
2737 wiersze
97 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

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<script type="text/javascript">
* Define global javascript variables
var base_url = "<?php echo base_url(); ?>"; // Base URL
var site_url = "<?php echo site_url(); ?>"; // Site URL
var icon_dot_url = "<?php echo base_url();?>assets/images/dot.png";
function load_was_map() {{
2021-07-27 10:11:41 +00:00
title: 'Worked All States Map ('+$('#band2').val()+' '+$('#mode').val()+')',
cssClass: 'was-map-dialog',
2021-07-27 10:11:41 +00:00
message: $('<div></div>').load(site_url + '/awards/was_map/' + $('#band2').val() + '/' + $('#mode').val())
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "adif") { ?>
<!-- Javascript used for ADIF Import and Export Areas -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/moment.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo base_url() ;?>assets/js/sections/adif.js"></script>
<?php } ?>
2019-10-05 21:14:52 +00:00
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "notes" && ($this->uri->segment(2) == "add" || $this->uri->segment(2) == "edit") ) { ?>
<!-- Javascript used for Notes Area -->
<script src="<?php echo base_url() ;?>assets/plugins/quill/quill.min.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo base_url() ;?>assets/js/sections/notes.js"></script>
<?php } ?>
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2020-10-19 12:10:58 +00:00
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<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "station") { ?>
2022-01-20 14:50:42 +00:00
<script src="<?php echo base_url() ;?>assets/js/sections/station_locations.js"></script>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "logbooks") { ?>
<script src="<?php echo base_url() ;?>assets/js/sections/station_logbooks.js"></script>
<?php } ?>
2022-01-20 14:50:42 +00:00
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "search" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "filter") { ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/query-builder.standalone.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
filters: [
<?php foreach ($get_table_names->result() as $row) {
$value_name = str_replace("COL_", "", $row->Field);
if ($value_name != "PRIMARY_KEY" && strpos($value_name, 'MY_') === false && strpos($value_name, '_INTL') == false) { ?> {
id: '<?php echo $row->Field; ?>',
label: '<?php echo $value_name; ?>',
<?php if (strpos($row->Type, 'int(') !== false) { ?>
type: 'integer',
operators: ['equal', 'not_equal', 'less', 'less_or_equal', 'greater', 'greater_or_equal']
<?php } elseif (strpos($row->Type, 'double') !== false) { ?>
type: 'double',
operators: ['equal', 'not_equal', 'less', 'less_or_equal', 'greater', 'greater_or_equal']
<?php } elseif (strpos($row->Type, 'datetime') !== false) { ?>
type: 'datetime',
operators: ['equal', 'not_equal', 'less', 'less_or_equal', 'greater', 'greater_or_equal']
<?php } else { ?>
type: 'string',
operators: ['equal', 'not_equal', 'begins_with', 'contains', 'ends_with', 'is_empty', 'is_not_empty', 'is_null', 'is_not_null']
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
function export_search_result() {
var result = $('#builder').queryBuilder('getRules');
if (!$.isEmptyObject(result)) {
xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
var a;
if (xhttp.readyState === 4 && xhttp.status === 200) {
// Trick for making downloadable link
a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(xhttp.response);
// Give filename you wish to download = "advanced_search_export.adi"; = 'none';
// Post data to URL which handles post request"POST", "<?php echo site_url('search/export_to_adif'); ?>", true);
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// You should set responseType as blob for binary responses
xhttp.responseType = 'blob';
xhttp.send("search=" + JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
function export_stored_query(id) {
xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
var a;
if (xhttp.readyState === 4 && xhttp.status === 200) {
// Trick for making downloadable link
a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(xhttp.response);
// Give filename you wish to download = "advanced_search_export.adi"; = 'none';
// Post data to URL which handles post request"POST", "<?php echo site_url('search/export_stored_query_to_adif'); ?>", true);
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// You should set responseType as blob for binary responses
xhttp.responseType = 'blob';
xhttp.send("id=" + id);
$('#btn-save').on('click', function() {
var resultquery = $('#builder').queryBuilder('getRules');
if (!$.isEmptyObject(resultquery)) {
let message = 'Description: <input class="form-control input-group-sm getqueryname">'
title: 'Query description',
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_NORMAL,
cssClass: 'description-dialog',
closable: true,
nl2br: false,
message: message,
btnCancelLabel: 'Cancel',
btnOKLabel: 'Save',
callback: function(result) {
if (result) {
$.post("<?php echo site_url('search/save_query'); ?>", {
search: JSON.stringify(resultquery, null, 2),
description: $(".getqueryname").val()
.done(function(data) {
$(".card-body.main").append('<div class="alert alert-success"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>Your query has been saved!</div>');
if ($("#querydropdown option").length == 0) {
var dropdowninfo = ' <button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" onclick="edit_stored_query_dialog()" id="btn-edit">Edit queries</button></p>' +
'<div class="form-group row querydropdownform">' +
'<label class="col-md-2 control-label" for="querydropdown"> Stored queries:</label>' +
'<div class="col-md-3">' +
'<select id="querydropdown" name="querydropdown" class="form-control custom-select-sm">' +
'</select>' +
'</div>' +
'<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary ld-ext-right runbutton" onclick="run_query()">Run Query<div class="ld ld-ring ld-spin"></div></button>' +
$('#querydropdown').append(new Option(data.description,; // We add the saved query to the dropdown
} else {{
title: 'Stored Queries',
type: BootstrapDialog.TYPE_WARNING,
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_NORMAL,
cssClass: 'queries-dialog',
nl2br: false,
message: 'You need to make a query before you search!',
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function(dialogItself) {
function run_query() {
$(".runbutton").prop('disabled', true);
let id = $('#querydropdown').val();
$.post("<?php echo site_url('search/run_query'); ?>", {
id: id
.done(function(data) {
$('.exportbutton').html('<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" onclick="export_stored_query(' + id + ')">Export to ADIF</button>');
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"scrollX": true,
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
// change color of csv-button if dark mode is chosen
if (isDarkModeTheme()) {
$(".buttons-csv").css("color", "white");
$(".runbutton").prop('disabled', false);
function delete_stored_query(id) {
title: 'DANGER',
message: 'Warning! Are you sure you want delete this stored query?',
type: BootstrapDialog.TYPE_DANGER,
closable: true,
draggable: true,
btnOKClass: 'btn-danger',
callback: function(result) {
if (result) {
url: base_url + 'index.php/search/delete_query',
type: 'post',
data: {
'id': id
success: function(data) {
$(".bootstrap-dialog-message").prepend('<div class="alert alert-danger"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>The stored query has been deleted!</div>');
$("#query_" + id).remove(); // removes query from table in dialog
$("#querydropdown option[value='" + id + "']").remove(); // removes query from dropdown
if ($("#querydropdown option").length == 0) {
error: function() {
$(".bootstrap-dialog-message").prepend('<div class="alert alert-danger"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>The stored query could not be deleted. Please try again!</div>');
function edit_stored_query(id) {
$('#description_' + id).attr('contenteditable', 'true');
$('#description_' + id).focus();
$('#edit_' + id).html('<a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" href="javascript:save_edited_query(' + id + ');">Save</a>'); // Change to save button
function save_edited_query(id) {
$('#description_' + id).attr('contenteditable', 'false');
$('#edit_' + id).html('<a class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm" href="javascript:edit_stored_query(' + id + ');">Edit</a>');
url: base_url + 'index.php/search/save_edited_query',
type: 'post',
data: {
id: id,
description: $('#description_' + id).html(),
success: function(html) {
$('#edit_' + id).html('<a class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm" href="javascript:edit_stored_query(' + id + ');">Edit</a>'); // Change to edit button
$(".bootstrap-dialog-message").prepend('<div class="alert alert-success"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>The query description has been updated!</div>');
$("#querydropdown option[value='" + id + "']").text($('#description_' + id).html()); // Change text in dropdown
error: function() {
$(".bootstrap-dialog-message").prepend('<div class="alert alert-danger"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>Something went wrong with the save. Please try again!</div>');
function edit_stored_query_dialog() {
url: base_url + 'index.php/search/get_stored_queries',
type: 'post',
success: function(html) {{
title: 'Stored Queries',
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE,
cssClass: 'queries-dialog',
nl2br: false,
message: html,
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function(dialogItself) {
$('#btn-get').on('click', function() {
var result = $('#builder').queryBuilder('getRules');
if (!$.isEmptyObject(result)) {
$(".searchbutton").prop('disabled', true);
$.post("<?php echo site_url('search/search_result'); ?>", {
search: JSON.stringify(result, null, 2),
temp: "testvar"
.done(function(data) {
$('.exportbutton').html('<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" onclick="export_search_result();">Export to ADIF</button>');
"pageLength": 25,
responsive: false,
ordering: false,
"scrollY": "400px",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"paging": false,
"scrollX": true,
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
// change color of csv-button if dark mode is chosen
if (isDarkModeTheme()) {
$(".buttons-csv").css("color", "white");
$(".searchbutton").prop('disabled', false);
} else {{
title: 'Stored Queries',
type: BootstrapDialog.TYPE_WARNING,
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_NORMAL,
cssClass: 'queries-dialog',
nl2br: false,
message: 'You need to make a query before you search!',
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function(dialogItself) {
$('#btn-set').on('click', function() {
//$('#builder').queryBuilder('setRules', rules_basic);
var result = $('#builder').queryBuilder('getRules');
if (!$.isEmptyObject(result)) {
rules_basic = result;
//When rules changed :
$('#builder').on('getRules.queryBuilder.filter', function(e) {
<?php } ?>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#create_station_profile #country').val($("#dxcc_select option:selected").text());
$("#create_station_profile #dxcc_select" ).change(function() {
$('#country').val($("#dxcc_select option:selected").text());
2019-03-20 17:47:40 +00:00
var $= jQuery.noConflict();
toolbar : false,
smallBtn : true,
iframe : {
preload : false
2019-10-08 20:11:13 +00:00
// Here we capture ALT-L to invoke the Quick lookup
document.onkeyup = function(e) {
if (e.altKey && e.which == 76) {
if (e.altKey && e.which == 81) {
function spawnQrbCalculator(locator1, locator2) {
