
23 wiersze
795 B

created: 20150908150314994
modified: 20150908150314994
title: Hook: th-saving-tiddler
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
This hook allows plugins to modify tiddlers before they are saved via the ''confirm'' toolbar button; the hook is not invoked for tiddlers that are saved through other means, such as state tiddlers created by the ActionSetFieldWidget.
Hook function parameters:
* ''tiddler'': tiddler object about to be saved
Return value:
* tiddler object to be saved
The original tiddler object can be returned unmodified by the hook. If the hook needs to modify the tiddler then it should return a new tiddler object, for example:
return new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler,{"my-field": value});
Hooks must not change the ''title'' field but can freely modify any other field of the tiddler.