TiddlyWiki5/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/webserver/WebServer Parameter_ port.tid

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822 B

caption: port
created: 20180630180552254
modified: 20180702155017130
tags: [[WebServer Parameters]]
title: WebServer Parameter: port
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
The [[web server configuration parameter|WebServer Parameters]] ''port'' specifies the TCP port on which the server will listen for connections. The default value is `8080`.
The ''port'' parameter accepts two types of value:
* Numerical values are interpreted as a decimal port number
* Non-numeric values are interpreted as an environment variable from which the port should be read
This example configures the server to listen on port 8090:
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --listen port=8090
This example configures the server to listen on the port specified in the environment variable `THE_PORT`:
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --listen port=THE_PORT