url: base_url + 'index.php/qrbcalc',
type: 'post',
success: function (html) {{
title: 'Compute QRB and QTF',
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE,
cssClass: 'lookup-dialog',
nl2br: false,
message: html,
onshown: function(dialog) {
if (locator1 !== undefined) {
if (locator2 !== undefined) {
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function (dialogItself) {
function calculateQrb() {
let locator1 = $("#qrbcalc_locator1").val();
let locator2 = $("#qrbcalc_locator2").val();
if (validateLocator(locator1) && validateLocator(locator2)) {
url: base_url+'index.php/qrbcalc/calculate',
type: 'post',
data: {'locator1': locator1,
'locator2': locator2},
success: function (html) {
var result = "<h5>Negative latitudes are south of the equator, negative longitudes are west of Greenwich. <br/>";
result += ' ' + locator1.toUpperCase() + ' Latitude = ' + html['latlng1'][0] + ' Longitude = ' + html['latlng1'][1] + '<br/>';
result += ' ' + locator2.toUpperCase() + ' Latitude = ' + html['latlng2'][0] + ' Longitude = ' + html['latlng2'][1] + '<br/>';
2022-02-16 13:57:07 +00:00
result += 'Distance between ' + locator1.toUpperCase() + ' and ' + locator2.toUpperCase() + ' is ' + html['distance'] + '.<br />';
result += 'The bearing is ' + html['bearing'] + '.</h5>';
newpath(html['latlng1'], html['latlng2'], locator1, locator2);
} else {
$('.qrbResult').html('<div class="qrbalert alert alert-danger" role="alert">Error in locators. Please check.</div>');
function validateLocator(locator) {
if(locator.length < 4 && !(/^[a-rA-R]{2}[0-9]{2}[a-xA-X]{0,2}[0-9]{0,2}[a-xA-X]{0,2}$/.test(locator))) {
return false;
return true;
function newpath(latlng1, latlng2, locator1, locator2) {
// If map is already initialized
var container = L.DomUtil.get('mapqrb');
if(container != null){
container._leaflet_id = null;
const map = new'mapqrb').setView([30, 0], 1.5);
var maidenhead = L.maidenheadqrb().addTo(map);
var osmUrl='https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
var osmAttrib='Map data © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors';
var osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, {minZoom: 1, maxZoom: 9, attribution: osmAttrib});
var redIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: icon_dot_url,
iconSize: [10, 10], // size of the icon
var marker = L.marker([latlng1[0], latlng1[1]], {closeOnClick: false, autoClose: false}).addTo(map).bindPopup(locator1);
var marker2 = L.marker([latlng2[0], latlng2[1]], {closeOnClick: false, autoClose: false}).addTo(map).bindPopup(locator2);
const multiplelines = [];
new L.LatLng(latlng1[0], latlng1[1]),
new L.LatLng(latlng2[0], latlng2[1])
const geodesic = L.geodesic(multiplelines, {
weight: 3,
opacity: 1,
color: 'red',
wrap: false,
steps: 100
// This displays the dialog with the form and it's where the resulttable is displayed
function spawnLookupModal() {
url: base_url + 'index.php/lookup',
type: 'post',
success: function (html) {{
title: 'Quick lookup',
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE,
cssClass: 'lookup-dialog',
nl2br: false,
message: html,
onshown: function(dialog) {
var type = $('#quicklookuptype').val();
if (type == "dxcc") {
} else if (type == "iota") {
} else if (type == "grid" || type == "sota" || type == "wwff") {
} else if (type == "cqz") {
} else if (type == "was") {
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function (dialogItself) {
// This function executes the call to the backend for fetching queryresult and displays the table in the dialog
function getLookupResult() {
$(".ld-ext-right").prop('disabled', true);
url: base_url + 'index.php/lookup/search',
type: 'post',
data: {
type: $('#quicklookuptype').val(),
dxcc: $('#quicklookupdxcc').val(),
was: $('#quicklookupwas').val(),
grid: $('#quicklookuptext').val(),
cqz: $('#quicklookupcqz').val(),
iota: $('#quicklookupiota').val(),
sota: $('#quicklookuptext').val(),
wwff: $('#quicklookuptext').val(),
success: function (html) {
$(".ld-ext-right").prop('disabled', false);
2019-03-20 17:47:40 +00:00
2019-04-08 14:36:23 +00:00
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "map" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "custom") { ?>
<!-- Javascript used for ADIF Import and Export Areas -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/moment.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/leaflet/L.Maidenhead.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/leaflet/leafembed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
<?php if($qra == "set") { ?>
var q_lat = <?php echo $qra_lat; ?>;
var q_lng = <?php echo $qra_lng; ?>;
<?php } else { ?>
var q_lat = 40.313043;
var q_lng = -32.695312;
<?php } ?>
var qso_loc = '<?php echo site_url('map/map_data_custom/');?><?php echo rawurlencode($date_from); ?>/<?php echo rawurlencode($date_to); ?>/<?php echo rawurlencode($this->input->post('band')); ?>';
2022-03-09 18:01:04 +00:00
var q_zoom = 3;
<?php if ($this->config->item('map_gridsquares') != FALSE) { ?>
var grid = "Yes";
<?php } else { ?>
var grid = "No";
<?php } ?>
2022-03-09 18:01:04 +00:00
initmap(grid, 'custommap');
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "map" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "") { ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/leaflet/L.Maidenhead.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/leaflet/leafembed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
<?php if($qra == "set") { ?>
var q_lat = <?php echo $qra_lat; ?>;
var q_lng = <?php echo $qra_lng; ?>;
<?php } else { ?>
var q_lat = 40.313043;
var q_lng = -32.695312;
<?php } ?>
var qso_loc = '<?php echo site_url('map/map_data');?>';
var q_zoom = 2;
<?php if ($this->config->item('map_gridsquares') != FALSE) { ?>
var grid = "Yes";
<?php } else { ?>
var grid = "No";
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "" || $this->uri->segment(1) == "dashboard" ) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/leaflet/L.Maidenhead.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/leaflet/leafembed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
2020-02-27 22:18:54 +00:00
<?php if($qra == "set") { ?>
var q_lat = <?php echo $qra_lat; ?>;
var q_lng = <?php echo $qra_lng; ?>;
<?php } else { ?>
var q_lat = 40.313043;
var q_lng = -32.695312;
<?php } ?>
var qso_loc = '<?php echo site_url('dashboard/map');?>';
var q_zoom = 3;
<?php if ($this->config->item('map_gridsquares') != FALSE) { ?>
var grid = "Yes";
<?php } else { ?>
var grid = "No";
<?php } ?>
2019-04-08 14:36:23 +00:00
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "radio") { ?>
<!-- If this is the admin/radio page run the JS -->
<script type="text/javascript">
setInterval(function() {
// Get Mode
$.get('radio/status/', function(result) {
}, 2000);
<?php } ?>
2019-05-14 10:52:11 +00:00
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "search") { ?>
This PR adds some eye candy tooltips to QSLs icons as well as contest exchanges on various sections within cloudlog Squashed commit of the following: commit 89edbf3ddadd7d796ba5412388f66d14e3e9ac17 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 20:47:17 2022 +0100 Fix flicker issue on gridmaps page (by LA8AJA) commit 5b0c2672aadbf0451ec52ecc65745e880b44ef8f Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:36:31 2022 +0100 Also show tooltips for contest name commit 88e091f65ace6bdbae3d605839665fdd457ea943 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:08:31 2022 +0100 Enable QSL tooltips also for QSO list in qslprint section commit 91b81a0b2ba531e867f82197fe1b201e24785dd2 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:46:38 2022 +0100 Prevent display of empty date values commit a66be2dab1d23b15fa41df0a2c9a0c41f455afff Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:12:43 2022 +0100 Make tooltip work also for gridsquares section Tnx @AndreasK79 commit 92c13483b9c71d55fa3d863d426b300cf008dd31 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 15:37:21 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip hints also for other awards sections commit 625c0e73c5dd5823301d888be4d0b3419a76f1db Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 19:28:47 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip for awards section commit 0fe9061ecf3e4b8d9826dee62779e2493124d8a5 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:57:35 2022 +0100 Fix bug with extra quotes if manager defined commit cb8e4d1e4343670a60bc93ac3e87d54d45d0a9fd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:18:44 2022 +0100 Small bugix commit 5bca33b7a1dca1b89d0921a8e0890fc1aebccedd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 15:42:31 2022 +0100 Add missing translations for electronic QSL commit 617f58a6217aa385225eab27bfe577ad55b7ff37 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:40:32 2022 +0100 Enable tooltips also for search results commit 432a1b283a19196618d4c809545d01cef4f630d3 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:18:33 2022 +0100 Also QSL method/manager info commit b43e7a1419c75a199c0a28c9849f2b09e0c62288 Author: phl0 <> Date: Sun Jan 9 23:28:54 2022 +0100 Show details for paper QSLs commit 1759d94d8af7299684265700cec51fe0591623dc Author: phl0 <> Date: Fri Jan 7 17:51:17 2022 +0100 Add tooltip hints for QSL sent/rcvd dates
2022-01-12 19:51:24 +00:00
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
2019-05-14 10:52:11 +00:00
<script type="text/javascript">
2019-09-04 21:11:55 +00:00
function searchButtonPress(){
if ($('#callsign').val()) {
let fixedcall = $('#callsign').val();
This PR adds some eye candy tooltips to QSLs icons as well as contest exchanges on various sections within cloudlog Squashed commit of the following: commit 89edbf3ddadd7d796ba5412388f66d14e3e9ac17 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 20:47:17 2022 +0100 Fix flicker issue on gridmaps page (by LA8AJA) commit 5b0c2672aadbf0451ec52ecc65745e880b44ef8f Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:36:31 2022 +0100 Also show tooltips for contest name commit 88e091f65ace6bdbae3d605839665fdd457ea943 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:08:31 2022 +0100 Enable QSL tooltips also for QSO list in qslprint section commit 91b81a0b2ba531e867f82197fe1b201e24785dd2 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:46:38 2022 +0100 Prevent display of empty date values commit a66be2dab1d23b15fa41df0a2c9a0c41f455afff Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:12:43 2022 +0100 Make tooltip work also for gridsquares section Tnx @AndreasK79 commit 92c13483b9c71d55fa3d863d426b300cf008dd31 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 15:37:21 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip hints also for other awards sections commit 625c0e73c5dd5823301d888be4d0b3419a76f1db Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 19:28:47 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip for awards section commit 0fe9061ecf3e4b8d9826dee62779e2493124d8a5 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:57:35 2022 +0100 Fix bug with extra quotes if manager defined commit cb8e4d1e4343670a60bc93ac3e87d54d45d0a9fd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:18:44 2022 +0100 Small bugix commit 5bca33b7a1dca1b89d0921a8e0890fc1aebccedd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 15:42:31 2022 +0100 Add missing translations for electronic QSL commit 617f58a6217aa385225eab27bfe577ad55b7ff37 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:40:32 2022 +0100 Enable tooltips also for search results commit 432a1b283a19196618d4c809545d01cef4f630d3 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:18:33 2022 +0100 Also QSL method/manager info commit b43e7a1419c75a199c0a28c9849f2b09e0c62288 Author: phl0 <> Date: Sun Jan 9 23:28:54 2022 +0100 Show details for paper QSLs commit 1759d94d8af7299684265700cec51fe0591623dc Author: phl0 <> Date: Fri Jan 7 17:51:17 2022 +0100 Add tooltip hints for QSL sent/rcvd dates
