arrl.org/dxcc-rules' target='_blank'>página web de la ARRL</a> (en inglés).";
$lang['awards_dxcc_description_ln4'] = "Nota Importante: Con el tiempo, los criterios para la Lista DXCC han cambiado. La Lista continúa sin cambios hasta que una entidad ya no satisfaga los criterios bajo los cuales fue añadida, en cuyo caso es movida a la Lista de Eliminaciones. Podrá encontrar entidades DXCC Eliminadas en las listas de Cloudlog. Tenga cuidado pues estas entidades DXCC están desactualizadas y ya no son válidas.";
@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ FFMA -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln1'] = "Fred Fish Memorial Award";
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln2'] = "The Fred Fish Memorial Award was created in honor of Fred Fish, W5FF (SK), who was the first amateur to have worked and confirmed all 488 Maidenhead grid squares in the 48 contiguous United States on 6 Meters.";
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln3'] = "The award will be given to any amateur who can duplicate W5FF's accomplishment.";
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln4'] = "For more information, you can visit this link: <a href='https://www.arrl.org/ffma' target='_blank'>https://www.arrl.org/ffma</a>.";
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln1'] = "Diploma en Memoria de Fred Fish";
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln2'] = "El diploma en Memoria de Fred Fish fue creado en honor de Fred Fish, W5FF (SK), quien fue el primer radioaficionado en haber trabajado y confirmado todos los gridsquares Maidenhead en los 48 estados contiguos de los Estados Unidos en la banda de 6 metros.";
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln3'] = "Este diploma será otorgado a cualquier radioaficionado que pueda replicar este logro.";
$lang['awards_ffma_description_ln4'] = "Para más información, puede visitar este enlace: <a href='https://www.arrl.org/ffma' target='_blank'>https://www.arrl.org/ffma</a> (en inglés).";
@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ IOTA -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln1'] = "IOTA Awards";
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln2'] = "IOTA is an exciting and innovative activity program that has captured the interest of thousands of radio amateurs worldwide. Established in 1964, it promotes radio contacts with stations located on islands around the world to enhance the experience of all those active on the amateur bands. To achieve this, it draws on the widespread mystique surrounding islands.";
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln3'] = "It is administered by Islands On The Air (IOTA) Ltd (referred to as IOTA Management) in partnership with the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB). IOTA Management has grouped the world's islands into approximately 1200 'IOTA groups,' each having varying numbers of 'counters,' which are qualifying islands. These listings are published in the IOTA Directory and on the IOTA website. The objective for the IOTA Island Chaser is to make radio contact with at least one counter in as many of these groups as possible. The program has a well-defined set of rules and encourages friendly competition among chasers by publishing participant performance in an Honor Roll and annual listings, as well as recognizing it with certificates and prestigious awards.";
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln4'] = "You can also find this information on the <a href='https://www.iota-world.org/' target='_blank'>IOTA WORLD website</a>.";
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln1'] = "Diplomas IOTA";
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln2'] = "IOTA es un emocionante e innovador programa de actividades que ha capturado el interés de miles de radioaficionados alrededor del mundo. Establecido en 1964, promueve los contactos de radio con estaciones localizadas en islas alrededor del mundo para mejorar la experiencia de todos los que estén activos en las bandas de radioaficionados. Para lograrlo, utiliza el atractivo místico que implica el estar en una isla.";
