changed to conform to Jeremy's standards - sorry…

Stephan Hradek 2013-12-30 13:44:32 +01:00
rodzic eb7b82696b
commit ce8cc7607f
2 zmienionych plików z 8 dodań i 5 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -52,11 +52,7 @@ var processRow = function(prevColumns) {
// Move to just before the `|` terminating the cell
this.parser.pos = cellRegExp.lastIndex - 1;
} else if(cellMatch[1] === "<" && prevCell) {
try {
colSpanCount = 1+prevCell.attributes.colspan.value;
} catch (e) {
colSpanCount = 2;
colSpanCount = 1+$tw.utils.getAttributeValueFromParseTreeNode(prevCell, "colspan", 1);
colSpanCount = 1;
// Move to just before the `|` terminating the cell

Wyświetl plik

@ -19,6 +19,13 @@ exports.addAttributeToParseTreeNode = function(node,name,value) {
exports.getAttributeValueFromParseTreeNode = function(node,name,defaultValue) {
if(node.type === "element" && node.attributes && node.attributes[name] && node.attributes[name].value != undefined) {
return node.attributes[name].value;
return defaultValue;
exports.addClassToParseTreeNode = function(node,classString) {
var classes = [];
if(node.type === "element") {