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title: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/html.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: wikirule
Wiki rule for HTML elements and widgets. For example:
This is an HTML5 aside element
<$slider target="MyTiddler">
This is a widget invocation
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
exports.name = "html";
exports.types = {inline: true, block: true};
exports.init = function(parser) {
this.parser = parser;
exports.findNextMatch = function(startPos) {
// Find the next tag
this.nextTag = this.findNextTag(this.parser.source,startPos,{
requireLineBreak: this.is.block
return this.nextTag ? this.nextTag.start : undefined;
Parse the most recent match
exports.parse = function() {
// Retrieve the most recent match so that recursive calls don't overwrite it
var tag = this.nextTag;
this.nextTag = null;
// Advance the parser position to past the tag
this.parser.pos = tag.end;
// Check for a following linebreak
var hasLineBreak = !tag.isSelfClosing && !!this.parseTokenRegExp(this.parser.source,this.parser.pos,/(\r?\n)/g);
// Set whether we're in block mode
tag.isBlock = this.is.block || hasLineBreak;
// Parse the body if we need to
if(!tag.isSelfClosing && $tw.config.htmlVoidElements.indexOf(tag.tag) === -1) {
var reEndString = "</" + $tw.utils.escapeRegExp(tag.tag) + ">",
reEnd = new RegExp("(" + reEndString + ")","mg");
if(hasLineBreak) {
tag.children = this.parser.parseBlocks(reEndString);
} else {
tag.children = this.parser.parseInlineRun(reEnd);
reEnd.lastIndex = this.parser.pos;
var endMatch = reEnd.exec(this.parser.source);
if(endMatch && endMatch.index === this.parser.pos) {
this.parser.pos = endMatch.index + endMatch[0].length;
// Return the tag
return [tag];
Look for a whitespace token. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: "whitespace", start:, end:,}
exports.parseWhiteSpace = function(source,pos) {
var node = {
type: "whitespace",
start: pos
var re = /(\s)+/g;
re.lastIndex = pos;
var match = re.exec(source);
if(match && match.index === pos) {
node.end = pos + match[0].length;
return node;
return null;
Convenience wrapper for parseWhiteSpace
exports.skipWhiteSpace = function(source,pos) {
var whitespace = this.parseWhiteSpace(source,pos);
if(whitespace) {
return whitespace.end;
return pos;
Look for a given string token. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: "token", value:, start:, end:,}
exports.parseTokenString = function(source,pos,token) {
var match = source.indexOf(token,pos) === pos;
if(match) {
return {
type: "token",
value: token,
start: pos,
end: pos + token.length
return null;
Look for a token matching a regex. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: "regexp", match:, start:, end:,}
exports.parseTokenRegExp = function(source,pos,reToken) {
var node = {
type: "regexp",
start: pos
reToken.lastIndex = pos;
node.match = reToken.exec(source);
if(node.match && node.match.index === pos) {
node.end = pos + node.match[0].length;
return node;
} else {
return null;
Look for a string literal. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: "string", value:, start:, end:,}
exports.parseStringLiteral = function(source,pos) {
var node = {
type: "string",
start: pos
var reString = /(?:"([^"]*)")|(?:'([^']*)')/g;
reString.lastIndex = pos;
var match = reString.exec(source);
if(match && match.index === pos) {
node.value = match[1] === undefined ? match[2] : match[1];
node.end = pos + match[0].length;
return node;
} else {
return null;
Look for a macro invocation parameter. Returns null if not found, or {type: "macro-parameter", name:, value:, start:, end:}
exports.parseMacroParameter = function(source,pos) {
var node = {
type: "macro-parameter",
start: pos
// Define our regexp
var reMacroParameter = /(?:([A-Za-z0-9\-_]+)\s*:)?(?:\s*(?:"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'|\[\[([^\]]*)\]\]|([^\s>"'=]+)))/g;
// Skip whitespace
pos = this.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);
// Look for the parameter
var token = this.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,reMacroParameter);
if(!token) {
return null;
pos = token.end;
// Get the parameter details
node.value = token.match[2] !== undefined ? token.match[2] : (
token.match[3] !== undefined ? token.match[3] : (
token.match[4] !== undefined ? token.match[4] : (
token.match[5] !== undefined ? token.match[5] : (
if(token.match[1]) {
node.name = token.match[1];
// Update the end position
node.end = pos;
return node;
Look for a macro invocation. Returns null if not found, or {type: "macrocall", name:, parameters:, start:, end:}
exports.parseMacroInvocation = function(source,pos) {
var node = {
type: "macrocall",
start: pos,
params: []
// Define our regexps
var reMacroName = /([^\s>"'=]+)/g;
// Skip whitespace