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln3'] = "Es administrado por Islands On The Air (IOTA) Ltd (referido como la Administración de IOTA) en conjunto con la Sociedad de Radio de Gran Bretaña (RSGB). La Administración de IOTA ha agrupado las islas del mundo en aproximadamente 1200 'grupos IOTA', cada uno con un número variable de 'counters', que son islas que aplican al programa. Estos listados son publicados en el Directorio IOTA y en la página web de IOTA. El objetivo para el Cazador de Islas IOTA es hacer contactos de radio con al menos un counter en la mayor cantidad de grupos como sea posible. El programa tiene un conjunto bien definido de reglas y promueve la sana competencia entre cazadores al publicar el desempeño de los participantes en una Lista de Honor y listados anuales, además de reconocerles con certificados y diplomas prestigiosos.";
$lang['awards_iota_description_ln4'] = "También puede encontrar esta información en el <a href='https://www.iota-world.org/' target='_blank'>sitio web de IOTA WORLD</a> (en inglés).";
@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ POTA -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln1'] = "POTA Awards";
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln2'] = "Parks on the Air® (POTA) started in early 2017 when the ARRL's National Parks on the Air special event ended. A group of volunteers wanted to continue the fun beyond the one-year event, and thus, POTA was born.";
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln3'] = "POTA works similarly to SOTA, with Activators and Hunters. For the awards, there are several categories based on the number of parks, geographic areas, and more.";
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln4'] = "For more information about the available awards and categories, please visit the <a href='https://parksontheair.com/pota-awards/' target='_blank'>Parks on the Air® website</a>.";
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln1'] = "Diplomas POTA";
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln2'] = "Parks on the Air® (POTA) comenzó a principios de 2017 cuando finalizó el evento especial National Parks on the Air de la ARRL. Un grupo de voluntarios querían prolongar la diversión más allá de dicho evento que duró un año, y entonces, nació el programa POTA.";
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln3'] = "POTA funciona de forma similar a SOTA, con Activadores y Cazadores. Para los diplomas, existen varias categorías basadas en el número de parques, áreas geográficas y más.";
$lang['awards_pota_description_ln4'] = "Para más información acerca de los diplomas y categorías disponibles, por favor visite el <a href='https://parksontheair.com/pota-awards/' target='_blank'>sitio de Parks on the Air®</a> (en inglés).";
@ -94,10 +94,10 @@ SIG -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln1'] = "SIG Information";
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln2'] = "The SIG or Signature Category provides the possibility to use any kind of 'Award Signature' for awards that are not implemented in Cloudlog.";
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln3'] = "The reason for this is that the common ADIF format provides only a few dedicated fields for certain awards. SIG still makes it possible to use and evaluate all other types of signature markers.";
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln4'] = "In the QSO processing, you will find two fields: 'SIG' contains the actual marker, which is also visible in the award evaluation, and 'SIG INFO,' which contains a description of the signature. Both fields are freely customizable.";
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln1'] = "Información SIG";
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln2'] = "La Categoría SIG o Signature (Firma) provee la capacidad de usar cualquier tipo de 'Award Signature' (Firmas de Diplomas) para diplomas que no están implementados en Cloudlog.";
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln3'] = "La razón para esta funcionalidad es que el formato ADIF común solo contiene un par de campos dedicados para ciertos diplomas específicos. SIG permite usar y evaluar otros tipos de marcadores de firma.";
$lang['awards_sig_description_ln4'] = "En el procesamiento de QSOs, encontrará dos campos: 'SIG' contiene el marcador real, que es también visible en la evaluación de los diplomas, y 'SIG INFO,' que contiene una descripción de la firma. Ambos campos son libremente personalizables.";
@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ SOTA -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_sota_description_ln1'] = "SOTA Awards";
$lang['awards_sota_description_ln2'] = "SOTA (Summits On The Air) is an award scheme for radio amateurs that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas.";
