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# Purpose:
2021-12-09 16:57:05 +00:00
# This file goes through all batches, renames, and sorts all nft files to a Complete_Collection folder in Blend_My_NFTs
import bpy
import os
2021-12-09 12:52:32 +00:00
import copy
import json
import shutil
import importlib
from . import metaData
removeList = [".gitignore", ".DS_Store"]
2022-01-28 22:20:58 +00:00
def getNFType(nftBatch_save_path):
images = False
animations = False
models = False
metaData = False
batch1 = [x for x in os.listdir(nftBatch_save_path) if (x not in removeList)][0] # Gets first Batch and ignores removeList files
batchContent = os.listdir(os.path.join(nftBatch_save_path, batch1))
batchContent = [x for x in batchContent if (x not in removeList)]
if "Images" in batchContent:
images = True
if "Animations" in batchContent:
animations = True
if "Models" in batchContent:
models = True
if "BMNFT_metaData" in batchContent:
metaData = True
return images, animations, models, metaData
def getMetaDataDirty(completeMetaDataPath, i):
2022-01-28 22:20:58 +00:00
Retrieves a given batches data determined by renderBatch in
2022-01-28 22:20:58 +00:00
file_name = os.path.join(completeMetaDataPath, i)
metaDataDirty = json.load(open(file_name))
name = metaDataDirty["name"]
NFT_DNA = metaDataDirty["NFT_DNA"]
NFT_Variants = metaDataDirty["NFT_Variants"]
for i in NFT_Variants:
x = NFT_Variants[i]
NFT_Variants[i] = x.split("_")[0]
return name, NFT_DNA, NFT_Variants
def sendMetaDataToJson(metaDataDict, metaDataPath, jsonName):
jsonMetaData = json.dumps(metaDataDict, indent=1, ensure_ascii=True)
with open(os.path.join(metaDataPath, jsonName), 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(jsonMetaData + '\n')
def renameMetaData(completeCollPath, completeMetaDataPath, cardanoMetaDataBool, solanaMetaDataBool, erc721MetaData):
metaDataListOld = os.listdir(completeMetaDataPath)
cardanoMetaDataPath = os.path.join(completeCollPath, "Cardano_metaData")
solanaMetaDataPath = os.path.join(completeCollPath, "Solana_metaData")
erc721MetaDataPath = os.path.join(completeCollPath, "Erc721_metaData")
for i in metaDataListOld:
name, NFT_DNA, NFT_Variants = getMetaDataDirty(completeMetaDataPath, i)
file_name = os.path.splitext(i)[0]
file_num = file_name.split("_")[1]
if cardanoMetaDataBool:
if not os.path.exists(cardanoMetaDataPath):
cardanoJsonNew = "Cardano_" + i
cardanoNewName = name.split("_")[0] + "_" + str(file_num)
metaDataDictCardano = metaData.returnCardanoMetaData(cardanoNewName, NFT_DNA, NFT_Variants)
sendMetaDataToJson(metaDataDictCardano, cardanoMetaDataPath, cardanoJsonNew)
if solanaMetaDataBool:
if not os.path.exists(solanaMetaDataPath):
solanaJsonNew = "Solana_" + i
solanaNewName = name.split("_")[0] + "_" + str(file_num)
metaDataDictSolana = metaData.returnSolanaMetaData(solanaNewName, NFT_DNA, NFT_Variants)
sendMetaDataToJson(metaDataDictSolana, solanaMetaDataPath, solanaJsonNew)
if erc721MetaData:
if not os.path.exists(erc721MetaDataPath):
erc721JsonNew = "Erc721_" + i
erc721NewName = name.split("_")[0] + "_" + str(file_num)
metaDataDictErc721 = metaData.returnErc721MetaData(erc721NewName, NFT_DNA, NFT_Variants)
sendMetaDataToJson(metaDataDictErc721, erc721MetaDataPath, erc721JsonNew)
2021-12-09 16:57:05 +00:00
def reformatNFTCollection(save_path, Blend_My_NFTs_Output, batch_json_save_path, nftBatch_save_path, cardanoMetaDataBool,
solanaMetaDataBool, erc721MetaData):
images, animations, models, metaData = getNFType(nftBatch_save_path)
completeCollPath = os.path.join(save_path, "Blend_My_NFTs Output", "Complete_Collection")
2021-12-09 12:52:32 +00:00
completeImagePath = os.path.join(completeCollPath, "Images")
