Revise the TiddlySpot Saver settings form (#5628)

Mention TiddlyHost and link to some documentation on the
configuration options.

Also remove the TiddlySpot control panel and backups links since
they no longer work.

* The last three fields are no use for TiddlySpot or TiddlyHost, but
  it's possible that someone, somewhere is still using the old
  store.php from Bidix's UploadPlugin, and would miss them if they
  were removed.

  I'd be happy to remove them in a future PR, if it's decided they
  can be retired.

  (If they were removed, I could delete the last row here:)

* It's still called "TiddlySpot Saver" which I think is fine for
  now. TiddlyHost might use a different saving method in future
  so keeping the existing name seems best.
Simon Baird 2021-04-24 03:54:44 -04:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 85ba7ac041
commit 5e236d35a5
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ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
2 zmienionych plików z 2 dodań i 4 usunięć

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@ -123,12 +123,12 @@ Saving/TiddlySpot/BackupDir: Backup Directory
Saving/TiddlySpot/ControlPanel: ~TiddlySpot Control Panel
Saving/TiddlySpot/Backups: Backups
Saving/TiddlySpot/Caption: ~TiddlySpot Saver
Saving/TiddlySpot/Description: These settings are only used when saving to or a compatible remote server
Saving/TiddlySpot/Description: These settings are only used when saving to [[TiddlySpot|]], [[TiddlyHost|]], or a compatible remote server. See [[here|]] for information on ~TiddlySpot and ~TiddlyHost saving configuration.
Saving/TiddlySpot/Filename: Upload Filename
Saving/TiddlySpot/Heading: ~TiddlySpot
Saving/TiddlySpot/Hint: //The server URL defaults to `http://<wikiname>` and can be changed to use a custom server address, e.g. ``.//
Saving/TiddlySpot/Password: Password
Saving/TiddlySpot/ReadOnly: The ~TiddlySpot service is currently only available in read-only form. Please see for the latest details. The ~TiddlySpot saver can still be used to save to compatible servers.
Saving/TiddlySpot/ReadOnly: Note that [[TiddlySpot|]] no longer allows the creation of new sites. For new sites you can use [[TiddlyHost|]], a new hosting service which replaces ~TiddlySpot.
Saving/TiddlySpot/ServerURL: Server URL
Saving/TiddlySpot/UploadDir: Upload Directory
Saving/TiddlySpot/UserName: Wiki Name

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@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ http://$(userName)$$path$/
|<<lingo UserName>> |<$edit-text tiddler="$:/UploadName" default="" tag="input"/> |
|<<lingo Password>> |<$password name="upload"/> |
|<<lingo Backups>> |<<siteLink backup>> |
|<<lingo ControlPanel>> |<<siteLink controlpanel>> |
''<<lingo Advanced/Heading>>''