$lang['awards_sota_description_ln3'] = "It is fully operational in nearly a hundred countries worldwide. Each country has its own Association that defines the recognized SOTA summits within that Association. Each summit earns the activators and chasers a score related to the height of the summit. Certificates are available for various scores, leading to the prestigious 'Mountain Goat' and 'Shack Sloth' trophies. An Honor Roll for Activators and Chasers is maintained in the SOTA online database.";
$lang['awards_sota_description_ln4'] = "For more information, please visit: <a href='https://www.sota.org.uk/' target='_blank'>https://www.sota.org.uk/</a>.";
$lang['awards_sota_description_ln1'] = "Diplomas SOTA";
$lang['awards_sota_description_ln2'] = "SOTA (Summits On The Air, Cumbres al Aire) es un esquema de diplomas para radioaficionados que fomenta la operación portátil en áreas montañosas.";
$lang['awards_sota_description_ln3'] = "Es un programa que opera en alrededor de cien países alrededor del mundo. Cada país tiene su propia Asociación que define las cumbres SOTA reconocidas dentro de esta Asociación. Cada cumbre le entrega a los activadores y a los cazadores un puntaje de acuerdo con la altura de la cumbre. Hay certificados disponibles para varios puntajes, llevando a los prestigiosos trofeos 'Mountain Goat' (Cabra de la Montaña) y 'Shack Sloth' (Perezoso de Shack). Una Lista de Honor para Activadores y Cazadores está disponible en la base de datos de SOTA en línea.";
$lang['awards_sota_description_ln4'] = "Para más información, por favor visite: <a href='https://www.sota.org.uk/' target='_blank'>https://www.sota.org.uk/</a> (en inglés).";
@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ US Counties -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln1'] = "US County Award";
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln2'] = "The United States of America Counties Award (USA-CA), sponsored by CQ magazine, is issued for confirmed two-way radio contacts with specified numbers of U.S. counties under rules and conditions you can find <a href='https://cq-amateur-radio.com/cq_awards/cq_usa_ca_awards/cq_usa_ca_awards.html' target='_blank'>here</a>.";
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln3'] = "USA-CA is available to all licensed amateurs worldwide and is issued to individuals for all county contacts made, regardless of callsigns used, operating locations, or dates.";
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln4'] = "Special USA-CA awards are also available to SWLs on a heard basis.";
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln1'] = "Diploma de Condados de USA";
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln2'] = "El Diploma de los Condados de los Estados Unidos de América (USA-CA), es patrocinado por la CQ Magazine, y se otorga a quienes hayan realizado contactos de radio de dos vías con números específicos de condados de los Estados Unidos bajo reglas y condiciones que podrá encontrar <a href='https://cq-amateur-radio.com/cq_awards/cq_usa_ca_awards/cq_usa_ca_awards.html' target='_blank'>aquí</a> (en inglés).";
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln3'] = "El USA-CA está disponible para todos los radioaficionados licenciados alrededor del mundo y se otorga a individuos por todos los contactos realizados en los condados, sin importar que indicativos fueron usados, localizaciones o fechas de operación.";
$lang['awards_counties_description_ln4'] = "Existen diplomas especiales USA-CA disponibles para SWLs con base en reportes de escucha.";
@ -130,10 +130,10 @@ US Gridmaster -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln1'] = "US Gridmaster Award";
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln2'] = "The GridMaster Award is the most prestigious AMSAT award, first introduced in 2014 by the Star Comm Group. It is available to all amateur radio operators worldwide who manage to work all 488 grid squares in the USA via satellite and can provide QSL confirmations for each contact.";
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln3'] = "Official information from the <a href='https://www.amsat.org/gridmaster/' target='_blank'>website</a>: Two-way communication must be established via amateur satellite with each grid. There is no minimum signal report required. Contacts must be made from the same location or from locations no two of which are more than 200 kilometers apart. The applicant's attestation in the award application serves as affirmation of abidance by the distance rule. Individuals may apply for and be granted multiple GridMaster awards when achieved from another location, which is in a different 200-kilometer circle.";