2022-01-12 19:51:24 +00:00
$('#partial_view').load("logbook/search_result/" + fixedcall.replace('Ø', '0'), function() {
2019-09-04 21:11:55 +00:00
2019-05-14 10:52:11 +00:00
2019-09-04 21:11:55 +00:00
<?php if($this->input->post('callsign') != "") { ?>
$('#partial_view').load("logbook/search_result/<?php echo str_replace("Ø","0",$this->input->post('callsign')); ?>", function() {
This PR adds some eye candy tooltips to QSLs icons as well as contest exchanges on various sections within cloudlog Squashed commit of the following: commit 89edbf3ddadd7d796ba5412388f66d14e3e9ac17 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 20:47:17 2022 +0100 Fix flicker issue on gridmaps page (by LA8AJA) commit 5b0c2672aadbf0451ec52ecc65745e880b44ef8f Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:36:31 2022 +0100 Also show tooltips for contest name commit 88e091f65ace6bdbae3d605839665fdd457ea943 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:08:31 2022 +0100 Enable QSL tooltips also for QSO list in qslprint section commit 91b81a0b2ba531e867f82197fe1b201e24785dd2 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:46:38 2022 +0100 Prevent display of empty date values commit a66be2dab1d23b15fa41df0a2c9a0c41f455afff Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:12:43 2022 +0100 Make tooltip work also for gridsquares section Tnx @AndreasK79 commit 92c13483b9c71d55fa3d863d426b300cf008dd31 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 15:37:21 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip hints also for other awards sections commit 625c0e73c5dd5823301d888be4d0b3419a76f1db Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 19:28:47 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip for awards section commit 0fe9061ecf3e4b8d9826dee62779e2493124d8a5 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:57:35 2022 +0100 Fix bug with extra quotes if manager defined commit cb8e4d1e4343670a60bc93ac3e87d54d45d0a9fd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:18:44 2022 +0100 Small bugix commit 5bca33b7a1dca1b89d0921a8e0890fc1aebccedd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 15:42:31 2022 +0100 Add missing translations for electronic QSL commit 617f58a6217aa385225eab27bfe577ad55b7ff37 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:40:32 2022 +0100 Enable tooltips also for search results commit 432a1b283a19196618d4c809545d01cef4f630d3 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:18:33 2022 +0100 Also QSL method/manager info commit b43e7a1419c75a199c0a28c9849f2b09e0c62288 Author: phl0 <> Date: Sun Jan 9 23:28:54 2022 +0100 Show details for paper QSLs commit 1759d94d8af7299684265700cec51fe0591623dc Author: phl0 <> Date: Fri Jan 7 17:51:17 2022 +0100 Add tooltip hints for QSL sent/rcvd dates
2022-01-12 19:51:24 +00:00
2019-05-14 10:52:11 +00:00
2019-09-04 21:11:55 +00:00
<?php } ?>
$(document).on('keypress',function(e) {
2019-09-04 21:11:55 +00:00
if(e.which == 13) {
2019-05-14 10:52:11 +00:00
2019-09-04 21:11:55 +00:00
if ($('#callsign').val()) {
let fixedcall = $('#callsign').val();
This PR adds some eye candy tooltips to QSLs icons as well as contest exchanges on various sections within cloudlog Squashed commit of the following: commit 89edbf3ddadd7d796ba5412388f66d14e3e9ac17 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 20:47:17 2022 +0100 Fix flicker issue on gridmaps page (by LA8AJA) commit 5b0c2672aadbf0451ec52ecc65745e880b44ef8f Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:36:31 2022 +0100 Also show tooltips for contest name commit 88e091f65ace6bdbae3d605839665fdd457ea943 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:08:31 2022 +0100 Enable QSL tooltips also for QSO list in qslprint section commit 91b81a0b2ba531e867f82197fe1b201e24785dd2 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:46:38 2022 +0100 Prevent display of empty date values commit a66be2dab1d23b15fa41df0a2c9a0c41f455afff Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:12:43 2022 +0100 Make tooltip work also for gridsquares section Tnx @AndreasK79 commit 92c13483b9c71d55fa3d863d426b300cf008dd31 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 15:37:21 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip hints also for other awards sections commit 625c0e73c5dd5823301d888be4d0b3419a76f1db Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 19:28:47 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip for awards section commit 0fe9061ecf3e4b8d9826dee62779e2493124d8a5 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:57:35 2022 +0100 Fix bug with extra quotes if manager defined commit cb8e4d1e4343670a60bc93ac3e87d54d45d0a9fd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:18:44 2022 +0100 Small bugix commit 5bca33b7a1dca1b89d0921a8e0890fc1aebccedd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 15:42:31 2022 +0100 Add missing translations for electronic QSL commit 617f58a6217aa385225eab27bfe577ad55b7ff37 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:40:32 2022 +0100 Enable tooltips also for search results commit 432a1b283a19196618d4c809545d01cef4f630d3 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:18:33 2022 +0100 Also QSL method/manager info commit b43e7a1419c75a199c0a28c9849f2b09e0c62288 Author: phl0 <> Date: Sun Jan 9 23:28:54 2022 +0100 Show details for paper QSLs commit 1759d94d8af7299684265700cec51fe0591623dc Author: phl0 <> Date: Fri Jan 7 17:51:17 2022 +0100 Add tooltip hints for QSL sent/rcvd dates
2022-01-12 19:51:24 +00:00
$('#partial_view').load("logbook/search_result/" + fixedcall.replace('Ø', '0'), function() {
2019-05-14 10:52:11 +00:00
2019-09-04 21:11:55 +00:00
return false;
2019-05-14 10:52:11 +00:00
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "logbook" && $this->uri->segment(2) != "view") { ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/leaflet/L.Maidenhead.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/leaflet/leafembed.js"></script>
This PR adds some eye candy tooltips to QSLs icons as well as contest exchanges on various sections within cloudlog Squashed commit of the following: commit 89edbf3ddadd7d796ba5412388f66d14e3e9ac17 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 20:47:17 2022 +0100 Fix flicker issue on gridmaps page (by LA8AJA) commit 5b0c2672aadbf0451ec52ecc65745e880b44ef8f Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:36:31 2022 +0100 Also show tooltips for contest name commit 88e091f65ace6bdbae3d605839665fdd457ea943 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:08:31 2022 +0100 Enable QSL tooltips also for QSO list in qslprint section commit 91b81a0b2ba531e867f82197fe1b201e24785dd2 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:46:38 2022 +0100 Prevent display of empty date values commit a66be2dab1d23b15fa41df0a2c9a0c41f455afff Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:12:43 2022 +0100 Make tooltip work also for gridsquares section Tnx @AndreasK79 commit 92c13483b9c71d55fa3d863d426b300cf008dd31 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 15:37:21 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip hints also for other awards sections commit 625c0e73c5dd5823301d888be4d0b3419a76f1db Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 19:28:47 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip for awards section commit 0fe9061ecf3e4b8d9826dee62779e2493124d8a5 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:57:35 2022 +0100 Fix bug with extra quotes if manager defined commit cb8e4d1e4343670a60bc93ac3e87d54d45d0a9fd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:18:44 2022 +0100 Small bugix commit 5bca33b7a1dca1b89d0921a8e0890fc1aebccedd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 15:42:31 2022 +0100 Add missing translations for electronic QSL commit 617f58a6217aa385225eab27bfe577ad55b7ff37 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:40:32 2022 +0100 Enable tooltips also for search results commit 432a1b283a19196618d4c809545d01cef4f630d3 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:18:33 2022 +0100 Also QSL method/manager info commit b43e7a1419c75a199c0a28c9849f2b09e0c62288 Author: phl0 <> Date: Sun Jan 9 23:28:54 2022 +0100 Show details for paper QSLs commit 1759d94d8af7299684265700cec51fe0591623dc Author: phl0 <> Date: Fri Jan 7 17:51:17 2022 +0100 Add tooltip hints for QSL sent/rcvd dates
2022-01-12 19:51:24 +00:00
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
2019-05-14 15:46:16 +00:00
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php if($qra == "set") { ?>
var q_lat = <?php echo $qra_lat; ?>;
var q_lng = <?php echo $qra_lng; ?>;
2019-05-14 15:46:16 +00:00
<?php } else { ?>
var q_lat = 40.313043;
var q_lng = -32.695312;
<?php } ?>
var qso_loc = '<?php echo site_url('logbook/qso_map/25/'.$this->uri->segment(3)); ?>';
var q_zoom = 3;
2019-05-14 15:46:16 +00:00
<?php if ($this->config->item('map_gridsquares') != FALSE) { ?>
var grid = "Yes";
<?php } else { ?>
var grid = "No";
<?php } ?>
2019-05-14 15:46:16 +00:00
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "qso") { ?>
<script src="<?php echo base_url() ;?>assets/js/sections/qso.js"></script>
$active_station_id = $this->stations->find_active();
$station_profile = $this->stations->profile($active_station_id);
$active_station_info = $station_profile->row();
if (strpos($active_station_info->station_gridsquare, ',') !== false) {
$gridsquareArray = explode(',', $active_station_info->station_gridsquare);
$user_gridsquare = $gridsquareArray[0];
} else {
$user_gridsquare = $active_station_info->station_gridsquare;
2019-06-13 23:14:39 +00:00
var markers = L.layerGroup();
2022-01-05 14:21:26 +00:00
var pos = [51.505, -0.09];
var mymap ='qsomap').setView(pos, 12);
if ($active_station_info->station_gridsquare != "") { ?>
$.getJSON('logbook/qralatlngjson/<?php echo $user_gridsquare; ?>', function(result) {
2022-01-05 14:21:26 +00:00
mymap.panTo([result[0], result[1]]);
pos = result;
<?php } else if (null !== $this->config->item('locator')) { ?>
$.getJSON('logbook/qralatlngjson/<?php echo $this->config->item('locator'); ?>', function(result) {
mymap.panTo([result[0], result[1]]);
pos = result;
<?php } ?>
2019-06-13 23:14:39 +00:00
L.tileLayer('<?php echo $this->optionslib->get_option('option_map_tile_server');?>', {
2019-06-13 23:14:39 +00:00
maxZoom: 18,
attribution: '<?php echo $this->optionslib->get_option('option_map_tile_server_copyright');?>',
2019-06-13 23:14:39 +00:00
id: 'mapbox.streets'
<script type="text/javascript">
var manual = <?php echo $_GET['manual']; ?>;
$(document).ready(function() {
/* On Page Load */
var catcher = function() {
var changed = false;
$('form').each(function() {
if ($(this).data('initialForm') != $(this).serialize()) {
changed = true;
} else {
if (changed) {
return 'Unsaved QSO!';
$(function() {
$('form').each(function() {
$(this).data('initialForm', $(this).serialize());
}).submit(function(e) {
var formEl = this;
var changed = false;
$('form').each(function() {
if (this != formEl && $(this).data('initialForm') != $(this).serialize()) {
changed = true;
} else {
if (changed && !confirm('You have an unsaved QSO. Continue with QSO?')) {
} else {
$(window).unbind('beforeunload', catcher);
$(window).bind('beforeunload', catcher);
// Callsign always has focus on load
if ( ! manual ) {
$(function($) {
var options = {
utc: true,
format: '%H:%M:%S'
2019-05-25 21:17:35 +00:00
$(function($) {
var options = {
utc: true,
