Refactor the core icons to be inline SVG fragments

This allows us to style the images with CSS, which means we finally get
hover effects on our toolbar buttons
Jeremy Ruston 2013-05-15 18:45:24 +01:00
rodzic 0a3389c277
commit 136ecee41e
31 zmienionych plików z 45 dodań i 53 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xl="" version="1.1" viewBox="366 150 58 58" width="22pt" height="22pt"><g stroke="none" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-dasharray="none" fill="none" fill-opacity="1"><g><title>Layer 1</title><path d="M 414.76236 158.98764 C 403.77887 148.0041 385.97113 148.0041 374.98764 158.98764 C 364.0041 169.97113 364.0041 187.77887 374.98764 198.76236 C 385.97113 209.7459 403.77887 209.7459 414.76236 198.76236 C 425.7459 187.77887 425.7459 169.97113 414.76236 158.98764 M 385.3967 165.32954 L 385.3967 165.32954 L 394.77674 174.7096 L 404.3533 165.13303 C 405.53068 163.95566 407.4396 163.95566 408.61697 165.13303 C 409.79434 166.31041 409.79434 168.21932 408.61697 169.39669 L 399.0404 178.97325 L 408.42046 188.35331 C 409.59783 189.53068 409.59783 191.43959 408.42046 192.61697 L 408.42046 192.61697 C 407.24308 193.79434 405.33417 193.79434 404.1568 192.61697 L 394.77675 183.23692 L 385.5932 192.42046 C 384.41583 193.59783 382.50692 193.59783 381.32954 192.42046 L 381.32954 192.42046 C 380.15217 191.24308 380.15217 189.33417 381.32954 188.1568 C 381.32954 188.1568 381.32954 188.1568 381.32954 188.1568 L 381.32954 188.1568 L 381.32954 188.1568 L 390.51309 178.97326 L 381.13303 169.5932 C 379.95566 168.41583 379.95566 166.50692 381.13303 165.32954 L 381.13303 165.32954 C 382.3104 164.15217 384.21932 164.15217 385.3967 165.32954 C 385.3967 165.32954 385.3967 165.32954 385.3967 165.32954 Z" fill="#ccc"/></g></g></svg>


Szerokość:  |  Wysokość:  |  Rozmiar: 1.6 KiB

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title: $:/core/images/cancel-button.svg
type: image/svg+xml

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title: $:/core/images/cancel-button
<svg viewBox="366 150 58 58" width="22pt" height="22pt"><path d="M 414.76236 158.98764 C 403.77887 148.0041 385.97113 148.0041 374.98764 158.98764 C 364.0041 169.97113 364.0041 187.77887 374.98764 198.76236 C 385.97113 209.7459 403.77887 209.7459 414.76236 198.76236 C 425.7459 187.77887 425.7459 169.97113 414.76236 158.98764 M 385.3967 165.32954 L 385.3967 165.32954 L 394.77674 174.7096 L 404.3533 165.13303 C 405.53068 163.95566 407.4396 163.95566 408.61697 165.13303 C 409.79434 166.31041 409.79434 168.21932 408.61697 169.39669 L 399.0404 178.97325 L 408.42046 188.35331 C 409.59783 189.53068 409.59783 191.43959 408.42046 192.61697 L 408.42046 192.61697 C 407.24308 193.79434 405.33417 193.79434 404.1568 192.61697 L 394.77675 183.23692 L 385.5932 192.42046 C 384.41583 193.59783 382.50692 193.59783 381.32954 192.42046 L 381.32954 192.42046 C 380.15217 191.24308 380.15217 189.33417 381.32954 188.1568 C 381.32954 188.1568 381.32954 188.1568 381.32954 188.1568 L 381.32954 188.1568 L 381.32954 188.1568 L 390.51309 178.97326 L 381.13303 169.5932 C 379.95566 168.41583 379.95566 166.50692 381.13303 165.32954 L 381.13303 165.32954 C 382.3104 164.15217 384.21932 164.15217 385.3967 165.32954 C 385.3967 165.32954 385.3967 165.32954 385.3967 165.32954 Z"/></svg>

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
title: $:/core/images/close-button.svg
type: image/svg+xml

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title: $:/core/images/close-button
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Szerokość:  |  Wysokość:  |  Rozmiar: 1.3 KiB

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title: $:/core/images/delete-button.svg
type: image/svg+xml

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title: $:/core/images/delete-button
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title: $:/core/images/done-button.svg
type: image/svg+xml

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title: $:/core/images/done-button
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Szerokość:  |  Wysokość:  |  Rozmiar: 950 B

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title: $:/core/images/edit-button.svg
type: image/svg+xml

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title: $:/core/images/edit-button
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title: $:/core/images/info-button.svg
type: image/svg+xml

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title: $:/core/images/info-button
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title: $:/core/images/new-button.svg
type: image/svg+xml

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title: $:/core/images/new-button
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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
title: $:/core/images/options-button.svg
type: image/svg+xml

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title: $:/core/images/options-button
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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
title: $:/core/images/save-button.svg
type: image/svg+xml

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title: $:/core/images/save-button
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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: $:/templates/EditTemplate
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modifier: JeremyRuston
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