Stop the logger from creating alert tiddlers on the server. They
propagate to the client but are not deletable from the client because
they are in the `$:/temp` namespace.

cc @loleg
Jermolene 2015-03-12 22:34:59 +00:00
rodzic 0e75a6f41c
commit 550ad4a1a9
1 zmienionych plików z 34 dodań i 28 usunięć

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@ -36,37 +36,43 @@ Alert a message
Logger.prototype.alert = function(/* args */) {
// Prepare the text of the alert
var text =," ");
// Check if there is an existing alert with the same text and the same component
var existingAlerts = $,
self = this;
$tw.utils.each(existingAlerts,function(title) {
var tiddler = $;
if(tiddler.fields.text === text && tiddler.fields.component === self.componentName && tiddler.fields.modified && (!alertFields || tiddler.fields.modified < alertFields.modified)) {
alertFields = $tw.utils.extend({},tiddler.fields);
// Create alert tiddlers in the browser
if($tw.browser) {
// Check if there is an existing alert with the same text and the same component
var existingAlerts = $,
self = this;
$tw.utils.each(existingAlerts,function(title) {
var tiddler = $;
if(tiddler.fields.text === text && tiddler.fields.component === self.componentName && tiddler.fields.modified && (!alertFields || tiddler.fields.modified < alertFields.modified)) {
alertFields = $tw.utils.extend({},tiddler.fields);
if(alertFields) {
existingCount = alertFields.count || 1;
} else {
alertFields = {
title: $"$:/temp/alerts/alert",{prefix: ""}),
text: text,
tags: [ALERT_TAG],
component: this.componentName
existingCount = 0;
if(alertFields) {
existingCount = alertFields.count || 1;
alertFields.modified = new Date();
if(++existingCount > 1) {
alertFields.count = existingCount;
} else {
alertFields.count = undefined;
$ $tw.Tiddler(alertFields));
// Log the alert as well
} else {
alertFields = {
title: $"$:/temp/alerts/alert",{prefix: ""}),
text: text,
tags: [ALERT_TAG],
component: this.componentName
existingCount = 0;
// Print an orange message to the console if not in the browser
console.error("\x1b[1;33m" + text + "\x1b[0m");
alertFields.modified = new Date();
if(++existingCount > 1) {
alertFields.count = existingCount;
} else {
alertFields.count = undefined;
$ $tw.Tiddler(alertFields));
// Log it too
exports.Logger = Logger;