format: '%d-%m-%Y'
jQuery(function($) {
var input = $('#callsign');
input.on('keydown', function() {
var key = event.keyCode || event.charCode;
if( key == 8 || key == 46 ) {
$(document).keyup(function(e) {
if (e.key === "Escape") { // escape key maps to keycode `27`
<?php if ($this->session->userdata('user_sota_lookup') == 1) { ?>
$('#sota_ref').change(function() {
var sota = $('#sota_ref').val();
if (sota.length > 0) {
url: base_url+'index.php/qso/get_sota_info',
type: 'post',
data: {'sota': sota},
success: function(res) {
error: function() {
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->config->item('qso_auto_qth')) { ?>
2020-05-08 07:45:06 +00:00
$('#qth').focusout(function() {
if ($('#locator').val() === '') {
var lat = 0;
var lon = 0;
async: false,
type: 'GET',
dataType: "json",
url: "" + $(this).val() + "&format=json&addressdetails=1&limit=1",
data: {},
success: function (data) {
if (typeof data[0].lat !== 'undefined') {
lat = parseFloat(data[0].lat);
if (typeof data[0].lon !== 'undefined') {
lon = parseFloat(data[0].lon);
if (lat !== 0 && lon !== 0) {
var qthloc = LatLng2Loc(lat, lon, 10);
if (qthloc.length > 0) {
$('#locator').val(qthloc.substr(0, 6)).trigger('focusout');
LatLng2Loc = function(y, x, num) {
if (x < -180) {
x = x + 360;
if (x > 180) {
x = x - 360;
var yqth, yi, yk, ydiv, yres, ylp, y;
var ycalc = new Array(0, 0, 0);
var yn = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
var ydiv_arr = new Array(10, 1, 1 / 24, 1 / 240, 1 / 240 / 24);
ycalc[0] = (x + 180) / 2;
ycalc[1] = y + 90;
for (yi = 0; yi < 2; yi++) {
for (yk = 0; yk < 5; yk++) {
ydiv = ydiv_arr[yk];
yres = ycalc[yi] / ydiv;
ycalc[yi] = yres;
if (ycalc[yi] > 0) ylp = Math.floor(yres); else ylp = Math.ceil(yres);
ycalc[yi] = (ycalc[yi] - ylp) * ydiv;
yn[2 * yk + yi] = ylp;
var qthloc = "";
if (num >= 2) qthloc += String.fromCharCode(yn[0] + 0x41) + String.fromCharCode(yn[1] + 0x41);
if (num >= 4) qthloc += String.fromCharCode(yn[2] + 0x30) + String.fromCharCode(yn[3] + 0x30);
if (num >= 6) qthloc += String.fromCharCode(yn[4] + 0x41) + String.fromCharCode(yn[5] + 0x41);
if (num >= 8) qthloc += ' ' + String.fromCharCode(yn[6] + 0x30) + String.fromCharCode(yn[7] + 0x30);
if (num >= 10) qthloc += String.fromCharCode(yn[8] + 0x61) + String.fromCharCode(yn[9] + 0x61);
return qthloc;
<?php } ?>
2020-04-13 17:23:19 +00:00
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( ($this->uri->segment(1) == "qso" && $_GET['manual'] == 0) || ($this->uri->segment(1) == "contesting" && $this->uri->segment(2) != "add")) { ?>
function setRst(mode) {
2020-05-08 18:54:12 +00:00
if(mode == 'JT65' || mode == 'JT65B' || mode == 'JT6C' || mode == 'JTMS' || mode == 'ISCAT' || mode == 'MSK144' || mode == 'JTMSK' || mode == 'QRA64' || mode == 'FT8' || mode == 'FT4' || mode == 'JS8' || mode == 'JT9' || mode == 'JT9-1' || mode == 'ROS'){
} else if (mode == 'FSK441' || mode == 'JT6M') {
} else if (mode == 'CW' || mode == 'RTTY' || mode == 'PSK31' || mode == 'PSK63') {
} else {
// Javascript for controlling rig frequency.
var updateFromCAT = function() {
if($('select.radios option:selected').val() != '0') {
radioID = $('select.radios option:selected').val();
$.getJSON( "radio/json/" + radioID, function( data ) {
/* {
"uplink_freq": "2400210000",
"downlink_freq": "10489710000",
"mode": "SSB",
"satmode": "",
"satname": "ES'HAIL-2"
2022-04-06 12:50:24 +00:00
"power": "20"
"prop_mode": "SAT"
} */
if (data.prop_mode == "SAT")
//if (data.uplink_freq != "")
} else {
if (data.downlink_freq != "")
old_mode = $(".mode").val();
if (data.mode == "LSB" || data.mode == "USB" || data.mode == "SSB") {
} else {
if (old_mode !== $(".mode").val()) {
// Update RST on mode change via CAT
if(data.power != 0) {
// Display CAT Timeout warnng based on the figure given in the config file
var minutes = Math.floor(<?php echo $this->config->item('cat_timeout_interval'); ?> / 60);
if(data.updated_minutes_ago > minutes) {
if($('.radio_timeout_error').length == 0) {
$('.qso_panel').prepend('<div class="alert alert-danger radio_timeout_error" role="alert">Radio connection timed-out: ' + $('select.radios option:selected').text() + ' data is ' + data.updated_minutes_ago + ' minutes old.</div>');
} else {
$('.radio_timeout_error').text('Radio connection timed-out: ' + $('select.radios option:selected').text() + ' data is ' + data.updated_minutes_ago + ' minutes old.');
} else {
$(".radio_timeout_error" ).remove();
// Update frequency every three second
setInterval(updateFromCAT, 3000);
// If a radios selected from drop down select radio update.
2022-04-06 12:50:24 +00:00
// If radio isn't SatPC32 or CloudLogCATQt clear sat_name and sat_mode
$( ".radios" ).change(function() {
2022-04-06 12:50:24 +00:00
if ($(".radios option:selected").text() != "SatPC32" && $(".radios option:selected").text() != "CloudLogCATQt") {
$("#selectPropagation").val($("#selectPropagation option:first").val());
if ($(".radios option:selected").text() == "None") {
$(".radio_timeout_error" ).remove();
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "logbook" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "view") { ?>
var mymap ='map').setView([lat,long], 5);
L.tileLayer('<?php echo $this->optionslib->get_option('option_map_tile_server');?>', {
maxZoom: 18,
attribution: '<?php echo $this->optionslib->get_option('option_map_tile_server_copyright');?>',
id: 'mapbox.streets'
2020-06-17 13:37:17 +00:00
var printer = L.easyPrint({
tileLayer: tiles,
sizeModes: ['Current', 'A4Landscape', 'A4Portrait'],
filename: 'myMap',
exportOnly: true,
hideControlContainer: true
2020-06-17 13:37:17 +00:00
var redIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: icon_dot_url,
iconSize: [18, 18], // size of the icon
L.marker([lat,long], {icon: redIcon}).addTo(mymap)
mymap.on('click', onMapClick);
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "update") { ?>
$('#btn_update_dxcc').bind('click', function(){
function update_stats(){
$('#dxcc_update_status').load('<?php echo base_url()?>updates/status.html', function(val){
if ((val === null) || (val.substring(0,4) !="DONE")){
setTimeout(update_stats, 5000);
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "gridsquares") { ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/leaflet/L.MaidenheadColoured.js"></script>
var layer = L.tileLayer('<?php echo $this->optionslib->get_option('option_map_tile_server');?>', {
maxZoom: 18,
attribution: '<?php echo $this->optionslib->get_option('option_map_tile_server_copyright');?>',
id: 'mapbox.streets'
var map ='gridsquare_map', {
layers: [layer],
center: [19, 0],
zoom: 2
var printer = L.easyPrint({
tileLayer: layer,
sizeModes: ['Current'],
filename: 'myMap',
exportOnly: true,
hideControlContainer: true
var grid_two = <?php echo $grid_2char; ?>;
var grid_four = <?php echo $grid_4char; ?>;
var grid_six = <?php echo $grid_6char; ?>;
var grid_two_confirmed = <?php echo $grid_2char_confirmed; ?>;
var grid_four_confirmed = <?php echo $grid_4char_confirmed; ?>;
var grid_six_confirmed = <?php echo $grid_6char_confirmed; ?>;
var maidenhead = L.maidenhead().addTo(map);
map.on('click', onMapClick);
function onMapClick(event) {
var LatLng = event.latlng;
var lat =;
var lng = LatLng.lng;
var locator = LatLng2Loc(lat,lng, 10);
var loc_4char = locator.substring(0, 4);
if(map.getZoom() > 2) {
<?php if ($this->session->userdata('user_callsign')) { ?>
var band = '';
var search_type = "<?php echo $this->uri->segment(2); ?>";
if(search_type == "satellites") {
band = 'SAT';
} else {
band = "<?php echo $this->uri->segment(3); ?>";
url: base_url + 'index.php/awards/qso_details_ajax',
type: 'post',
data: {
'Searchphrase': loc_4char,
'Band': band,
'Mode': 'All',
'Type': 'VUCC'
success: function (html) {
$(".modal-body table").addClass('table-sm');
$(".modal-body h5").empty();
var count = $('.table tr').length;
count = count - 1;
if (count > 1) {
} else {
if (count > 0) {
This PR adds some eye candy tooltips to QSLs icons as well as contest exchanges on various sections within cloudlog Squashed commit of the following: commit 89edbf3ddadd7d796ba5412388f66d14e3e9ac17 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 20:47:17 2022 +0100 Fix flicker issue on gridmaps page (by LA8AJA) commit 5b0c2672aadbf0451ec52ecc65745e880b44ef8f Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:36:31 2022 +0100 Also show tooltips for contest name commit 88e091f65ace6bdbae3d605839665fdd457ea943 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:08:31 2022 +0100 Enable QSL tooltips also for QSO list in qslprint section commit 91b81a0b2ba531e867f82197fe1b201e24785dd2 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:46:38 2022 +0100 Prevent display of empty date values commit a66be2dab1d23b15fa41df0a2c9a0c41f455afff Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:12:43 2022 +0100 Make tooltip work also for gridsquares section Tnx @AndreasK79 commit 92c13483b9c71d55fa3d863d426b300cf008dd31 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 15:37:21 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip hints also for other awards sections commit 625c0e73c5dd5823301d888be4d0b3419a76f1db Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 19:28:47 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip for awards section commit 0fe9061ecf3e4b8d9826dee62779e2493124d8a5 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:57:35 2022 +0100 Fix bug with extra quotes if manager defined commit cb8e4d1e4343670a60bc93ac3e87d54d45d0a9fd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:18:44 2022 +0100 Small bugix commit 5bca33b7a1dca1b89d0921a8e0890fc1aebccedd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 15:42:31 2022 +0100 Add missing translations for electronic QSL commit 617f58a6217aa385225eab27bfe577ad55b7ff37 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:40:32 2022 +0100 Enable tooltips also for search results commit 432a1b283a19196618d4c809545d01cef4f630d3 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:18:33 2022 +0100 Also QSL method/manager info commit b43e7a1419c75a199c0a28c9849f2b09e0c62288 Author: phl0 <> Date: Sun Jan 9 23:28:54 2022 +0100 Show details for paper QSLs commit 1759d94d8af7299684265700cec51fe0591623dc Author: phl0 <> Date: Fri Jan 7 17:51:17 2022 +0100 Add tooltip hints for QSL sent/rcvd dates
2022-01-12 19:51:24 +00:00
$('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({ boundary: 'window' });
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "gridsquares" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "band") { ?>
var bands_available = <?php echo $bands_available; ?>;
$('#gridsquare_bands').append('<option value="All">All</option>')
$.each(bands_available, function(key, value) {
var num = "<?php echo $this->uri->segment(3);?>";
$("#gridsquare_bands option").each(function(){
if($(this).val()==num){ // EDITED THIS LINE
// bind change event to select
$('#gridsquare_bands').on('change', function () {
var url = $(this).val(); // get selected value
if (url) { // require a URL
window.location = "<?php echo site_url('gridsquares/band/');?>" + url
return false;
<?php } ?>
2020-02-18 09:49:27 +00:00
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "activated_grids") { ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/leaflet/L.MaidenheadColoured.js"></script>
var layer = L.tileLayer('<?php echo $this->optionslib->get_option('option_map_tile_server');?>', {
maxZoom: 18,
attribution: '<?php echo $this->optionslib->get_option('option_map_tile_server_copyright');?>',
id: 'mapbox.streets'
var map ='gridsquare_map', {
layers: [layer],
center: [19, 0],
zoom: 2
var grid_two = <?php echo $grid_2char; ?>;
var grid_four = <?php echo $grid_4char; ?>;
var grid_six = <?php echo $grid_6char; ?>;