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln4'] = "This map shows only QSOs worked on SAT.";
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln1'] = "Diploma US Gridmaster";
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln2'] = "El diploma GridMaster es el premio más prestigioso de AMSAT, introducido en 2014 por el Grupo Star Comm. Está disponible para todos los operadores de radioafición que logren trabajar todos los 488 grid squares de los Estados Unidos via satélite y que pueda proveer confirmaciones QSL para cada contacto.";
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln3'] = "Información oficial del <a href='https://www.amsat.org/gridmaster/' target='_blank'>sitio web</a> (en inglés): La comunicación en dos vías debe ser establecida via satélites de radioaficionados con cada grid. No se requiere un mínimo de reporte de señal. Los contactos deben ser realizados en la misma localización o de múltiples localizaciones dónde dos de ellas no estén a más de 200 kilómetros de distancia. La certificación del aplicante en la aplicación del diploma sirve como una afirmación de cumplimiento de la regla de la distancia. Los individuos pueden aplicar a, y obtener, múltiples diplomas GridMaster cuando se realicen desde otra localización, que esté dentro del circulo de 200 kilómetros.";
$lang['awards_us_gridmaster_description_ln4'] = "Este mapa solo muestra QSOs trabajados en satélites.";
@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ JA Gridmaster -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_ja_gridmaster_description_ln1'] = "JA Gridmaster Award";
$lang['awards_ja_gridmaster_description_ln2'] = "Just as the US Gridmaster this Award is based on working all gridsquares of Japan.";
$lang['awards_ja_gridmaster_description_ln3'] = "Additional Information and the rules about this award are still pending.";
$lang['awards_ja_gridmaster_description_ln1'] = "Diploma JA Gridmaster";
$lang['awards_ja_gridmaster_description_ln2'] = "Al igual que el diploma US Gridmaster, este diploma se basa en trabajar todos los gridsquares de Japan.";
$lang['awards_ja_gridmaster_description_ln3'] = "Información adicional y las reglas de este premio aún están en elaboración.";
$lang['awards_ja_gridmaster_description_ln4'] = "";
@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ VUCC -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln1'] = "VUCC - VHF/UHF Century Club Award";
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln2'] = "The VHF/UHF Century Club Award is given for a minimum number of worked and confirmed gridsquares on a desired band.";
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln3'] = "Official information and the rules can be found in this document: <a href='https://www.arrl.org/vucc' target='_blank'>Click here</a>.";
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln4'] = "Only VHF/UHF bands are relevant.";
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln1'] = "VUCC - Diploma VHF/UHF Century Club";
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln2'] = "El diploma VHF/UHF Century Club (Club del Siglo de VHF/UHF) es otorgado para un mínimo número de gridsquares trabajados y confirmados en una banda deseada.";
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln3'] = "La información oficial y las reglas pueden ser encontradas en este documento: <a href='https://www.arrl.org/vucc' target='_blank'>Clic aquí</a> (en inglés).";
$lang['awards_vucc_description_ln4'] = "Solo las bandas de VHF/UHF son relevantes para este diploma.";
@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ WAS -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_was_description_ln1'] = "WAS Award";
$lang['awards_was_description_ln2'] = "ARRL's most popular award is the Worked All States Award. Thousands upon thousands of awards have been issued to hams around the world. In ARRL's 101st year, they have redesigned the certificates and the program in hopes of streamlining and improving the award program.";
$lang['awards_was_description_ln3'] = "The WAS (Worked All States) Award is available to all amateurs worldwide who submit proof with written confirmation of contacts with each of the 50 states of the United States of America. Amateurs in the U.S. and its possessions must be members of ARRL to apply for a WAS. Applicants from outside the U.S. are exempt from this requirement.";
