
238 wiersze
7.9 KiB
Executable File

//-- Wikifier
function getParser(tiddler,format)
if(tiddler) {
format = tiddler.fields["wikiformat"];
var i;
if(format) {
//# format field takes precedence over format tag
for(i in config.parsers) {
if(format == config.parsers[i].format)
return config.parsers[i];
} else {
for(i in config.parsers) {
return config.parsers[i];
return formatter;
//# Construct a wikifier object
//# source - source string that's going to be wikified
//# formatter - Formatter() object containing the list of formatters to be used
//# highlightRegExp - regular expression of the text string to highlight
//# tiddler - reference to the tiddler that's taken to be the container for this wikification
function Wikifier(source,formatter,highlightRegExp,tiddler)
this.source = source;
this.output = null;
this.formatter = formatter;
this.nextMatch = 0;
this.autoLinkWikiWords = tiddler && tiddler.autoLinkWikiWords() == false ? false : true;
this.highlightRegExp = highlightRegExp;
this.highlightMatch = null;
this.isStatic = false;
if(highlightRegExp) {
highlightRegExp.lastIndex = 0;
this.highlightMatch = highlightRegExp.exec(source);
this.tiddler = tiddler;
Wikifier.prototype.wikifyPlain = function()
var e = createTiddlyElement(document.body,"div");
e.style.display = "none";
var text = jQuery(e).text();
return text;
Wikifier.prototype.subWikify = function(output,terminator)
//# Handle the terminated and unterminated cases separately, this speeds up wikifikation by about 30%
try {
this.subWikifyTerm(output,new RegExp("(" + terminator + ")","mg"));
} catch(ex) {
Wikifier.prototype.subWikifyUnterm = function(output)
//# subWikify can be indirectly recursive, so we need to save the old output pointer
var oldOutput = this.output;
this.output = output;
//# Get the first match
this.formatter.formatterRegExp.lastIndex = this.nextMatch;
var formatterMatch = this.formatter.formatterRegExp.exec(this.source);
while(formatterMatch) {
// Output any text before the match
if(formatterMatch.index > this.nextMatch)
// Set the match parameters for the handler
this.matchStart = formatterMatch.index;
this.matchLength = formatterMatch[0].length;
this.matchText = formatterMatch[0];
this.nextMatch = this.formatter.formatterRegExp.lastIndex;
//# Figure out which formatter matched and call its handler
var t;
for(t=1; t<formatterMatch.length; t++) {
if(formatterMatch[t]) {
this.formatter.formatterRegExp.lastIndex = this.nextMatch;
//# Get the next match
formatterMatch = this.formatter.formatterRegExp.exec(this.source);
//# Output any text after the last match
if(this.nextMatch < this.source.length) {
this.nextMatch = this.source.length;
//# Restore the output pointer
this.output = oldOutput;
Wikifier.prototype.subWikifyTerm = function(output,terminatorRegExp)
//# subWikify can be indirectly recursive, so we need to save the old output pointer
var oldOutput = this.output;
this.output = output;
//# Get the first matches for the formatter and terminator RegExps
terminatorRegExp.lastIndex = this.nextMatch;
var terminatorMatch = terminatorRegExp.exec(this.source);
this.formatter.formatterRegExp.lastIndex = this.nextMatch;
var formatterMatch = this.formatter.formatterRegExp.exec(terminatorMatch ? this.source.substr(0,terminatorMatch.index) : this.source);
while(terminatorMatch || formatterMatch) {
//# Check for a terminator match before the next formatter match
if(terminatorMatch && (!formatterMatch || terminatorMatch.index <= formatterMatch.index)) {
//# Output any text before the match
if(terminatorMatch.index > this.nextMatch)
//# Set the match parameters
this.matchText = terminatorMatch[1];
this.matchLength = terminatorMatch[1].length;
this.matchStart = terminatorMatch.index;
this.nextMatch = this.matchStart + this.matchLength;
//# Restore the output pointer
this.output = oldOutput;
//# It must be a formatter match; output any text before the match
if(formatterMatch.index > this.nextMatch)
//# Set the match parameters
this.matchStart = formatterMatch.index;
this.matchLength = formatterMatch[0].length;
this.matchText = formatterMatch[0];
this.nextMatch = this.formatter.formatterRegExp.lastIndex;
//# Figure out which formatter matched and call its handler
var t;
for(t=1; t<formatterMatch.length; t++) {
if(formatterMatch[t]) {
this.formatter.formatterRegExp.lastIndex = this.nextMatch;
//# Get the next match
terminatorRegExp.lastIndex = this.nextMatch;
terminatorMatch = terminatorRegExp.exec(this.source);
formatterMatch = this.formatter.formatterRegExp.exec(terminatorMatch ? this.source.substr(0,terminatorMatch.index) : this.source);
//# Output any text after the last match
if(this.nextMatch < this.source.length) {
this.nextMatch = this.source.length;
//# Restore the output pointer
this.output = oldOutput;
Wikifier.prototype.outputText = function(place,startPos,endPos)
//# Check for highlights
while(this.highlightMatch && (this.highlightRegExp.lastIndex > startPos) && (this.highlightMatch.index < endPos) && (startPos < endPos)) {
//# Deal with any plain text before the highlight
if(this.highlightMatch.index > startPos) {
startPos = this.highlightMatch.index;
//# Deal with the highlight
var highlightEnd = Math.min(this.highlightRegExp.lastIndex,endPos);
startPos = highlightEnd;
//# Nudge along to the next highlight if we're done with this one
if(startPos >= this.highlightRegExp.lastIndex)
this.highlightMatch = this.highlightRegExp.exec(this.source);
//# Do the unhighlighted text left over
if(startPos < endPos) {
function wikify(source,output,highlightRegExp,tiddler)
if(source) {
var wikifier = new Wikifier(source,getParser(tiddler),highlightRegExp,tiddler);
var t0 = new Date();
if(tiddler && config.options.chkDisplayInstrumentation)
displayMessage("wikify:" +tiddler.title+ " in " + (new Date()-t0) + " ms");
function wikifyStatic(source,highlightRegExp,tiddler,format)
var e = createTiddlyElement(document.body,"pre");
e.style.display = "none";
var html = "";
if(source && source != "") {
tiddler = new Tiddler("temp");
var wikifier = new Wikifier(source,getParser(tiddler,format),highlightRegExp,tiddler);
wikifier.isStatic = true;
html = e.innerHTML;
return html;
//# Wikify a string to plain text
//# text - text to wikify
//# limit - maximum number of characters to generate
//# tiddler - optional reference to the tiddler containing this text
function wikifyPlainText(text,limit,tiddler)
if(limit > 0)
text = text.substr(0,limit);
var wikifier = new Wikifier(text,formatter,null,tiddler);
return wikifier.wikifyPlain();
//# Highlight plain text into an element
function highlightify(source,output,highlightRegExp,tiddler)
if(source) {
var wikifier = new Wikifier(source,formatter,highlightRegExp,tiddler);