var grid_two_confirmed = <?php echo $grid_2char_confirmed; ?>;
var grid_four_confirmed = <?php echo $grid_4char_confirmed; ?>;
var grid_six_confirmed = <?php echo $grid_6char_confirmed; ?>;
var maidenhead = L.maidenhead().addTo(map);
map.on('click', onMapClick);
function onMapClick(event) {
var LatLng = event.latlng;
var lat =;
var lng = LatLng.lng;
var locator = LatLng2Loc(lat,lng, 10);
var loc_4char = locator.substring(0, 4);
if(map.getZoom() > 2) {
<?php if ($this->session->userdata('user_callsign')) { ?>
var band = '';
var search_type = "<?php echo $this->uri->segment(2); ?>";
if(search_type == "satellites") {
band = 'SAT';
} else {
band = "<?php echo $this->uri->segment(3); ?>";
url: base_url + 'index.php/activated_grids/qso_details_ajax',
type: 'post',
data: {
'Searchphrase': loc_4char,
'Band': band,
'Mode': 'All',
success: function (html) {
$(".modal-body table").addClass('table-sm');
$(".modal-body h5").empty();
var count = $('.table tr').length;
count = count - 1;
if (count > 1) {
} else {
if (count > 0) {
$('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({ boundary: 'window' });
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "activated_grids" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "band") { ?>
var bands_available = <?php echo $bands_available; ?>;
$('#gridsquare_bands').append('<option value="All">All</option>')
$.each(bands_available, function(key, value) {
var num = "<?php echo $this->uri->segment(3);?>";
$("#gridsquare_bands option").each(function(){
if($(this).val()==num){ // EDITED THIS LINE
// bind change event to select
$('#gridsquare_bands').on('change', function () {
var url = $(this).val(); // get selected value
if (url) { // require a URL
window.location = "<?php echo site_url('activated_grids/band/');?>" + url
return false;
<?php } ?>
2020-02-18 09:49:27 +00:00
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "dayswithqso") { ?>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/chart.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/sections/dayswithqso.js"></script>
<?php } ?>
2020-02-18 09:49:27 +00:00
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "distances") { ?>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/highstock.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/highstock/exporting.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/highstock/offline-exporting.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/highstock/export-data.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/sections/distances.js"></script>
2019-05-14 15:46:16 +00:00
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(2) == "import") { ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/moment.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "qrz") { ?>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/sections/qrzlogbook.js"></script>
<?php } ?>
2020-08-19 05:57:35 +00:00
function displayQso(id) {
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/logbook/view/' + id,
type: 'post',
success: function(html) {{
title: 'QSO Data',
cssClass: 'qso-dialog',
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE,
nl2br: false,
message: html,
onshown: function(dialog) {
var qsoid = $("#qsoid").text();
$(".editButton").html('<a class="btn btn-primary" id="edit_qso" href="javascript:qso_edit('+qsoid+')"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i> Edit QSO</a>');
var lat = $("#lat").text();
var long = $("#long").text();
var callsign = $("#callsign").text();
var mymap ='mapqso').setView([lat,long], 5);
var tiles = L.tileLayer('<?php echo $this->optionslib->get_option('option_map_tile_server');?>', {
maxZoom: 18,
attribution: '<?php echo $this->optionslib->get_option('option_map_tile_server_copyright');?>',
var printer = L.easyPrint({
tileLayer: tiles,
sizeModes: ['Current'],
filename: 'myMap',
exportOnly: true,
hideControlContainer: true
var redIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: icon_dot_url,
iconSize: [18, 18], // size of the icon
L.marker([lat,long], {icon: redIcon}).addTo(mymap)
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(2) == "dxcc") { ?>
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"scrollY": "400px",
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2020-10-19 12:10:58 +00:00
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2020-10-19 17:16:42 +00:00
info: false,
searching: false,
ordering: false,
"paging": false,
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buttons: [
// change color of csv-button if dark mode is chosen
if (isDarkModeTheme()) {
2020-10-19 12:10:58 +00:00
$(".buttons-csv").css("color", "white");
2020-09-20 04:00:54 +00:00
<?php } ?>
2020-09-20 09:02:29 +00:00
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(2) == "vucc_band") { ?>
"pageLength": 25,
responsive: false,
ordering: false,
"scrollY": "400px",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"paging": false,
2020-10-19 17:16:42 +00:00
"scrollX": true,
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
2020-09-20 12:09:46 +00:00
// change color of csv-button if dark mode is chosen
if (isDarkModeTheme()) {
2020-10-19 17:16:42 +00:00
$(".buttons-csv").css("color", "white");
<?php } ?>
2020-09-20 12:09:46 +00:00
2020-09-20 11:57:14 +00:00
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(2) == "dok") { ?>
2020-09-20 11:57:14 +00:00
function displayDokContacts(dok, band) {
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/awards/dok_details_ajax',
type: 'post',
data: {'DOK': dok,
2020-09-20 11:57:14 +00:00
'Band': band
success: function(html) {{
title: 'QSO Data',
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE,
cssClass: 'qso-dok-dialog',
nl2br: false,
message: html,
This PR adds some eye candy tooltips to QSLs icons as well as contest exchanges on various sections within cloudlog Squashed commit of the following: commit 89edbf3ddadd7d796ba5412388f66d14e3e9ac17 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 20:47:17 2022 +0100 Fix flicker issue on gridmaps page (by LA8AJA) commit 5b0c2672aadbf0451ec52ecc65745e880b44ef8f Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:36:31 2022 +0100 Also show tooltips for contest name commit 88e091f65ace6bdbae3d605839665fdd457ea943 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:08:31 2022 +0100 Enable QSL tooltips also for QSO list in qslprint section commit 91b81a0b2ba531e867f82197fe1b201e24785dd2 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:46:38 2022 +0100 Prevent display of empty date values commit a66be2dab1d23b15fa41df0a2c9a0c41f455afff Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:12:43 2022 +0100 Make tooltip work also for gridsquares section Tnx @AndreasK79 commit 92c13483b9c71d55fa3d863d426b300cf008dd31 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 15:37:21 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip hints also for other awards sections commit 625c0e73c5dd5823301d888be4d0b3419a76f1db Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 19:28:47 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip for awards section commit 0fe9061ecf3e4b8d9826dee62779e2493124d8a5 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:57:35 2022 +0100 Fix bug with extra quotes if manager defined commit cb8e4d1e4343670a60bc93ac3e87d54d45d0a9fd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:18:44 2022 +0100 Small bugix commit 5bca33b7a1dca1b89d0921a8e0890fc1aebccedd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 15:42:31 2022 +0100 Add missing translations for electronic QSL commit 617f58a6217aa385225eab27bfe577ad55b7ff37 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:40:32 2022 +0100 Enable tooltips also for search results commit 432a1b283a19196618d4c809545d01cef4f630d3 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:18:33 2022 +0100 Also QSL method/manager info commit b43e7a1419c75a199c0a28c9849f2b09e0c62288 Author: phl0 <> Date: Sun Jan 9 23:28:54 2022 +0100 Show details for paper QSLs commit 1759d94d8af7299684265700cec51fe0591623dc Author: phl0 <> Date: Fri Jan 7 17:51:17 2022 +0100 Add tooltip hints for QSL sent/rcvd dates
2022-01-12 19:51:24 +00:00
onshown: function(dialog) {
2020-09-20 11:57:14 +00:00
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function (dialogItself) {
<?php } ?>
2020-09-20 11:57:14 +00:00
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(2) == "iota") { ?>
2020-09-20 11:57:14 +00:00
"pageLength": 25,
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"scrollY": "400px",
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"paging": false,
2020-10-19 17:16:42 +00:00
"scrollX": true,
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
info: false,
searching: false,
ordering: false,
"paging": false,
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
2020-09-20 09:09:22 +00:00
// change color of csv-button if dark mode is chosen
if (isDarkModeTheme()) {
2020-10-19 17:16:42 +00:00
$(".buttons-csv").css("color", "white");
2020-09-20 09:09:22 +00:00
<?php } ?>
2020-09-20 09:02:29 +00:00
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(2) == "cq") { ?>
2020-10-06 20:01:29 +00:00
"pageLength": 25,
responsive: false,
ordering: false,
"scrollY": "400px",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"paging": false,
2020-10-19 17:16:42 +00:00
"scrollX": true,
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
2020-10-06 20:01:29 +00:00
2020-10-19 17:16:42 +00:00
info: false,
searching: false,
ordering: false,
"paging": false,
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
// change color of csv-button if dark mode is chosen
if (isDarkModeTheme()) {
2020-10-19 17:16:42 +00:00
$(".buttons-csv").css("color", "white");
<?php } ?>
2020-09-20 09:02:29 +00:00
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(2) == "was") { ?>
2020-10-06 20:01:29 +00:00
"pageLength": 25,
responsive: false,
ordering: false,
"scrollY": "400px",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"paging": false,
2020-10-19 17:16:42 +00:00
"scrollX": true,
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
info: false,
searching: false,
ordering: false,
"paging": false,
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
2020-10-06 20:01:29 +00:00
// change color of csv-button if dark mode is chosen
if (isDarkModeTheme()) {
2020-10-19 17:16:42 +00:00
$(".buttons-csv").css("color", "white");
<?php } ?>
2020-09-20 09:02:29 +00:00
2020-08-24 18:16:06 +00:00
function qsl_rcvd(id, method) {
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/qso/qsl_rcvd_ajax',
type: 'post',
data: {'id': id,
'method': method
success: function(data) {
if (data.message == 'OK') {
$("#qso_" + id).find("td:eq(8)").find("span:eq(1)").attr('class', 'qsl-green'); // Paints arrow green
$(".qsl_rcvd_" + id).remove(); // removes choice from menu
else {
$(".bootstrap-dialog-message").append('<div class="alert alert-danger"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>You are not allowed to update QSL status!</div>');
function qsl_sent(id, method) {
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/qso/qsl_sent_ajax',
type: 'post',
data: {'id': id,
'method': method
success: function(data) {
if (data.message == 'OK') {
$("#qso_" + id).find("td:eq(8)").find("span:eq(0)").attr('class', 'qsl-green'); // Paints arrow green
$(".qsl_sent_" + id).remove(); // removes choice from menu
2020-08-24 18:16:06 +00:00
else {
$(".bootstrap-dialog-message").append('<div class="alert alert-danger"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>You are not allowed to update QSL status!</div>');
2020-08-19 05:57:35 +00:00
2020-08-24 18:16:06 +00:00
// Function: qsl_requested
// Marks QSL card requested against the QSO.