$lang['awards_was_description_ln4'] = "All information and rules for the ARRL WAS Award can be found <a href='https://www.arrl.org/was' target='_blank'>here</a>.";
$lang['awards_was_description_ln1'] = "Diploma WAS";
$lang['awards_was_description_ln2'] = "El diploma más popular de la ARRL es el diploma Worked All States (Trabajados todos los Estados). Miles y miles de diplomas se han otorgado a radioaficionados alrededor del mundo. En el aniversario 101 de la ARRL, se ha rediseñado el certificado y las reglas del programa con la esperanza de facilitar y mejorar el programa de diplomas.";
$lang['awards_was_description_ln3'] = "El diploma WAS (Worked All States) está disponible para todos los radioaficionados alrededor del mundo que demuestren confirmaciones escritas de contactos en cada uno de los 50 estados de los Estados Unidos de América. Los radioaficionados en los Estados Unidos y sus posesiones deberán ser miembros de la ARRL para aplicar para un diploma WAS. Los aplicantes fuera de los Estados Unidos están exentos de este requerimiento.";
$lang['awards_was_description_ln4'] = "Toda la información y reglas para el diploma WAS de la ARRL puede ser encontrada <a href='https://www.arrl.org/was' target='_blank'>aquí</a> (en inglés).";
@ -178,10 +178,10 @@ WWFF -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln1'] = "WWFF - World Wide Flora and Fauna Award";
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln2'] = "WWFF, World Wide Flora and Fauna in Amateur Radio, encourages licensed ham radio operators to leave their shacks and operate portable in Protected Flora & Fauna areas (PFF) worldwide.";
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln3'] = "More than 26,000 Protected Flora & Fauna (PFF) areas worldwide are already registered in the WWFF Directory. Hunters and Activators can apply for colorful awards, both globally and nationally.";
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln4'] = "For more information, please visit: <a href='https://wwff.co/awards/' target='_blank'>https://wwff.co/awards/</a>.";
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln1'] = "WWFF - Diploma World Wide Flora and Fauna";
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln2'] = "WWFF, World Wide Flora and Fauna (Flora y Fauna Alrededor del Mundo) en la radioafición, fomenta que los operadores de radioafición licenciados salgan de sus shacks y operen de forma portable en áreas Protected Flora & Fauna (PFF, Flora y Fauna Protegidas) alrededor del mundo.";
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln3'] = "Más de 26.000 áreas de Flora y Fauna Protegidas (PFF) alrededor del mundo están registradas en el Directorio WWFF. Los Cazadores y Activadores pueden aplicar para obtener premios coloridos, de forma global o nacional.";
$lang['awards_wwff_description_ln4'] = "Para más información, por favor visite: <a href='https://wwff.co/awards/' target='_blank'>https://wwff.co/awards/</a> (en inglés).";
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ WAJA -- Use all 4 Lines of Text
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln1'] = "WAJA - Worked All Japan prefectures Award";
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln2'] = "WAJA, Worked All Japan prefectures in Amateur Radio, encourages licensed ham radio operators to work all the prefectures in Japan.";
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln3'] = "May be claimed for having contacted (heard) and received a QSL card from an amateur station located in each of the 47 prefectures of Japan. A list of QSL cards should be arranged in order of WAJA (HAJA) reference number, however names of prefectures may be omitted.";
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln4'] = "For more information, please visit: <a href='https://www.jarl.org/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/Award_Main.htm' target='_blank'>https://www.jarl.org/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/Award_Main.htm</a>.";
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln1'] = "WAJA - Diploma Worked All Japan prefectures";
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln2'] = "WAJA, Worked All Japan prefectures (Trabajadas todas las prefecturas de Japón) en la radioafición, fomenta que los operadores de radioafición licenciados trabajen todas las prefecturas de Japón.";
