Refactored loading of `tiddlywiki.plugin` files

Now we read the files raw, rather than through the deserialiser
Jeremy Ruston 2012-06-08 11:47:05 +01:00
rodzic 96c5153dea
commit b5f8f97ccc
3 zmienionych plików z 44 dodań i 23 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -59,21 +59,37 @@ $tw.config.wikiPluginsSubDir = $tw.config.wikiPluginsSubDir || "./plugins";
$tw.config.wikiShadowsSubDir = $tw.config.wikiShadowsSubDir || "./wiki";
$tw.config.wikiTiddlersSubDir = $tw.config.wikiTiddlersSubDir || "./tiddlers";
// File extensions
$tw.config.fileExtensions = {
".tid": {type: "application/x-tiddler", encoding: "utf8"},
".tiddler": {type: "application/x-tiddler-html-div", encoding: "utf8"},
".recipe": {type: "application/x-tiddlywiki-recipe", encoding: "utf8"},
".txt": {type: "text/plain", encoding: "utf8"},
".css": {type: "text/css", encoding: "utf8"},
".html": {type: "text/html", encoding: "utf8"},
".js": {type: "application/javascript", encoding: "utf8"},
".json": {type: "application/json", encoding: "utf8"},
".jpg": {type: "image/jpeg", encoding: "base64"},
".jpeg": {type: "image/jpeg", encoding: "base64"},
".png": {type: "image/png", encoding: "base64"},
".gif": {type: "image/gif", encoding: "base64"},
".svg": {type: "image/svg+xml", encoding: "utf8"}
// File extension mappings
$tw.config.fileExtensionInfo = {
".tid": {type: "application/x-tiddler"},
".tiddler": {type: "application/x-tiddler-html-div"},
".recipe": {type: "application/x-tiddlywiki-recipe"},
".txt": {type: "text/plain"},
".css": {type: "text/css"},
".html": {type: "text/html"},
".js": {type: "application/javascript"},
".json": {type: "application/json"},
".jpg": {type: "image/jpeg"},
".jpeg": {type: "image/jpeg"},
".png": {type: "image/png"},
".gif": {type: "image/gif"},
".svg": {type: "image/svg+xml"}
// Content type mappings
$tw.config.contentTypeInfo = {
"application/x-tiddler": {encoding: "utf8"},
"application/x-tiddler-html-div": {encoding: "utf8"},
"application/x-tiddlywiki-recipe": {encoding: "utf8"},
"text/plain": {encoding: "utf8"},
"text/css": {encoding: "utf8"},
"text/html": {encoding: "utf8"},
"application/javascript": {encoding: "utf8"},
"application/json": {encoding: "utf8"},
"image/jpeg": {encoding: "base64"},
"image/png": {encoding: "base64"},
"image/gif": {encoding: "base64"},
"image/svg+xml": {encoding: "utf8"}
/////////////////////////// Utility functions
@ -359,9 +375,9 @@ $tw.Wiki.prototype.deserializeTiddlers = function(type,text,srcFields) {
srcFields = srcFields || {};
var deserializer = $tw.Wiki.tiddlerDeserializerPlugins[type],
fields = {};
if(!deserializer && $tw.config.fileExtensions[type]) {
if(!deserializer && $tw.config.fileExtensionInfo[type]) {
// If we didn't find the serializer, try converting it from an extension to a content type
type = $tw.config.fileExtensions[type].type;
type = $tw.config.fileExtensionInfo[type].type;
deserializer = $tw.Wiki.tiddlerDeserializerPlugins[type];
if(!deserializer) {
@ -549,8 +565,9 @@ Load the tiddlers contained in a particular file (and optionally the accompanyin
$tw.loadTiddlersFromFile = function(file,fields,isShadow) {
var ext = path.extname(file),
extensionInfo = $tw.config.fileExtensions[ext],
data = fs.readFileSync(file).toString(extensionInfo ? extensionInfo.encoding : "utf8"),
extensionInfo = $tw.config.fileExtensionInfo[ext],
typeInfo = extensionInfo ? $tw.config.contentTypeInfo[extensionInfo.type] : null,
data = fs.readFileSync(file).toString(typeInfo ? typeInfo.encoding : "utf8"),
tiddlers = $,data,fields),
metafile = file + ".meta";
if(ext !== ".json" && tiddlers.length === 1 && path.existsSync(metafile)) {
@ -577,7 +594,10 @@ $tw.loadTiddlersFromFolder = function(filepath,basetitle,excludeRegExp,isShadow)
// If so, process the files it describes
var pluginInfo = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filepath + "/tiddlywiki.plugin").toString("utf8"));
for(var p=0; p<pluginInfo.tiddlers.length; p++) {
var tidInfo = pluginInfo.tiddlers[p],
typeInfo = $tw.config.contentTypeInfo[tidInfo.fields.type || "text/plain"],
text = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(filepath,tidInfo.file)).toString(typeInfo ? typeInfo.encoding : "utf8");
$ $tw.Tiddler({text: text},tidInfo.fields),isShadow);
} else {
// If not, read all the files in the directory

Wyświetl plik

@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ exports["application/x-tiddlywiki-recipe"] = function(text,fields) {
loadTiddlersFromFile = function(sourcePath,prefix) {
var ext = path.extname(sourcePath),
extensionInfo = $tw.config.fileExtensions[ext],
data = fs.readFileSync(sourcePath).toString(extensionInfo ? extensionInfo.encoding : "utf8"),
typeInfo = extensionInfo ? $tw.config.contentTypeInfo[extensionInfo.type] : null,
data = fs.readFileSync(sourcePath).toString(typeInfo ? typeInfo.encoding : "utf8"),
fields = {title: sourcePath},
tids = $,data,fields),
metafile = sourcePath + ".meta";

Wyświetl plik

@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ Options are:
exports.parseText = function(type,text,options) {
options = options || {};
var parser = this.parsers[type];
if(!parser && $tw.config.fileExtensions[type]) {
parser = this.parsers[$tw.config.fileExtensions[type].type];
if(!parser && $tw.config.fileExtensionInfo[type]) {
parser = this.parsers[$tw.config.fileExtensionInfo[type].type];
if(!parser) {
parser = this.parsers[options.defaultType || "text/x-tiddlywiki"];