function qsl_requested(id, method) {
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/qso/qsl_requested_ajax',
type: 'post',
data: {'id': id,
'method': method
success: function(data) {
if (data.message == 'OK') {
$("#qso_" + id).find("td:eq(8)").find("span:eq(0)").attr('class', 'qsl-yellow'); // Paints arrow green
else {
$(".bootstrap-dialog-message").append('<div class="alert alert-danger"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>You are not allowed to update QSL status!</div>');
// Function: qsl_ignore
// Marks QSL card ignore against the QSO.
function qsl_ignore(id, method) {
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/qso/qsl_ignore_ajax',
type: 'post',
data: {'id': id,
'method': method
success: function(data) {
if (data.message == 'OK') {
$("#qso_" + id).find("td:eq(8)").find("span:eq(0)").attr('class', 'qsl-grey'); // Paints arrow grey
else {
$(".bootstrap-dialog-message").append('<div class="alert alert-danger"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>You are not allowed to update QSL status!</div>');
2020-08-24 18:16:06 +00:00
function qso_delete(id, call) {
title: 'DANGER',
message: 'Warning! Are you sure you want delete QSO with ' + call + '?' ,
type: BootstrapDialog.TYPE_DANGER,
closable: true,
draggable: true,
btnOKClass: 'btn-danger',
callback: function(result) {
if(result) {
2020-08-24 18:16:06 +00:00
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/qso/delete_ajax',
type: 'post',
data: {'id': id
success: function(data) {
$(".bootstrap-dialog-message").prepend('<div class="alert alert-danger"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>The contact with ' + call + ' has been deleted!</div>');
2020-08-24 18:16:06 +00:00
$("#qso_" + id).remove(); // removes qso from table in dialog
function qso_edit(id) {
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/qso/edit_ajax',
type: 'post',
data: {'id': id
success: function(html) {{
title: 'QSO Data',
cssClass: 'edit-dialog',
2020-08-24 18:16:06 +00:00
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE,
nl2br: false,
message: html,
onshown: function(dialog) {
var state = $("#input_usa_state_edit option:selected").text();
if (state != "") {
$("#stationCntyInputEdit").prop('disabled', false);
var state = $("#input_usa_state_edit option:selected").text();
if (state != "") {
$("#stationCntyInputEdit").prop('disabled', false);
} else {
$("#stationCntyInputEdit").prop('disabled', true);
maxItems: 1,
closeAfterSelect: true,
loadThrottle: 250,
valueField: 'name',
labelField: 'name',
searchField: 'name',
options: [],
create: false,
load: function(query, callback) {
if (!query || query.length < 3) return callback(); // Only trigger if 3 or more characters are entered
url: baseURL+'index.php/qso/get_sota',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
query: query,
error: function() {
success: function(res) {
maxItems: 1,
closeAfterSelect: true,
loadThrottle: 250,
valueField: 'name',
labelField: 'name',
searchField: 'name',
options: [],
create: true,
load: function(query, callback) {
if (!query) return callback(); // Only trigger if 3 or more characters are entered
url: baseURL+'index.php/qso/get_dok',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
query: query,
error: function() {
success: function(res) {
2020-08-24 18:16:06 +00:00
function selectize_usa_county() {
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
delimiter: ';',
maxItems: 1,
closeAfterSelect: true,
loadThrottle: 250,
valueField: 'name',
labelField: 'name',
searchField: 'name',
options: [],
create: false,
load: function(query, callback) {
var state = $("#input_usa_state_edit option:selected").text();
if (!query || state == "") return callback();
url: baseURL+'index.php/qso/get_county',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
query: query,
state: state,
error: function() {
success: function(res) {
2020-08-24 18:16:06 +00:00
2020-08-19 05:57:35 +00:00
function qso_save() {
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
var myform = document.getElementById("qsoform");
var fd = new FormData(myform);
url: baseURL + 'index.php/qso/qso_save_ajax',
data: fd,
cache: false,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
type: 'POST',
success: function (dataofconfirm) {
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) != "search" && $this->uri->segment(2) != "filter" && $this->uri->segment(1) != "qso") { ?>location.reload();<?php } ?>
error: function(xhr, status, error) {
2020-08-19 05:57:35 +00:00
2020-09-25 16:22:13 +00:00
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "timeline") { ?>
"pageLength": 25,
responsive: false,
ordering: false,
"scrollY": "500px",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"paging": false,
2020-10-19 17:16:42 +00:00
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dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
// change color of csv-button if dark mode is chosen
if (isDarkModeTheme()) {
2020-10-19 17:16:42 +00:00
$(".buttons-csv").css("color", "white");
2020-10-23 10:25:16 +00:00
function displayTimelineContacts(querystring, band, mode, type) {
2020-09-25 16:22:13 +00:00
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/timeline/details',
type: 'post',
2020-10-23 10:25:16 +00:00
data: {'Querystring': querystring,
'Band': band,
'Mode': mode,
'Type': type
2020-09-25 16:22:13 +00:00
success: function(html) {{
title: 'QSO Data',
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE,
cssClass: 'qso-was-dialog',
nl2br: false,
message: html,
onshown: function(dialog) {
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function (dialogItself) {
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "activators") { ?>
"pageLength": 25,
responsive: false,
ordering: false,
"scrollY": "500px",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"paging": false,
"scrollX": true,
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
// change color of csv-button if dark mode is chosen
if (isDarkModeTheme()) {
$(".buttons-csv").css("color", "white");
if($(this).val() == "SAT")
} else {
<?php if ($this->input->post('band') != "SAT") { ?>
<?php } ?>
function displayActivatorsContacts(call, band, leogeo) {
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/activators/details',
type: 'post',
data: {'Callsign': call,
'Band': band,
'LeoGeo': leogeo
success: function(html) {
2020-09-25 16:22:13 +00:00{
title: 'QSO Data',
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE,
cssClass: 'qso-was-dialog',
nl2br: false,
message: html,
This PR adds some eye candy tooltips to QSLs icons as well as contest exchanges on various sections within cloudlog Squashed commit of the following: commit 89edbf3ddadd7d796ba5412388f66d14e3e9ac17 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 20:47:17 2022 +0100 Fix flicker issue on gridmaps page (by LA8AJA) commit 5b0c2672aadbf0451ec52ecc65745e880b44ef8f Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:36:31 2022 +0100 Also show tooltips for contest name commit 88e091f65ace6bdbae3d605839665fdd457ea943 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:08:31 2022 +0100 Enable QSL tooltips also for QSO list in qslprint section commit 91b81a0b2ba531e867f82197fe1b201e24785dd2 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:46:38 2022 +0100 Prevent display of empty date values commit a66be2dab1d23b15fa41df0a2c9a0c41f455afff Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:12:43 2022 +0100 Make tooltip work also for gridsquares section Tnx @AndreasK79 commit 92c13483b9c71d55fa3d863d426b300cf008dd31 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 15:37:21 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip hints also for other awards sections commit 625c0e73c5dd5823301d888be4d0b3419a76f1db Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 19:28:47 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip for awards section commit 0fe9061ecf3e4b8d9826dee62779e2493124d8a5 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:57:35 2022 +0100 Fix bug with extra quotes if manager defined commit cb8e4d1e4343670a60bc93ac3e87d54d45d0a9fd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:18:44 2022 +0100 Small bugix commit 5bca33b7a1dca1b89d0921a8e0890fc1aebccedd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 15:42:31 2022 +0100 Add missing translations for electronic QSL commit 617f58a6217aa385225eab27bfe577ad55b7ff37 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:40:32 2022 +0100 Enable tooltips also for search results commit 432a1b283a19196618d4c809545d01cef4f630d3 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:18:33 2022 +0100 Also QSL method/manager info commit b43e7a1419c75a199c0a28c9849f2b09e0c62288 Author: phl0 <> Date: Sun Jan 9 23:28:54 2022 +0100 Show details for paper QSLs commit 1759d94d8af7299684265700cec51fe0591623dc Author: phl0 <> Date: Fri Jan 7 17:51:17 2022 +0100 Add tooltip hints for QSL sent/rcvd dates
2022-01-12 19:51:24 +00:00
onshown: function(dialog) {
2020-09-25 16:22:13 +00:00
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function (dialogItself) {
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "mode") { ?>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/sections/mode.js"></script>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "accumulated") { ?>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/chart.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/sections/accumulatedstatistics.js"></script>
<?php } ?>
2020-10-17 22:00:01 +00:00
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "timeplotter") { ?>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/highstock.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/highstock/exporting.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/highstock/offline-exporting.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/highstock/export-data.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/sections/timeplot.js"></script>
2020-10-17 22:00:01 +00:00
<?php } ?>
2020-10-28 22:20:03 +00:00
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "qsl") { ?>
"pageLength": 25,
responsive: false,
ordering: false,
"scrollY": "500px",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"paging": false,
"scrollX": true
<?php } ?>
2020-10-28 22:20:03 +00:00
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "kml") { ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/moment.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
$(function () {
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
<?php } ?>
function viewQsl(picture, callsign) {
2020-10-28 22:20:03 +00:00
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
var $textAndPic = $('<div></div>');
