[Map][Custom] /map/custom you can select to dates to map QSOs

Peter Goodhall 2020-12-07 17:28:19 +00:00
rodzic 9d4ab310d2
commit fa48db4263
3 zmienionych plików z 176 dodań i 1 usunięć

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@ -31,6 +31,105 @@ class Map extends CI_Controller {
function custom()
// Calculate Lat/Lng from Locator to use on Maps
if($this->session->userdata('user_locator')) {
$qra_position = $this->qra->qra2latlong($this->session->userdata('user_locator'));
$data['qra'] = "set";
$data['qra_lat'] = $qra_position[0];
$data['qra_lng'] = $qra_position[1];
} else {
$data['qra'] = "none";
$station_id = $this->Stations->find_active();
$station_data = $this->Stations->profile_clean($station_id);
// load the view
$data['station_profile'] = $station_data;
$data['page_title'] = "Map QSOs";
if ($this->input->post('from')) {
$from = $this->input->post('from');
$from = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y g:i A', $from);
$from = $from->format('Y-m-d');
$footer_data['date_from'] = $from;
} else {
$footer_data['date_from'] = date('Y-m-d');
if ($this->input->post('to')) {
$to = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y g:i A', $this->input->post('to'));
$to = $to->modify('+1 day')->format('Y-m-d');
$footer_data['date_to'] = $to;
} else {
$temp_to = new DateTime('tomorrow');
$footer_data['date_to'] = $temp_to->format('Y-m-d');
$this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data);
function map_data_custom() {
$start_date = $this->uri->segment(3);
$end_date = $this->uri->segment(4);
$qsos = $this->logbook_model->map_week_qsos($start_date, $end_date);
echo "{\"markers\": [";
$count = 1;
foreach ($qsos->result() as $row) {
if($row->COL_GRIDSQUARE != null) {
$stn_loc = $this->qra->qra2latlong($row->COL_GRIDSQUARE);
if($count != 1) {
echo ",";
if($row->COL_SAT_NAME != null) {
echo "{\"lat\":\"".$stn_loc[0]."\",\"lng\":\"".$stn_loc[1]."\", \"html\":\"Callsign: ".$row->COL_CALL."<br />Date/Time: ".$row->COL_TIME_ON."<br />SAT: ".$row->COL_SAT_NAME."<br />Mode: ".$row->COL_MODE."\",\"label\":\"".$row->COL_CALL."\"}";
} else {
echo "{\"lat\":\"".$stn_loc[0]."\",\"lng\":\"".$stn_loc[1]."\", \"html\":\"Callsign: ".$row->COL_CALL."<br />Date/Time: ".$row->COL_TIME_ON."<br />Band: ".$row->COL_BAND."<br />Mode: ".$row->COL_MODE."\",\"label\":\"".$row->COL_CALL."\"}";
} else {
$query = $this->db->query('
FROM dxcc_entities
WHERE prefix = SUBSTRING( \''.$row->COL_CALL.'\', 1, LENGTH( prefix ) )
foreach ($query->result() as $dxcc) {
if($count != 1) {
echo ",";
echo "{\"lat\":\"".$dxcc->lat."\",\"lng\":\"".$dxcc->long."\", \"html\":\"Callsign: ".$row->COL_CALL."<br />Date/Time: ".$row->COL_TIME_ON."<br />Band: ".$row->COL_BAND."<br />Mode: ".$row->COL_MODE."\",\"label\":\"".$row->COL_CALL."\"}";
echo "]";
echo "}";
function map_data() {

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@ -142,7 +142,41 @@ $('[data-fancybox]').fancybox({
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "map") { ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "map" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "custom") { ?>
<!-- Javascript used for ADIF Import and Export Areas -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/moment.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/js/tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/leaflet/L.Maidenhead.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/leaflet/leafembed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
<?php if($qra == "set") { ?>
var q_lat = <?php echo $qra_lat; ?>;
var q_lng = <?php echo $qra_lng; ?>;
<?php } else { ?>
var q_lat = 40.313043;
var q_lng = -32.695312;
<?php } ?>
var qso_loc = '<?php echo site_url('map/map_data_custom/');?><?php echo urlencode($date_from); ?>/<?php echo urlencode($date_to); ?>';
var q_zoom = 2;
<?php if ($this->config->item('map_gridsquares') != FALSE) { ?>
var grid = "Yes";
<?php } else { ?>
var grid = "No";
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "map" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "") { ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/leaflet/L.Maidenhead.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>assets/js/leaflet/leafembed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
<div class="container map-QSOs">
<h2><?php echo $station_profile->station_profile_name; ?> Station Profile QSOs (Custom Date)</h2>
<?php if($this->session->flashdata('notice')) { ?>
<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert">
<?php echo $this->session->flashdata('notice'); ?>
<?php } ?>
<form method="post" action="<?php echo site_url('map/custom');?>">
<p class="card-text">From date:</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="input-group date col-md-3" id="datetimepicker1" data-target-input="nearest">
<input name="from" type="text" placeholder="DD/MM/YYYY" class="form-control datetimepicker-input" data-target="#datetimepicker1"/>
<div class="input-group-append" data-target="#datetimepicker1" data-toggle="datetimepicker">
<div class="input-group-text"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></div>
<p class="card-text">To date:</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="input-group date col-md-3" id="datetimepicker2" data-target-input="nearest">
<input name="to" type="text" placeholder="DD/MM/YYYY" class="form-control datetimepicker-input" data-target="#datetimepicker2"/>
<div class="input-group-append" data-target="#datetimepicker2" data-toggle="datetimepicker">
<div class="input-group-text"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></div>
<input type="submit" value="Load Map">
<!-- Map -->
<div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 700px;"></div>
<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">Showing QSOs for Custom Date for Active Station Profile - <?php echo $station_profile->station_profile_name; ?> </div>