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln3'] = "Puede ser otorgado por haber contactado (escuchado) y recibido una tarjeta QSL de una estación de radioaficionado localizada en cada una de las 47 prefecturas de Japón. La lista de tarjetas QSL debe ser ordenada por su número de referencia WAJA (HAJA), sin embargo los nombres de las prefecturas pueden ser omitidos.";
$lang['awards_waja_description_ln4'] = "Para más información, por favor visite: <a href='https://www.jarl.org/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/Award_Main.htm' target='_blank'>https://www.jarl.org/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/Award_Main.htm</a> (en inglés).";

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('Acceso directo a los scripts restringido');
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['contesting_page_title'] = 'Registro de concurso';
$lang['contesting_button_reset_contest_session'] = 'Reinicializar la sesión del concurso';

Wyświetl plik

@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ $lang['general_word_city'] = 'Ciudad';
$lang['general_word_total'] = 'Total';
$lang['general_word_year'] = 'Año';
$lang['general_word_month'] = 'Mes';
$lang['general_word_day'] = "Day";
$lang['general_word_days'] = "Days";
$lang['general_word_day'] = "Día";
$lang['general_word_days'] = "Días";
$lang['general_word_colors'] = "Colores";
$lang['general_word_light'] = "Luz/Láser";
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ $lang['general_word_confirmed'] = 'Confirmados';
$lang['general_word_confirmation'] = "Confirmación";
$lang['general_word_needed'] = 'Solicitadas';
$lang['general_word_all'] = 'All';
$lang['general_word_all'] = 'Todo';
$lang['general_word_no'] = 'No';
$lang['general_word_yes'] = 'Si';
$lang['general_word_method'] = 'Método';

Wyświetl plik

@ -61,36 +61,36 @@ $lang['menu_backup'] = 'Copia de Seguridad';
$lang['menu_update_country_files'] = 'Actualizar Archivos de Países';
$lang['menu_debug_information'] = 'Información de Depuración';
$lang['menu_search_text'] = 'Search Callsign';
$lang['menu_search_text_quicklog'] = "Add/Search Callsign";
$lang['menu_search_text'] = 'Buscar Indicativo';
$lang['menu_search_text_quicklog'] = "Añadir/Buscar Indicativo";
$lang['menu_search_button'] = 'Search';
$lang['menu_search_button_qicksearch_log'] = "Log";
$lang['menu_login_button'] = 'Login';
$lang['menu_search_button'] = 'Buscar';
$lang['menu_search_button_qicksearch_log'] = "Registrar";
$lang['menu_login_button'] = 'Iniciar Sesión';
$lang['menu_account'] = 'Account';
$lang['menu_station_logbooks'] = 'Station Logbooks';
$lang['menu_station_locations'] = 'Station Locations';
$lang['menu_bands'] = 'Bands';
$lang['menu_adif_import_export'] = 'ADIF Import / Export';
$lang['menu_kml_export'] = 'KML Export';
$lang['menu_dx_atlas_gridsquare_export'] = 'DX Atlas Gridsquare Export';
$lang['menu_sota_csv_export'] = 'SOTA CSV Export';
$lang['menu_cabrillo_export'] = 'Cabrillo Export';
$lang['menu_oqrs_requests'] = 'OQRS Requests';
$lang['menu_print_requested_qsls'] = 'Print Requested QSLs';
$lang['menu_labels'] = 'Labels';
$lang['menu_account'] = 'Cuenta';
$lang['menu_station_logbooks'] = 'Libros de Guardia de Estación';
$lang['menu_station_locations'] = 'Localizaciones de Estación';
$lang['menu_bands'] = 'Bandas';
$lang['menu_adif_import_export'] = 'Importar / Exportar ADIF';
$lang['menu_kml_export'] = 'Exportar KML';
$lang['menu_dx_atlas_gridsquare_export'] = 'Exportar DX Atlas Gridsquare';
$lang['menu_sota_csv_export'] = 'Exportar CSV de SOTA';
$lang['menu_cabrillo_export'] = 'Exportar Cabrillo';
$lang['menu_oqrs_requests'] = 'Solicitudes OQRS';
$lang['menu_print_requested_qsls'] = 'Imprimir QSLs Solicitadas';
$lang['menu_labels'] = 'Etiquetas';
$lang['menu_logbook_of_the_world'] = 'Logbook of the World';
$lang['menu_eqsl_import_export'] = 'eQSL Import / Export';
$lang['menu_qrz_logbook'] = 'QRZ Logbook';
$lang['menu_hrd_logbook'] = 'HRDLog Logbook';
$lang['menu_qo_100_dx_club_upload'] = 'QO-100 Dx Club Upload';
$lang['menu_api_keys'] = 'API Keys';
$lang['menu_hardware_interfaces'] = 'Hardware Interfaces';
$lang['menu_help'] = 'Help';
$lang['menu_forum'] = 'Forum';
$lang['menu_logout'] = 'Logout';
$lang['menu_eqsl_import_export'] = 'Importar / Exportar eQSL';
$lang['menu_qrz_logbook'] = 'Libro de Guardia QRZ';
$lang['menu_hrd_logbook'] = 'Libro de Guardia HRDLog';
$lang['menu_qo_100_dx_club_upload'] = 'Subida de QO-100 Dx Club';
$lang['menu_api_keys'] = 'Claves API';
$lang['menu_hardware_interfaces'] = 'Interfaces de Hardware';
$lang['menu_help'] = 'Ayuda';
$lang['menu_forum'] = 'Foro';
$lang['menu_logout'] = 'Cerrar Sesión';
$lang['menu_ffma'] = "Fred Fish Memorial Award";