$textAndPic.append('<img class="img-fluid" style="height:auto;width:auto;"src="'+baseURL+'/assets/qslcard/'+picture+'" />');
var title = '';
if (callsign == null) {
title = 'QSL Card';
} else {
title = 'QSL Card for ' + callsign;
2020-10-28 22:20:03 +00:00{
title: title,
2020-10-28 22:20:03 +00:00
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE,
message: $textAndPic,
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function(dialogRef){
2020-10-28 22:20:03 +00:00
function deleteQsl(id) {
title: 'DANGER',
message: 'Warning! Are you sure you want to delete this QSL card?' ,
type: BootstrapDialog.TYPE_DANGER,
closable: true,
draggable: true,
btnOKClass: 'btn-danger',
callback: function(result) {
if(result) {
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/qsl/delete',
type: 'post',
data: {'id': id
success: function(data) {
$("#" + id).parent("tr:first").remove(); // removes qsl from table
// remove qsl from carousel
$(".carousel-indicators li:last-child").remove();
// remove table and hide tab if all qsls are deleted
if ($('.qsltable tr').length == 1) {
2020-10-28 22:20:03 +00:00
* Used to fetch QSOs from the logbook in the awards
function displayContacts(searchphrase, band, mode, type) {
var baseURL = "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/awards/qso_details_ajax',
type: 'post',
data: {
'Searchphrase': searchphrase,
'Band': band,
'Mode': mode,
'Type': type
success: function (html) {{
title: 'QSO Data',
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE,
cssClass: 'qso-dialog',
nl2br: false,
message: html,
This PR adds some eye candy tooltips to QSLs icons as well as contest exchanges on various sections within cloudlog Squashed commit of the following: commit 89edbf3ddadd7d796ba5412388f66d14e3e9ac17 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 20:47:17 2022 +0100 Fix flicker issue on gridmaps page (by LA8AJA) commit 5b0c2672aadbf0451ec52ecc65745e880b44ef8f Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:36:31 2022 +0100 Also show tooltips for contest name commit 88e091f65ace6bdbae3d605839665fdd457ea943 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:08:31 2022 +0100 Enable QSL tooltips also for QSO list in qslprint section commit 91b81a0b2ba531e867f82197fe1b201e24785dd2 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:46:38 2022 +0100 Prevent display of empty date values commit a66be2dab1d23b15fa41df0a2c9a0c41f455afff Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:12:43 2022 +0100 Make tooltip work also for gridsquares section Tnx @AndreasK79 commit 92c13483b9c71d55fa3d863d426b300cf008dd31 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 15:37:21 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip hints also for other awards sections commit 625c0e73c5dd5823301d888be4d0b3419a76f1db Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 19:28:47 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip for awards section commit 0fe9061ecf3e4b8d9826dee62779e2493124d8a5 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:57:35 2022 +0100 Fix bug with extra quotes if manager defined commit cb8e4d1e4343670a60bc93ac3e87d54d45d0a9fd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:18:44 2022 +0100 Small bugix commit 5bca33b7a1dca1b89d0921a8e0890fc1aebccedd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 15:42:31 2022 +0100 Add missing translations for electronic QSL commit 617f58a6217aa385225eab27bfe577ad55b7ff37 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:40:32 2022 +0100 Enable tooltips also for search results commit 432a1b283a19196618d4c809545d01cef4f630d3 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:18:33 2022 +0100 Also QSL method/manager info commit b43e7a1419c75a199c0a28c9849f2b09e0c62288 Author: phl0 <> Date: Sun Jan 9 23:28:54 2022 +0100 Show details for paper QSLs commit 1759d94d8af7299684265700cec51fe0591623dc Author: phl0 <> Date: Fri Jan 7 17:51:17 2022 +0100 Add tooltip hints for QSL sent/rcvd dates
2022-01-12 19:51:24 +00:00
onshown: function(dialog) {
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function (dialogItself) {
function uploadQsl() {
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
var formdata = new FormData(document.getElementById("fileinfo"));
url: baseURL + 'index.php/qsl/uploadqsl',
type: 'post',
data: formdata,
enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
processData: false,
contentType: false,
success: function(data) {
if (data.status.front.status == 'Success') {
if ($('.qsltable').length > 0) {
$('.qsltable tr:last').after('<tr><td style="text-align: center">'+data.status.front.filename+'</td>' +
'<td id="'+data.status.front.insertid+'"style="text-align: center"><button onclick="deleteQsl('+data.status.front.insertid+');" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger">Delete</button></td>' +
'<td style="text-align: center"><button onclick="viewQsl(\'' + data.status.front.filename + '\')" class="btn btn-sm btn-success">View</button></td>'+
var quantity = $(".carousel-indicators li").length;
$(".carousel-indicators").append('<li data-target="#carouselExampleIndicators" data-slide-to="'+quantity+'"></li>');
$(".carousel-inner").append('<div class="carousel-item carouselimageid_'+data.status.front.insertid+'"><img class="d-block w-100" src="'+baseURL+'/assets/qslcard/'+data.status.front.filename+'" alt="QSL picture #'+(quantity+1)+'"></div>');
else {
$("#qslupload").prepend('<table style="width:100%" class="qsltable table table-sm table-bordered table-hover table-striped table-condensed">'+
'<th style="text-align: center">QSL image file</th>'+
'<th style="text-align: center"></th>'+
'<th style="text-align: center"></th>'+
'<tr><td style="text-align: center">'+data.status.front.filename+'</td>' +
'<td id="'+data.status.front.insertid+'"style="text-align: center"><button onclick="deleteQsl('+data.status.front.insertid+');" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger">Delete</button></td>' +
'<td style="text-align: center"><button onclick="viewQsl(\'' + data.status.front.filename + '\')" class="btn btn-sm btn-success">View</button></td>'+
var quantity = $(".carousel-indicators li").length;
$(".carousel-indicators").append('<li class="active" data-target="#carouselExampleIndicators" data-slide-to="'+quantity+'"></li>');
$(".carousel-inner").append('<div class="active carousel-item carouselimageid_'+data.status.front.insertid+'"><img class="d-block w-100" src="'+baseURL+'/assets/qslcard/'+data.status.front.filename+'" alt="QSL picture #'+(quantity+1)+'"></div>');
} else {
2022-04-01 16:39:23 +00:00
$("#qslupload").append('<div class="alert alert-danger"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>Front QSL Card:' +
data.status.front.error +
if (data.status.back.status == 'Success') {
var qsoid = $("#qsoid").text();
if ($('.qsltable').length > 0) {
$('.qsltable tr:last').after('<tr><td style="text-align: center">'+data.status.back.filename+'</td>' +
'<td id="'+data.status.back.insertid+'"style="text-align: center"><button onclick="deleteQsl('+data.status.back.insertid+');" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger">Delete</button></td>' +
'<td style="text-align: center"><button onclick="viewQsl(\'' + data.status.back.filename + '\')" class="btn btn-sm btn-success">View</button></td>'+
var quantity = $(".carousel-indicators li").length;
$(".carousel-indicators").append('<li data-target="#carouselExampleIndicators" data-slide-to="'+quantity+'"></li>');
$(".carousel-inner").append('<div class="carousel-item carouselimageid_'+data.status.back.insertid+'"><img class="d-block w-100" src="'+baseURL+'/assets/qslcard/'+data.status.back.filename+'" alt="QSL picture #'+(quantity+1)+'"></div>');
else {
$("#qslupload").prepend('<table style="width:100%" class="qsltable table table-sm table-bordered table-hover table-striped table-condensed">'+
'<th style="text-align: center">QSL image file</th>'+
'<th style="text-align: center"></th>'+
'<th style="text-align: center"></th>'+
'<tr><td style="text-align: center">'+data.status.back.filename+'</td>' +
'<td id="'+data.status.back.insertid+'"style="text-align: center"><button onclick="deleteQsl('+data.status.back.insertid+');" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger">Delete</button></td>' +
'<td><button onclick="viewQsl(\'' + data.status.back.filename + '\')" class="btn btn-sm btn-success">View</button></td>'+
var quantity = $(".carousel-indicators li").length;
$(".carousel-indicators").append('<li class="active" data-target="#carouselExampleIndicators" data-slide-to="'+quantity+'"></li>');
$(".carousel-inner").append('<div class="active carousel-item carouselimageid_'+data.status.back.insertid+'"><img class="d-block w-100" src="'+baseURL+'/assets/qslcard/'+data.status.back.filename+'" alt="QSL picture #'+(quantity+1)+'"></div>');
} else {
2022-04-01 16:39:23 +00:00
$("#qslupload").append('<div class="alert alert-danger"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>\nBack QSL Card: ' +
data.status.back.error +
function addQsosToQsl(filename) {
var title = 'Add additional QSOs to a QSL Card';
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/qsl/loadSearchForm',
type: 'post',
data: {'filename': filename},
success: function(html) {{
title: title,
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE,
cssClass: 'qso-search_results',
nl2br: false,
message: html,
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function (dialogItself) {
function addQsoToQsl(qsoid, filename, id) {
var title = 'Add additional QSOs to a QSL Card';
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/qsl/addQsoToQsl',
type: 'post',
data: {'filename': filename, 'qsoid': qsoid},
success: function(html) {
if (html.status == 'Success') {
} else {
$('#searchresult').prepend('<div class="alert alert-danger"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>Something went wrong. Please try again!</div>');
function searchAdditionalQsos(filename) {
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/qsl/searchQsos',
type: 'post',
data: {'callsign': $('#callsign').val(), 'filename': filename},
success: function(html) {
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "contesting" && $this->uri->segment(2) != "add" ) { ?>
<script src="<?php echo base_url() ;?>assets/js/sections/contesting.js"></script>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "station") { ?>
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
var state = $("#StateHelp option:selected").text();
if (state != "") {
$("#stationCntyInput").prop('disabled', false);
var state = $("#StateHelp option:selected").text();
if (state != "") {
$("#stationCntyInput").prop('disabled', false);
} else {
$("#stationCntyInput").prop('disabled', true);