completeAnimationsPath = os.path.join(completeCollPath, "Animations")
completeModelsPath = os.path.join(completeCollPath, "Models")
completeMetaDataPath = os.path.join(completeCollPath, "BMNFT_metaData")
2021-12-09 12:52:32 +00:00
if not os.path.exists(completeCollPath):
if images and not os.path.exists(completeImagePath):
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if animations and not os.path.exists(completeAnimationsPath):
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if models and not os.path.exists(completeModelsPath):
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if metaData and not os.path.exists(completeMetaDataPath):
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batchListDirty = os.listdir(nftBatch_save_path)
batchList = [x for x in batchListDirty if (x not in removeList)]
imageCount = 1
animationCount = 1
modelCount = 1
dataCount = 1
for i in batchList:
if images:
imagesDir = os.path.join(nftBatch_save_path, i, "Images")
imagesList = sorted(os.listdir(imagesDir))
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for j in imagesList:
imageOldPath = os.path.join(nftBatch_save_path, i, "Images", j)
nameOldDirty = copy.deepcopy(os.path.splitext(j)[0])
extension = copy.deepcopy(os.path.splitext(j)[1])
nameOldClean = nameOldDirty.split("_")[0]
nameNew = nameOldClean + "_" + str(imageCount)
imageNewPath = os.path.join(completeImagePath, nameNew + extension)
os.rename(imageOldPath, imageNewPath)
imageCount += 1
if animations:
animationsDir = os.path.join(nftBatch_save_path, i, "Animations")
animationsList = sorted(os.listdir(animationsDir))
for j in animationsList:
animationOldPath = os.path.join(nftBatch_save_path, i, "Animations", j)
nameOldDirty = copy.deepcopy(os.path.splitext(j)[0])
extension = copy.deepcopy(os.path.splitext(j)[1])
nameOldClean = nameOldDirty.split("_")[0]
nameNew = nameOldClean + "_" + str(animationCount)
animationNewPath = os.path.join(completeAnimationsPath, nameNew + extension)
os.rename(animationOldPath, animationNewPath)
animationCount += 1
if models:
modelsDir = os.path.join(nftBatch_save_path, i, "Models")
modelsList = sorted(os.listdir(modelsDir))
for j in modelsList:
modelOldPath = os.path.join(nftBatch_save_path, i, "Models", j)
nameOldDirty = copy.deepcopy(os.path.splitext(j)[0])
extension = copy.deepcopy(os.path.splitext(j)[1])
nameOldClean = nameOldDirty.split("_")[0]
nameNew = nameOldClean + "_" + str(modelCount)
modelsNewPath = os.path.join(completeModelsPath, nameNew + extension)
os.rename(modelOldPath, modelsNewPath)
modelCount += 1
if metaData:
dataDir = os.path.join(nftBatch_save_path, i, "BMNFT_metaData")
dataList = sorted(os.listdir(dataDir))
for j in dataList:
dataOldPath = os.path.join(nftBatch_save_path, i, "BMNFT_metaData", j)
nameOldDirty = copy.deepcopy(os.path.splitext(j)[0])
extension = copy.deepcopy(os.path.splitext(j)[1])
nameOldClean = nameOldDirty.split("_")[0]
nameNew = nameOldClean + "_" + str(dataCount)
dataNewPath = os.path.join(completeMetaDataPath, nameNew + extension)
os.rename(dataOldPath, dataNewPath)
BMFNT_Meta = json.load(open(dataNewPath))
name = BMFNT_Meta["name"].split("_")[0]
BMFNT_Meta["name"] = name + "_" + str(dataCount)
jsonMetaData = json.dumps(BMFNT_Meta, indent=1, ensure_ascii=True)
with open(dataNewPath, 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(jsonMetaData + '\n')
dataCount += 1
print(f"All NFT files stored and sorted to the Complete_Collection folder in {save_path}")
renameMetaData(completeCollPath, completeMetaDataPath, cardanoMetaDataBool, solanaMetaDataBool, erc721MetaData)
2022-01-28 22:20:58 +00:00
if __name__ == '__main__':