$lang['menu_ffma'] = "Diploma en memoria de Fred Fish";
$lang['menu_ja_gridmaster'] = 'JA Gridmaster';

Wyświetl plik

@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ $lang['statistics_timeline'] = "Línea de tiempo";
$lang['statistics_days_with_qso'] = "Number of days with QSOs each year";
$lang['statistics_days_with_qso_short'] = "Days with QSOs";
$lang['statistics_dwq_longest_streak_in_log'] = "Longest streak with QSOs in the log";
$lang['statistics_dwq_longest_streak_in_log_hint'] = "A maximum of the 10 longest streaks are shown!";
$lang['statistics_dwq_streak_continuous_days'] = "Streak (continuous days with QSOs)";
$lang['statistics_dwq_current_streak_in_log'] = "Current streak with QSOs in the log";
$lang['statistics_dwq_current_streak_continuous_days'] = "Current streak (continuous days with QSOs)";
$lang['statistics_dwq_make_qso_to_extend_streak'] = "If you make a QSO today, you can continue to extend your streak... or else your current streak will be broken!";
$lang['statistics_dwq_no_current_streak'] = "No current streak found!";
$lang['statistics_days_with_qso'] = "Número de días con QSOs en cada año";
$lang['statistics_days_with_qso_short'] = "Días con QSOs";
$lang['statistics_dwq_longest_streak_in_log'] = "Mayor racha de QSOs en el libro";
$lang['statistics_dwq_longest_streak_in_log_hint'] = "¡Se muestra un máximo de 10 rachas más largas!";
$lang['statistics_dwq_streak_continuous_days'] = "Racha (días continuos con QSOs)";
$lang['statistics_dwq_current_streak_in_log'] = "Racha actual con QSOs en el libro";
$lang['statistics_dwq_current_streak_continuous_days'] = "Racha actual (días continuos con QSOs)";
$lang['statistics_dwq_make_qso_to_extend_streak'] = "Si hace un QSO hoy, ¡puede continuar y extender su racha... De lo contrario, su racha actual se perderá!";
$lang['statistics_dwq_no_current_streak'] = "¡No se encuentra una racha actual!";

Wyświetl plik

@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ class AdifHelper {
@ -188,7 +187,6 @@ class AdifHelper {
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("MY_SOTA_REF", $qso->station_sota);
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("MY_WWFF_REF", $qso->station_wwff);
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("MY_POTA_REF", $qso->station_pota);
@ -204,23 +202,32 @@ class AdifHelper {
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("MY_CNTY", $county);
$stationsSig = $qso->station_sig;
// If MY_SIG is WWFF or "" and there's a station_wwff set, use data from station_wwff
if ((empty($stationsSig) || $stationsSig === "WWFF") && !empty($qso->station_wwff)) {
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("MY_SIG", "WWFF");
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("MY_SIG_INFO", $qso->station_wwff);
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("WWFF_REF", $qso->{'COL_WWFF_REF'});
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("MY_WWFF_REF", $qso->station_wwff);
// If MY_SIG is WWFF it's a special case
// Else set MY_SIG and MY_SIG_INFO as usual
$station_sig = $qso->station_sig ?? "";
if ($station_sig === "WWFF") {
// If MY_WWFF_REF wasn't set yet, set it - end result is priority is given to STATION_WWFF
if (empty($qso->station_wwff)) {
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("MY_WWFF_REF", $qso->station_sig_info);
} else {
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("MY_SIG", $stationsSig);
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("MY_SIG", $qso->station_sig);
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("MY_SIG_INFO", $qso->station_sig_info);
$sig = $qso->{'COL_SIG'};
// If SIG is WWFF or "" and there's a WWFF_REF set, use data from COL_WWFF_REF
if ((empty($sig) || $sig === "WWFF") && !empty($qso->{'COL_WWFF_REF'})) {
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("SIG", "WWFF");
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("SIG_INFO", $qso->{'COL_WWFF_REF'});
// Same for COL_SIG If it's WWFF, it's a special case
// Else set SIG and SIG_INFO as usual
$sig = $qso->{'COL_SIG'} ?? "";
if ($sig === "WWFF") {
// If WWFF_REF wasn't set yet, set it - end result is priority is given to COL_WWFF_REF
if (empty($qso->{'COL_WWFF_REF'})){
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("WWFF_REF", $qso->{'COL_SIG_INFO'});
} else {
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("SIG", $sig);
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("SIG", $qso->{'COL_SIG'});
$line .= $this->getAdifFieldLine("SIG_INFO", $qso->{'COL_SIG_INFO'});