Switch highlight plugin under Node.js to use DOM rather than raw HTML

Hi @welford I wondered if you could kindly review this commit, since
you authored the original code? Before this commit, I was running into
a crash when running `prerelease-bld.sh` from
`build.jermolene.github.io`, caused by using raw HTML for the
highlighted block. Switching to the fake dom seems to fix things, but
I’d like a second pair of eyes.
Jermolene 2016-09-28 11:34:15 +01:00
rodzic 292d653880
commit 4be5f0abe8
1 zmienionych plików z 3 dodań i 7 usunięć

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@ -27,15 +27,11 @@ CodeBlockWidget.prototype.postRender = function() {
if(tiddler) {
language = tiddler.fields.text || "";
if($tw.browser && this.document !== $tw.fakeDocument && language) {
domNode.className = language.toLowerCase();
} else if(!$tw.browser && language && language.indexOf("/") === -1 ){
if(language) {
try {
domNode.className = language.toLowerCase() + " hljs";
domNode.children[0].innerHTML = hljs.fixMarkup(hljs.highlight(language, this.getAttribute("code")).value);
catch(err) {
} catch(err) {
// Can't easily tell if a language is registered or not in the packed version of hightlight.js,
// so we silently fail and the codeblock remains unchanged