
27 wiersze
772 B
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

2020-03-27 20:59:38 +00:00
// Commonly used web colors
2022-03-21 18:09:01 +00:00
$error-red: #df405a !default; // Cerise
2020-03-27 20:59:38 +00:00
// Variables for defaults in UI
$base-shadow-color: #000 !default;
$base-overlay-background: #000 !default;
2020-03-27 20:59:38 +00:00
$error-value-color: $error-red !default;
// Language codes that uses CJK fonts
/* stylelint-disable-next-line value-keyword-case -- locale filenames */
2020-03-27 20:59:38 +00:00
$cjk-langs: ja, ko, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW;
// Variables for components
$media-modal-media-max-width: 100%;
// put margins on top and bottom of image to avoid the screen covered by image.
$media-modal-media-max-height: 80%;
$no-gap-breakpoint: 415px;
// CSS variables
// NOTE: Prefer CSS variables whenever possible.
// They're future-proof and more flexible.
:root {
--thumb-navigation-height: calc(60px + env(safe-area-inset-bottom));