function station_profile_selectize_usa_county() {
maxItems: 1,
closeAfterSelect: true,
loadThrottle: 250,
valueField: 'name',
labelField: 'name',
searchField: 'name',
options: [],
create: false,
load: function(query, callback) {
var state = $("#StateHelp option:selected").text();
if (!query || state == "") return callback();
url: baseURL+'index.php/station/get_county',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
query: query,
state: state,
error: function() {
success: function(res) {
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(2) == "counties" || $this->uri->segment(2) == "counties_details") { ?>
"pageLength": 25,
responsive: false,
ordering: false,
"scrollY": "390px",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"paging": false,
"scrollX": true,
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
// change color of csv-button if dark mode is chosen
if (isDarkModeTheme()) {
$(".buttons-csv").css("color", "white");
function displayCountyContacts(state, county) {
var baseURL= "<?php echo base_url();?>";
url: baseURL + 'index.php/awards/counties_details_ajax',
type: 'post',
data: {'State': state, 'County': county },
success: function(html) {{
title: 'QSO Data',
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE,
cssClass: 'qso-counties-dialog',
nl2br: false,
message: html,
This PR adds some eye candy tooltips to QSLs icons as well as contest exchanges on various sections within cloudlog Squashed commit of the following: commit 89edbf3ddadd7d796ba5412388f66d14e3e9ac17 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 20:47:17 2022 +0100 Fix flicker issue on gridmaps page (by LA8AJA) commit 5b0c2672aadbf0451ec52ecc65745e880b44ef8f Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:36:31 2022 +0100 Also show tooltips for contest name commit 88e091f65ace6bdbae3d605839665fdd457ea943 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:08:31 2022 +0100 Enable QSL tooltips also for QSO list in qslprint section commit 91b81a0b2ba531e867f82197fe1b201e24785dd2 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:46:38 2022 +0100 Prevent display of empty date values commit a66be2dab1d23b15fa41df0a2c9a0c41f455afff Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:12:43 2022 +0100 Make tooltip work also for gridsquares section Tnx @AndreasK79 commit 92c13483b9c71d55fa3d863d426b300cf008dd31 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 15:37:21 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip hints also for other awards sections commit 625c0e73c5dd5823301d888be4d0b3419a76f1db Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 19:28:47 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip for awards section commit 0fe9061ecf3e4b8d9826dee62779e2493124d8a5 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:57:35 2022 +0100 Fix bug with extra quotes if manager defined commit cb8e4d1e4343670a60bc93ac3e87d54d45d0a9fd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:18:44 2022 +0100 Small bugix commit 5bca33b7a1dca1b89d0921a8e0890fc1aebccedd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 15:42:31 2022 +0100 Add missing translations for electronic QSL commit 617f58a6217aa385225eab27bfe577ad55b7ff37 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:40:32 2022 +0100 Enable tooltips also for search results commit 432a1b283a19196618d4c809545d01cef4f630d3 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:18:33 2022 +0100 Also QSL method/manager info commit b43e7a1419c75a199c0a28c9849f2b09e0c62288 Author: phl0 <> Date: Sun Jan 9 23:28:54 2022 +0100 Show details for paper QSLs commit 1759d94d8af7299684265700cec51fe0591623dc Author: phl0 <> Date: Fri Jan 7 17:51:17 2022 +0100 Add tooltip hints for QSL sent/rcvd dates
2022-01-12 19:51:24 +00:00
onshown: function(dialog) {
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function (dialogItself) {
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(2) == "sig_details") { ?>
"pageLength": 25,
responsive: false,
ordering: false,
"scrollY": "400px",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"paging": false,
"scrollX": true,
dom: 'Bfrtip',
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// change color of csv-button if dark mode is chosen
if (isDarkModeTheme()) {
$(".buttons-csv").css("color", "white");
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "contesting" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "add") { ?>
<script src="<?php echo base_url() ;?>assets/js/sections/contestingnames.js"></script>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "themes") { ?>
function deleteTheme(id, name) {
title: 'DANGER',
message: 'Warning! Are you sure you want to delete the following theme: ' + name + '?' ,
type: BootstrapDialog.TYPE_DANGER,
closable: true,
draggable: true,
btnOKClass: 'btn-danger',
callback: function(result) {
if(result) {
url: base_url + 'index.php/themes/delete',
type: 'post',
data: {'id': id
success: function(data) {
$(".theme_" + id).parent("tr:first").remove(); // removes mode from table
function addThemeDialog() {
url: base_url + 'index.php/themes/add',
type: 'post',
success: function(html) {{
title: 'Create Theme',
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE,
cssClass: 'create-theme-dialog',
nl2br: false,
message: html,
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function (dialogItself) {
function addTheme(form) {
if ( != '') {
url: base_url + 'index.php/themes/add',
type: 'post',
data: {
'foldername': form.foldername.value,
success: function(html) {
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "dxatlas") { ?>
2022-03-16 10:27:54 +00:00
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/moment.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js"></script>
$(function () {
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
$(function () {
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "csv") { ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/moment.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js"></script>
$(function () {
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
$(function () {
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "qslprint") { ?>
function deleteFromQslQueue(id) {
title: 'DANGER',
message: 'Warning! Are you sure you want to removes this QSL from the queue?',
type: BootstrapDialog.TYPE_DANGER,
closable: true,
draggable: true,
btnOKClass: 'btn-danger',
callback: function(result) {
url: base_url + 'index.php/qslprint/delete_from_qsl_queue',
type: 'post',
data: {'id': id },
success: function(html) {
function openQsoList(callsign) {
url: base_url + 'index.php/qslprint/open_qso_list',
type: 'post',
data: {'callsign': callsign},
success: function(html) {{
title: 'QSO List',
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE,
cssClass: 'qso-dialog',
nl2br: false,
message: html,
This PR adds some eye candy tooltips to QSLs icons as well as contest exchanges on various sections within cloudlog Squashed commit of the following: commit 89edbf3ddadd7d796ba5412388f66d14e3e9ac17 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 20:47:17 2022 +0100 Fix flicker issue on gridmaps page (by LA8AJA) commit 5b0c2672aadbf0451ec52ecc65745e880b44ef8f Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:36:31 2022 +0100 Also show tooltips for contest name commit 88e091f65ace6bdbae3d605839665fdd457ea943 Author: phl0 <> Date: Wed Jan 12 19:08:31 2022 +0100 Enable QSL tooltips also for QSO list in qslprint section commit 91b81a0b2ba531e867f82197fe1b201e24785dd2 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:46:38 2022 +0100 Prevent display of empty date values commit a66be2dab1d23b15fa41df0a2c9a0c41f455afff Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 17:12:43 2022 +0100 Make tooltip work also for gridsquares section Tnx @AndreasK79 commit 92c13483b9c71d55fa3d863d426b300cf008dd31 Author: phl0 <> Date: Tue Jan 11 15:37:21 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip hints also for other awards sections commit 625c0e73c5dd5823301d888be4d0b3419a76f1db Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 19:28:47 2022 +0100 Implement tooltip for awards section commit 0fe9061ecf3e4b8d9826dee62779e2493124d8a5 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:57:35 2022 +0100 Fix bug with extra quotes if manager defined commit cb8e4d1e4343670a60bc93ac3e87d54d45d0a9fd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 16:18:44 2022 +0100 Small bugix commit 5bca33b7a1dca1b89d0921a8e0890fc1aebccedd Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 15:42:31 2022 +0100 Add missing translations for electronic QSL commit 617f58a6217aa385225eab27bfe577ad55b7ff37 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:40:32 2022 +0100 Enable tooltips also for search results commit 432a1b283a19196618d4c809545d01cef4f630d3 Author: phl0 <> Date: Mon Jan 10 00:18:33 2022 +0100 Also QSL method/manager info commit b43e7a1419c75a199c0a28c9849f2b09e0c62288 Author: phl0 <> Date: Sun Jan 9 23:28:54 2022 +0100 Show details for paper QSLs commit 1759d94d8af7299684265700cec51fe0591623dc Author: phl0 <> Date: Fri Jan 7 17:51:17 2022 +0100 Add tooltip hints for QSL sent/rcvd dates
2022-01-12 19:51:24 +00:00
onshown: function(dialog) {
buttons: [{
label: 'Close',
action: function (dialogItself) {
function addQsoToPrintQueue(id) {
url: base_url + 'index.php/qslprint/add_qso_to_print_queue',
type: 'post',
data: {'id': id},
success: function(html) {
var line = '<tr id="qslprint_'+id+'">';
line += '<td style=\'text-align: center\'>'+$("#qsolist_"+id).find("td:eq(0)").text()+'</td>';
line += '<td style=\'text-align: center\'>'+$("#qsolist_"+id).find("td:eq(1)").text()+'</td>';
line += '<td style=\'text-align: center\'>'+$("#qsolist_"+id).find("td:eq(2)").text()+'</td>';
line += '<td style=\'text-align: center\'>'+$("#qsolist_"+id).find("td:eq(3)").text()+'</td>';
line += '<td style=\'text-align: center\'>'+$("#qsolist_"+id).find("td:eq(4)").text()+'</td>';
line += '<td style=\'text-align: center\'><span class="badge badge-light">'+$("#qsolist_"+id).find("td:eq(5)").text()+'</span></td>';
line += '<td style=\'text-align: center\'><button onclick="deleteFromQslQueue('+id+')" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger">Delete from queue</button></td></td>';
line += '<td style=\'text-align: center\'><button onclick="openQsoList(\''+$("#qsolist_"+id).find("td:eq(0)").text()+'\')" class="btn btn-sm btn-success">Open QSO list</button></td>';
line += '</tr>';
$('.table tr:last').after(line);
var station_id = $(".station_id").val();
url: base_url + 'index.php/qslprint/get_qsos_for_print_ajax',
type: 'post',
data: {'station_id': station_id},
success: function(html) {
<?php } ?>