This dates from an ancient version of TW5 which had a dependency on
jQuery. Now we’d install jQuery as an ordinary tiddler module, not a
library module.
Astonishingly, the templates have accidentally omitted the opening tag
for some time. There were no ill effects, because browsers obligingly
add it back in when parsing
Templates are the low-level bits and pieces that allow TW5 to generate
HTML and CSS renderings of tiddlers. The UI folder contains the
user-visible UI of TW5
What we have at the moment isn't really the same as TiddlyWiki
classic's shadow tiddlers, it's a much simpler system for excluding
tiddlers. We'll use the term "shadow" instead to refer to the way that
tiddlers in plugins behave, which is exactly like TiddlyWiki classic's
shadow tiddlers.
Thus introducing a few functional regressions, but it's going to be
easier to fix things up without the old code knocking around and
getting in the way.
"Plugins" are bundles of tiddlers managed as one, "modules" are
JavaScript tiddlers with a module type identifying when and how they
should be executed.