pos = this.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);
// Look for a double less than sign
var token = this.parseTokenString(source,pos,"<<");
if(!token) {
return null;
pos = token.end;
// Get the macro name
var name = this.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,reMacroName);
if(!name) {
return null;
node.name = name.match[1];
pos = name.end;
// Process parameters
var parameter = this.parseMacroParameter(source,pos);
while(parameter) {
pos = parameter.end;
// Get the next parameter
parameter = this.parseMacroParameter(source,pos);
// Skip whitespace
pos = this.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);
// Look for a double greater than sign
token = this.parseTokenString(source,pos,">>");
if(!token) {
return null;
pos = token.end;
// Update the end position
node.end = pos;
return node;
Look for an HTML attribute definition. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: "attribute", name:, valueType: "string|indirect|macro", value:, start:, end:,}
exports.parseAttribute = function(source,pos) {
var node = {
start: pos
// Define our regexps
var reAttributeName = /([^\/\s>"'=]+)/g,
reUnquotedAttribute = /([^\/\s<>"'=]+)/g,
reIndirectValue = /\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}/g;
// Skip whitespace
pos = this.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);
// Get the attribute name
var name = this.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,reAttributeName);
if(!name) {
return null;
node.name = name.match[1];
pos = name.end;
// Skip whitespace
pos = this.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);
// Look for an equals sign
var token = this.parseTokenString(source,pos,"=");
if(token) {
pos = token.end;
// Skip whitespace
pos = this.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);
// Look for a string literal
var stringLiteral = this.parseStringLiteral(source,pos);
if(stringLiteral) {
pos = stringLiteral.end;
node.type = "string";
node.value = stringLiteral.value;
} else {
// Look for an indirect value
var indirectValue = this.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,reIndirectValue);
if(indirectValue) {
pos = indirectValue.end;
node.type = "indirect";
node.textReference = indirectValue.match[1];
} else {
// Look for a unquoted value
var unquotedValue = this.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,reUnquotedAttribute);
if(unquotedValue) {
pos = unquotedValue.end;
node.type = "string";
node.value = unquotedValue.match[1];
} else {
// Look for a macro invocation value
var macroInvocation = this.parseMacroInvocation(source,pos);
if(macroInvocation) {
pos = macroInvocation.end;
node.type = "macro";
node.value = macroInvocation;
} else {
node.type = "string";
node.value = "true";
} else {
node.type = "string";
node.value = "true";
// Update the end position
node.end = pos;
return node;
Look for an HTML tag. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: "tag", name:, attributes: [], isSelfClosing:, start:, end:,}
exports.parseTag = function(source,pos,options) {
options = options || {};
var token,
node = {
type: "element",
start: pos,
attributes: {}
// Define our regexps
var reTagName = /([a-zA-Z0-9\-\$]+)/g;
// Skip whitespace
pos = this.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);
// Look for a less than sign
token = this.parseTokenString(source,pos,"<");
if(!token) {
return null;
pos = token.end;
// Get the tag name
token = this.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,reTagName);
if(!token) {
return null;
node.tag = token.match[1];
pos = token.end;
// Process attributes
var attribute = this.parseAttribute(source,pos);
while(attribute) {
node.attributes[attribute.name] = attribute;
pos = attribute.end;
// Get the next attribute
attribute = this.parseAttribute(source,pos);
// Skip whitespace
pos = this.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);
// Look for a closing slash
token = this.parseTokenString(source,pos,"/");
if(token) {
pos = token.end;
node.isSelfClosing = true;
// Look for a greater than sign
token = this.parseTokenString(source,pos,">");
if(!token) {
return null;
pos = token.end;
// Check for a required line break
if(options.requireLineBreak) {
token = this.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,/(\r?\n)/g);
if(!token) {
return null;
// Update the end position
node.end = pos;
return node;
exports.findNextTag = function(source,pos,options) {
// A regexp for finding candidate HTML tags
var reLookahead = /<([a-zA-Z\-\$]+)/g;
// Find the next candidate
reLookahead.lastIndex = pos;
var match = reLookahead.exec(source);
while(match) {
// Try to parse the candidate as a tag
var tag = this.parseTag(source,match.index,options);
// Return success
if(tag) {
return tag;
// Look for the next match
reLookahead.lastIndex = match.index + 1;
match = reLookahead.exec(source);
// Failed
return null;